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信任一直被认为在应对不确定与不完全知识情境时发挥重要作用,然而,目前旅游学界对此话题的关注相对不足。文章通过对截至2022年10月发表在国际权威期刊上的148篇文献进行统计和分析,系统梳理旅游情境中信任研究理论基础、研究方法、主要议题以及研究启示。研究有以下3个发现。1)在理论应用上,既有研究运用的理论存在多元与集中并存的特征,尤以社会交换理论应用最多,且覆盖旅游消费中的游客信任、旅游地发展中的居民信任和旅游企业管理中的组织信任三大研究议题。2)在研究方法上,实证研究占据主导,且以定量方法为主。定量研究主要通过问卷调查收集数据,定性则以访谈为主。此外,诸如网络文本数据、图像数据、日志数据等也被创新性地运用于相关研究中。3)在研究议题上,主要包括旅游消费中的游客信任、旅游发展中的居民信任和旅游企业管理中的组织信任三大议题,尤以旅游消费中的游客信任研究居多,该话题涉及游客在在线预订、技术应用、危机事件以及线下旅游消费等不同情境中的信任。文章最后指出,现有研究在信任的辩证性反思、目的地整体信任、信任迁移的动态过程以及研究方法的多样性等方面有待进一步丰富和完善,并结合中西方信任文化差异提出了未...  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情背景下,旅游地面临恢复旅游发展与疫情防控的双重压力。居民作为旅游地核心利益相关群体之一,其对旅游业的态度是影响旅游业恢复的重要因素。本研究以居民政府信任、新冠风险感知为前因变量,以旅游地社会责任为调节变量构建了疫情常态化背景下居民旅游支持度模型,并选取边境城市博乐市居民为调查对象,采用结构方程模型方法对本研究所构建的模型进行实证检验。研究发现:(1)居民政府信任对旅游支持度有直接正向作用,也能通过降低居民的风险感知间接正向影响居民旅游支持度;(2)旅游地社会责任对居民政府信任和风险感知之间的关系有显著正向调节作用,即居民旅游地社会责任感知会强化居民政府信任对风险感知的负向影响;(3)旅游地社会责任对居民政府信任和旅游支持度之间的关系调节作用不显著。研究表明,政府信任是疫情常态化背景下居民支持旅游发展的重要影响因素,而且旅游地社会责任会强化这一因素的重要性。  相似文献   

刘朝晖 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):8-9
文化旅游对于文化的利用需要经历"文化资源化"和"文化再生产"的过程.旅游产业化的直接后果之一就是深刻地影响,甚至改变了人们的生活和休闲方式.在中国学术界,从事旅游研究和开发的学者,包括管理学、经济学、地理学等学科都采取不同的方式,直接或间接介入旅游开发领域,而以研究文化和地方社会见长的人类学,在旅游开发过程中,应该和怎样扮演自己的角色,把人类学的理论知识转化为实践性的行动研究,以解决与旅游相伴而生的各种社会和文化问题呢?  相似文献   

在线旅游民宿交易的模式里,动态发展的信任是影响顾客在线购买决策的重要因素,而民宿主人与顾客之间的主客互动是产生信任的重要源泉之一。以三亚旅游民宿为例,通过对在线评论的数据爬取,归纳出主客双方关注焦点,将在线旅游民宿的主客互动分为物品互动、人际互动、情境互动三个维度。在此基础上,进一步研究主客互动感知差异对在线旅游民宿顾客从初始信任发展到持续信任过程中的中介作用。研究结果表明:主客互动内部不同维度在初始信任到持续信任之中起着不同程度的中介影响作用。其中,物品互动和人际互动有显著的中介作用,且物品互动的中介效应大于人际互动的中介效应,而情境互动的中介作用不显著。  相似文献   

为践行全国高校思想政治工作的会议精神,上海市教育主管部门在开展德育综合改革发展过程中首次提出"课程思政",迅速引起了国内教育界的广泛关注。近年来,我国高校普遍展开专业课"课程思政"教学改革与实践,在此背景下,文章从研究意义、目标和内容三个方面阐述了如何将地方优秀文化融入高校旅游专业课"课程思政"教学改革研究。  相似文献   

