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Customer retention (CR), loyalty (CL), and satisfaction (CS) are important (intermediate) goals for telecommunication network operators on their way to superior economic success in the liberalised German market. Therefore, drawing on a sample of 684 residential customers of digital cellular network operators in Germany this study tests hypotheses suggesting that CR, CL, and CS should be treated as differential constructs which are causally inter-linked. LISREL analyses support a two-staged model in which overall CS has a significant impact on CL which in turn influences a customer's intention to terminate/extend the contractual relationship with his mobile cellular network operator (=CR). Mobile service price and personal service benefit perceptions as well as (lack of) number portability between various cellular operators were identified as supply-related variables with the strongest effects on CR. Mobile network operators’ perceived customer care performance had no significant impact on CR. The findings suggest that an important lever for regulators to promote competition in cellular markets is the enforcement of efficient number portability procedures between mobile network operators.  相似文献   

We employ a price setting duopoly experiment to examine whether buyer confusion increases market prices. Each seller offers a good to buyers who have homogeneous preferences. Sellers decide on the number of attributes of their good and set prices. The number of attributes bears no cost to the sellers and does not affect the value of the good to the buyers but adds complexity to buyers’ evaluation of the goods. The experimental results indicate that the buyers make more suboptimal choices and that prices are higher when the number of attributes of the goods is higher. Moreover, prices and profits are higher than those in a benchmark treatment with perfectly rational (robot) buyers.  相似文献   

We analyze the relation between mobile phone use – mobile Internet in particular – and employment, self-employment and job regularity in Uganda. We find no evidence of any positive impact of mobile Internet use on employment or job quality, suggesting that either respondents do not use mobile Internet for job search practices or as a job tool, or that these uses are ineffective. However, we find that the adoption and use of basic mobile phones are positively related to employment and job quality, and we argue that regulators should focus on promoting the affordability of basic phones and mobile airtime.  相似文献   

The fourth generation (4G) mobile phone will soon be launched. Marketers need to know which factors determine whether customers choose to upgrade their mobile phones, as this will affect the diffusion of third generation (3G), 4G, and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access phones. This study integrates pre- and post-adoption theories, upgrading, and value-based theory to examine plans to upgrade to a newer model mobile phone among second generation (2G) and 3G mobile phone users. The empirical results show that the technology acceptance model fails to explain consumers’ intentions to upgrade in sequence. Although customers perceived next-generation mobile phones as being easier to use and more useful than their current model phones, this did not directly influence them to upgrade. When users were satisfied with their current model, they were not willing to upgrade to a newer generation model. Moreover, value assessments affect users’ plans to upgrade to next-generation mobile phones.  相似文献   

Consumer behavior in the Italian mobile telecommunication market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the characteristics of Italian cell phone users. A multidimensional segmentation approach was adopted, using concurrently three sets of variables: consumer/user lifestyles, use motivations and product/service attributes. Data on a national sample (1067 individuals) were collected and factor and cluster analysis were then performed on the database. The study led to the identification of three user segments, each with a diverse combination of the segmentation variables. Findings provide implications for the mobile telecommunication industry and could suggest strategic choices to mobile operators—especially cell phone producers—and constitute the basis for their strategic positioning.  相似文献   

This model discusses mobile network operators' (MNOs) incentives to invest in their network facilities such as new 4G networks under various regimes of data roaming charge regulation. Given an induced externality of investments (spillovers) due to the roaming agreements it will be shown that MNOs, competing on investments, widely set higher investments for below cost regulation of roaming charges. Otherwise, if MNOs are free to collaborate on investments, they set higher investment levels for above cost roaming charges. Both below and above cost charges may be preferred from a welfare perspective. Furthermore, the paper discusses effects of the roaming charge regulation on roaming quality and MNOs' coverage.  相似文献   

Given that no all new mobile telecommunications technology are accepted by the mass market, this study aims to understand the mass adoption of third-generation (3G) mobile phones that is hypothesized to comprise three consumer perceptions: new technology, new service, and new handset. Based on the theoretical framework of a consumer's decision making process, an empirical study of the mass adoption of 3G mobile phones in Taiwan was conducted. This study demonstrated that perceived utility of a new mobile service was a key factor that resulted in mass adoption. Further, it was found that perceived utility of a new handset directly stimulate consumers to purchase 3G mobile phones. Perceived risk and perceived expense are not negatively correlated with intentions as hypothesized. Moreover, perceived no need was another key factor that inhibited adoption and purchase intention.  相似文献   

