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Inspired by the empirical findings, we include international traders to capture linkage between markets and propose a two-market heterogeneous agents model to simulate financial crisis with contagion effect. This paper manages to calibrate sudden crash behavior of US and UK stock markets during “Black Monday” of 1987 besides smooth crisis and disturbing crisis categorized in literature. It is implied that financial crisis and its contagion could be endogenous, which supports a scenario of over-valuation causing a financial crisis. In addition, the model shows that financial system could be fragile in which small shock(s) hitting individual market’s fundamental could cause financial crisis spreading to the other market. This also supports a scenario of external shock triggering a financial crisis. Lastly, to demonstrate the relevance of our model to financial markets, we manage to match typical stylized facts, especially cross-correlation which is exclusive to a multiple-market case.  相似文献   

We investigate whether convex incentive contracts are a source of instability of financial markets as indicated by the results of a continuous double-auction asset market experiment performed by Holmen et al. (J Econ Dyn Control 40:179–194, 2014). We develop a model to replicate the setting of the experiment and perform an agent-based simulation where agents have linear or convex incentives. Extending the simulation by varying features of actual asset markets that were not studied in the experiment, our main results show that increasing the number of convex incentive contracts increases prices and volatility and decreases market liquidity, measured both as bid–ask spreads and volumes. We also observe that the influence of risk aversion on traders’ decisions decreases when there are convex contracts and that increasing the differences in initial wealth among the traders has similar effects as increasing number of convex incentive contracts.  相似文献   

The relevance of risk preference and forecasting accuracy for investor survival has recently been the focus of a series of theoretical and simulation studies. At one extreme, it has been proven that risk preference can be entirely irrelevant (Sandroni in Econometrica 68:1303–1341, 2000; Blume and Easley in Econometrica 74(4):929–966, 2006). However, the agent-based computational approach indicates that risk preference matters and can be more relevant for survivability than forecasting accuracy (Chen and Huang in Advances in natural computation, Springer, Berlin, 2005; J Econ Behav Organ 67(3):702–717, 2008; Huang in J Econ Interact Coord, 2015). Chen and Huang (Inf Sci 177(5):1222–1229, 2007, 2008) further explained that it is the saving behavior of traders that determines their survivability. However, institutional investors do not have to consider saving decisions that are the most influential investors in modern financial markets. Additionally, traders in the above series of theoretical and simulation studies have learned to forecast the stochastic process that determines which asset will pay dividends, not the market prices and dividends. To relate the research on survivability to issues with respect to the efficient markets hypothesis, it is better to endow agents with the ability to forecast market prices and dividends. With the Santa Fe Artificial Stock Market, where traders do not have to consider saving decisions and can learn to forecast both asset prices and dividends, we revisit the issue of survivability and market efficiency. We find that the main finding of Chen and Huang (2008) that risk preference is much more relevant for survivability than forecasting accuracy still holds for a wide range of market conditions but can fail when the baseline dividend becomes very small. Moreover, the advantage of traders who are less averse to risk is revealed in the market where saving decisions are not taken into account. Finally, Huang’s (2015) argument regarding the degree of market inefficiency is confirmed.  相似文献   

We examine how the different mix of informed and liquidity trading in the market for ETFs affects the nature of inter-market competition. We find that both the characteristics of the securities and the structures of the competing markets jointly determine the nature of inter-market competition. Given the superior execution quality on the ECNs and the low adverse selection costs in the ETF market, anonymous market such as the ECNs, attract both liquidity and informed traders. We also find that markets compete in a subset of ETFs. In addition, we find that quotebased competition is prevalent in the market for ETFs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the price and volatility relationship in European short-term interest rate markets. Cointegration analysis is used to analyse the long and short run relationship and a GARCH BEKK model is estimated to analyse the volatility transmission between the markets. The stability of the long run relationship is also examined using Bai and Perron (Econometrica 66(1),47–78, 1998, J Appl Econ 18(1):1–22, 2003) structural break methodology. The results show that the relationship between the EURIBOR spot deposit rate and the EURIBOR future contract has changed significantly since 2001 and several structural breaks are present in the 13 year sample period. During periods where there is a long run relationship present the spot deposit rate generally leads the future rate in price discovery. In the short run there is bi-directional causality present between the markets. There is also significant evidence of volatility transmission from the spot market to the futures market throughout the sample period.  相似文献   

The large majority of sports betting papers have addressed questions of market efficiency based on the outcome of single game, such as spread (sides) or point totals wagers. This research examines the Major League Baseball (MLB) season wins total over/under betting market with respect to questions of market efficiency and profitability. Woodland and Woodland (2013, 2015) investigated the season wins total markets for the National Football League (NFL) and the National Basketball Association (NBA) and found significant inefficiencies. Betting rules tested in this paper parallel those proposed by Woodland and Woodland for the NFL and NBA. They aim to take advantage of the implications of the representativeness heuristic, that is, individuals expect results from a small number of games to generalize to the entire population. The MLB market is found to be inefficient, and provides opportunities for profitable wagering. We establish a tendency for bettors to overreact to a team’s performance in the previous season, particularly for teams with winning records. Results are consistent with the findings for the NFL and NBA season wins totals betting markets. This may be the consequence of monetary betting limits and a structure requiring the completion of a sport’s season before the bet outcome is determined, both of which could discourage some bettors from participating.  相似文献   