隐私关注对旅游网站个性化服务的影响机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李凯  王晓文 《旅游学刊》2011,26(6):80-86
已有研究证实了个性化服务将提升旅游网站的服务质量,并极大地增加消费者满意度。然而,个性化服务会涉及网络消费者的隐私信息,这成为限制个性化服务发展的一个重要问题。文章引入信任、成功经验等关键影响因素,构建了消费者隐私关注与消费者使用个性化服务的行为意向之间的作用过程模型,并通过实验设计的研究方法,利用177份有效样本加以检验。研究结果发现:(1)消费者的隐私关注程度对其使用旅游网站个性化服务的行为意向具有负向作用;(2)消费者对旅游网站的信任在隐私关注和行为意向之间起到中介作用;(3)消费者是否具有使用该旅游网站的成功经验对信任和行为意向的关系起到正向调节作用。  相似文献   

文彤  苏晓波 《旅游学刊》2017,(10):39-46
借助新经济社会学的嵌入理论,文章以桂林龙脊梯田景区平安壮寨旅游小企业为案例对象,围绕"经济活动嵌入于社会关系"的逻辑思路,揭示了作为非经济因素的"关系-制度"对旅游小企业经营的影响约束.研究发现,地方嵌入中的旅游小企业一方面通过深层次的关系性嵌入将其强关系资本转化为经济优势;另一方面借助结构性嵌入实现对外经济合作,互惠互利的弱关系促成了更稳定、更具规模的经营业绩.同时,旅游小企业也受到地方社会网络中关系因素的限制,企业主会借助经济利益的分享割让来兼顾其他成员的利益,并通过积累信任将彼此关系固化为经济制度,这种牺牲经济效率而维护关系平等的行为不但表现出地方嵌入中旅游小企业的社会理性,而且反映出经济制度中关系因素所起到的保障作用,"制度是关系凝固化的结果,关系则是制度追求的目标"成为地方嵌入中旅游小企业"关系-制度"框架的内在逻辑与机制.  相似文献   

奥运旅游当以产业升级为重   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马波 《旅游学刊》2007,22(8):6-7
近几年来,国内有关奥运与旅游的讨论日趋热烈,以至于"奥运旅游"成了一个专门的词汇.几乎人人皆知,奥运会蕴含着巨大的政治、经济和社会文化价值;奥运会能够促进举办城市社会经济的快速发展,而旅游是奥运会最大的受惠产业.但是,关于奥运旅游如何发展的问题,多数的研究并不深入.  相似文献   

党的二十大报告指出,“必须牢固树立和践行绿水青山就是金山银山的理念,站在人与自然和谐共生的高度谋划发展。”在我国全面推动生态文明建设的关键时期,生态与旅游的现实矛盾引发了广泛社会关注,但基于社会与政治发展层面深度有效的学术解释缺乏。缘起于结构化马克思主义的政治生态学,将社会-生态过程与政治的尺度交互作为分析对象,为生态问题提供了更加平衡与综合的理论研究进路。文章利用知识考古学的方法论深度考察了政治生态学以及相关的旅游文献,从当代现实、理论缘起、理论发展、旅游参与以及本土议题展开论述,重点分析了国际旅游政治生态学研究思想的3个重要进展趋势:保护地旅游与资源管理的政治经济学研究、生态旅游话语意识的后结构主义批判研究、可持续发展与环境正义的实践行动研究。进一步,文章借助政治生态学的理论视角反思了我国生态与旅游发展的历史成就与现实问题,并结合二十大报告的政策理路探讨了本土旅游政治生态学研究的相关议题:关注保护地旅游历史过程的政治经济学、关注保护地社区资源利用与可持续生计的微观政治过程以及关注“两山论”的辩证性与生态发展的现实差距等。文章希冀通过政治生态学的引入,引导中国旅游研究转向生态-旅游人...  相似文献   

