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Currency devaluations prescribed for many developing countries are usually expected to generate a growth-stimulating reallocation of resources in favor of export production. Results from a computable general-equilibrium model of devaluation in Cameroon indicate aggregate growth in export agriculture with decline in some traditional export crops and expansion in specific nontradable food crops. While agriculture and manufacturing expand after devaluation, reduced output from services and construction causes short-term contraction in aggregate output. Positive growth and trade balance effects are dependent on a major reallocation of labor which has been difficult to achieve in Cameroon.  相似文献   

The paper considers the effect of a nominal exchange rate devaluation on the current account, using an intertemporal model that highlights the interaction between leisure and consumption. An analytical solution demonstrates that household behavior may differ markedly from the simple consumption smoothing emphasized in most previous literature. This distinction has special significance for demand shocks, in which output rises through a rise in labor input and hence a fall in leisure. In particular, consumption tends to move closely with increased output in this context, so a devaluation tends not to improve the current account. This result may cast doubt on the effectiveness of competitive devaluations.  相似文献   

This paper tests the contractionary devaluation hypothesis in the context of select African countries. The output effect of devaluation is examined within an empirical model that controls, among others, for the parallel currency premium, the rate of net capital inflow, the degree of capacity utilization and political instability. The model is estimated on pooled data drawn from 20 African countries, employing alternative indicators of devaluation and pooling procedures. The results indicate that the contemporaneous output effect of nominal devaluation is negative, providing statistical support for the hypothesis that devaluation is contractionary in the short run. On the other hand, the coefficient of the lagged rate of devaluation is found to be positive, implying that the contractionary problem is temporary. The magnitude of the observed contractionary effect appears to depend on the rate of net capital inflow and the degree of capacity utilization. Devaluations accompanied by augmented net capital inflow and implemented in the presence of excess capacity are found to be less contractionary than otherwise equivalent exchange‐rate changes. The results also seem to imply that devaluations launched in the context of sizeable unofficial markets for foreign exchange are less injurious to aggregate economic activity than other exchange‐rate adjustments.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of currency devaluations on goods prices and foreign reserves for a small-open economy with inbound tourism. Tourism transforms non-traded goods into exportable goods. Devaluations yield an over pass-through to the prices of the non-traded tourism goods. This may hurt the trade balance and hence lead to a decline in foreign reserves for the economy.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model of devaluation cycles for an economy in which foreign exchange transactions take place through both an official and a parallel market. The exchange rate differential determines the propensity to under-invoice exports. The authorities are assumed to follow a devaluation rule that relates official parity changes to the level of reserves. The analysis shows that such a rule leads to periodic cycles of erosion and recovery of foreign reserves, which bear some similarities to recent devaluation episodes in developing countries.  相似文献   

The J-Curve     
If a country with a balance of payments problem, that is, insufficient foreign exchange receipts to meet foreign exchange requirements, seeks to remedy the situation by currency devaluation, things may get worse before they get better. This so-called J-curve effect occurs if the domestic-currency prices of exports are sticky, whether because they are cost based or subject to longer term contracts, so that export prices in foreign currency fall. Until favourable volume effects outweigh the unfavourable price effect, the balance of payments deteriorates. Such a J-curve effect should be distinguished both from the longer term erosion of the beneficial effects of devaluation as domestic costs and the prices of non-tradables rise and from the apparent J-curve due to the ‘valuation effect’. If the current account is in deficit before devaluation, as will usually be the case, devaluation will widen the deficit in domestic currency because domestic-currency imports rise by a larger amount than exports. This is a pure valuation effect, of no significance for external balance. But it is liable to lead to unduly pessimistic judgements about the effectiveness of devaluation. In Australia during 1985–86, the current account deficit increased by $A3.5 billion, despite substantial depreciation of the $A. The main reason was a sharp deterioration in the terms of trade which is estimated to have worsened the current account by $A4.25 billion. Most of this was exogenous, though J-curve effects may have made a contribution. In addition, the valuation effect contributed a further, illusory, widening of the deficit, valued in domestic currency, by over $A1 billion. To avoid misleading inferences from the valuation effect, it is suggested that the balance of payments should, if possible, be presented in foreign currency.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper analyzes devaluations in a fixed exchange rate system by endogenizing both the speculation and devaluation decisions. It is shown that deterministic devaluation rules are generally sub-optimal for the central bank. In order to deter speculation the central bank introduces uncertainty into the timing of devaluation. The nature this mixed strategy is derived, as is the optimal strategy for speculators. The analysis allows an explanation of successful devaluations that are not precipitated by a speculative attacks, even under perfect capital mobility. Received: May 17, 1999; revised version: June 2, 1999  相似文献   

