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简二领 《价值工程》2021,40(3):38-39
目前,硕士研究生就业局势严峻,我国现有的有关硕士研究生就业政策总体上呈现数量少和内容不具有针对性的特点,此外,早期的硕士研究生就业政策强调硕士研究对国家发展的作用,硕士研究生就业政策未能有效发挥促进硕士研究生更好就业的效果。本文对我国硕士研究生就业政策制定、执行和评价过程中存在的问题进行探析,并提出相关思考,希望能够更好促进硕士研究生就业。  相似文献   

董树  周婷婷  何珊 《价值工程》2013,(36):309-311
作为集边疆、山区和民族于一体的云南,新生代农民工就业渠道呈现出就业渠道窄且就业机制不完善、以本土为主、主要集中于第三产业、以自发性转移为主要方式等特点,本文从籍制度及其衍生的一系列制度与政策、新生代农民工知识水平与技术技能相对较低以及获取就业信息渠道不畅等方面分析造成这些特点的原因,从而为制定相应对策提供参考。  相似文献   

张强  刘洪银 《城市问题》2011,(10):53-59
以北京市郊区为例,分析了都市郊区农村劳动力转移就业进入"转移后"新阶段的特点,提出这一阶段政策的着力点应是推进就业及社会服务方面的城乡一体化,为城乡劳动力提供均等的以住房福利和社会保障为主要内容的公共福利与服务,巩固农村劳动力转移就业成果。  相似文献   

In all OECD countries, populations and workforces are ageing, with public services generally being older than broader labour markets. Governments are concerned at the looming capacity crisis and identifying policy responses. However, they have generally identified the problem as a simple change in demographics. This article adds a new perspective to this policy debate. Using a study of an Australian state public service, it identifies an association between changes in public employment policies and changes in the workforce age profile. It suggests that current employment policies, which replaced the traditional focus on youth recruitment with a more open public sector labour market, have made it inevitable that public workforces would age and be older than the general labour market. Policy responses to the older public workforce need to go beyond demographic explanations, to accept the older public workforce as the new norm, and align public employment policies accordingly.  相似文献   

Links between organizational strategy, human resources (HR) policies, and the employment relationship are investigated through surveys of US executives and HR managers. Human resources policies are measured as both an overall philosophy (an internal to an external focus) and a series of items. the items factor into four dimensions: retention, staffing, performance and compensation. Results indicate that staffing policies are associated with organizational strategy. Retention policies are related to the employment relationship. However, the overall HR philosophy is not related to either organizational strategy or the employment relationship. the findings indicate that relationships between organizational strategy, HR and the employment relationship are more complex than previous models had indicated.  相似文献   

调查表明,50%多的新就业职工住房困难。由于收入较低,新就业职工住房支付能力严重不足,30%多的新就业职工家庭缺乏租房支付能力;超过70%的新就业职工家庭缺乏购房支付能力。所以,要尽快将新就业职工纳入住房保障范围。首先,提高新就业职工收入水平,遏制住房价格过快上涨;其次,多渠道筹集住房保障资金;第三,积极创新相关配套政策,完善公共租赁住房准入和退出机制;第四,适时推出限价商品住房,利用优惠信贷政策,提高新就业职工住房支付能力。  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a cross national study of how professional employees experience two very different employment systems: the ‘individualist’ of America and the ‘collectivist’ one of Poland. The authors conclude that further research and development of the concept of employment systems should focus on the degree of congruence between employment policies and cultural attitudes of employees.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications of different types of employment subsidies for employment, welfare, and inequality. It investigates how these effects depend on what target groups the subsidies address. Our analysis focuses on policies that are “approximately welfare efficient” (AWE), i.e. policies that (a) improve employment and welfare, (b) do not raise earnings inequality and (c) are self-financing. We construct a microfounded, dynamic model of hiring and separations and calibrate it with German data. The calibration shows that hiring vouchers can be AWE, while low-wage subsidies are not AWE. Furthermore, hiring vouchers targeted at the long-term unemployed are more effective than those targeted at low-ability workers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how particular configurations of institutional conditions cause high rate of long-term unemployment and non-standard employment rate for 18 OECD countries during the period of 2001–2008. The paper aims to investigate how employment protection legislation (EPL), unemployment benefit and statutory minimum wages are associated with long-term unemployment and non-standard employment. Using the fuzzy-set analysis, the paper examines how the combination of policies matters in causing long-term unemployment and/or non-standard employment. The result suggests that a low level of statutory minimum wage can lead to high levels of non-standard employment in combination with either strict EPL for permanent workers or weak EPLs for temporary workers. The long-term unemployment rate is suggested to be high when there is strict EPL for temporary workers in combination with high levels of statutory minimum wage. This paper highlights the importance of examining multiple policies as configuration.  相似文献   

