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Census tract data were used to investigate the influence of racial segregation on housing prices in the Oakland, California housing market. White renters were found to pay a premium to live in segregated neighborhoods. Racial differences in the implicit prices of specific housing characteristics were also observed in the rental market: a unit of housing space was more expensive in the black rental submarket, while a unit of housing quality cost more in the white rental submarket. No significant differences were found in the prices paid by black and white homeowners, although for methodological reasons these results were less reliable than those for rental housing.  相似文献   

美国拥有发达的私人住房租赁市场和公共住房租赁市场,其关于住房租赁市场的法律制度、税收体系、房租补贴政策和完善的政府监管体制等方面均值得我国借鉴。研究表明,支撑美国住房租赁市场的因素主要有供给因素、需求因素和政府对租赁市场的有效管理和规范。尽管在住房消费文化和土地制度环境等方面我国住房市场与美国住房市场差异显著,但美国发展与规范住房租赁市场的经验对培育和发展我国住房租赁市场仍然具有重要的政策借鉴价值。  相似文献   

This paper presents and analyzes a theoretical model of the rental housing market which addresses the durable-good nature and the heterogeneous nature of housing, while focusing on the quality distribution of housing units. Units of different qualities are viewed as distinct substitute commodities. New construction rates, deterioration rates, rental prices, and stocks are considered to be endogenous. Equilibrium concepts are introduced; both the long-run and short-run equilibria are shown to exist and to be unique. Comparative static results are established. The model's utility is demonstrated by its application to the analysis of several housing market programs.  相似文献   

2007年以来,我国住房保障体系建设取得了突破性进展,公租房则是近期住房保障制度的重要创新。随着房地产税改革步伐的加快,新的房地产税制必将对公租房的建设和运营形成制度约束。本文在厘清公租房属性和制度要点的基础上,分析现行房地产税制对公租房建设和运营的制度约束,对最近上海和重庆的房产税试点改革进行评述,讨论房地产税改革取向并提出支持公租房制度的建议。  相似文献   

美国拥有发达的私人住房租赁市场和公共住房租赁市场,其关于住房租赁市场的法律制度、税收体系、房租补贴政策和完善的政府监管体制等方面均值得我国借鉴。研究表明,支撑美国住房租赁市场的因素主要有供给因素、需求因素和政府对租赁市场的有效管理和规范。尽管在住房消费文化和土地制度环境等方面我国住房市场与美国住房市场差异显著,但美国发展与规范住房租赁市场的经验对培育和发展我国住房租赁市场仍然具有重要的政策借鉴价值。  相似文献   

我国住房租赁市场的发展严重滞后于住房交易市场,大力推进住房租赁市场的建设,不仅有利于形成住房梯级消费,还有助于丰富、完善房地产市场体系和市场结构,从广度和深度上推进市场化改革。通过对租买选择无差异、租金和投资关系的分析以及信息不对称与福利经济学理论的阐述,在借鉴国外住房租赁市场成功发展经验的基础上,从加强房地产市场体系与制度建设、多元化的市场供给、市场平台的搭建、市场环境的营造、市场监管等方面对推进我国住房租赁市场的建设提出对策建议。  相似文献   

中国快速城市化时期农民工住房类型及其评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市化过程中来自农村的城市移民的住房问题是城市化过程中的突出问题之一,这个问题解决不好就会出现如巴西和印度等国家大量的城市贫民窟,成为城市发展的“肿瘤”.在分析中国城市农民工住房的基础上,从城市化、城市空间结构、经济和社会发展等角度评估现有的比较典型的农民工住房类型,最后提出几点政策和规划建议.  相似文献   

随着时代发展,独居、年轻化已成为租房人群的关键词。观念的升级和住房租赁政策的完善,使得90后的置业观悄然改变。经过市场调查,市面上还没有针对大学毕业生这一群体的长租公寓,多数是针对有一定经济能力的上班族。因此,大学毕业生的住房需求仅仅通过政府采取措施远远无法满足。论文从国家的宏观政策及市场微观细分因素中的人口因素、地理因素、行为因素等方面对“不期而寓”——青年城市配套综合体进行了分析,为项目的推进提供可靠的数据和科学性支持。  相似文献   

South Korea has a unique kind of rental contract, called chonsei. The tenant pays an upfront deposit, typically from 40% to 70% of the property value, to the landlord, and the landlord repays the deposit to the tenant upon contract termination. The tenant is not required to make any periodic monthly rental payments. The main goal of this paper is to show why such a unique rental contract exists and has been popular in Korea. The model shows that chonsei is an ingenious market response in the era of “financial repression” in Korea (Renaud, 1989), allowing landlords to accumulate sufficient funds for housing investment without major reliance on a mortgage. The model also shows that the tenant, who suffers from insufficient mortgage borrowings, can access cheaper rental housing via chonsei than when only monthly rental housing is available. The model predicts that the chonsei system should fade out when arbitrage gains from housing investment disappear. An implication of the model is that the chonsei renter may save while the landlord and the owner-occupier put all their assets into housing and thus have no financial savings. This hypothesis is empirically tested and confirmed.  相似文献   

大力发展租赁住房是荷兰成功解决居民住房问题的基本经验。首先对荷兰租赁住房市场发展历程进行了概括介绍,其后对荷兰租赁住房体系,包括其租赁住房类型、特点、供给主体、融资来源、租赁对象等进行了归纳性研究,重点对政府在发展租赁住房体系中的作用及其政策实施效果进行了评价,从中揭示了荷兰发展租赁住房体系的经验与教训。  相似文献   

