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The appropriate conception of team outputs is investigated by estimating a two-output factor demand system for baseball teams, relative to which single-output models are rejected. This finding is robust to alternative approaches to testing and model choice. The factor demands are those of the symmetric generalized McFadden cost function, which has several advantages in this context. The team factor inputs are the skill characteristics of players, the prices of which are obtained hedonically. In addition to investigating one- versus two-output models, the estimation results are used to obtain demand and substitution elasticities, factor input elasticities with respect to output, cost elasticities, and measures of economies of scale and scope. Although the results support a multiproduct conception of team production, output separability is not rejected, suggesting that team outputs may sometimes be adequately treated as a production aggregate.  相似文献   

Using 17 annual input-output tables of the Maltese economy, this study examines the effect of input prices on input-output coefficients. The Leontief production function is substituted by the generalised Leontief cost function and input demand functions are derived. The empirical result that 56 percent of these derived input demand functions have a relative price variable which is significant indicates that, in general, the Leontief specification is rejected in favour of the generalised Leontief form used in this study. This result, along with a marked improvement in forecasting ability, suggests that this modification of the traditional Leontief specification is worthwhile.  相似文献   

The translog functional form imposes no a priori restrictions on the substitution possibilities between the factor inputs, by relaxing the assumption of strong separability, and the CES–translog cost function specification allows for testing homothetic technology with Hicks‐neutral technical change. In this paper an n ‐factor CES–translog production function is presented which develops the parameters to directly assess scale effects from those due to technology in the production structure. In addition, by applying Shephard's lemma it was possible to derive the input demand functions, as well as the partial elasticities of substitution and the cross‐partial price elasticities of demand for a generalized CES–translog production structure.  相似文献   

This note investigates a change of consumer preferences in Poland in the period of 1996–2016. I use the Euler equation–generalized method of moments (GMM) to estimate the structural parameters of the aggregate consumption function to show that consumers in Poland significantly change their attitude to risk during the global financial crisis, when the estimate of the risk-aversion parameter becomes very high, while otherwise close to zero suggesting near risk neutrality. Also, the subjective trade-off between consumption today and tomorrow undergoes an evolution towards lower ‘impatience’. Over-identifying restrictions are tested and the null hypothesis of validity of instruments is not rejected. The stability over time of the estimated parameters is tested and rejected. The evolution of preferences is shown through recursive estimates of the deep parameters, too.  相似文献   

This paper presents an econometric analysis of factor demands in the Norwegian primary aluminium industry using annual plant-level panel data. The translog cost function approach is applied, and a multivariate error-correction model of the cost shares of labour, raw materials and electricity is estimated. Capital is assumed tobe quasi-fixed. The hypothesis of fixed input coefficients is rejected for this industry, but the estimated own-price and cross-price elasticities suggest that relative price variations have limited effect on conditional factor demands.  相似文献   

The translog cost function is valuable to researchers for empirical analysis in themodelling of indirect cost and profit functions. A flaw of the functional form is in themodelling of zero output values. This study examined the impacts of empirical definition of zero output values on price elasticities, economies of scope and scale, using the translog cost function. Estimation of a system of cost and factor share equations with regularity condition imposed was conducted. Results show that the choice of default values affects policy recommendations.  相似文献   

《European Economic Review》1986,30(4):909-913
Employing individual household expenditure data for six foodstuffs we test five three-parameter and four two-parameter Engel curves against a more general form. All two-parameter functions must be rejected, including Working's function; it appears that a transformation of the budget share is in order to capture the observed curvature.  相似文献   

An investigation is made of some of the important methodological problems arising in the study of engineering design processes. Independent support to the basis of previously developed generalized Poisson models of technological innovation and the reformulated technological progress function seems forthcoming. In light of the findings here, the coverage of the former would seem to be extended to both major as well as minor innovations. The ordinary version of the learning by doing hypothesis of technological change is decisively rejected. Spin-off, if any, in the invention process appears to be considerable and instantaneous. A formal theoretical view is emphasized to be a prerequisite to leading indicators approach to forecasting. An unambiguous indication provided by the results of this study is that short run changes in engineering design processes should be distinguished from those in the long run and transitory changes in design process from permanent changes.  相似文献   

