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There is a growing use of actor‐network theory (ANT) throughout management and organization studies. While earlier ANT research used ethnography to “follow the actors” in the production of organization/knowledge, more recent studies use archival sources to examine developments over time. We extend the latter approach using qualitative social network analysis (SNA) and apply this to a case study of the Atlantic Schools of Business (ASB). Our contribution is two‐fold: first, through an examination of actors in the ASB networking processes over 26 years, we demonstrate how the seemingly stable surface of an organization can hide the precariousness of organizing; second, we reveal the potential fusion of ANT with SNA as a method for dealing with large qualitative datasets over long periods of time. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extending the literature on CEO succession, we found that a succession event together with a change in top management related positively to strategic change toward greater internationalization. In a study of 160 Taiwanese firms, we found relationships between firm performance, outside CEO appointment, change in firm's top management team (TMT), and the degree of a firm's internationalization. Moreover, the positive association between a post succession TMT structural change and degree of internationalization was observed only in those cases where dissimilarity between CEO and chairperson (with respect to educational degree and overseas education) was low. The implications of these findings for scholarship and practice are discussed. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on samples from 40 studies encompassing 15,860 organizations, we use meta‐analysis methods to examine the relationships between network centrality, organizational innovation, and performance, and to predict the influence of organization size, institutional environment, and industry on these relationships. Results show that network centrality positively influences both organizational innovation and performance. In addition, findings indicate that the impact of network centrality on organizational innovation is stronger for small organizations while that on organizational performance is stronger for large organizations. The influence of network centrality on overall organizational innovation/performance is stronger for organizations in developed institutional environments as well as in knowledge‐intensive industries. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Due to a rising pace of knowledge production, reviewing extant knowledge on mature topics has become increasingly challenging. Researchers often need to account for hundreds of references with little guidance on how to proceed. Taking the phenomenon of the country‐of‐origin effect (COE) as an example, this paper proposes a solution to tackle this challenge. By adopting the principles of integrative literature reviews and using online databases, bibliography management software, and literature‐mapping techniques, I organize 355 papers about the COE. As a result, the nomological network of the COE is drawn while establishing links between the phenomenon, its antecedents, and its outcomes. This methodological article contributes to building better literature reviews. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new theory that sheds a different light on the potential relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Stock Price Informativeness (PI). More specifically, we explain why a neutral association between CSR and PI can be an indicator of high economic and social welfare, while a positive association can be an indicator of both markets and governments failure. Under a neutral relationship, we argue that mandatory disclosure is getting firms to disclose near their optimal level. Therefore, any voluntary disclosure beyond the mandatory regime (such as CSR disclosure) should not improve PI. We base our hypothesis on public interest theory that suggests that regulators promote the public interest when a market failure is identified. On the other hand, under a positive association between CSR and PI, we argue that regulators do not offer adequate incentives for firms to disclose at their socially optimal levels because the level of voluntary disclosure by socially responsible firms is optimal in comparison to the level of mandatory disclosure provided by other firms with weak CSR engagement.  相似文献   

We argue that, although positive affectivity (PA) provides intraindividual benefits when experiencing stress, this resilience to stressors does not necessarily translate into improved evaluations by others. In the context of our research, different outcomes in response to increased role overload are expected on the basis of prior theoretical and empirical research. We found that, under conditions of high role overload, those with high PA did not experience reduced job satisfaction (Study 1). However, supervisor‐rated performance decreased in the context of heightened role overload for those high in PA (Study 2). Thus, PA may help the individual cope, but it may not convert to increased performance ratings as reported by one's supervisor. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Market orientation theory was used to relate the implementation of target costing systems and business model innovation to firm performance using a sample of 189 electronics and information industry manufacturers in China. As expected, the implementation of target costing was positively associated with both business model innovations and firm performance. Further, the diversity of product development teams was also crucial. It positively moderated the association between target costing and business model innovation. Finally, the business model innovation was positively related to firm performance. Copyright © 2012 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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