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Due to the slow-down in the worldwide increase in business activity, the growth of demand for raw materials is expected to decelerate. Production, on the other hand, will continue to increase rapidly.  相似文献   

Double standards in the regulatory status of pharmaceuticals enable the pharmaceutical industry to dump to third world countries medicines whose use is restricted or banned domestically. Numerous initiatives have been taken at the international level to tackle the problem, namely by the World Health Organisation. The European Community remained for a long time silent and promoted a laissezfaire policy, thereby giving carte blanche for the uncontrolled export of pharmaceuticals. However, a change of the European Community's attitude towards the export issue seems to be in the offing. The paper analyses the possibilities of the European Community to participate in the already existing WHO regulatory mechanisms and to design Community actions with the aim of curbing the trade with dangerous pharmaceuticals.
Die Regulierung des Exports gefährlicher Arzneimittel in die Dritte Welt durch die EG
Zusammenfassung Double Standards im regulatorischen Status von Arzneimitteln ermöglichen es der pharmazeutischen Industrie, Produkte, deren Vertrieb in den Industrieländern verboten oder streng beschränkt ist, in die Länder der Dritten Welt abzusetzen. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat eine Reihe von Initiativen unternommen, um dem Problem Herr zu werden. Die Europäische Gemeinschaft hat sich zurückgehalten und bis in die 80er Jahre eine reine Laissez-Faire Politik betrieben. Exporte unterliegen auch nach den derzeitigen gemeinschaftlichen Regeln praktisch keinen Beschränkungen. Es mehren sich aber die Anzeichen dafür, daß diese Position nicht mehr haltbar ist. Dieses Papier unternimmt den Versuch, die Möglichkeiten der EG an einer verstärkten Teilnahme an den vorhandenen Mechanismen der WHO auszuloten. Hauptsächlich geht es aber um eine Klärung der Frage, ob die EG eine eigenständige Exportpolitik formulieren kann und welche Form sie haben könnte und müßte, um die Mißstände zu beseitigen.

Hans-W. Micklitz is a Research Fellow at the Centre for European Legal Policy, Universitätsallee GW1, D-2800 Bremen 33, FRG.The paper has arisen out of the author's activities as a consultant to the International Organization of Consumers Unions. It is part of a more comprehensive report, Exports of dangerous products to the Third World, distributed under the auspices of Bureau Européen des Unions des Consommateurs (Brussels) and Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbraucher (Bonn).  相似文献   

出口退税是保障出口货物公平参与国际竞争的必要条件,多年来对我国出口的持续发展发挥了重要作用。但作为财政收入的减项,出口退税又直接体现为财政收入的减少。于是始终处在保持财政收支平衡和促进出口增长之间的“两难选择”之中:在财政压力较大时,往往倾  相似文献   

All Latin American countries strive for diversification of the exportable industrial production and the exploitation of new and non-traditional foreign export markets. These efforts are not free from the dangers of erroneous assessment of the limits of exports resulting in grave disadvantages for other targets of economic and development policies.  相似文献   

Comparative advantage, government incentives and entrepreneurial dynamics as determinants of a country’s export performance are discussed in this article. The author’s particular attention is focussed on the present situation and future perspectives of the less developed countries.  相似文献   

The Federal Republic of Germany's exports in 1980 represented approximately 23% of GNP. Germany's share of total world exports, however, declined throughout the seventies. What are the factors influencing German export performance? What is the outlook for the future?  相似文献   

Although research indicates that the export channel a firm uses can significantly impact export performance, it is unclear how firms should select this channel. Models of export channel choice tend to concentrate on transaction cost efficiencies, ignoring value adding orientations that entrepreneurial firms may possess. In this paper we develop and test the theoretical notion that in addition to transaction costs, differences in entrepreneurial orientation (EO) influence export channel choice and as a consequence export performance. Using data from a sample of Dutch and Italian SMEs we find that adding EO (moderated by institutional distance) significantly improves our model of export channel choice. Further we find that firms selecting export channels that align not only with transaction cost factors but also firm level EO, moderated by institutional distance, have higher export market performance. Thus, our study adds to and extends the export channel choice literature and provides interesting new insights into how EO helps firms create more successful export operations.  相似文献   

This study examines company‐specific factors that may help explain the choice of an export‐market strategy and explores how the selected export strategy contributes to explaining company's export performance (XP). Concentrating on a specific area within a broad spectrum of export behavior analysis has enabled us to examine these factors in greater depth. The results of our research, which was carried out using a sample comprising Spanish exporting companies, show a firm's size, a firm's age, and a firm's greater foreign ownership in its share capital are all determining factors for adopting a strategy geared to export‐market diversification. A greater level of investment in R&D and greater international commitment are also important in this regard. We suggest reinforcing these two factors because there is evidence of a better XP among firms that have a wider range of foreign markets.  相似文献   

Treydte  Klaus-Peter 《Intereconomics》1977,12(11):301-305

The Convention of Lomé anticipates several basic elements of a possible new international economic order. This relates particularly to the export earnings stabilisation system “Stabex“ whose merits and deficiencies after the first two years of application are discussed in the following contribution.


目前的工程机械国际市场基本已被美、日、德等国家的产品所 占据,分析制约我国工程机械产品出口的原因并对开拓国际市场提 出若干建议。  相似文献   

茅于轼 《大经贸》2001,(9):20-21
茅于轼再谈出口退税问题。继第七期的讨论后,茅于轼又道出一疑惑:为什么出口者要用各种理由降低价格,而进口者则抵制低价格。由此引申到:为何有贸易保护主义?需求不足是其主要原因。并对总需求不足提出了自己的一个猜测。  相似文献   

Australia is frequently considered a farming country on the periphery of the world economy, whose exports are traditionally restricted to wheat, wool and dairy produce. However, this conception does not correspond anymore to the present shape of the Australian economy. After World War Il structural changes linked up the country with the world economy on a broader base, and Industrial products are becoming more and more Important to Australian exports. The following article deals with the determining factors of Australia's export oriented industrialisation and the future prospects for its progress from a farming country to an industrial nation.  相似文献   

外贸是一种奔波劳碌的事业,哪里会留下外贸人的足迹?国内、或是国外?拜访客户、还是去工厂的路上?边走边看之中,只要不停地走,就会有不同的风景。订单的背后,是外贸人那份沉甸甸的心情  相似文献   

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