We report on experiments examining the value of commitment in Stackelberg games where the follower chooses whether to pay some cost to perfectly observe the leader's action. Várdy [Games Econ. Behav. (2004)] shows that in the unique pure-strategy subgame perfect equilibrium of this game, the value of commitment is lost completely; however, there exists a mixed-strategy subgame perfect equilibrium where the value of commitment is fully preserved. In the data, the value of commitment is largely preserved when the cost of looking is small, while it is lost when the cost is large. Nevertheless, for small observation costs, equilibrium behavior is clearly rejected. Instead, subjects persistently play non-equilibrium strategies in which the probability of the follower choosing to observe the leader's action is a decreasing function of the observation cost.  相似文献   

The parameters of the short-run cost function are estimated for three vessel types taking part in the Norwegian pelagic fisheries: purse seine vessels, trawlers, and coastal vessels. The generalized translog functional form is used. Estimates of returns to scale are calculated and the results indicate that there are substantial economies of scale in all vessel classes. It is further investigated whether excess capacity varies with vessel size and age. The analysis suggests increased quotas per vessel to avoid rent dissipation. With the total allowable catch given, the number of participating vessels must be reduced.  相似文献   

Using Canadian data, the consumption-based asset pricing model is studied, defined in terms of nondurable and durable goods consumption. A two-stage estimation procedure is used, which takes account of the presence of common stochastic trends in the forcing processes. This method yields more reasonable estimates of the preference parameters than the previous studies did, and the asset-pricing equation is not rejected by the data. Moreover, the preference specification adopted in this paper allows a number of useful economic information to be obtained. The additive separability assumption and the Cobb–Douglas functional form of the utility function are ruled complements in the sense of Edgeworth and Pareto.  相似文献   

This study employs a generalized functional form to examine demand for residential electiricity. The appropriatenes of the conventional double-log and linear forms are tested. Time-varying elasicities are estimated. Major findings are summarized as follows:(1) the double-log and linear forms can be rejected at the 0.05 and 0.01 levels, respectively; (2) long-run own-price elasticities declined in absolute value consistently from 2.13 to 1.19 during the period 1950–87; (3) long-run income elasticities also decreased from 1.29 to 0.97 during the same period; and (4) long-run corss-Price elasticities with respect to the price of natural gas dropped form 0.40 to 0.29. These results may be heplful to decision makers in determining the change in total revenues owning to the change in prices, pricing strategies, the effectiveness of energy conservation programmes, the effect of rising real income on the demand for residential electricity and future demand.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2001,55(2):219-254
Recent theoretical analyses demonstrate how informational asymmetries between financiers and investors may generate credit rationing and positive cost differentials between external and internal financing sources. The traditional empirical approach used to test for the presence of financing constraints at firm level is based on two pillars: a priori identification of relatively more financially constrained firms and econometric estimation of an investment demand function. This approach has been seriously questioned due to several methodological problems. This paper intends to amend it by adding a third pillar: the informational content of direct revelation through qualitative data. The paper estimates a reduced form investment equation following the Euler equation approach, and combines a priori information and direct qualitative information to consistently estimate for each firm the probability of being financially constrained. Our main finding is that when financially constrained firms are properly identified, the neoclassical model is rejected only for unconstrained firms. This indirectly rescues the validity of the Euler equation approach. Moreover, financially constrained firms show a positive correlation between investment and lagged cash flow.  相似文献   

