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视同销售行为的特殊性带来了会计处理的特殊问题。新准则以及新企业所得税法为此项业务的确认、计量和会计处理提供了新的思路。按照新准则与新企业所得税法的规定,视同销售业务的会计处理需要区别不同的情况:或者确认销售收入,结转销售成本;或者作为资本性交易,计入所有者权益及其变动;或者直接按照成本结转。  相似文献   

事业单位会计是各级各类事业单位以货币为计量单位,对自身发生的经济业务或事项进行全面、系统、连续的核算和监督的专业会计。净资产,属于事业单位会计要素之一。事业单位的净资产是指事业单位资产扣除负债后的余额,它包括事业基金、非流动资产基金、专用基金、财政补助结转、财政补助结余等等。本文主要对事业单位的财政补助结转结余的会计处理、非财政补助结转的会计处理和非财政补助结余的会计处理做出探讨,便于会计人员做好事业单位会计工作。  相似文献   

<正>由于存在“未纳入部门预算管理的现金收支业务”,使得财务会计与预算会计账务处理不同步,造成货币资金与预算结转结余存在差异。通过分析此类业务及涉及的往来科目特征,找到货币资金与预算结转结余勾稽关系,并提出按照资金来源拆分等式,得到财政资金和自有资金各自的平衡式,从而能够分析单位货币资金构成,并验证预算会计结转结余科目的准确性。  相似文献   

建筑工程设计服务人力成本结转,传统实务通常采用收入配比结转法.由于人力成本难以准确归集,致使该方法往往不具备应用前提,并存在明显人为调节利润空间.当期结转法有效解决了收入配比结转法弊端,符合会计谨慎性原则和成本效益原则要求,实务中应得到更多运用.  相似文献   

利润是指企业在一定会计期间的经营成果,它是企业在一定会计期间内实现的收入减去费用后的余额.会计制度规定各种费用的结转在期末进行,期末结转费用的方法有两种,一是表结法、二是账结法.账结法的优点是各月均可通过"本年利润"科目提供其当期利润额,记账业务程序完整,但增加了编制结转损益分录的工作量.  相似文献   

全国有一半左右的加工贸易企业涉及深加工结转业务,加工贸易深加工结转问题,多年来一直受到众多加工贸易企业关注,反响很大,其中既有涉及海关和外汇管理,也有税收政策及其征管问题。结合当前国内深加工结转贸易中出现的情况和现状进行剖析,提出有关深加工结转贸易海关、税收、外汇管理政策方面的对策建议。从而得出结论:深加工结转贸易政策应该从我国加工贸易发展的现状出发,在规范管理的基础上,只有在政策统一、稳定的前提下,才能更好地促进深加工结转贸易全面稳定、持续地发展。  相似文献   

①9月10至21日.全省农行新旧科目结转业务师资培训班在阜阳培训中心举办,各二级分行会计部门负责人、“新一代”业务管理人员、技术人员共128人参加了培训。  相似文献   

《会计基础工作规范》第64条规定:“年度终了,要把各帐户的余额结转到下一会计年度,并在摘要栏注明‘结转下年’字样;在下一会计年度新建有关会计帐簿的第一行余额栏内填写上年结转的余额,并在摘要栏注明‘上年结转’字样。”在实务中,如果新帐在摘要栏仅权标明“...  相似文献   

长期以来,凡有基本建设任务的行政事业单位,其基本建设业务(结转自筹基建除外)与行政事业职能业务都采用建设单位会计制度和行政事业单位会计制度分别核算。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制和公共财政体系的建立与完善,这种在同一个经济实体因资金使用方向不同而构建两个会计主体、采用两种会计核算制度的做法,已不适应新形势的要求。  相似文献   

《工会事业单位会计制度》在会计科目支出类设置“结转自筹基建”以核算单位自筹资金进行的基本建设业务。为探讨有关问题,结合制度规定对本科目业务核算方法举例说明如下:  某单位1998年自筹新建办公楼一幢,预算600000元,于年初转存建设银行。年末决算实际工程造价550000元,并收回余款。  根据规定,应编制以下分录:  (1)年初转存时,  借:结转自筹基建600000元  贷:银行存款600000元  (2)收回余款时,  借:银行存款50000元  贷:结转自筹基建50000元  (3)年终结转时,  借:(事业)结余550000元  贷:结转…  相似文献   

会计教学中批判性思维教学法运用策略分析   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
批判性思维和解决问题的能力是评判未来合格的会计专业人员的重要条件。本文以批判性思维教学理论为基础,对批判性思维在会计教学中的运用效果进行了评析,提出了会计教师在会计课堂教学中应采用不同的策略,以培养会计专业的学生批判性思维技能和解决问题能力。  相似文献   

基础会计手工实验课程是经济管理类院校会计学各专业及相关专业开设的必修课程,是在讲授完会计基础理论之后进行的实验教学环节,与传统的会计基础理论教学相比较具有一定的优势,如增强了学生对会计基础理论和基本知识的感性认识,增强了学生对会计业务的识别、阅读能力等,但在教学中也体现了一些不足,本文从改变传统教学模式、改变传统教学方法、更新教育理念三个方面提出对基础会计手工实验进行教学改革的措施。  相似文献   

