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It is important to determine the most appropriate levels of risk and return for small investors. For that purpose, the investment funds are very important tools to create a portfolio for small investors, to deploy the potential risks in optimal proportions, and to direct investors. In this study, the performance of 83 pieces of investment funds will be evaluated which are treated in Turkey dates from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012 with performance evaluation methods such as Sharpe, Modigliani (M2) that is based on the standard deviation, and Treynor, T2, Jensen that is based on systematic risk (beta), and the highest and lowest performance investment funds will be presented. The aim of the study is to examine the success of the investment fund managers whether they could estimate the course of the market well or not regarding time period. The empirical results show that the investors who invest on the funds that have negative risk premium by investing in the investment funds getting under the risk cannot get more excess return than getting the return from the risk-free interest rate as treasury bills. The result implies that it could be said that the systematic and total risks of all investment funds are low and they are not sensitive to the developments in the market, and thus, regarding funds could be called as conservative funds.  相似文献   

吴遵  方兆本 《价值工程》2004,23(7):64-68
基金业绩的持续性是指业绩优秀的基金以后一段时间继续保持优秀的业绩,而业绩差的基金继续表现出差的业绩。如果基金具有持续性,对于投资者来讲,他们可以买进前期业绩优秀的基金,而卖出前期业绩差的基金,来获取超额收益,投资者不必耗费大量的资金和时间去评价和选择基金经理。本文就基金业绩持续性的研究理论方法进行阐述,并对我国投资基金作实证分析。  相似文献   

我国投资基金业绩的持续性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴遵  方兆本 《价值工程》2004,23(10):64-68
基金业绩的持续性是指业绩优秀的基金以后一段时间继续保持优秀的业绩,而业绩差的基金继续表现出差的业绩.如果基金具有持续性,对于投资者来讲,他们可以买进前期业绩优秀的基金,而卖出前期业绩差的基金,来获取超额收益,投资者不必耗费大量的资金和时间去评价和选择基金经理.本文就基金业绩持续性的研究理论方法进行阐述,并对我国投资基金作实证分析.  相似文献   

证券投资基金业绩度量模型探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马文霞 《价值工程》2010,29(19):19-20
证券投资基金是中国资本市场上一支重要的力量,对其业绩进行客观评价是一项极其复杂的系统工程。本文试图运用风险调整收益的思想,分别选取风险价值VAR与尾条件期望CVAR的加权平均、以及ARCH模型计算出来的条件异方差作为风险测度指标,建立基金业绩评价模型。  相似文献   

基于VaR的我国证券投资基金绩效评价方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈鹏 《价值工程》2006,25(6):113-117
证券投资基金绩效的评价,不仅要考察基金的收益率,而且还要看它所承担的风险。投资基金绩效评价传统经典方法主要有特雷诺指数法、夏普指数法、詹森指数法及T-M模型、H-M模型。基于VaR的证券投资基金绩效评价方法——RAROC,这种经风险调整后的绩效评价方法能更客观、准确地反映证券投资基金的绩效。  相似文献   

This article calculates some facts for the ‘knowledge economy’. Using new data, first we document UK intangible investment and find that (i) this is greater than tangible investment by £37bn in 2008; (ii) R&D is 11% of total intangible investment, software 15%, and training and organizational capital 22% each; (iii) the most intangible‐intensive industries are manufacturing and financial services. Next, we measure the contribution of intangible capital to growth for 2000–08. We find that intangible capital accounts for 23% of labour productivity growth and treating intangibles as investment lowers total factor productivity growth in the 2000s by 24% (R&D lowers it by 3%).  相似文献   

截至2015年5月底,我国96家基金管理公司共掌管着2231只不同类型的证券投资基金,公募基金的资产总额达到了7.36万亿元。投资风格类型的研究不仅是基金管理者和基金投资者进行投资活动的需要,同时也是证券投资基金市场稳步发展的要求,这也是本文进行证券投资基金投资风格类型探讨的目的所在。  相似文献   

采用平均收益率、詹森指数和Fama-French三因素詹森指数对我国开放式证券投资基金在熊市下的业绩特点进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:大多数基金业绩基本上与市场指数持平;基金从总体上看偏好于对大公司及成长型公司的投资。  相似文献   

This paper assesses different ways of converting qualitative data obtained in surveys into quantitative indices for a number of economic variables. The research reported here focuses on the main UK employers’ business survey for manufacturing – the CBI industrial trends survey. Six response variables are investigated – plant and machinery investment, output, employment, exports, price and cost. We find that the balance statistic is a satisfactory method of transforming three of the variables: investment, output and exports.  相似文献   

