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索赔与反索赔是进攻和防守的关系,是相互依存矛盾事物对立统一的两个方面。文章力求通过概括、分析、总结索赔和反索赔工作的多个方面,从索赔的概念、索赔与反索赔的关系着手,找出有针对性的解决办法。通过摸索和总结,人们意识到加强合同管理是处理索赔和反索赔事件中非常重要的一环。  相似文献   

承包商能否进行卓有成效的索赔,从根本上讲,首先取决于其对索赔机会的辨识能力.及早识别和发现潜在的索赔机会是承包商进行有效索赔的基本前提,因为索赔诱因是处理索赔的起点、落脚点和双方争论的焦点,只有对索赔诱因了如指掌,才能及时抓住索赔机会,进行有效的索赔.  相似文献   

承包商能否进行卓有成效的索赔,从根本上讲,首先取决于其对索赔机会的辨识能力。及早识别和发现潜在的索赔机会是承包商进行有效索赔的基本前提,因为索赔诱因是处理索赔的起点、落脚点和双方争论的焦点,只有对索赔诱因了如指掌,才能及时抓住索赔机会,进行有效的索赔。  相似文献   

文章分析了高速公路施工索赔的成因,阐述了高速公路施工索赔所需的证据,并对索赔的内容、程序、索赔的基础工作、索赔策略和方式等索赔管理方面作了详细的论述。  相似文献   

陈晓明 《价值工程》2021,40(2):87-89
对于地铁列车架大修项目中的索赔管理进行研究,着力于建立一套标准的索赔管理模式,其主要包括索赔意识、索赔解决和索赔监督三个方面。明确了在项目管理和索赔的不同阶段应侧重于哪些工作;阐述了索赔团队人员的角色职责、工作流程;总结了面对不同的索赔对象应采取针对性的策略。  相似文献   

索赔费用同工程款的计价内容相似,包括直接费、间接费、利润和税金。索赔费用的计算方法有:实际费用法、总费用法和修正的总费用法。索赔工作必须做到有理有据,"有理"才能提出索赔,"有据"才能索赔成功。在做好索赔资料的收集与整理时,还要善于发现施工中的索赔点。施工索赔机会存在于项目施工的全过程。  相似文献   

工程索赔工作一直是我国承包管理过程中的薄弱环节之一。本文从承包商的角度出发,结合承包商索赔基础理论知识,指出了承包商索赔失败的主要原因,更深层次的剖析和整合了承包商进行索赔的方法和前期准备工作,提出了承包商确定索赔目标、主要对外关系分析,创造索赔有利条件等索赔策略。  相似文献   

一、前言 尽管施工索赔在我国很早就出现了,但还远未得到普及.近年胜利油建公司工程中还很少将施工索赔堂堂正正地提出来.这并不说明胜利油建公司的合同管理水平高,不会出现索赔现象.恰恰相反,合同管理水平低,施工市场的不规范,阻碍了施工索赔的正常开展.在长期计划经济体制下,我国的索赔工作一直没有得到应有的重视,施工企业不想索赔,不敢索赔,也不会索赔的现象普遍存在.不想索赔,是因为在长期计划经济下,企业缺乏对索赔的认识,片面地认为索赔不利于与业主合作,怕得罪了业主单位,影响以后的工程承揽:不会索赔,是由于不熟悉索赔理论、程序和方法、管理落后、基础工作不健全,缺乏索赔必要的资料和记录.  相似文献   

逐步法制化、规范化的我国建筑市场竞争愈演愈烈,建设工程施工索赔将普遍存在,目前国外许多国家的索赔工作已相对比较完善,而我国尚处于起步阶段,国内大多数建筑企业中能正常成功索赔的比例很小,不懂索赔、不敢索赔和不会索赔的很多。笔者结合工程的实践经验,对建筑上程施工索赔管理进行分析。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济体制的进一步完善,合同索赔在工程施工承包领域发挥着日益重要的作用。索赔的根本目的是在于保护承包商自身的利益,减少损失。然而索赔不是一提交索赔报告就能成功的,因而研究如何有效索赔显得非常重要。文章从索赔的机会把握、索赔的依据、索赔的时效、索赔的计算等方面做了分析,并对实现有效索赔的技巧做了阐述。  相似文献   

