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旅游企业社会责任对目的地形象及游客忠诚的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈鹏熠 《旅游学刊》2012,27(2):72-79
在旅游市场竞争日趋激烈的背景下,由旅游企业经营所引发的社会责任问题受到广泛关注,但学界关于旅游企业社会责任的影响研究还不够系统和深入.文章将旅游企业社会责任划分为6个方面,将目的地形象划分为认知形象和情感形象两个方面,并构建了旅游企业社会责任对目的地形象及游客忠诚的影响模型.实证研究表明,旅游企业社会责任在目的地形象及游客忠诚形成中发挥非常重要的作用,其中,经济责任、环境责任、游客责任、员工责任和法律责任对认知形象有正向影响,游客责任、员工责任和慈善责任对情感形象有正向影响;认知形象和情感形象不仅对游客忠诚产生直接影响,而且通过游客满意对游客忠诚产生间接作用.相比认知形象,情感形象对游客满意和忠诚的影响作用更大.  相似文献   

<正>文章以广东省乡村旅游游客为研究对象,基于“认知—情感—行为”理论和自我调节态度理论,构建目的地依恋与游客满意度的链式多重中介模型,研究乡村景观认知对重游意愿的影响,使用自制量表收集数据,应用SPSS 26和AMOS 24软件对研究模型进行实证分析。结果表明:(1)乡村景观认知对重游意愿存在显著的正向影响;(2)乡村景观认知正向影响目的地依恋,目的地依恋正向影响重游意愿;(3)乡村景观认知正向影响游客满意度,游客满意度正向影响重游意愿;(4)目的地依恋和游客满意度在乡村景观认知与重游意愿之间存在链式多重中介效应。文章深入探究游客旅游行为动机和心理机制,可以为制定乡村旅游营销策略提供理论基础,有利于提高乡村旅游服务质量。  相似文献   

旅游宣传片是旅游目的地危机管理的重要营销工具,目前关于旅游宣传片说服效应的纵向跟踪研究缺乏。文章基于巴厘岛阿贡火山连续爆发事件,采用情境实验法探究不同类型旅游宣传片对潜在市场群体的说服效应。研究发现:全景综述型旅游宣传片的短期说服效应更好,危机主题导向型旅游宣传片的长期说服效应更好。在短期说服效应上,全景综述型旅游宣传片正向显著影响认知形象中的自然环境、娱乐活动、宗教氛围、旅游基础设施、感知安全、情感形象和行为意愿;危机主题导向型旅游宣传片正向显著影响认知形象中的宗教氛围、感知安全、情感形象和行为意愿。在长期说服效应上,危机主题导向型旅游宣传片正向显著影响认知形象中的宗教氛围、感知安全和行为意愿;全景综述型旅游宣传片正向显著影响认知形象中的宗教氛围和感知安全。文章为进一步了解旅游宣传片说服效应的时间效度提供了理论依据,也为危机情境中旅游目的地营销组织在旅游宣传片的营销与建设上提供了实践指导。  相似文献   

潜在游客对目的地旅游形象的感知是旅游目的地选择行为的开始,而旅游形象的感知又来源于对该旅游地的认识,也就是通过各种信息"熟悉"该旅游目的地.本文根据前人研究结果提出了以熟悉度作为前因变量,认知形象与情感形象为中介变量的旅游形象感知行为模型,并以重庆市民对上海旅游形象感知为例进行了实证研究.研究表明:在本文的旅游形象感知行为模型中,对于旅游意向影响最大的因素是熟悉度,它通过4条路径对旅游意向产生间接和直接影响,其总影响效果达到了0.591;其次为认知形象和情感形象,它们对旅游意向的总影响效果分别为0.546和0.378.  相似文献   

旅游动机、目的地形象与旅游者期望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章构建了旅游动机、目的地形象和旅游者期望关系的概念模型,以大陆居民赴香港旅游者为研究对象,采用结构方程模型(SEM)验证旅游动机、目的地形象与旅游者期望之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)目的地的认知形象显著影响情感形象;(2)旅游动机直接正向影响目的地的认知形象和旅游者期望,并通过目的地的认知形象对旅游者期望产生间接影响;(3)目的地的认知形象直接正向影响目的地的情感形象和旅游者期望,并通过目的地的情感形象对旅游者期望产生间接影响。  相似文献   

厘清目的地形象与游客行为意愿的关系以及两者之间的动机机制是现有研究的两大焦点,但现有研究大多囿于认知动机视角,忽略了游客行为意愿产生的情绪机制.该研究从游客在目的地情绪感受的视角,应用情绪评价理论,探讨积极情绪在目的地形象和游客行为意愿之间的中介效应,以及目的地形象对积极情绪的作用边界.通过对厦门市278名游客的调查,采用阶层回归进行分析,结果表明:目的地形象能显著地正向影响游客行为意愿;积极情绪是游客行为意愿的诱发动机,显著地正向影响游客的行为意愿,部分中介了目的地形象与游客行为意愿间的联系;新奇感能显著正向调节目的地形象对积极情绪的影响.该研究对相关营销实践者、目的地管理者在目的性形象定位及建设中具有一定的启示.  相似文献   