We can see technology changing people's private and working lives. But what happens when these two worlds collide? This paper explores two small organisations that have taken different approaches to the use of mobile phone technology. This area of contested terrain is becoming increasingly present on the landscape of the employment relationship.  相似文献   

This study has been undertaken to determine the effect of mobile phone attributes on their retail market prices. A log-linear hedonic price model was fitted to a total of 348 handsets, for which data were collected about various attributes from different websites, while the price data were obtained from mobile phone retailers in two major cities of Pakistan from November 2016 to February 2017. Results indicate that brand, battery capacity, weight, operating system, RAM, memory size and display size have a significant positive effect on mobile phone prices. Given the significant premium associated with various characteristics, manufacturers need to formulate strategies to emphasize the battery capacity of 2000-3000?mAH, RAM of more than 1GB, screen size of more than 5 inches, memory size of more than 8GB, back camera of over 15MP, 4G network mode, front camera and FM radio.  相似文献   

以SIM卡为主的中国移动通信智能卡市场已经走过了三个阶段:高额利润阶段、差异化技术进SIM卡市场阶段和价格大战阶段。不论是富足的高额利润阶段,还是惊心动魄的价格战争,都只是市场经济环境下移动通信1200,000智能卡产品发展的一部分,800,000在新的市场环境和技术条400,000件下,智能卡产品新的发0展态势正逐步浮出水面。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to focus attention on the choice of the reserve price made by the telecom regulator to explain the under-performance of spectrum auctions in Bangladesh. The overestimation of the reserve prices for several auctions in Bangladesh including the auction of the 3G – 2100 MHz band in 2013, the 2G - 1800 MHz band in 2015, and the 4G – 1800 and 2100 MHz bands in 2018 is established by comparing the reserve prices to the economic value of spectrum, determined by using the engineering valuation and production function approaches. Possible reasons for the inflation of the reserve price are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the impacts of changes in the mobile termination rate in Brazil using 2008 as the base year. For this we use an extension of the monopolistic competition model used by Wright, Thompson, and Renard (2007) allowing for the charge of interconnection fee also from calls originating on mobile networks and differentiated prices for on-net and off-net calls. After calibration of the model parameters and estimation of the price elasticity of demand for mobile services, we conduct a comparative static analysis varying the mobile termination rate in order to find the optimal value for that parameter. Finally, we provide some discussions on policy regulation in that sector depending on the objective of the regulator agency.  相似文献   

The distinguishing feature of two-sided markets is that the pricing structure, that is, the relative prices charged to each side, matters. Regulators need to understand and account for the interdependence of prices in both sides. Some interventions that lower the prices on one side can result in higher prices on the other side of such markets. This article reviews the recent literature analyzing this waterbed phenomenon in mobile telephony and draws some more general lessons for policy interventions in two-sided markets.  相似文献   

We use a difference-in-differences approach to assess the impact of the EU roaming regulation on mobile operators’ average revenues per user (ARPU) and the retail prices of mobile services. Our results suggest that due to the regulation the ARPU of EU mobile operators decreased since 2007 on average by 9.1%. When considering purchasing power parities, the decline of ARPU is estimated on average at 5.8%, but in this case we cannot reject that there was no decrease at all. We also find that the impact of the regulation on ARPU depends on traffic imbalances, which may be related to tourism flows, and has a stronger negative impact on operators from countries with a surplus in tourism traffic. There is however no difference in the impact of the regulation on cross-country and national operators. Moreover, our results suggest that the Roam Like at Home (RLAH) regulation implemented in June 2017 had no impact on the tariffs of national mobile plans.  相似文献   

This paper examines the diffusion pattern of mobile telephony in Colombia. The empirical modelling approach adopted in the paper starts off by choosing between the two functional forms that are most frequently used in the literature, namely the Gompertz and the Logistic models. After applying a formal statistical test to choose the preferred functional form, the evidence suggests that the pattern of diffusion can be best characterised as following a Logistic model. The findings also suggest that despite the fact that in recent years the rate of growth of mobile phone subscribers has started to slow down, there still appears to be room for further expansion as the saturation level is expected to be reached in 2013. The estimated saturation level is consistent with some individuals possessing more than one mobile device.  相似文献   