《成本会计》是关于生产企业在生产过程中就产品成本具体核算的一门课程,它是会计学专业的基础和核心课,在整个会计课程体系中非常重要。然而,近年来高校中开设这门课程并未取得理想的教学效果。原因是多方面的,既有课程自身特点的原因,也有教师讲授时人为的原因,同时也受到高校教学资源条件的限制。本文从分析成本会计课程的特点入手,就目前高校成本会计教学中存在的诸多问题,提出改革高校成本会计教学的几点建议。  相似文献   

A background to the adoption of computing in accounting education is discussed. There has been considerable pressure by the accounting profession for information technology to be taught in tertiary accounting courses. While accommodating these expectations, accounting academics have been concerned that such teaching should focus on conceptual understanding, rather than training. Research on effectiveness of computers and the learning of accounting concepts has been considered and found to be inconclusive and conflicting. It has been argued that an understanding of learning theory is necessary to enhance the effectiveness of teaching computerized accounting. An approach to teaching computerized accounting information systems and integrating learning theories is presented via a practical example: the objectives of teaching computerized accounting and reasons for adopting the SYBIZ Rev L software package are presented. The chosen approach in developing the teaching and learning material is outlined and linked to learning theory. It is argued that computers in accounting education should not merely be treated as a fait accompli, but be recognized as a part of a process which we should understand and influence. Research needs to continue on a number of methodological fronts. Suggestions are given for more specific empirical research, as well as suggestions on how to incorporate the findings of other related disciplines.  相似文献   

This paper draws upon educational research to examine lecturers' conceptions of teaching introductory accounting. A critical review of relevant research indicates that lecturers' conceptions of teaching may be specific to particular disciplinary and educational contexts. Thus the context of introductory accounting may yield its own unique domain of lecturers' conceptions of the objectives, approaches, outcomes and problems of teaching. A model of teaching conceptions (Fox, 1983) is identified as particularly relevant for the analysis of conceptions within a disciplinary context. The phenomenographic research study reported in this paper analyses lecturers' conceptions of teaching introductory accounting within the framework of Fox's model. Results indicate both the relevance of Fox's model as well as some key contradictions and uncertainties within conceptions of the teaching of introductory accounting. Such contradictions and uncertainties have to do with, amongst others, a tension between a professed priority for conceptual understanding, a difficulty in articulating concepts and an emphasis upon technical mastery of topics and problems. The results indicate the need for further research but also provide a conceptual framework through which lecturers might reflect upon the manner in which introductory accounting is, and can be, taught.  相似文献   

The present study contributes to accounting education literature by describing context-specific conceptions of learning related to case assignments, and by exploring the associations between the conceptions of learning, students’ characteristics and performance. The data analysed consist of 1320 learning diaries of 336 students, connected with students’ characteristics and course grades. The results are in line with earlier studies in that most students in accounting describe reproductive conceptions of learning. However, instead of only increasing knowledge, case assignments seem to emphasise the application of knowledge to real life. Furthermore, the conception of learning seems to be associated with performance in the course and the age of the student. Since no positive development of the conceptions of learning is visible during the course, using case assignments as such does not seem to solve the problem of reproductive conceptions. Therefore, how case assignments are used in teaching needs to be carefully considered.  相似文献   

基于应用型人才培养的会计教育模式的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对现行会计教育模式与培养应用型会计人才目标的不适应,从培养目标选择模式、教学选择模式、考核评价选择模式和教师选择模式四个角度分析了与应用型会计人才培养目标相适应的会计教育模式的改革问题,提出了构建以能力培养为重点的新型会计教育模式的基本思路,共同人参考。  相似文献   

中国改革开放30年,以全面推进素质教育作为会计基础教育改革和会计专业教育改革的重要方向。会计本科教学在教学目标、教学理念、教学方案、教学手段、教学方法和教学管理等方面与时俱进,逐步形成了特有的教学风格,有效提高了本科教育质量。  相似文献   

Improvements in the tertiary education of accounting students benefit the profession. Analysis of the interaction of learning styles and teaching methodologies in accounting degree programs revealed that when learning styles matched teaching methods used, usefulness was assessed as high. When they differed, usefulness deteriorated. To maximise educational benefit this interaction should be considered, but this has resource implications. Accounting education is critical and any improvements in the tertiary education of accounting students should result in better prepared graduates entering the profession. This study evaluates accounting students’ learning styles and the interaction of learning styles and teaching methodologies in degree programs. Nine classes of accounting students (648 students) spread across four years and two degree programs were evaluated. Students self‐evaluated their learning styles, pre‐instruction. They were then subject to two separate teaching techniques (one active and one passive) in each course. Learning styles were then re‐assessed and teaching techniques evaluated. Accounting students displayed a preference for passive learning, even those far advanced in their degrees. Furthermore, when learning styles matched teaching methods used, usefulness was assessed as high but when learning styles and teaching methods differed, usefulness deteriorated. Overall, active learners rather than passive learners deemed the teaching methods to be more effective. The implications are significant. To maximise educational benefit for the accounting profession, student learning styles should be assessed before designing appropriate teaching methodologies. This has resource implications, which would have to be considered.  相似文献   

会计信息供需矛盾的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计信息是一种特殊的商品,即"公共商品",因此也适用经济学的供求定理。根据这一定理,当会计信息的供给与需求不相等时,就会产生会计信息的供需矛盾。会计理论本身固有的局限性是会计信息供需矛盾产生的内在因素,会计环境的不断变化是会计信息供需矛盾产生的外在原因。解决会计信息供需矛盾的对策:一是充实与改进会计理论与会计方法;二是完善会计准则与会计制度;三是改善会计环境。  相似文献   

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