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市场的竞争与市场的策略师勇竞争是市场经济中特有的经济现象,是推动各个企业适应社会消费需要,改善经营管理的重要手段,是发挥企业经营积极性和主动性的外部动力。并能促使企业及时、科学地作出市场策略。一、市场竞争分析企业在市场中的竞争一般面临的有以下几个方面...  相似文献   

洪银兴 《经济问题》1989,(2):5-9,56
一、现存的市场体制人们在探索市场改革的任务,现在需要弄清楚的是我国现存的市场体制是什么?经过十年的改革,我国市场体制现存的状态与十年前的状态显然已经不是一回事了。(一)改革前的市场状况  相似文献   

垄断竞争市场及其评论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王冰 《经济师》1999,(8):8-10
所谓垄断竞争市场,是不完全竞争市场类型中的一种市场形式,具体是指那种既存在着竞争又存在着垄断、既不是完全竞争又不是完全垄断的市场类型。因而,垄断竞争市场类型,介于垄断和竞争两种市场类型之间,同时,又兼有垄断和竞争两种市场类型的基本特征。在现实经济生活...  相似文献   

品牌:市场边界与竞争制高点   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
品牌是企业与消费者联联结的无形纽带,是企业通过产品对消费者最庄严、最重要的承诺。品牌尤其具有较高知名度和良好美育度的品牌是企业获取竞争优势、进占目标市场的“通灵玉宝”。品牌的背后是顾客,品牌是市场边界。随着国内市场与国际市场的对接和市场竞争的加剧,品牌日益为企业所高度重视,竞争企业纷纷打出自己的品牌,品牌成为企业参与国际国内市场竞争、与对手角逐的重要而有效的工具;品牌成为市场竞争的焦点和制高点。  相似文献   

竞争市场与垄断市场:一个基于福利的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统经济理论认为垄断会导致社会福利的损失。在它的分析框架中。实际上瞻舍着成本不变假说,即完全竞争市场中的企业与垄断市场中的企业的成本(或边际成本)是相同的。规模经济理论告诉我们,规模大的企业更容易形成规模经济效果,因而垄断企业的规模经济效果是完全竞争企业不可比拟的,成本不变假说就显得很不真实。本文试图证明在某种前提(如资金密集型产业和知识密集型产业)下垄断所带来的规模经济效果能够弥补社会福利的损失,甚至使社会总福利增加。这一结论对我国市场化改革具有现实意义。  相似文献   

移动通信市场是我国电信产业发展的主要热点。文章对中国移动通信市场特征和竞争特点进行了深入的分析,并在此基础上提出了移动运营商可以实施的竞争策略,对于推动我国移动通信市场的发展具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

作为现代市场体系的重要组成部分,国内银行市场的集中度极高,市场带有寡头特征,但银行市场的非规范竞争却很严重。文章运用产业组织理论的原理证明,银行采用给予折扣等非规范竞争是一种理性选择。而具体的非规范竞争行为又与市场需求弹性、银行管理水平、存款企业的所有制性质相关。根据对银行市场折扣行为的分析,笔者的结论是监管部门除了对相关行为进行有效监管以外,还要逐步放开利率管制、鼓励银行进行业务创新并进一步开放银行市场。  相似文献   

市场势力是竞争法经济学中的一个重要概念,它是指厂商通过有利可图的方式把价格抬高到竞争水平—基准价格—以上的能力。在很多情况下,竞争政策只关心那些拥有充分大的市场势力的厂商。因此首要问题是如何衡量市场势力,本文试图从不同角度阐述市场势力的度量方法,分别为从概念出发的度量方法和市场势力的计量经济技术方法。  相似文献   

冯英 《经济与管理》2006,20(8):53-56
基于电信业所具有的产业特征,政府管制不但不能简单抛弃,而且是形成有效电信竞争的必要条件。就电信产业而言,在放松管制引入竞争的同时,要强化具体的管制措施,否则,有效竞争的局面难以形成。  相似文献   

