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房地产开发商与地方政府的博弈分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文通过运用博弈论的方法,分析了房地产开发商与地方政府在房地产项目开发过程中的利益分配问题。分析表明在不同的具体情况下,开发商与政府会采取不同的策略行为,以实现各自利益最大化。  相似文献   

在区域经济的发展过程中,地方政府之间日益激烈的竞争必然会造成区域之间的产业政策趋同。这对于区域经济的协调发展和长远发展极为不利。应当通过提高中央政府的宏观调控水平,强化地方政府的责、权、利边界,引导地方政府在区域产业政策中体现差异性。  相似文献   

当前是我国中药产业发展的关键时期。如何突破产业发展瓶颈的制约,使中药产业走上快速发展之路,已成为热点问题。笔者探讨了我国中药产业的传统优势、政策优势以及发展过程中存在的问题,对于中药产业发展中的制约因素,提出一些看法和建议:1.在政府主导下,实现中药行业内与跨行业的强强联合,各级政府和部门配合完善国家的"大中药产业体系;"2.解决中药资源可持续发展的问题应"疏、堵"并重;3.解决中药知识产权保护的问题,可"保护"与"转化"并举;4.新产品开发应以"安全性、有效性"评价为核心;5.中药质量控制和标准宜采用"多元化"质量控制模式。旨在为制定中药产业科学发展政策提供参考。  相似文献   

北京冬奥会是在北京奥运会之后的又一项重大的国际体育赛事,其对于推动我国河北省的冰雪产业的发展等方面都起着至关重要的现实意义。因此,我国河北省的各地政府应该积极抓住机遇,采取相关措施推动河北省冰雪产业发展。  相似文献   

土地发展权跨区域流转的现实与前景——一个分析框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地发展权虽未作为一项正式的制度设置,但事实上作为地方政府进行"制度创新"的重要工具,为经济增长和城市化扩张做出了实质性贡献。同时,这种颇具中国特色的土地发展权流转机制具有渐进性特征,正深刻影响中国土地产权制度改革进程。本文在总结我国土地发展权跨区域流转的理论、制度和实践基础上,对土地发展权跨区域流转的前景进行了一个框架性的拓展分析。研究发现,因城乡二元土地制度的异质性,土地发展权跨区域流转将存在迥异的发生机制。国有土地发展权可围绕"建设用地节余指标"这一具象载体进行跨区域流转,农村土地发展权则可围绕特定的"发展权标准单位"这一虚拟载体进行跨区域流转。在此基础上,本文从改革方案、机制设计、交易市场等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

目前,中国房地产业受到政府的高度重视,随着相关条例相继出台,各地政府应该根据各自地区房地产行业发展的特点采取相应对策。文章对南宁市房地产业的发展现状进行研究,根据目前存在的房价虚涨等问题加以分析,以此提出政府对治理南宁房地产的政策措施。  相似文献   

地方政府土地出让目标取向研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张立彦 《城市问题》2007,(11):97-101
目前我国地方政府在土地出让中,以土地收益极大化和招商引资作为双元目标取向,对地方财政、土地资源配置和社会稳定等造成不利影响.借鉴国际经验以及按照政府的双重身份和科学发展观的要求,地方政府土地出让的目标应为促进城市土地合理利用和适度土地收益,应采取相应政策措施消除地方政府土地出让目标扭曲的客观基础,促进土地出让目标和行为的合理化.  相似文献   

科学发展观背景下城市公共治理的挑战与对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在科学发展观背景下我国城市发展面临新要求、新导向和新约束,目前大规模、高速度的城市化已不能适应新形势的需要.如何因地制宜,探索可持续城市化的道路是每个城市政府必须面对的机遇和挑战.本文着重探讨目前我国城市发展公共治理体制方面的问题,认为影响可持续城市发展的体制因素包括国家目标和政绩考核对发展的要求、城市政府的财政压力、以及对城市政府资源配置权缺乏有效制约.针对以上问题,论文以公共治理创新的角度,从国家制度建设和地方实践两个方面提出实现新型、可持续城市化模式政策建议.  相似文献   

于维同  杨大富  冀录 《价值工程》2011,30(1):284-286
本文针对经济危机冲击下的我国地方政府,如何可持续地发展经济,促进科技中介市场的形成,有效安置大学生就业这一问题,从法学视角出发,结合科技中介市场情况的调研,客观地分析了一些地方政府在启动科技中介市场上存在的弊端,在结合我国国情和借鉴国外相关立法经验的基础上,对我国地方政府促进科技中介市场的发展与有效安置大学生就业相衔接的措施,作出了法律制度上的设计。  相似文献   

This paper explores the presence of local spatial interaction on urban development patterns of Spanish urban areas and whether this interaction might be due to the strategic behaviour of neighbouring local governments. Using remote-sensing data from aerial photography and satellite imaging along with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques, it studies urban development patterns across the country with unprecedented detail. The results confirm the main hypothesis that spatial interaction exists in the levels of sprawl between neighbouring municipalities, suggesting that local governments do indeed compete for the creation of new suburban settlement developments, hence promoting excessive urban sprawl.  相似文献   