服务诚信问题是旅游业中备受关注的一个现实问题。已有研究从企业层面分析了旅行社整体诚信度对顾客与企业关系的影响,但对于单次服务中不诚信行为如何影响顾客信任,尚缺乏深入的探讨。文章试图用心理契约违背理论来分析服务不诚信行为对顾客信任的影响过程,同时考虑企业声誉在其中的作用。在访谈研究的基础上,文章通过情景实验法来检验研究假设。实验结果表明,服务不诚信行为不仅导致顾客对旅游服务的期望未被满足,也让顾客感觉自己遭到背叛,因而造成顾客对企业的信任感降低。企业声誉在顾客信任违背过程中发挥着双面效应,既有缓冲的作用,也有激化的作用。但总的来说,在高声誉条件下,不诚信行为严重程度越高所造成的顾客负面反应变化幅度更大。  相似文献   

Research suggests that the images residents hold about their community influence the political support for tourism. Yet, few researchers have investigated the image that local residents have of their own area. Borrowing from the existing literature on place image and residents' perceptions of tourism impacts, a theoretical model incorporating these two lines of research is developed and tested using data collected from residents of the city of Port Louis, Mauritius. It proposes four city image attributes as the independent constructs influencing residents' perceptions toward the overall impact of tourism development. These include social attributes, transport attributes, government services attributes, and shopping attributes. Overall impact of tourism development is considered to be a determinant of the level of support for the industry. Results of the structural equation modeling analysis indicate that residents' perceived levels of shopping attributes, transport attributes, and social attributes of the city influence their level of support for the tourism industry. The hypothesis relating transport attributes to overall impacts of tourism was not supported. The study provides some important considerations for local planners attempting to make tourism more supportive in the city.  相似文献   

This study proposes and tests a model that incorporates two competing theories of political trust, institutional trust and cultural trust, to examine community support for “red tourism” development. Using data gathered from residents living in close proximity to Jinggangshan Scenic Area in China, this study examines the influence of authoritarian values, particularly as they relate to level of residents’ power, their level of trust in government, and their effects on support for “red tourism.” Findings suggest that trust in central government moderates the relationship between trust in local government and support. Future studies should utilize the institutional trust framework to assess residents’ trust in the local government and the cultural trust framework to assess trust in the central government.  相似文献   

文章构建了旅游地社会责任、旅游地声誉、旅游地认同、旅游地品牌资产的整合性理论模型,采用结构方程模型实证分析旅游地社会责任、旅游地声誉、旅游地认同和旅游地品牌资产之间的结构关系,试图发掘旅游地社会责任对旅游地品牌资产的影响机理,并引入信任倾向作为调节变量,剖析在不同信任倾向的旅游者中,旅游地社会责任对旅游地品牌资产的影响是否存在差异。研究结果表明,旅游地社会责任直接显著正向作用于旅游地品牌资产;旅游地社会责任通过旅游地声誉和旅游地认同对旅游地品牌资产产生显著的间接作用;信任倾向对旅游地社会责任和旅游地声誉之间的关系具有正向调节作用;信任倾向对旅游地社会责任与旅游地品牌资产之间的关系具有正向调节作用。最后,提出研究结论,指出研究不足和未来研究展望。  相似文献   

陈刚 《旅游学刊》2012,27(5):94-102
文章考察地处四川和云南之间泸沽湖地区旅游的发展及其对当地族群关系的影响.以观察、访谈和问卷的方式,研究小组收集当地人对旅游开发后泸沽湖地区族群关系互动的认识.研究发现,旅游的发展促进了该地区族群间的交流和融合,强化了当地居民(特别是摩梭人)的族群认同.但旅游开发并没有完全消除当地族群间存在的偏见和歧视,旅游发展带来的对传统文化的冲击、族群意识的加强、市场经济的竞争和贫富差距的增大,都影响当地族群关系的健康发展.文章建议,在多民族地区旅游开发中,推行参与式开发和包客性增长的策略.  相似文献   