近年来,苏州古城围绕本土生活方式打造目的地品牌,为苏州传统的“天堂苏州,东方水城”旅游目的地品牌赋予了新内涵,一种围绕“苏式生活”的旅游目的地品牌个性被逐步建构起来.在致力打造生活方式型旅游目的地品牌的过程中,目的地形象对其品牌个性究竟有何影响?如何依托目的地形象发展目的地品牌个性?针对这两个问题,论文简要回顾旅游目的地形象及品牌个性研究进展,在此基础上采用深度访谈、扎根理论、问卷调查、统计分析相结合的“混合方法”,一方面,依托质性材料,采用扎根理论分析生活方式型旅游目的地形象及其品牌个性的基本结构,另一方面,根据问卷调查数据,采用结构方程模型验证生活方式型旅游目的地形象对其品牌个性的建构效应.研究表明:游客对苏州古城旅游目的地形象认知主要包含游憩功能、空间格局、文化氛围、文化创意、文化功能5个方面,而游客对其生活方式型旅游目的地品牌个性认知则主要体现在生活氛围、生活状态、生活品质3个维度.在依托“苏式生活”推动旅游目的地品牌化进程中,苏州古城旅游目的地形象5大因素对其目的地品牌个性均有显著影响.在此基础上,研究提出依托苏州古城旅游目的地品牌形象建设,培育和发展生活方式型目的地品牌个性的导向和对策,为同类型旅游目的地品牌个性培育提供理论和实践支持.  相似文献   

文章首先运用Python爬取携程网关于河南省开封市的游记,随后利用ROST CM6软件对游记进行分析,从认知形象分析、情感形象分析、整体感知形象分析三个维度分析了开封市旅游目的地形象感知,并将研究结果和前人的研究成果进行对比,得出了以下结论:一是在认知形象上,游客对开封的基本认知以人文类别旅游景区为主;二是在情感形象上,游客对开封的积极情感认知主要集中在旅游吸引物、人文历史、旅游演艺、旅游美食、旅游住宿这些维度,对开封的消极情感认知主要集中在旅游交通方面;三是在整体感知形象上,游客对开封的核心形象可以定义为“以宋文化为代表的文化古都”。  相似文献   

旅游形象是影响旅游目的地竞争力的重要因素,对旅游目的地的长久发展起到重要作用。文章以山西乔家大院为研究对象,采用网络文本分析法对其旅游目的地形象感知进行研究,发现以下几个问题:游客对乔家大院的认知局限于建筑层面;过度的商业化使游客对景区产生了抵触情绪;景区设施和服务不完善加重了游客的消极情绪。根据以上问题本文提出了几条具有针对性的建议,以推动乔家大院的高质量发展。  相似文献   

旅游形象研究对资源相似型旅游目的地发展具有现实意义。在已有研究基础上将政府宣传形象纳入资源相似型旅游目的地旅游形象研究范畴,并选取资源禀赋高度近似的西双版纳州和德宏州为案例,实现游客感知与政府宣传旅游形象对比,选择两地游客网络游记与政府宣传网络文本为研究样本,运用内容分析法和IPA模型对两地游客感知与政府宣传旅游形象进行对比研究。研究结果表明:旅游吸引物形象维度在资源相似型目的地旅游形象中具有“非敏感性”;资源相似型旅游目的地游客感知与政府宣传旅游形象呈现出“差异—趋同”特征;资源相似型旅游目的地在“认同—错位”和“差异—趋同”效应的叠加作用下,具有各自的优势旅游形象维度。  相似文献   

琼达  赵宏杰 《旅游学刊》2016,(10):108-115
旅游目的地选择模型建构的研究多数以微观经济学、认知心理学与市场营销学等为基础理论,较少从个体与地方感情连结的视角探讨游客旅游目的地选择决策行为。文章以旅游目的地选择为研究主轴概念,结合地方情感概念中的旅游目的地意象和地方依恋,根据研究文献梳理结果、基础理论界定模型建构的路径变量与逻辑框架,进而提出基于地方情感的旅游目的地选择模型及模型过程步骤。文章建构模型表明,游客旅游目的地选择始于旅游目的地意象的形成,随着整体认知意象的深化,游客对旅游目的地将产生地方认同感,再通过选择决策行为选择意向的旅游目的地从事旅游活动,通过对旅游目的地旅游体验的功能满足产生依赖感,最终形成对旅游目的地的地方依恋感。研究成果对于旅游目的地选择具有交叉研究的创新价值,对于旅游目的地市场战略规划实践活动而言具有参照价值。  相似文献   

Assessing potential tourists' perceptions is vital to build a destination image and brand capable to attract new and repeated visitors. The increasing popularity of craft beverage tourism in recent years is incentivizing destinations to (re)design their offerings and (re)brand their image based on their craft beverages. This study investigated how the image of an emerging craft beverage tourism destination (Ica, Peru) is formed among potential tourists by inducing cognitive image (knowledge presented through picture-text dyads) of Ica's iconic resources, staple craft beverage (pisco), and resources associated with its production. Additionally, it measured the impact of local resources' characteristics, affective image, and personal characteristics on conative image (interest to visit and willingness to recommend) at different intervention stages. Results indicate that pisco-related resources are powerful enough to motivate travel, and that the characteristics of a mix of resources should be combined with beverage-specific information when developing branding strategies for craft beverage tourism destinations.  相似文献   

