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We develop and empirically test a trade-off model for the analysis of leverage changes in mergers and acquisitions. Our study extends prior findings of a post-merger increase in leverage for the acquiring firm, by linking this leverage increase to merging firms that are less correlated, create significantly larger growth options, and have lower bankruptcy costs and lower volatility. Specifically, we show that acquiring firms are more likely to finance diversifying acquisitions with debt as equity holders exploit the increased debt capacity with higher leverage resulting in total merger gains that are positively associated with financial synergies. We also provide evidence of a U-shaped relationship between growth options and leverage changes theoretically and empirically in the context of mergers.  相似文献   

由于传统计划经济体制的影,我国经济发展过程中金融代行财政职能.出现了诸多问题.财政杠杆与金融杠杆如何有效地配合使用,是今后经济发展中必须解决的问题.二者如果配合适当,就会促进社会经济的协调发展.  相似文献   

We measure the efficiency of mergers and acquisitions by putting forward an index (the ‘M&A Index’) based on stochastic frontier analysis. The M&A Index is calculated for each takeover deal and is standardized between 0 and 1. An acquisition with a higher index encompasses higher efficiency. We find that takeover bids with higher M&A Indices are more likely to succeed. Moreover, the M&A Index shows a strong and positive relation with the acquirers’ post-acquisition stock performance in the short run and operating performance in the long run. After constructing three portfolios under a buy-and-hold strategy, we find that efficient portfolios with the highest indices earn higher equity returns and monthly alphas than inefficient portfolios with the lowest indices. Overall, our findings indicate that the M&A Index is positively associated with merger outcomes for acquirers.  相似文献   

Historical market-to-book has been shown to explain current leverage. Prior studies attribute the evidence to market timing. This study shows that with the presence of time-varying targets and adjustment costs, historical market-to-book has a significant impact on leverage even when firms do not time the market. The historical values of alternative market timing proxies, such as insider sales and the market sentiment index, are shown to have no effects on leverage while the historical values of alternative growth-option proxies do have effects. Overall, the evidence is largely consistent with a partial adjustment model of leverage.  相似文献   

While prior research has extensively examined the market response to target net operating loss carryforwards (NOLs) in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) announcements, the question of whether target NOLs are priced by the participating firms during the price negotiation process has not been explicitly addressed. Answers to this question could provide direct measures to assist firms in pricing target NOLs in M&As. Our results show that the participating firms price target NOLs based on how long it will take the acquirer to use the acquired NOL in both nontaxable and taxable acquisitions under the Tax Reform Act of 1986. Also, we find a significant difference in the market pricing and the participant pricing of target short-lived NOLs before, and continuing well after, the announcement date. Our findings suggest that the importance of the differences between the market and the participating firms perspectives should be considered when conducting future research in this area.  相似文献   

The two major problems with typical structural models are the failure to attain a positive credit spread in the very short term, and overestimation of the overall level of the credit spread. We recognize the presence of option liabilities in a firm’s capital structure and the effect they have on the firm’s credit spread. Including option liabilities and employing a regime switching interest rate process to capture the business cycle resolves the above-mentioned drawbacks in explaining credit spreads. We find that the credit spread overestimation problem in one of the structural models, Collin-Dufresne and Goldstein (J Finan 56:1929–1957, 2001), can be resolved by combining option liabilities and the regime-switching interest rate process when dealing with an investment grade bond, whereas with junk bonds, only the regime-switching interest rate process is needed. We also examine vulnerable option values, debt values, and zero-coupon bond values with different model settings and leverage ratios.   相似文献   

This article is a theoretical examination of optimal financial leverage for real estate investment in the presence of uncertainty. The main result shows that uncertainty creates the possibility that a borrower will default on a real estate loan and that this possibility is the underlying factor in optimal leverage calculations for both borrower and lender.  相似文献   