This paper develops critical understandings of the theoretical and practical implications of local tourism policy networks on collaborative planning. Application of the network concept in tourism has increased in recent years but has largely been focused on the competitive advantages of network organisation for small and medium size tourism enterprises. Critical discussion and development of the theoretical and operational dimensions of networks as a management approach beyond economic development has been limited. It is argued that network theory provides a useful lens for understanding the structures and social interrelations between government, tourism producers and civil society and, as such, has the potential to inform collaborative destination management policy and practice. This paper examines the contributions that networks can make in understanding collaborative planning, and how this knowledge may be able to improve collaborative planning practice.  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of the local, or regional, guide as a social mediator between a host society and tourists, as a means of sustainable tourism development in developing world locations. The debate illustrates how previous studies have neglected this social aspect of mediation by tourist guides and partly absorbed it into the concept of cultural mediation. Empirical illustrations are offered from the context of small tourist group visitations to local villages in rural areas of Madagascar, where collective social norms still play an important role. A qualitative approach based on personal interviews with guides and on field trip experience and observation is employed. Empirical findings indicate that the inclination of the host society to welcome accompanied tourists is facilitated by the capacity of local guides to develop relatively strong social ties with the host society. It is suggested that the increased use of local guides with good social relationships with the local communities as against the mere employment of non-local accompanying guides working for centrally located tour operators can enrich the mutual experience quality in the encounter between visitors and hosts and support local sustainable development by enhanced local involvement. Implications for sustainable tourism practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Sustainability indicators for managing community tourism   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The purpose of this study is to develop indicators to measure community tourism development (CTD) within a sustainable framework. In order to develop such objective indicators, this study employed a modified Delphi technique. A panel of 38 academic researchers in tourism provided input into developing the indicators. After three rounds of discussion, the panel members reached consensus on the following set of 125 indicators: political (32), social (28), ecological (25), economic (24), technological (3), and cultural dimensions (13) for CTD. This set of sustainable tourism indicators can serve as a starting-point for devising a set of indicators at the local and regional level. Further study shall develop a set of sustainable indicators relying on communities’ distinctive characteristics and employing indicator experts from the social and physical sciences and from all stakeholder groups, including residents of the host community, industry experts, government planners, policy-makers and non-governmental organizations [United Nations (2001). Managing sustainable tourism development: ESCAP tourism review, No. 22. New York, NY: UN].  相似文献   


Tourism in the Anthropocene is a powerful driver of global connections that has direct consequences for social and environmental well-being across the planet. This political ecological analysis of tourism in the Ecuadorian Amazonian presents ethnographic vignettes to account for the ways that interwoven global discourses related to biodiversity conservation and community development are encountered, contested, and leveraged to advance particular approaches to tourism at the local level. We invoke Tsing’s theory of friction to frame these discursive encounters in the context of tourism-related decision-making in the community of Misahuallí, including instances of discursive shifts being leveraged into improved well-being of local residents. This paper makes an important contribution to the scholarship on the political ecology of tourism by bringing the emic perspectives of local residents to the forefront and by demonstrating the value of Tsing’s friction metaphor for analyzing the global connections inherent in tourism. Frictions between inequities and imbalances of power, perpetuated by both the structures and discourses associated with the use of tourism to address conservation and development objectives, remain at the vanguard of tourism research as we move through the Anthropocene.  相似文献   

This paper furthers an understanding of the moral economy of tourism by analyzing how economic activities in the tourism industry are influenced by moral norms, and how these norms are compromised by the logic of capital accumulation. Through a case study of indigenous entrepreneurs in Lijiang, China, we argue that responsibility is a localized practice to defend social ties and cultural tradition, while profit making can be regarded as a universal logic in a commercial society. By analyzing how entrepreneurs become entangled in the dynamic balance between profit making and social responsibility, this paper demonstrates that local people actively choose their best strategies to participate in the global tourism industry.  相似文献   

Great strides have been made in tourism development in PR China since 1978 with the shift in emphasis from political ideology to the economy. The failure of the Chinese government to recognize the significance of tourism to the economy has led to inadequate provision of tourist services and accommoda- tion. The State Administration for Travel and Tourism (SATT) has recently produced a report aimed at developing a new prospect for Chinese tourism. Zhang Guangrui, Assistant Fellow of the Institute of Finance and Trade Economics, brings us up-to-date with the state of tourism in China.  相似文献   

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