We characterize optimal debt policy in a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model of defaults and devaluations in which self-fulfilling crises can arise. When the government cannot commit to repay its debt and cannot commit to maintain the exchange rate, consumers’ expectations of devaluation make the safe level of government debt very low. We show that, when the debt is in the crises zone—where self-fulfilling crisis can occur—the government finds it optimal to reduce the debt to exit the zone. The lower the probability that consumers assign to devaluation, however, the greater is the number of periods that the government will choose to take to exit the crisis zone. We argue that our model can help understand events in Argentina in 2001–2002 and throw light on some aspects of the current EMU sovereign debt crisis.  相似文献   

对外贸易中贸易款项的支付大多数都在远期,因此对未来汇率变化幅度的预期,会影响汇率对出口价格的传递效应,从而导致汇率传递出现非线性特点。本文对此进行了理论分析,结果显示,预期未来汇率变化幅度较大时,汇率对出口价格的传递程度会下降甚至可能出现负向传递。实证部分本文使用STR模型分析了1999年1月—2016年7月在汇率预期的作用下人民币汇率对出口价格的传递效应。研究发现当人民币汇率预期变动幅度较小时,汇率传递系数为正,人民币汇率升值会导致出口价格上涨,贬值导致出口价格的下降。但是当人民币预期汇率的变化幅度达到一定的阈值后,人民币汇率升值会导致出口价格下降,而贬值会导致出口价格上涨。因此货币当局有必要关注汇率预期尤其是大幅度汇率变化预期的存在对进出口价格和需求的影响。  相似文献   

A four-dimensional Structural Vector Auto-regression (SVAR) model is applied to investigate the implications of fuel imports and devaluation policy on Fiji's current account deficits and economic growth. The paper finds that short-term deterioration of the current account is partly due to higher fuel imports. The impulse response analysis shows that a standard deviation fall in Fiji's REER leads to a J-curve type response in the current account within a short period. Furthermore, fuel import demand and devaluations are found to have negative, but transitory, effect on economic growth.  相似文献   

In a centrally planned economy (CPE) that has eliminated detailed central planning of output and foreign trade and introduced some domestic price flexibility and organic linkages to world-market prices, the exchange rate can take on more than an accounting function. This paper contrasts the effects of exchange-rate adjustment in such a “modified” CPE (or MCPE) with those in a market economy. There are a number of reasons why MCPE authorities might eschew devaluation as a policy instrument, despite the possibility that it would be more effective in some cases in improving the trade balance than in a market economy.  相似文献   

We develop the implications of devaluation cycles for real exchange rates in a two-sector small open economy with a cash-in-advance constraint. Policy-makers are office-motivated politicians. Voters have incomplete information on the competence and the opportunism of incumbents. Devaluation acts like a tax, and is politically costly because it can signal the government is incompetent. This provides incumbents an incentive to postpone devaluations, and can lead to an overvalued exchange rate before elections. We compare the implied cycle of appreciated/depreciated exchange rates with empirical evidence around elections from Latin America.  相似文献   

After surveying objections to using expansionary fiscal policy to raise output and employment. this article concludes that budget deficits do not necessarily lead to high interest rates and that crowding out is only moderate. even with non-accommodating monetary policy. The major constraint on the effectiveness of expansionary fiscal policy is the need to avoid devaluation. If real wages are rigid downwards. devaluation will lead to increases in inflationary pressure rather than increases in output. Because of this. and because of inflationary pressure from short-run Phillips curve effects. expansionary fiscal policy must be complemented by a prices and incomes policy.  相似文献   