A number of studies suggest that social trust matters for investment. Using different measures of trust from World Values Survey, we show that countries where people display higher levels of trust engage in more cross-border M&A activities. When they do, these acquirers pay lower premiums. To the extent that these acquirers also tend to engage in larger acquisitions as well, our findings suggest that a larger selection pool of potential targets and higher value targets enable these acquirers to negotiate for lower premiums. We do not find evidence of the significant effect for target country trust levels. Hence, trust may benefit those acquiring firms in cross-border transactions.  相似文献   

This research examines the relation between tournament-based incentives, which are proxied by the difference between a firm's CEO pay and the median pay of the senior managers, and mergers and acquisitions (M&As). We find that tournament-based incentives are positively related to firm acquisitiveness and acquiring firms' stock and operating performance. Further analysis indicates that positive acquisition performance increases the likelihood of the CEO being promoted from inside the acquiring firm. Our evidence is consistent with the view that tournament-based incentives motivate acquiring firms' managers to make greater efforts and take more risk that result in superior acquisition performance.  相似文献   

This research examines the relation between political corruption and mergers and acquisitions (M&As). We find that local corruption increases firm acquisitiveness but decreases firm targetiveness. The levels of corruption in acquirer areas relate positively to the bid premiums and negatively to the likelihood of deal completion. Corruption motivates acquiring firms to use excess cash for payment, which mitigates the negative effect of corruption on acquirer shareholder value. The evidence indicates that acquisitions help acquiring firms convert cash into hard-to-extract assets and relocate assets from the high to low corruption areas, thereby shielding their liquid assets from expropriation by local officials.  相似文献   

Does director gender influence CEO empire building? Does it affect the bid premium paid for target firms? Less overconfident female directors less overestimate merger gains. As a result, firms with female directors are less likely to make acquisitions and if they do, pay lower bid premia. Using acquisition bids by S&P 1500 companies during 1997–2009 we find that each additional female director is associated with 7.6% fewer bids, and each additional female director on a bidder board reduces the bid premium paid by 15.4%. Our findings support the notion that female directors help create shareholder value through their influence on acquisition decisions. We also discuss other possible interpretations of our findings.  相似文献   

This paper presents a dynamic model of takeovers based on the stock market valuations of merging firms. The model incorporates competition and imperfect information and determines the terms and timing of takeovers by solving option exercise games between bidding and target shareholders. The implications of the model for returns to stockholders are consistent with the available evidence. In addition, the model generates new predictions relating these returns to the drift, volatility and correlation coefficient of the bidder and the target stock returns and to the dispersion of beliefs regarding the benefits of the takeover.  相似文献   

We examine bidding firms' motives for disclosing a synergy forecast when announcing a merger or acquisition. Our sample consists of 1990 M&A deals, of which 345 announce synergy estimates. Our results suggest that synergy disclosures serve to obtain a more favorable market reception for deals that would otherwise induce highly negative bidder announcement returns. After controlling for the endogeneity of the disclosure decision, synergy forecast disclosures result in approximately 5% higher bidder stock returns. The main deterrents of disclosing synergy values are lack of precise information on synergy values available to bidding firm management, and shareholder litigation risk. Bidders do not seem to use synergy disclosures to strategically influence takeover premiums or competition for the target.  相似文献   

Using hand-collected data, we examine the targeting of shareholder class action lawsuits in merger and acquisition (M&A) transactions, and the associations of these lawsuits with offer completion rates and takeover premia. We find that M&A offers subject to shareholder lawsuits are completed at a significantly lower rate than offers not subject to litigation, after controlling for selection bias, different judicial standards, major offer characteristics, M&A financial and legal advisor reputations as well as industry and year fixed effects. M&A offers subject to shareholder lawsuits have significantly higher takeover premia in completed deals, after controlling for the same factors. Economically, the expected rise in takeover premia more than offsets the fall in the probability of deal completion, resulting in a positive expected gain to target shareholders. However, in general, target stock price reactions to bid announcements do not appear to fully anticipate the positive expected gain from potential litigation. We find that during a merger wave characterized by friendly single-bidder offers, shareholder litigation substitutes for the presence of a rival bidder by policing low-ball bids and forcing offer price improvement by the bidder.  相似文献   