This study proposes a conceptual model that sheds light on how the destination image of emerging tourist destinations relates to tourism satisfaction and intention to subsequently recommend the place and purchase its products. Destination image is studied through three components – cognitive, affective, and unique. Unique image has been overlooked in previous research and few studies focus on its measurement. This study uses a new method of measuring it through text-mining of user-generated blog posts. Findings from a sample of 314 foreign visitors to Sofia, Bulgaria, reveal that the affective image influences tourist satisfaction and post-visit behaviour; the cognitive component has a significant effect on all the constructs, except for tourist satisfaction, whereas unique image only influences the intention to recommend and purchase destination country products. Joining together two streams of research, this study also argues that the intention to recommend a destination spot influences the intention to buy its products.  相似文献   

Extant literature is inconclusive on the linkage between destination image and tourist loyalty, due to the multi-dimensional nature of the two concepts. The present study attempts to draw some informative conclusions about the relationship through a meta-analysis. A research framework was proposed in which 14 hypotheses were developed. A total of 66 independent studies were synthesized and analyzed. The findings reveal that the impact of destination image on tourist loyalty is significant, with varying degrees. Specifically, overall image has the greatest impact on tourist loyalty, followed by affective image and cognitive image. Cognitive–affective joint image fails to demonstrate a stable impact on tourist loyalty. Of the three levels of tourist loyalty, destination image has the greatest impact on composite loyalty, and then on attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty, successively. The findings are discussed in light of their theoretical and practical implications for destination marketing and management.  相似文献   

Considering the increasing popularity of reality television shows, this research investigated the impact of a destination placement in reality television on tourism. Two experiments reveal that a reality show can change the image of the destination in which the show is set. This positively affects cognitive, affective and behavioral outcomes. Specifically, it changes perceptions in accordance with the depiction of the destination in the reality show, increases knowledge about the destination, favorably affects viewers' attitude toward the destination, and even more importantly, increases the intention to travel to the destination. Our findings are of interest to destination marketing organizations; they inform them on how to promote touristic destinations.  相似文献   

Can distinctive natural assets in tourist destinations be artistically recreated and used to improve destination image and attract more visitors? This paper analyses the formation of the tourist image based on artistically recreated local nature icons, and shows how those images can enhance the overall destination image. It focuses on the island of Lanzarote, a destination with its development based on promoting an environmental image founded on the creation of a network of multifunctional, high-quality art, culture and tourism centres exhibiting artistic recreation of its unique environmental assets. The methodology utilizes a questionnaire (n = 453) structural equations modelling approach in which the overall image of the destination is directly dependent on the image of the environmental conditions and indirectly influenced by the image of the artistically recreated centres. Results show that the destination's image is significantly grounded on the image of the art, culture and tourism centres using art based on Lanzarote's natural assets. They suggest that destinations have relevant opportunities to artistically enhance natural assets to improve their tourist image and marketing, that quality multi-functional visitor centres can be important within a sustainable tourism policy, and part of the emerging breadth of approaches taken by sustainable tourism marketing.  相似文献   

This research examines the complex relationship between destination image components and behavioral intentions, incorporating two pivotal but unexplored in related literature constructs, namely holistic image and personal normative beliefs (PNBs). Previous studies incorporating destination images as predictors of intention to revisit have mostly investigated their direct effect. This research integrates holistic image as a mediator and PNBs as a moderator. The findings verify the mediating role of holistic image for predicting tourists' intention to revisit a destination, supporting a partial and a full mediation. Interestingly, only affective and conative images contribute to the prediction of tourists' intention to revisit a destination through the holistic image towards this destination. Moreover, PNBs moderate the effect that conative destination images have on tourists' holistic image. Practically, the research highlights factors that affect tourists' tendency to select a tourism destination, which can serve as a basis for tailoring the effective positioning of destinations.  相似文献   

This article aims to understand the relationship between destination image and tourist’s behavioural intention. In this study, we used a meta-analysis to synthesize the effects of destination image from 87 studies. The results reveal that destination image plays significant role in predicting tourist’s intentional behaviour, in different magnitudes. To be more precise, overall and affective images have the greatest impact on behavioural intention, followed by cognitive image. Of the different dimensions of behavioural intentions, destination image has the greatest impact on intention to recommend. Implications are provided for destination management and tourism researchers based on meta-analysis.  相似文献   

Satisfaction is an excellent predictor of tourist behavior, often used in marketing and destination management. This paper analyzes the extent to which tourist satisfaction influences tourism expenditure at the destination using a gamma regression model, based on the information obtained from 2967 surveys conducted in 14 emerging urban cultural destinations in Andalusia, Spain. The results obtained show that there is indeed a correlation between tourist satisfaction and tourism expenditure at the destination, and guide the implementation of specific policies by stakeholders in these destinations, in order to increase the economic impact generated by this activity.  相似文献   

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