China's rapid urbanization has resulted in substantial suburbanization over recent decades. However, limited research has been conducted into how land‐based capital is mobilized, accumulated and circulated within the circuits of the capital accumulation process, or how land‐based capital is used to finance massive investment in suburbanization by China's local governments, especially since the trend in land commodification during the 2000s. We examined the capital switching experience in the city of Hangzhou and our findings indicate that local governments have attempted to simultaneously strengthen housing development and industrial growth. In contrast to experiences of suburbanization in Western countries, a real estate boom during the early days of suburbanization in Hangzhou was not necessarily the result of diversion of excess capital from over‐accumulated investments in the manufacturing industry. Rather, it was a consequence of capital accumulation facilitated by land‐reserve systems and land‐based financing of infrastructure orchestrated by local government. Local governments and their affiliated land‐reserve centers and local investment platforms have acted as entrepreneurs by using profits from suburban property development to subsidize industrial investments and fund the infrastructure‐supported expansion of outer suburbs. These findings highlight the potential risks of land‐centered accumulation and provide important reflections upon the theory of David Harvey in the context of urban China.  相似文献   

Energy resource taxation policy has become a major issue in a number of energy producing areas and particularly in the western united States. This paper compares alternative energy taxation systems in terms of their implications for local governments and local planning. A fiscal impact simulation model is utilized to evaluate a severance-production tax system and, alternatively, an ad valorem property tax system. The results indicate that the form of taxation system adopted can have a major influence on the fiscal outlook for local governments in areas affected by large scale development projects and thus on the welfare of area residents. These results also suggest that local fiscal considerations should receive careful attention in local planning and policy formulation.  相似文献   

环境保护与企业可持续发展之间存在对立统一的辩证关系,环境保护是可持续发展的前提和必要条件,可持续发展又为环境保护提供了资金和技术支持.当前,社会上存在两者相冲突的现象,这源于企业自身责任感缺失、生产技术落后、管理缺位、某些政府部门监管不力及环保政策设计存在漏洞等多重原因.从环保角度来看,企业要实现可持续发展,除了企业自身的努力外,政府、司法机关应加大对企业的监管和服务,积极推广排污交易权制度,开征环境税.  相似文献   

State and local government services are enjoyed by, and taxes borne by, two groups, residents and non-residents. This paper addresses the question: if state and local governments maximize their residents' welfare, and cannot distinguish between individual residents and non-residents but know the aggregate characteristics of the two groups, what set of taxes (subsidies) and public goods should they choose? Some of the results obtained are: (i) even when all commodities are taxable and equity is ignored, the existence of non-resident consumption makes uniform taxation non-optimal; (ii) in some cases, whether a commodity should be taxed or subsidized is independent of its own-price elasticity; (iii) central cities may be subsidized by suburban residents; and (iv) the ability of state and local governments to redistribute is inversely proportional to the openness of the economy.  相似文献   

周月婷  张丽虹 《价值工程》2012,31(30):311-312
本文基于对CAP基本理论的分析,结合对地方政府内部执行力存在问题的研究,寻求提升我国地方政府执行力的有效机制,以推动政府更好地转变职能,促进中央与地方及整个社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

本文以上海和重庆房产税试点改革为重点,在分析房产税改革对企业投资影响机理的基础上,基于2006~2016年度35个大中城市的面板数据,采用合成控制法实证分析房产税改革对企业投资的影响效应,结合排序法与双重差分法进行稳健性检验。结果发现,相比房产税改革试点前,地方企业投资出现不同程度的提升。这表明地方政府可注重研究本地企业投资现状,在中央的部署下,通过适度调整房产税政策来引导企业投资,使得投资结构与地区经济结构相适应,实现地区经济高质量持续发展。  相似文献   

蔓延全球的金融危机不可避免地影响到国内外批发市场的经营。通过对我国批发市场的产生、现状、未来发展的回顾与探讨,提出一些促进我国批发市场今后更好发展的建议。我国批发市场的产生有其特殊的历史原因,未来的发展将会有不同的模式,政府、行业协会、市场开办者、经营者都应该采取积极的措施,使批发市场顺利渡过金融危机,获得更大的发展。  相似文献   

本文通过对当地工业企业及其有关人员的环境意识有关方面调查后认为,企业应提高各部门人员参与企业环境管理工作的积极性;地方政府推行环保生产中小企业是重点,应制定政策进行规范和引导当地企业的环境信息披露;各级地方政府在引进外资时还应注意避免发达国家对我国进行的环境侵害。  相似文献   

地方创新系统构建的必要性及地方政府的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄燕 《城市发展研究》2002,(1):37-39,71
在全球化的过程中 ,地区形象超越了国界 ,也跨越了大企业 ,新的国际竞争力主要不是以国家为依据 ,而是以地方竞争来表现。因此 ,需要建立地方创新系统。同时 ,它也是国家创新系统的基础和创新网络的终点。地方政府具有市场经济条件下竞争主体的特征 ,地方政府在地方创新系统中只能扮演着准创新主体的角色 ,应该发挥其积极的作用 ,限制其消极的一面。  相似文献   

Existing scholarship suggests that local transformation in reform‐era China has been a process of decentralization of state power driving extractive local governments to pursue economic growth through rapacious land appropriation and producing many miserable landless villagers. This study puts forward an alternative perspective by arguing that local governance reforms in China to advance urban development should also be interpreted as a process of state building, whereby local government reshaped its governance strategy so as to mitigate potential social unrest and strengthen its political legitimacy in governing rapidly urbanizing areas. Based on intensive fieldwork in a periurban district in southern China, this research examines how the local state has heightened its control over urbanizing villages through its day‐to‐day governance practices and the pursuit of a complex policy agenda comprising social welfare provision, shareholding reforms and intervention in grassroots politics. The findings of this study shed new light on understanding local state transformation in periurban China and on explaining why the country still maintains tremendous urban growth despite incessant land disputes and numerous social tensions at different localities.  相似文献   

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