We investigate loan price in mergers and acquisitions (M&As), using hand-matched loan information for a sample of 512 U.S. M&A transactions. We find the relative size of a deal constitutes a prominent determinant of the loan price measured by the all-in spread drawn (AISD). This result is robust to several specifications that address endogeneity concerns. Cross-sectional analyses show that aggravated credit risk and information uncertainty after M&A go some way towards explaining lenders' concerns over large relative deal size. Further analysis demonstrates higher AISD is associated with lower post-transaction performance, indicating loan price factors in the risk of poor post-transaction performance correctly.  相似文献   

LARCH, Leverage, and Long Memory   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We consider the long-memory and leverage properties of a modelfor the conditional variance of an observable stationary sequence Xt, where is the square of an inhomogeneous linear combination of Xs, s < t, withsquare summable weights bj. This model, which we call linearautoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic (LARCH), specializes,when depends only on Xt–1, to theasymmetric ARCH model of Engle (1990, Review of Financial Studies3, 103–106), and, when depends only on finitely many Xs, to a version of the quadratic ARCH modelof Sentana (1995, Review of Economic Studies 62, 639–661),these authors having discussed leverage potential in such models.The model that we consider was suggested by Robinson (1991,Journal of Econometrics 47, 67–84), for use as a possiblylong-memory conditionally heteroskedastic alternative to i.i.d.behavior, and further studied by Giraitis, Robinson and Surgailis(2000, Annals of Applied Probability 10, 1002–1004), whoshowed that integer powers , =" BORDER="0">2 can have long-memory autocorrelations. We establish conditionsunder which the cross-autocovariance function between volatilityand levels, , decays in the manner of moving average weights of long-memory processes on suitable choiceof the bj. We also establish the leverage property that ht <0 for 0 < t k, where the value of k (which may be infinite)again depends on the bj. Conditions for finiteness of thirdand higher moments of Xt are also established.  相似文献   

We evaluate the link between family ownership and cross-border investment behavior. By analyzing a sample of 2000 large U.S. acquirers between 2001 and 2016, we empirically show that family firms are less active in the international market for corporate control. Unlike non-family firms, family firms generate positive cross-border acquisition returns. Our results also suggest that target country conditions and acquirer financing constraints influence the link between family ownership and cross-border acquisitiveness as well as its valuation consequences. Overall, we find evidence to indicate that reduced shareholder-manager agency conflicts in family firms result in value enhancing cross-border investment behavior.  相似文献   

Healthcare reform will impact hospital consolidation in three key areas: Payment rates will decrease, indirectly encouraging consolidation by forcing hospitals to find new ways to reduce costs and increase negotiating clout with suppliers and payers. The cost of doing business will increase as hospitals spend more on compliance, technology, and physician employment. The ACO model will encourage hospital network formation by rewarding integrated healthcare systems that can reduce costs and improve quality.  相似文献   

The U.S. banking industry has seen waves of mergers since the 1980s. Despite a significant body of research on the determinants of these waves, there are few studies of how CEOs influence banks’ mergers and acquisitions (M&As). This paper studies the effect of CEO aggressiveness on bank M&As. We construct a new measure of bank CEO aggressiveness based on CEOs’ ancestral countries of origin and data on inter-country wars. We find that aggressive CEOs are more likely to acquire other banks. Moreover, the impact of CEO aggressiveness on bank M&A decisions is more pronounced when the CEOs are from larger and more profitable banks, when CEOs have a longer tenure, and when CEOs’ ancestral country of origin has a more masculine culture. Moreover, we show that aggressive CEOs are more likely to make acquisitions when CEOs possess more cultural maintenance, which captures the extent to which CEOs retain their original cultural values and beliefs. Finally, we document positive short-term stock market reactions to bank M&As initiated by aggressive CEOs.  相似文献   

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