文章借鉴江西和福建赣龙铁路赣龙项目经理部成功变更索赔的经验,简要介绍了施工索赔类型及施工索赔的管理程序,旨在互相交流,以便更好地做好施工索赔工作。  相似文献   

宋力  吴玉峰 《基建优化》2007,28(6):46-47
索赔处理是水利工程建设中监理工程师工作的重要内容之一,监理工程师是索赔问题处理的核心.本文结合盐城市淮河流域2003年灾后重建应急工程苏北灌溉总渠南堤除险加固工程索赔事件处理实例,就水利工程施工过程中索赔的作用、索赔的成因、索赔事件的处理及监理工程师在索赔事件处理过程中应注意的问题展开论述.  相似文献   

We augment an ordered response model for the job level at which individuals desire to work with allowance for individual reporting of a discrepancy between actual and desired job level, and we also investigate possible biases from restricting the observations to the employed, and omitting the unemployed. We find that the latter bias can be ignored and interpret this as evidence that the unemployed are not choosier than the employed. People claiming inadequate capability utilization are not markedly differently allocated than those claiming a proper match. Women's lower job levels cannot be explained from rationing by capability utilization.  相似文献   

Viable routes to increase the take‐up of cash transfer programs include raising the financial incentive to claim and reducing claiming barriers. Older people's response to both is evaluated exploiting the introduction of Pension Credit in the UK. The reform involved improved application assistance, simplified claiming procedure, extended recertification interval, less intrusive reporting requirements and outreach campaigning; also, the cash entitlement was increased for a subgroup of pensioners. The behavioral response is identified using Family Resources Survey data. Results support the effectiveness of financial incentives, while no effect is found in the case of reducing barriers policies when unaccompanied by financial incentives.  相似文献   

作者从福建经济发展 ,尤其是厦门周边闽南三角地区经济发展态势的角度探讨厦门湾未来城市发展的格局。  相似文献   

作者根据十五届三中全会关于推进我国城镇化决定的精神,详细研究了21世纪广东省顺德市容桂镇的城市化和现代化问题,并提出自己的看法和建议.  相似文献   

We analyze a monopolist's pricing and product reliability decision in a model where consumers are entitled to product replacement if the product fails, but have heterogeneous costs of exercising this right. Our main result shows that, under some conditions, a decrease in consumers expected to claim cost leads to a decrease in product reliability but an increase in profit and welfare. This result is robust to a number of extensions. Our results are in line with anecdotal evidence suggesting that changes in consumers’ claiming cost can be induced by both third parties (governments, consumers’ organizations, private enterprises, etc.) and firms. More precisely, since, under some conditions, profit and welfare align, public initiatives oriented to lower consumers’ claiming cost will be ultimately joined by firms that benefit from further increases in complaints.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of the introduction of permanent benefit reductions for early retirees (i) on the duration until benefit claiming and (ii) on the duration until exit from gainful employment. I estimate discrete time duration models using different error term specifications. Administrative data containing the full earnings history of the individuals are used. Since the reform implementing the benefit reductions was a natural experiment, under some assumptions a causal effect can be identified. The permanent reduction of retirement benefit amounts causes a postponement of claiming benefits by about 14 months and a delay of employment exit by about 10 months on average.  相似文献   

人民币国际化的思考与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了人民币国际化道路,指出人民币国际化应寻求独特发展之路,不能放弃人民币主权货币特征。系统论述并指出实现人民币国际化,需历经区域螺旋、功能螺旋的“双螺旋、三步走”上升发展路径和缓释限制人民币可兑换的“三三制”道路。另一方面,阐释了通过促进人民币为主导的亚洲货币联盟,推动人民币国际化的策略,并分析存在的困难。最后,阐明了人民币国际化面临的冲击和亟待解决的重要问题,指出人民币国际化必须解决海外人民币回流渠道、保持人民币信用和货币稳定,必须强化金融基础设施建设。  相似文献   

This article examines the provision of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, special attention being given to the employment and industrial relations aspects of the Act. Emphasis is placed on the issues raised for practitioners and for those with disabilities claiming protection under the Act.  相似文献   

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