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Capital gains taxes create incentives to trade. Our major finding is that turnover is higher for winners (stocks, the prices of which have increased) than for losers, which is not consistent with the tax prediction. However, the turnover in December and January is evidence of tax-motivated trading; there is a relatively high turnover for losers in December and for winners in January. We conclude that taxes influence turnover, but other motives for trading are more important. We were unable to find evidence that changing the length of the holding period required to qualify for long-term capital gains treatment affected turnover.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the behavior of stock prices around ex-dividend days after the implementation of the 1986 Tax Reform Act that dramatically reduced the difference between the tax treatment of realized long-term capital gains and dividend income in 1987 and completely eliminated the differential in 1988. We show that this tax change had no effect on the ex-dividend stock price behavior, which is consistent with the hypothesis that long-term individual investors have no significant effect on ex-day stock prices during this time period. The results indicate that the activity of short-term traders and corporate traders dominates the price determination on the ex-day.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of differential capital gains tax rates on investor trading and share prices in a unique market setting that facilitates the resolution of conflicting prior evidence of holding period tax incentives. In particular, we examine whether the concessionary tax treatment of long‐term capital gains increases the supply of shares that qualify for long‐term status, thereby causing downward price pressure. We find evidence of abnormal seller‐initiated trading following the 12‐month anniversary of listing for IPO firms that appreciate in price (‘winners’) and report no such evidence for firms that decline in price (‘losers’). Consistent with the tax concessions being greater for individual than institutional investors, we report that abnormal seller‐initiated trading is mitigated by higher levels of ownership by institutional investors. We also report limited evidence, for winners, of declining share prices upon qualifying for long‐term tax status.  相似文献   

Small firms experience large returns in January and exceptionally large returns during the first few trading days of January. The empirical tests indicate that the abnormally high returns witnessed at the very beginning of January appear to be consistent with tax-loss selling. However, tax-loss selling cannot explain the entire January seasonal effect. The small firms least likely to be sold for tax reasons (prior year ‘winners’) also exhibit large average January returns, although not unusually large returns during the first few days of January.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates irrational behavior among retail investors. They hold onto losses and sell winners in a manner consistent with the disposition effect. Market professionals often use the term “discipline” to indicate trading strategies that minimize potential behavioral influences. We investigate the nature of trading discipline and whether professional traders are able to avoid the costly irrational behaviors found in retail populations. The full-time traders in our sample hold onto losses significantly longer than gains, but we find no evidence of costs associated with this behavior. The successful floor futures traders in our sample exhibit trading behavior characterized as rational and disciplined. Moreover, measures of relative trading discipline have predictive power for subsequent trading success.  相似文献   

In this study I examine whether the Tax Reform Act of 1986 has an effect on ex-date stock return behavior. Results indicate that the tax reform has a significant effect on ex-date returns for NASDAQ stocks, but not for NYSE/AMEX stocks. Further analysis suggests that the ex-date returns on NASDAQ stocks are primarily determined by the tax premium. However, the ex-date returns on NYSE/AMEX stocks are more influenced by short-term trading.  相似文献   

This article reexamines the value of tax trading when the taxrate on long-term realizations is less than that on short-termrealizations. In particular, the value of the option to realizelong-term capital gains and repurchase stock in order to increaseone's tax basis and restart the option to realize future lossesshort term is examined empirically. Our estimate of the incrementalvalue of restarting, which is based on the results of simulationsof several alternative tax trading policies over a large numberof independent return sequences, is generally much smaller thanthat reported by Constantinides (1984). The incremental valueof restarting is shown to depend critically on the particularpattern of realized returns and the assumed tax treatment ofunrealized capital gains at the end of the simulation period.The effects of stock price volatility, transaction costs, portfoliooffset rules, and realization cutoff levels on the value oftax trading are also investigated.  相似文献   

The tax law confers upon the investor a timing option - to realize capital losses and defer capital gains. With the tax rate on long term gains and losses being about half the short term rate, the law provides a second timing option - to realize losses short term and gains long term, if at all. Our theory and simulation over the 1962–1977 period establish that taxable investors should realize long term gains in high variance stocks and repurchase stock in order to realize potential future losses short term. Tax trading does not explain the small-firm anomaly but predicts a seasonal pattern in trading volume which maps into a seasonal pattern in stock prices, the January anomaly, only if investors are irrational or ignorant of the price seasonality.  相似文献   

The effect of shareholder taxation on corporate dividend policy is a major controversy in financial economics. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 eliminated the statutory tax disadvantage of dividends versus long-term capital gains for individual shareholders. Using aggregate time series data I find evidence that corporate dividend payout has become more generous in the period after tax reform.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of a major Canadian tax reform on the ex-dividend day behavior of companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The results are inconsistent with the hypothesis that price changes on ex-dividend days reflect the relative taxation of dividends and capital gains for the “representative” investor, but are consistent with the hypothesis that ex-dividend day price behavior reflects short-term trading activities.  相似文献   

The Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) of 1981 substantially altered the taxation of commodity tax straddles. Prior to 1981, commodity tax straddles were actively promoted and used to defer income, to convert ordinary income into capital gains, or to convert short-term into long-term capital gains. ERTA imposed a mark-tomarket rule of account settlement for the taxation of futures transactions. This study examines the impact of ERTA on the futures industry by utilizing futures exchange seat prices for all domestic futures exchanges. Futures exchange seats represent specialized capital assets whose value reflects the discounted present value of expected future economic rents derived from trading activity. The results indicate that ERTA produced a large decrease in the market valuation of futures exchange capital which was not recaptured in the ten months following the announcement.The financial support of the Columbia Futures Center was essential to the research reported here. The authors thank two anonymous reviewers for helpful suggestions, and Matthew Deno, Darrell Petter, and Shan Guo for valuable research assistance.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the impact of capital gains taxes on the market price and trading volume response to public announcements in an indexation-based tax regime. Our analysis indicates that indexation makes share prices more responsive to public announcements. Moreover, ‘over responsiveness’ induces negative correlation between short-term price changes around the public announcement and subsequent long-term price movements. This effect is greater when anticipated inflation is higher. Our analysis also indicates that trading volume is increasing in price changes around the public announcement.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the tax-loss selling hypothesis as an explanation of the January seasonal in stock returns and argues that rational tax-loss selling implies little relation between the January seasonal and the long-term loss. Empirical results show that the January seasonal is as strongly related to the long-term loss as it is to the short-term loss. The evidence is inconsistent with a model that explains the January seasonal by optimal tax trading.  相似文献   

Are Investors Reluctant to Realize Their Losses?   总被引:45,自引:2,他引:43  
I test the disposition effect, the tendency of investors to hold losing investments too long and sell winning investments too soon, by analyzing trading records for 10,000 accounts at a large discount brokerage house. These investors demonstrate a strong preference for realizing winners rather than losers. Their behavior does not appear to be motivated by a desire to rebalance portfolios, or to avoid the higher trading costs of low priced stocks. Nor is it justified by subsequent portfolio performance. For taxable investments, it is suboptimal and leads to lower after-tax returns. Tax-motivated selling is most evident in December.  相似文献   

Examining municipal bond returns, bond fund flows and buying activities by fund managers over the period 1990–2009, we find evidence of tax calendar‐related rational opportunistic trading patterns by fund investors and fund managers. Specifically, fund shareholders conduct tax‐loss selling in December and re‐invest in January. In April, June, and September, fund investors rationally cherry pick to sell their shares of short‐term bond funds instead of their shares of long‐term bond funds to raise cash to pay estimated taxes. Unlike fund shareholders, fund managers adopt a contrarian strategy of buying in December and selling in January.  相似文献   

Prior studies have linked long‐term reversals to the magnitude of locked‐in capital gains suggesting that reversals are driven by tax effects and not overreaction. I find that locked‐in capital gains do not explain the reversals in winners when winner returns are based on intangible information. In fact, the reversals for intangible return winners are long lasting and robust to controls for growth in assets and capital expenditures. To the extent that reversals associated with intangible information stem from investors’ overreaction to intangible information and given the prior results linking reversals only to intangible information, my results suggest that overreaction still explains reversal patterns in US stock returns.  相似文献   

We examine 34 closed-end stock fund initial public offerings (IPOs) during the period of January 1, 1986, through June 30, 1987. We find that the funds have low systematic risk during their first trading months, especially the initial month. We also observe that the funds' beta risk tends to increase as the funds season in aftermarket trading. This pattern is in sharp contrast to new issues by nonfinancial corporations, which have very high initial betas that decline over time.  相似文献   

This study examines the unit (stock) price and volume behavior of master limited partnerships (MLP) around the ex-dividend day. Since the dividends of MLPs are not taxable to the unitholder, tax based hypotheses predict no abnormal unit movements around the ex-day. Significant positive excess returns and volume are found before the ex-dividend day, and significant negative excess returns are found on the ex-dividend day. The findings which are not significantly impacted by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 suggest ex-day stock movements are not solely a function of investor marginal tax rates or corporate trading behavior.  相似文献   

In a previous paper, we found systematic price reversals for stocks that experience extreme long-term gains or losses: Past losers significantly outperform past winners. We interpreted this finding as consistent with the behavioral hypothesis of investor overreaction. In this follow-up paper, additional evidence is reported that supports the overreaction hypothesis and that is inconsistent with two alternative hypotheses based on firm size and differences in risk, as measured by CAPM-betas. The seasonal pattern of returns is also examined. Excess returns in January are related to both short-term and long-term past performance, as well as to the previous year market return.  相似文献   

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