The Marginal Trader Hypothesis (Forsythe et al. 1992, in American Economic Review 82(5): 1142–1161) posits that a small group of well-informed traders keep an asset’s market price equal to its fundamental value. Forsythe et al. base this claim on evidence from U.S. presidential prediction markets. We test the Marginal Trader Hypothesis by examining a decision task that precludes marginal traders. Specifically, students are asked to predict the class average for a given exam. We show that performance on our task is similar to that reported for the Iowa Electronic Markets, and that accuracy is unrelated to academic performance and does not correlate across tasks.  相似文献   

A major concern about the use of simulation models regards their relationship with the empirical data. The identification of a suitable indicator quantifying the distance between the model and the data would help and guide model selection and output validation. This paper proposes the use of a new criterion, called GSL-div and developed in Lamperti (Econ Stat, 2017.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecosta.2017.01.006), to assess the degree of similarity between the dynamics observed in the data and those generated by the numerical simulation of models. As an illustrative application, this approach is used to distinguish between different versions of the well known asset pricing model with heterogeneous beliefs proposed in Brock and Hommes (J Econ Dyn Control 22(8–9):1235–1274, 1998.  https://doi.org/10.1016/S0165-1889(98)00011-6). Once the discrimination ability of the GSL-div is proved, model’s dynamics are directly compared with actual data coming from two major stock market indexes (EuroSTOXX 50 for Europe and CSI 300 for China). Results show that the model, once calibrated, is fairly able to track the evolution of both the two indexes, even though a better fit is reported for the Chinese stock market. However, I also find that many different combinations of traders’ behavioural rules are compatible with the same observed dynamics. Within this heterogeneity, an emerging common trait is found: to be empirically valid, the model has to account for a strong trend following component, which might either come from a unique trend type that heavily extrapolates information from past observations or the combinations of different types with milder, or even opposite, attitudes towards the trend.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to empirically determine whether feedback trading strategies result in stabilization or destabilization in the foreign exchange market and if such strategies are a distinctive characteristic of an emerging economy or they are a common element to both developed and emerging economies. These hypotheses are tested via the use of a feedback model augmented with a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) process for modeling the errors. The results suggest presence of both positive and negative feedback trading and asymmetric behavior in both types of economies. Irrespective of the nature of feedback trading, presence of asymmetric behavior implies that market traders rely on central banks to intervene so they can realize short-term profits. Finally, in cases of a positive first-order autoregressive parameter presence of the bandwagon effect is implied, whereby past currency movements are followed by expectations of currency movements in the same direction.
Nikiforos T. LaopodisEmail:

This paper presents improved core equivalence results for atomless economies with differentiated commodities in the framework of Ostroy and Zame (1994). Commodity bundles are elements of the space M(K) of signed Borel measures on a compact space K of commodity characteristics. Ostroy and Zame provide two sufficient conditions for core equivalence: It is sufficient that markets are “physically thick”, so that there are many suppliers of every commodity, or that markets are “economically thick”, so that consumers are sufficiently willing to substitute commodities with a similar composition for each other. The sufficient conditions in Ostroy and Zame (1994) all imply that there are “many more agents than commodities”, an idea of Aumann that was formalized and discussed in Tourky and Yannelis (2001) and Greinecker and Podczeck (2016). We generalize the framework in Ostroy and Zame (1994) and weaken their sufficient conditions to not imply the presence of “many more agents than commodities”. In particular, we drop the requirement that K is metrizable from the basic model, the requirement of an uniform bound on endowments from the condition of “physically thick markets”, and the requirement that preferences are weak1-continuous from the condition of “economically thick markets”. Core equivalence still holds, showing that “many more agents than commodities” are not needed for core equivalence in models of commodity differentiation.  相似文献   

During liquidity shocks such as occur when margin calls force the liquidation of leveraged positions, there is a widening disparity between the reaction speed of the liquidity demanders and the liquidity providers. Those who are forced to sell typically must take action within the span of a day, while those who are providing liquidity do not face similar urgency. Indeed, the flurry of activity and increased volatility of prices during the liquidity shocks might actually reduce the speed with which many liquidity providers come to the market. To analyze these dynamics, we build upon previous agent-based models of financial markets, and specifically the Preis et. al (Europhys Lett 75(3):510–516, 2006) model, to develop an order-book model with heterogeneity in trader decision cycles. The model demonstrates an adherence to important stylized facts such as a leptokurtic distribution of returns, decay of autocorrelations over moderate to long time lags, and clustering volatility. Consistent with empirical analysis of recent market events, we demonstrate the impact of heterogeneous decision cycles on market resilience and the stochastic properties of market prices.  相似文献   