采用基于回归分析的多期基金业绩持续性评价模型,对56只中国的各类开放式证券投资基金在熊市下的业绩持续性进行了实证研究。结果表明:在短期内,各类基金的业绩不存在持续性,基金业绩往往具有反转性。不同的基金超额业绩的计算方法有时会对评价结果影响很大。  相似文献   

保险基金的最优投资研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文分析了传统的保险基金投资研究的缺陷,利用保费收取与保险赔付之间的时滞,研究保险基金的投资。在考虑承保风险的基础上.建立了有承保风险影响的保险基金投资模型,对于保险人进行保险投资有重要的理论和实践意义。最后,通过示例进行了说明。  相似文献   

郭斌  李杰  武文 《价值工程》2011,30(31):67-68
在进行资产组合投资时为了取得资产组合的多样化效应,投资者要做出两项选择。第一是选择什么样的资产构成作为投资组合。第二是在已选择的资产组合中每种资产所占的比重是多大。这两个选择的科学合理性就决定了投资人投资组合的整体效益与风险的大小。  相似文献   

我国高校利用投资基金和债券筹资的“钱”景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前高等教育经费投入短缺已成为一个世界性难题,在我国这个矛盾尤为突出,已经严重制约了国民经济和社会发展。本文通过借鉴欧美发达国家利用教育投资基金和专项教育债券筹资的成功经验,对比分析了我国的现状及主要问题,并针对性地提出了改进措施。这对加快我国高等教育发展,推动人力资本投资具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of a company's pension contributions (PCs) on its dividend and investment policies. The effects of shocks to cash flows on these corporate expenditures are identified by changes to pension funding regulations. Using a sample of DB pension schemes in FTSE350 UK‐listed firms we find a strong negative relation between PCs and corporate dividends even after controlling for the correlation between funding status and unobserved investment opportunities. We find that the more stringent funding requirements under the Pensions Act 2004 had a more pronounced effect on both dividend and investment sensitivities to PCs.  相似文献   

证券投资活动风险较大,为规避风险就应该按一定的模式去操作比较可靠。计算机在数据处理和有用信息挖掘上有着得天独厚的优势。本文介绍了运用电子表格制定股票买卖定价模型的过程,对模型的应用,其验证的结果也是可行的。  相似文献   

论文主要研究的是设计债券组合投资方案使得收益最大化的问题。债券投资本身是一个高收益、高风险的活动,论文中债券组合投资通过综合考虑特定债券购买、资金限制债券类型、平均风险等级、平均到期年限这些条件,按照题目所求,查阅相关资料与数据,通过将决策变量、决策目标和约束条件构成的合理的线性规划优化模型来求解问题。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In agency theory, the remuneration packages of executive directors in large companies are seen as an attempt to give them a pattern of rewards that aligns their interests more closely with shareholders as a whole. The sensitivity of total executive rewards to share price performance has become the conventional yardstick for judgements concerning whether reward packages do indeed serve shareholders’ interests or executives themselves. Long‐term incentive plans (LTIPs) introduced in the UK from 1995 have imposed new, firm‐specific performance conditions on senior managers. While LTIPs are designed to increase performance‐pay sensitivity, however, they also give executives new opportunities to manipulate the terms of LTIPs in their own favour, at the expense of shareholders and stakeholders in general. This paper presents the first estimates of UK total executive rewards that include detailed LTIP valuations. It finds that, while increasing average total rewards, the presence of LTIPs is actually associated with reductions in the sensitivity of executives’ total rewards to shareholder return. This raises doubts concerning both the effectiveness of the LTIP instrument and the validity of an agency perspective in this context.  相似文献   

杨琳 《价值工程》2014,(13):182-183
本文从期权的发展历史开始追溯,简述了期权在发展过程中的变化趋势,对期权定价理论Black-Scholes模型的意义及缺陷做了深入分析,最后介绍了标的资产与期权组合,总结了它们的特点和盈亏图,为金融衍生产品的期权投资组合策略发展提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which foreign investment in the UK generates wage spillovers in the domestic sector of the economy using a simultaneous dynamic panel data model and focusing on the electronics sector, possibly the most ‘globalized’ sector of UK manufacturing. It finds evidence that the higher wages paid by foreign firms cause wages in the domestic sector to be bid up. This phenomenon is, however, largely confined to the region where foreign direct investment takes place.  相似文献   

本文主要分析单阶段、均值一方差框架下,在允许卖空,但有保证金约束的金融市场中,投资者如何构建其最优投资组合的问题。我们提出了上述金融市场中的投资组合优化模型,并用数值例子比较了自由卖空、有保证金约束的卖空与禁止卖空三种情况下的最优投资组合,结果显示,保证金约束卖空下的有效前沿劣于自由卖空下的有效前沿,优于禁止卖空下的有效前沿。  相似文献   

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