Dick Durevall   《Food Policy》2007,32(5-6):566-584
There is a widespread belief that consumer coffee prices are high relative to bean prices and that lower consumer prices would lead to substantial increases in bean exports from Third-World countries. This issue is evaluated by analysing how retail prices, preferences and market power influence coffee demand in Sweden. A demand function is estimated for the period 1968–2002 and used, together with information on import prices of coffee beans, to simulate an oligopoly model. This approach gives estimates of the maximum average degree of market power and shows how coffee demand would react to reductions in marginal cost to its minimum level. The maximum level of market power is found to be low, but it generates large spreads between consumer and bean prices because the price elasticity has low absolute values. Moreover, the impact of a price decrease would be small because long-run coffee demand is dominated by changes in the population structure in combination with different preferences across age groups. Hence, a change to perfect competition would only have a negligible effect on bean imports.  相似文献   

在低油价下,亚洲LNG现货价格有望长期低于长贸价格.低油价刺激亚洲LNG进口需求回弹,但未来需求增长的不确定性因素较多.亚洲LNG市场供过于求的状况将持续至2020年,2020年后可能出现供不应求.LNG市场继续向买方倾斜,贸易灵活度进一步提高.随着天然气供需趋于宽松,亚洲主要天然气消费国日本、韩国、中国均加快天然气市场化改革.中国天然气市场化改革需要加快天然气零售市场和配气管网改革以及交易中心建设步伐,抓住LNG买方市场的机遇,尽快突破目的地限制条款,LNG定价适时与油价脱钩.相关企业要加强与美国LNG供应商的联系,考虑在未来5年内增加美国LNG现货采购、签订中短期合约的可能性.  相似文献   

The mobile telecommunication market has evolved from simple voice to multimedia services. In the past, the primary players in mobile services were local operators in different countries; international telecommunication vendors, such as Qualcomm and Nokia, were seldom involved in the mobile service market. In order to enter this market, Qualcomm and Nokia have separately introduced their mobile application platforms, called respectively BREW and Preminet. This paper examines how the two companies attempt to share the mobile service market through their mobile platforms and internationalized business models. This paper also analyzes their mobile platforms’ business models and their strategic implications.  相似文献   

Scholarly and business publications alike convey the message that past and future strong growth in mobile Internet (MI) access and service demand has solely positive commercial implications for mobile network operators (MNOs). This position neglects the possibility that increasing MI use intensity may lead to demand decreases for the highly profitable short messaging service (SMS) and mobile voice telephony. The extant literature provides few insights on relations between MI use intensity, on the one hand, and SMS as well as mobile voice call use intensities, on the other hand. This study developed hypotheses concerning the presence or absence of impacts of MI use intensity and circumstances of MI use (e.g., device type, tariff scheme) on the demand for SMS and mobile voice telephony at the individual customer level. The hypotheses were tested by analyzing actual use behaviors of 304 MI adopters in Germany, for whom objective use intensity data were extracted from the billing system of an MNO. These non-reactive measures were combined with responses collected from the adopters through a telephone survey. Multivariate regression results suggest that though MI use intensity significantly negatively affected both number of SMS sent and received, these effects were so small that their practical relevance is highly doubtful. Further, customers who used MI more intensively did not generate lower volumes of outgoing or incoming mobile voice connection minutes. Conclusions are drawn for MNO, telecommunications sector regulators and scholarly researchers seeking to explain the acceptance of mobile communications services.  相似文献   

This paper estimates consumer surplus in the Korean mobile telephone services (MTS) market. The Korean mobile telecommunications market has grown rapidly since 1997 when competition was introduced and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology was commercialized. Because consumer surplus is relevant to the controversy over establishing an appropriate price level between consumers and service providers, the need for a robust measurement of benefit from MTS is increasing. The measured net consumer surplus estimated by means of elasticities of demand reached about US$48.8 billion in the period 1996–2004 and the changes amounted to about US$8.8 billion during the same period. In particular, after competition was introduced into the market with an accompanying price decrease and increase in the number of subscribers, consumers have benefited greatly. Therefore, it can be inferred that a facility-based competition policy and the reduction in price of access such as handset subsidies all played a positive role in the early diffusion of MTS in Korea. The estimated consumer surplus in this paper does not include network externality (option externality); if this were considered, the total social welfare of the consumer would be larger.  相似文献   

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