Biondi et al. (Phys A 391(22):5532–5545, 2012) develop an analytical model to examine the emergent dynamic properties of share market price formation over time, capable to capture important stylized facts. These latter properties prove to be sensitive to regulatory regimes for fundamental information provision, as well as to market confidence conditions among actual and potential investors. We comparatively assess accounting models belonging to two main families: historical cost accounting and mark-to-market (fair value) accounting regimes. Regimes based upon mark-to-market measurement of traded security, while generating higher linear correlation between market prices and fundamental signals, also involve higher market instability and volatility. These regimes also incur more relevant episodes of market exuberance and vagary in some regions of the market confidence space, where lower market liquidity further occurs.  相似文献   

Although the prevention of false markets is one of the major concerns of stock market authorities in the UK and elsewhere, until recently, the theoretical literature on the workings of markets with imperfect information has been sparse. This paper analyses the problem of providing liquidity to investors when price-sensitive information is unequally distributed. Specifically we shall model the activities of a market-maker when certain traders have price-sensitive information unavailable to other market participants. Our model will show how the bid-asked spread would be determined in such a market. It is useful in explaining certain tactics employed by stock market traders and in suggesting alternative ways of evaluating market efficiency. The theory is developed in three sections: (1) the determination of the bid-asked spread for a single, isolated transaction; (2) the determination of the bid-asked spread in a continuous market; (3) the relationship between the spread and the size of transaction.  相似文献   

What does it take to survive in the market? Previous literature has proposed sufficient conditions for a trader to vanish, which depend on pairwise comparisons of traders’ discounted beliefs. We propose a novel condition that focuses on the ratio of traders’ discounted beliefs and (approximate) equilibrium prices. Unlike existing conditions, ours is both necessary and sufficient for a trader to vanish and delivers the exact rate at which vanishing traders lose their consumption shares. As an application, we analyze the performance of two intuitive behavioral strategies: the “Follow the Leader Strategy” that prescribes mimicking the beliefs of the most successful trader, and the “Follow the Market Strategy” that prescribes to use beliefs which coincide with the state price density. Further, we show that the relative performance of vanishing traders cannot be studied in isolation. Our analysis highlights an intuitive point obscured by the existing conditions: trading in financial markets is qualitatively different from bilateral trading.  相似文献   

By introducing a genetic algorithm learning with a classifier system into a limit order market, this paper provides a unified framework of microstructure and agent-based models of limit order markets that allows traders to determine their order submission endogenously according to market conditions. It examines how traders process and learn from market information and how the learning affects limit order markets. It is found that, measured by the average usage of different group of market information, trading rules under the learning become stationary in the long run. Also informed traders pay more attention to the last transaction sign while uninformed traders pay more attention to technical rules. Learning of uninformed traders improves market information efficiency, but not necessarily when informed traders learn. Opposite to the learning of informed traders, learning makes uninformed traders submit less aggressive limit orders and more market orders. Furthermore private values can have significant impact in the short run, but not in the long run. One implication is that the probability of informed trading (PIN) is positively related to the volatility and the bid-ask spread.  相似文献   

Real estate markets are known to be less-than-efficient for many reasons, but what roles short-term trading plays are unclear. Do short-term investors bring additional risk to the market and cause prices to deviate from fundamental values? Based on an extensive dataset of property transactions and a policy shock that substantially raised the cost of short-term trading in Hong Kong, we estimate ‘real estate risk’ with and without short-term trading based on return predictability, return volatility, and price dispersion. Our results show that as short-term investors exit the market, market returns are less predictable and less volatile, while prices are less dispersed cross-sectionally. Consistent with herding models in behavioral finance, the findings suggest that short-term investors are momentum traders who do not enhance price efficiency.  相似文献   

Fake news     
This analysis uses Twitter stock and options prices sampled at a 30 s frequency around the fake news announcement, of a bid for a controlling stake in Twitter stock, to investigate how noise trading and informed trading is disseminated into equity and option markets. We find reaction to the fake news occurred in the equity market, and the option market reacted with a delay. This differs from many analyses of actual news events, which found informed traders prefer the options market, and information from their trades then leaks into the equity market. We conclude uninformed traders, and those aware of the hoax, prefer to trade in equity over option markets. This result has implications for isolating informed trading around actual news events.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of foreign capital inflows and economic growth on stock market capitalization in 18 Asian countries by using the panel data from the period of 2000–2010. The ARDL bound testing cointegration approach confirms the valid long run relationship between the considered variables. Results indicate that foreign direct investment has significant negative and economic growth has significant positive relationship with the stock market capitalization, whereas, the results of workers’ remittances is found insignificant in long run. The error correction model confirms the significant positive relationship of economic growth and workers’ remittances while, FDI has negative and significant impact on stock market capitalization in short run. Results of causality test based on Toda and Yamamoto (J Econom 66: 225–250, 1995) show the bidirectional causal relationship of foreign direct investment and economic growth with stock market capitalization. However, no causal relationship is found in between workers’ remittances and stock market capitalization. It is suggested that investor should not idealize the inflow of workers’ remittances to invest in Asian stock markets in long run. Simultaneously, size of the economy is a better leading indicator for Asian stock markets. On the other hand, inflows of FDI may mislead the investor to invest. Investor should keep on eye whether FDI come in the competition of domestic market or not? If this happens so investor should not invest in the stock market of host country.  相似文献   

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