G. R. Chen 《Applied economics》2016,48(36):3485-3496
This article presents a price floor model in which durability, unit costs and production period are factors in explaining price rigidity. This article elaborates that cost structure plays an essential role in resolving the inconclusive relationship between market concentration and price rigidity. When the industry is characterized by decreasing returns of scale, the degree of price flexibility decreases as market competition intensifies. The reverse is true when the industry exhibits increasing returns of scale. The factors that cause price rigidity also foster price adjustment asymmetry and price adjustment lag. During times of recession, the model exhibits upward price flexibility as costs increase, but downward price rigidity as costs decrease. Even under forward-looking expectations, the way in which firms adjust prices could look as though they have adaptive expectations. If price stickiness is a characteristic of market competition, then public policies determined by price level could be too drastic for firms in competitive markets.  相似文献   

New data on air fares offered on 29 trans‐Tasman and domestic New Zealand routes are analysed to test whether competition between traditional or ‘legacy’ airlines still matters for pricing in the new air travel regime characterised by internet booking systems and competition from low cost carriers. It is found that market structure does indeed still matter. Air fares are significantly lower on those domestic New Zealand routes where Air New Zealand faces competition from Qantas. In addition, on the trans‐Tasman routes, the new entrants Virgin (Pacific) Blue and Emirates have put competitive pressure on Air New Zealand and Qantas, but such pressure would not be sufficient to compensate for loss of independent competition between the larger incumbents.  相似文献   

垄断、竞争与市场规制:美国的经验与中国的实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济学上的垄断是指对市场的控制和干预,它包括企业垄断和政府垄断,垄断的危害极大,各国法律对其限制严格。我国现有的《反不正当竞争法》不足以限制垄断行为,尤其是政府经济垄断;美国《反托拉斯法》的经济与法律思想及其实施给我们提供了一个很好的参考模式,因此,借鉴美国的经验,修订和完善《反不正当竞争法》规范政府垄断行为,是建立完善的市场经济秩序的重要保证。  相似文献   

资本结构与产品市场竞争强度   总被引:120,自引:0,他引:120  
资本结构与产品市场竞争之间的关系 ,涉及公司金融学和产业经济学两个过去不相关的学术领域。本文对此提出了一个理论假设并建立了相关的经济模型 ,目的是检验企业的资本结构决策与其在产品市场上的竞争战略之间的关系。理论分析表明 ,企业的资本结构选择作为企业向市场发出的一项承诺 ,它向行业内的其他企业表示企业的竞争行为将更加强硬或更加温和 ,即它具有显著的信号发送功能 ,同时能够产生战略效应。企业的资本结构与其所在的产品市场上的竞争强度之间具有显著的正相关关系。我们以深、沪两地的上市公司为例进行的实证研究有效地支持了我们上述的假设。这对企业经营战略的制订与实施具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

Competition, Contractibility, and the Market for Donors to Nonprofits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article investigates theoretically and empirically theeffects of competition for donors on the behavior of nonprofitorganizations. Theoretically, we consider a situation in whichnonprofit organizations use donations to produce some commodity,but the use of donations is only partially contractible. Themain results of the model indicate that an increase in competition(i) decreases the fraction of donations allocated to perquisiteconsumption and (ii) increases the fraction of donations allocatedto promotional expenditures. Moreover, the effects of competitionare magnified by the ability to contract on the use of donations.These hypotheses are tested with data on the expenditures ofnonprofit organizations in a number of subsectors where competitionis primarily local. We use across–metropolitan statisticalareas' variation to measure differences in competition and proxycontractibility by the importance of tangible assets, whichare more easily observed by donors. The estimated effects ofcompetition and contractibility are consistent with our model.  相似文献   

在经济全球化形势下,面对跨国公司大举进入及其竞争优势,企业必须要依靠核心竞争力参与市场竞争。本文综述企业核心竞争力的基本内涵和作用,探讨多元化经营发展战略的模式和技术创新与核心竞争力的关系,提出培育和提升企业核心竞争力的基本对策。  相似文献   

We consider a market in which an expert must exert costly but unobservable effort to identify the service that meets the consumer's need. In our model, experts offer competing contracts and the consumer may gather multiple opinions. We explore the incentives that a competitive sampling of prices and opinions provides for experts to exert effort and find that there is a tension between price competition and the equilibrium effort. In particular, the equilibrium fails to realize the second best welfare optimum. An intervention, that limits price competition via price control, increases welfare.  相似文献   

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