刘运国  高会芹 《价值工程》2012,31(31):89-90
与其他国家相比,瑞士住宅市场有四大特征:一是瑞士居民主体以租房为主,房地产的自有化率比较低;二是瑞士的房价高,但住宅市场保持平稳,并未出现周期性的高潮阶段和低谷阶段;三是瑞士住宅市场的空置率很低;四是公共租赁房占据租赁市场的最大份额。这些特征可以为我国的房地产政策的长效机制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在各国的住房市场上,租赁住房具有不可或缺的地位。它既可满足消费者多样化选择,促进人口劳动力的合理流动,平抑售房市场价格,还可减轻政府公共住房的压力。为培养租赁住房市场,各国政府无不运用财税、金融、法律等多种政策鼓励民营资本进入租赁市场,使得非盈利组织、住房合作社、房地产信托基金、保险公司和私人业主成为租赁住房的主力军。借鉴国外经验,遵循《政府工作报告》中“建机制、补短板、兜底线”的精神,补好住房政策中租赁市场欠发达的短板,鼓励民营资本进入,更有效地解决大城市住房难的问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines discrimination in the rental housing market. We analyze a rich data set on rental contracts from Norway. We find that tenants born abroad pay a statistically significant and economically important premium for their dwelling units after controlling for a comprehensive set of apartment, individual and contract specific covariates. Moreover, we find that the premium is largest for tenants of African origin. Finally, Norwegians whose parents were born abroad also face a statistically significant and economically important rental premium that is directly comparable to the premium paid by tenants born abroad.  相似文献   

Since the economic reform in the 198Os, real property development, especially in the housing sector, has become one of the major economic activities in mainland China. Housing development was commercialized initially for the overseas market, particularly for the Chinese emigrants, as foreign capital was much needed. Under the new socialist market economy, a clear legal definition is still to be established for ownership of real property, which is a crucial issue for any real property development. This paper critically reviews the evolving concept of property ownership and evaluates the major pieces of legislation that govern participation of foreign investors in "commodity units" housing development. A critical evaluation highlights the legal concerns that hinder foreign involvement in "commodity unit" housing development.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the part of the housing sector proving most difficult to reform in Eastern Europe-State-owned rentals—which typically constitute about 20 percent on the housing stock overall and half of the units in the largest cities. The paper argues that two objectives must be pursued simultaneously: (1) selling units at or near market prices to tenants or other households willing to purchase them; and (2) integrating the remaining state-owned rentals with the nascent but expanding rental market. The six elements of a strategy for achieving these objectives are described.  相似文献   

Riyadh is a dynamic city characterized by extremely rapid growth over the past quarter of a century. Nevertheless, its housing stock is generally of high quality. This article explores the city's current and future housing issues. It does so in the context of projecting Riyadh's housing needs, both physical units and corresponding investment, over the 20-year period beginning in 2004. The analysis was carried out using the Housing Needs Assessment Model developed by the Urban Institute and applied in a number of countries. The results show that the great majority of Riyadh's residents will continue to have very favorable housing conditions. Still, several percent of all households (more than 50 000 in the middle of the projection period) will face housing affordability problems. We argue for implementation of a rental housing allowance program to address this issue. Additionally, it is an open question as to whether the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be able to continue to provide housing consistent with the aspirations of middle class families. The analysis pays particular attention to the presence of a large number of guest workers and of the practice of employer-provided housing.  相似文献   

An ordered probit model is used to measure racial discrimination in the rental housing market for the Detroit metropolitan area during the 1980s. Racial differences persist in (1) rental units suggested to the homeseekers, (2) units actually inspected by them, (3) rental terms and conditions quoted, (4) information on the neighborhood amenities, and (5) qualifications of the homeseekers, but they appear to be declining over time. Agent prejudices and racial composition of neighborhoods in which rental units are located are significant in explaining discrimination.  相似文献   

This study employs data from the national sample of the American Housing Survey to analyze the mobility decisions of families in owned manufactured housing in comparison to families in traditional owned homes and rental units. Specifically a continuous time probability model (CTM) is used to estimate the likelihood of these families moving over the period of 1993–2001. In general, the empirical work suggests that families occupying both owned manufactured housing and traditional owned housing are associated with lower probabilities of moving than comparable households in rental units. Of particular interest is the fact that, ceteris paribus, families in both traditional owned homes and owned manufactured housing exhibit negative duration dependence, or a decreasing probability of moving over time, while for those in rental units duration dependence is positive. These differences are important because of their potential implications for long-term neighborhood stability and, as such, the viability of manufactured housing as an affordable housing alternative for lower income families.  相似文献   

This paper tests for racial discrimination in the rental housing market using matched-pair audits conducted via e-mail for rental units advertised on-line. We reveal home-seekers’ race to landlords by sending e-mails from names with a high likelihood of association with either whites or African Americans. Generally, discrimination occurs against African American names; however, when the content of the e-mail messages insinuates home-seekers with high social class, discrimination is non-existent. Racial discrimination is more severe in neighborhoods that are near “tipping points” in racial composition, and for units that are part of a larger building.  相似文献   

本文对杭州市城乡交错区农村住房租赁市场的资源配置与收入配置效应进行了详细分析。研究发现,村庄外来劳动力比重对住房租赁市场的发育影响较大;家庭人均住房建筑面积与农户出租面积关系密切。住房租赁市场的发育提高了宅基地利用效率,并一定程度上促进了住房投资。住房出租的租金收入在农户家庭收入总额中已经占到了不小的份额,这意味着住房租赁市场的发育有利于农户家庭收入的提高。  相似文献   

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