当前社会,失业是一个较为普遍的国际性问题,中国在建立社会主义市场经济体制和二元经济结构转换过程中,特别是20世纪90年代后期以来,也出现了严峻的就业压力。文章在深入分析我国失业现状的基础上,认为我们应该根据中国国情,制定促进就业的经济发展战略和积极的就业政策,以有力促进我国经济社会协调发展。  相似文献   

K.G. Willis 《Socio》1984,18(2):127-133
This paper outlines some of the results of a three year study into a local employment Act. The principal powers under this Act are similar to those later provided in the Inner Urban Areas Act 1978. The employment effects of the policies are evaluated in terms of before and after comparisons, and with-without perspective. An input-output model assesses the multiplier effect of spending under the program, including secondary employment effects elsewhere in the local economy from the expansion of aided firms. The cost-effectiveness of the various policies are presented in terms of a number of criteria. Finally, the social benefits and costs of the program are also evaluated.  相似文献   

大学生就业质量影响因素实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭虎子  黎维锐 《价值工程》2010,29(11):238-239
本文在借鉴国外理论的基础上,通过建立计量模型,从宏观层面分析我国大学生就业质量的影响因素,以及各影响因素与大学生就业质量之间的量化关系。研究结果表明,大学扩招政策以及大学毕业生数量对于我国大学生就业质量具有显著的负面影响,而经济发展水平、第三产业发展引起的经济结构变迁和高等教育经费投入则均具有显著的正面效应。  相似文献   

Controversy over labor market policy often centers on achieving a balance between preventing worker exploitation, and avoiding loss of productivity or employment through excessive regulation. Although the literature documenting the impact of labor market regulation on employment is extensive, there is a dearth of evidence on the impact of such policies in low‐income countries (LICs). Since it is easier for workers, especially women, to slip into the informal sector in LICs, regulations are likely to have stronger impacts on formal employment in these countries (but lower impacts on unemployment). We systematically reviewed available research from countries that are, or were until recently, LICs. Most studies document that more stringent labor regulations are associated with lower formal sector employment and higher informal sector employment. We also conducted a metaregression analysis of the impact of minimum wages on formal and informal employment. After controlling for publication bias, higher minimum wages are associated with lower formal employment and a higher share of informal workers.  相似文献   

受高校扩招和金融危机的影响,2009年高校毕业生面对的就业形势非常严峻。文章对高校毕业生就业现状、目前的就业政策以及大学生应该为实现顺利就业所作的努力进行了分析。  相似文献   