Firm investment in transition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper a model based on the Euler equation of optimal capital accumulation in the presence of convex adjustment costs is developed and estimated. The theoretical model explicitly allows for differential financial status across firms. The empirical analysis uses Romanian manufacturing firm panel data to estimate dynamic investment models with the generalized method of moments (GMM‐IV) technique and tests the derived hypotheses. The results indicate that the model based on the perfect market assumptions is rejected. The version of the model that allows for differential financial status of firms by using a theoretically derived sample selection rule is not rejected by the data. Controlling for soft budget constraints, common for transition economies, further improves the performance of the model.  相似文献   

This study investigates the existence of economies of scale in the South African motor vehicle industry as well as the substitution possibilities between input pairs and the direct and cross-price elasticities of demand for the various inputs. Because of data limitations, a translog cost function was estimated for only a three input model corresponding to a homogeneous production function involving capital, labour and intermediate goods. The issue of the existence of economies of scale in the South African motor vehicle industry is a particularly important one because South Africa once again is a member of GATT and a full participant in the international trade arena. The null hypothesis of constant returns to scale was rejected at the 0.5% level of significance. Thus, the results of this model are certainly consistent with economies of scale in the South African motor vehicle industry. The estimated direct price elasticities were consistent with the hypothesis that, during the past two decades, capital was the productive factor with the most elastic demand, and the estimated cross-elasticities between input pairs generally supported the hypothesis that all inputs are substitutes.  相似文献   

Simple sequencing problems with interdependent costs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we analyze simple sequencing problems under incomplete information and interdependent costs. We prove the necessity of concave cost function for implementability of such problems. Implementability means that one can achieve aggregate cost minimization in ex-post equilibrium. We also show that simple sequencing problems are implementable if and only if the mechanism is a ‘generalized VCG mechanism.’ We then consider first best implementability, that is implementability with budget balancing transfer. We prove that for implementable n agent simple sequencing problems, with polynomial cost function of order (n−2) or less, one can achieve first best implementability. Finally, for the class of implementable simple sequencing problems with “sufficiently well behaved” cost function, this is the only first best class.  相似文献   

We study the welfare cost of market incompleteness in a generalized Bewley model where idiosyncratic risk takes the form of entrepreneurial productivity shocks. Market incompleteness in our framework has two dimensions. First, in the Bewley tradition, only a limited set of instruments for consumption smoothing is available. Second, entrepreneurs? capital rental is subject to collateral constraints. As is well known, it is harder to self-insure against more persistent shocks, and the welfare cost of missing consumption insurance increases with shock persistence. On the other hand, with collateral constraints, an increase in shock persistence leads to better allocation of production factors through entrepreneurs? self-financing, and the welfare cost of imperfect capital rental markets decreases with shock persistence. The overall welfare cost of market incompleteness can be increasing, decreasing, or even non-monotone in shock persistence, depending on the relative strengths of its two components—the cost of missing insurance and the cost of imperfect capital markets.  相似文献   

In this paper, time series annual data on five consumer goods for Korea are analyzed using the neoclassical model of consumer behavior. The approach taken is the indirect utility function and employs a translog form. Various restrictive specifications of consumer preferences with respect to homotheticity and separability are examined and rejected by the likelihood ratio test. Income and price elasticities are estimated, which appear to be generally high relative to those of developed countries. Growth in real income is primarily responsible for changes in commodity demand. Marginal utilities of income and associated income elasticities are calculated, which are consistent with normal expectations.  相似文献   

A (multivalued) choice is justified if no two chosen alternatives are preferred to each other, and if all chosen alternatives are preferred to all rejected alternatives. This concept permits a connection between the behavioral property expressed by WARP and a weak form of preference maximization. I am grateful to Michele Lombardi, Michael Mandler, Paola Manzini and an anonymous referee for useful discussions and comments.  相似文献   

This paper examines economies of scale in Australian banks. A bank multi-product cost function is estimated using a translog functional form with data drawn from twelve banks spanning the period 1978 to 1990. Different formulations of the model are estimated. Results prove sensitive to estimation assumptions and data definitions however they support the presence of economies of scale for Australian banking in this period  相似文献   

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