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This paper examines the hitherto unexplored question of the effects of the black market exchange rate expectations on the domestic demand for money in Nigeria. This study finds that real income and expected inflation rates are the appropriate scale and opportunity cost variables for the demand for money function in Nigeria. The results also suggest that depreciation in black market exchange rate exerts a significant negative impact on the domestic demand for money. A policy implication of this research is that since a depreciation of the black market exchange rate tends to decrease the demand for money, it should be taken into account in the execution of monetary policy. The authors would like to thank an anonymous referee for helpful suggestions which substantially improved the quality of the paper. This research was supported in part by a summer research grant from the College of Business Administration, University of New Orleans.  相似文献   

刘新华  熊小雅 《改革》2012,(3):43-48
2008~2011年,美联储推出的两轮量化宽松货币政策(QE)实施效果与预期有较大落差。基于后凯恩斯主义的内生货币理论,由于货币供给来源于经济体的内生需求,因而中央银行无法外生控制货币供应量,也无法简单地通过量化宽松政策刺激银行体系扩大信贷投放,以达到对内提升需求、扩大就业的政策目标,而对外的货币贬值也不必然能有效改善贸易逆差。中国调控经济、应对危机应该弱化汇率制度对国内政策的限制,完善信贷的内生创造机制,有效发挥政府与市场的互动机制确保就业。  相似文献   

丝绸之路经济带战略的提出,为陕西省金融的开放开展带来机遇与挑战。2014年国家银监会明确了国内民营银行试点方案,表明了中央层面推动民间资本进入银行业的决心。陕西省金融资源贫乏,金融效率偏低,资金供给与需求实践中严重不匹配。陕西省民间资本活跃,但是民间资本投资银行业的状况不容乐观,民营企业一直被融资难困扰。应强化金融开放发展理念,争取陕西省政策优先权;建设"民间金融街",促进陕西省民间金融的发展,培育发展民营银行;严格准入,统筹规划民营银行的数量和规模;加强监管,完善民营资本进入银行业配套机制建设;重视金融人才的引进和培养,打造专业团队。  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to examine empirically the long‐run relationship of money demand and its determinants in South Africa. In contrast with existing studies on the subject, the present study considers various components of real income as determinants. The disaggregated components are final consumption expenditure, expenditure on investment goods and exports. The other determinants are domestic interest rate, yield on government bonds and the exchange rate. The results confirm that the different components of real income have different impacts on the demand for money in South Africa. The presence of long‐run equilibrium relationships between the demand for real M1, M2 and M3 and their determinants is confirmed based on the results of bounds testing.  相似文献   

为应对金融危机的冲击,中央"扩大内需"资金的监督给传统的中央财政监督及派驻制度提出了新的挑战,本文通过对扩大内需的中央财政支出情况进行思考以及中央财政监督派驻制度现状的分析,列出了在新形势下加强中央财政监督职能存在问题,并提出了加强中央财政监督的几点思考。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of exchange rate and financialsector liberalisation measures implemented in the early 1990son the private sector's demand for base money in Zambia. Usingtime-series data I show how the removal of controls on assetmarkets led to a permanent shift in the demand for narrow money.Linked with an increase in forecast volatility, this structuralbreak appears to have undermined the efficacy of money-basedstabilisation efforts in Zambia.  相似文献   

The aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2007–2009 has called the export-led growth model of many Asian economies into question. This paper describes the contribution that macroeconomic policy can make to promote a rebalancing of growth away from dependence on exports to developed economies to a more sustainable pattern of growth centered on domestic and regional demand. This represents a significant departure from the traditional uses of macroeconomic policy to stabilize the economic cycle and achieve stable and low inflation. The evidence suggests that macroeconomic policy can successfully contribute to growth rebalancing. Policy measures not only can affect aggregate demand directly, but can also affect it indirectly via their “microeconomic” impacts on private sector behavior such as the household savings rate. Although in the long-term fiscal policy should be balanced to maintain government debt stability and avoid crowding out of private investment, there may be substantial scope to expand monetary and fiscal policy in the medium-term to offset the deflationary effects of an appreciating currency during periods of current account reversal. Previous experience suggests that most of the needed stimulus can be provided by monetary policy, with only a supplementary role to be played by fiscal policy. Moreover, Asian economies with large current account surpluses tend to have sufficient fiscal space.  相似文献   

This article explores the differences between transnational and domestic terrorism, further differentiating by private versus government targets, to estimate the effect of exogenous catastrophic shocks on a country's level of domestic and transnational terrorism. The empirical analysis uses detailed data on terrorism, natural disasters, and other relevant controls for 176 countries from 1970–2007 to illuminate several key disparities in a postdisaster target choice of terrorists. The results indicate that natural disasters incite both transnational and domestic terrorism; however, evidence is found for dissimilar motivations between the two. While both types of terrorism increase after disasters, transnational attacks against the government increase immediately following the disaster, suggesting an impetus to exploit weakened “hard” targets during the chaos. Conversely, domestic terrorism against the government takes longer to manifest, suggesting a period of time for which the public recovers and assesses the government's response.  相似文献   

My fiscal dominance hypothesis of central bank independenceposits that the size of the government's deficit and the methodsby which it is financed determine central bank independencem developing countries. I measure central bank independenceby the extent to which a central bank neutralises the effectsof increased credit demands by the government on the money supplyby reducing credit to the private sector My estimates show thatlarger deficits and greater government reliance on the domesticbanking system are associated with less central bank neutralisationof mcreased government borrowing from the banking system.  相似文献   