Developing countries have frequently resorted to effective devaluation by changing either their formal rate of exchange, or by using non-formal components, such as taxes and subsidies. The ensuing increase in the domestic price of imports has inflationary effects. This paper analyses the Israeli experience to investigate the inflationary effects of increases in import prices and alternative methods of devaluation. It is found that formal and non-formal devaluation appear to have the same long-run effects on the price level, but are not the same in timing: A formal devaluation leads more quickly to increases in domestic prices.  相似文献   

In examining China's exchange rate policy in the reforming years, the study finds empirical evidence of its long-run inflationary consequences, but the effects appear not to be sizable. In the short run, while changes in the devaluation rate are positively correlated with the increase in the growth rate of inflation, the inflation inertia is also modest. The moderate inflationary cost of devaluations provides some explanation of the smooth transition of exchange rate policy regime in China and the authorities' ability to put more weight on external competitiveness.  相似文献   

This note presents a measure of the effective protection rate in a general equilibrium model under uncertainty where a stock market exists and international trade in securities takes place. Real equity prices replace the final commodity prices since, in the presence of uncertainty, resource allocation and therefore the output of each industry is governed by real equity prices. Using expected utility as a welfare criterion, it is shown that second-best optimum can be achieved by a tariff on the intermediate good at a rate given by setting the new measure to zero. This note provides the theoretical foundations to the measure estimated by Eldor (1984).  相似文献   

This paper studies firm-level investment in the wake of the Mexican peso crisis of 1994. While exporters outperform nonexporters in terms of profits and sales after the devaluation, their investment is constrained by weak balance sheets. Specifically, we find that firms with heavy exposure to short-term foreign currency debt before the devaluation experienced relatively low levels of post-devaluation investment. The data also imply that increased sales uncertainty after the peg's collapse deterred investment, particularly in the tradable sector. The results confirm the recent theoretical literature's focus on weak balance sheets as driving the recessionary impact of devaluations in emerging markets.  相似文献   

It is commonly understood that macroeconomic shocks influence commodity prices and that one channel for this is the link between interest rates, expected future asset returns and stock-holding. In this paper the link is extended to the petroleum market with the recognition that recorded stocks of oil comprise a small share of annual demand and that the parallel with storable commodities is the decision to produce the oil in the first place, as opposed to holding it in the ground as reserve. Oil reserves are then a key asset in producing countries, which is arbitraged against financial assets. Thus, when the yield on financial assets falls, retaining oil reserves becomes more attractive to producing countries, which then have less incentive to accommodate demand rises, and so the oil price rises. This perspective on oil pricing is modeled in a dynamic multi-region general equilibrium framework in which regional households manage portfolios of assets that include oil reserves. When the model is calibrated to match observed data over two decades, simulation results indicate that asset arbitrage made a large contribution to the high pre-GFC oil price.  相似文献   

In this paper a model is presented to analyze, in a monetary setting, the effects of a once-and-for-all adjustment in the exchange rate in a small economy committed to a fixed exchange-rate system. The effects of such an adjustment are shown to be transitory. After a devaluation the domestic rate of inflation accelerates in relation to the rate of inflation in the rest of the world. The increase in prices reduces the real value of the nominal stock of money and, in order to restore real liquidity to its previous level, foreign-exchange reserves start to flow into the country. However, as monetary equlibrium is reached, the flow of reserves tends to stop and the domestic rate of inflation converges to the world rate.  相似文献   

This paper develops a structural general equilibrium model to analyse the pass-through from devaluation to producer and consumer prices in Emerging Market Economies (EMEs). Simulation analysis shows that balance-sheet effects created by capital market imperfections and the home bias shrink the impact of devaluation on both types of internal prices. This finding helps explain why pass-through to internal prices is low in EMEs. It also shows that, for benchmark values of the parameters, devaluation remains a good device to modify the real exchange rate and to mitigate the negative impact of external shocks in EMEs.  相似文献   

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