A simple model of employment contracting is employed to examine the effectiveness of just‐cause provisions in alleviating employer opportunism in two types of efficiency wage contracts—standard contracts, in which wages exceed the worker's marginal contribution, and deferred wages, which are paid after a period of tenure in the firm. It is argued that just‐cause employment policies are necessary and sufficient to prevent employer opportunism when standard efficiency wages are utilized. However, just‐cause policies are not sufficient to deter employer opportunism when employment contracts are of the delayed‐payment type. In these contracts, other contractual provisions, such as severance provisions, are also necessary. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2000,7(2):225-247
Employers and employer groups often argue that restrictions on an employer's ability to use replacement workers during a strike reduce employment. This study analyzes provincial employment-to-population ratios for 1966–1994 and unionized bargaining unit employment growth rates for 1966–1993 to test for an impact of provincial strike replacement policies in Canada. A strike replacement ban that restricts the use of both permanent and temporary replacements is found to have adverse employment consequences. The results for reinstatement rights provisions (effectively banning permanent replacements) and professional strikebreaker bans are mixed.  相似文献   

Coordinated, uncoordinated and unilateral policies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 10% in 11 member states of the European Union (EU) by 2010 are compared with unilateral policies in each member state. The paper presents the results from four projections using a large-scale, integrated, regionalized E3 model of the EU (not a general equilibrium model) estimated on time series, cross-section data for 1968—93 with international trade treated as between each member state and a European transport and distribution network. The 10% reduction is achieved by additional excise duties incremented every year from 1999 to 2010, according to the carbon contents of fuels, with special treatment of electricity (taxed on outputs not inputs) and with revenues recycled via reductions in employers' social security contributions. Multilateral coordinated policies require a common tax rate of 156 Ecus per tonne carbon (1999 prices), which rises to an average of 162 Ecu/tonne, with a wide range between regions when policies are uncoordinated. All the tax shift projections show double dividends of emission reduction and employment gain for all member states. Unilateral policies do not show much carbon leakage and they show smaller gains for output and employment. The results are compared with those from a general equilibrium model (GEM-E3), tackling the same topic.  相似文献   

Prospects for the economy several years ahead are even more uncertain than projections of the near future. e overnment policy is currently particularly uncertain e iven that a general election is due to occur in the next 15 months. This article presents three 'alternative scenarios', one based on Conservative Party policies, the others on the spirit of Labour Party policies.
The first case described is our central forecast. It is a continuation of current Conservative Party policies. The second and third cases are based on our interpretation of Labour Party policies. These policies are assumed to involve widespread use of government intervention, planning, wage and import controls. Monetary targets are relaxed or abandoned. We consider two possible out comes of such policies. Under one outcome the policies are relatively successjul in boosting output and employment without greatly raising inflation. Under the other out comes, output is lower than on current policies and inflationt much higher.  相似文献   

This examination of policies relating to the internal cultivation of human resources and high-performance work systems among a sample of Singapore-based organizations shows that the HRM practices under consideration reflect three distinct dimensions: internal staffing, employee development, and employment stability. Of the three dimensions, only employee development was significantly and positively related to high-performance work systems. Contrary to the arguments in the literature relating to internal labour markets, mutual commitment HRM, and high-performance work systems, policies involving internal staffing and employment stability were not found to be necessary components of the internally oriented HRM package.  相似文献   

The streamlining of the Lisbon strategy has introduced new integrated guidelines for economic policy and employment strategy and a new report format––the National Reform Programme. In the first year of this new reporting mechanism, Member States have paid less attention to gender mainstreaming and gender equality objectives, not least because the gender equality guideline has been removed. Streamlining has further exposed the narrow and instrumental focus on gender equality measures in the Lisbon process as a means of raising the employment rate rather than a broader concern for equal opportunity. This narrow gender equality approach also dilutes the efficacy of the economic and employment policies that are advanced. Some positive steps to advance gender equality continue to be taken, but the reforms are partial, uneven and coexist with negative developments. We illustrate this with an evaluation of the policy trajectory in relation to the ‘making work pay’ agenda for low‐waged workers (tax/benefit reform, minimum wages, childcare and parental leave). We conclude that this latest reform to the Lisbon process has exposed the enormous amount of political work and capacity building that is needed to mainstream gender issues across the whole field of economic, employment and social policies.  相似文献   

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