在开放和发展条件下,基于凯恩斯动态货币需求调节方程和Cavoli模型,本文构建了一个包含外汇储备增加的国内市场利率决定模型。对中国2001~2008年月度数据的OLS和TSLS回归结果表明,国际市场利率和外汇储备增加对国内利率影响并不显著,而物价水平、产出和滞后一期的货币供给等变量系数符号不仅与理论预期一致,且检验显著。论文进一步采用了递归的SVAR模型来分析国际利率和外汇储备增加对国内利率的动态冲击效应,脉冲响应函数表明这种动态冲击效应同样十分微弱,说明了中央银行的货币冲销有效性和国内货币政策的独立性。  相似文献   

常欣 《开放导报》2006,(4):23-26,66
本文主要从政府支出与居民消费的互补性关系出发,提出政府支出结构调整的三个主要方面,即加大农村基础设施的投资、加大教育和健康服务等优效品的支付以及加大社会保障和收入支持的支出,以此促进居民消费快速增长,推动经济增长由主要依靠投资和出口拉动向主要依靠内需特别是消费拉动转变。  相似文献   

Cointegration, Error Correction and the Demand for Money in Mexico. -Estimates of the long-run demand for narrow and broad definitions of the Mexican money supply over the period 1980Q1–1994Q1 suggest that a single cointegrating relationship exists for real money balances (M1 and M2), a scale variable (real GDP or real consumption expenditure), and the 91-day treasury bill rate. The results from short-run dynamic equations favor M2 as the monetary aggregate to target and suggest that real GDP rather than real private consumption is a more appropriate scale variable in the demand for money function for Mexico.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the sources and impact of deflation on the growth experiences of the four dominant countries on the gold standard in the period 1880–1913: the United States, The United Kingdom, France and Germany. We distinguish between good deflation, (driven by positive aggregate supply shocks) and bad deflation (driven by aggregate demand shocks). We use an empirical Blanchard/Quah model which decomposes the behaviour of prices, output and the money stock into the impact of shocks such as a world price level shock, a domestic supply shock, and domestic demand shocks including a shock to the domestic gold stock. Our key finding is that the European economies were essentially classic in the sense that output was mainly supply driven and that money was neutral even when country specific gold stocks are included. In the United States, however, we observe both good and bad deflation.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether financial assistance provided by government induces firms to spend more of their own funds on training expenditures, using plant-level data for the Republic of Ireland. We pay particular attention to the potential problems in such an evaluation study, namely selectivity and endogeneity, by first identifying a valid counterfactual for grant receiving plants via a matching estimator and then employing a difference-in-differences technique on this matched sample. Our results show that there are differences in causal effects between domestic and foreign-owned plants. For the former, we find clear evidence that grant receipt stimulates private expenditure, whereas there are no statistically significant effects for foreign-owned plants based in Ireland.  相似文献   

Divisia M1 and M2 are constructed for Malaysia. Unlike M1, Divisia M2 shows significant differences in both level and growth rates from its simple sum counterpart. We also compare these Divisia measures to simple sum M1 and M2 in a money demand function. Using error correction models, we examine short-run dynamics between these monetary aggregates and money demand determinants such as inflation, domestic and foreign interest rates, financial wealth, and income. We find that Divisia M2 is the most appropriate monetary aggregate of the four candidates to track money demand in Malaysia and should be used when conducting monetary policy.  相似文献   


This paper models and tests the stability of the demand for money in five East Asian countries—Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand—in the context of an open economy. The Johansen multivariate cointegration vector error correction analysis against quarterly data covering the period 1985:1–2001:4 was used. It was found that a stationary long run cointegrating relationship exists between broad money, real income, domestic interest rates, foreign interest rates corrected for exchange rate depreciation, and the expected rate of depreciation of the exchange rate. The results show that US Treasury bills rates and the foreign exchange rate vis-à-vis the US dollar play a significant role in the East Asian countries money demand relationship. This suggests that currency substitution vis-à-vis the US dollar may be an important consideration in the design and implementation of monetary policy in the East Asian countries. Furthermore, the results show that the Asian currency crises impacted the money demand functions negatively in these countries. CUSUM and CUSUMSQ stability tests show no evidence of parameter instability of the money demand functions in three of the five countries throughout the period under investigation.  相似文献   

A supply of high-level agricultural skills is foundational to the South African agricultural sector's capacity to improve the quality and range of agricultural products and services so as to support small agricultural producers, meet domestic needs for food security and increase the competitiveness of local products on global agricultural markets. Concerns about the coexistence of graduate unemployment and skills shortages in the agricultural sector prompt the question: What is the shape of demand for high-level agricultural skills in the South African labour market? To answer this, the authors conducted 83 interviews with respondents in private, public and non-governmental organisations involved in agriculture. The findings reveal a rising demand for high-level agricultural skills among farmers, farm managers and foremen; in research and product development; in the sales and marketing functions of firms supplying primary agriculture; in government entities across a wide range of occupations; and in public and private sector R&D.  相似文献   

Monetary economists have long been interested in economic history as a laboratory for the testing of theory. This paper surveys recent work in monetary history within the context of the modern quantity theory of money and the new classical macroeconomics. Topics surveyed include the development of historical monetary statistics and the determinants of money supply and money demand; historical uses of Granger-Sims causality tests of the relationships between money, prices, and output; historical studies of the secular behavior of velocity; the Great Depression; financial crises; historical evidence for the long-run and short-run neutrality of money; and domestic and international aspects of monetary standards. Each topic surveyed concludes with an evaluation and an agenda for future research.  相似文献   

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