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本文从多方面入手,论述了建筑施工企业如何面对众多的竞争者,提高自己市场竞争力,以不断获取市场份额,求得更好的生存和发展。  相似文献   

零售企业的市场定位是为企业定位,也就是为企业确定一个不同于竞争者的市场地位,或树立一个不同于竞争者的市场形象.这个市场位置能使自己与竞争者有明显的区别,有进入障碍,能为自己提供超过竞争者的相对优势.为此,零售企业在制定市场定位策略时,首先要确定本企业和主要竞争者现有的市场位置.  相似文献   

品牌是给拥有者带来溢价、产生增值的一种无形的资产,他的载体是用以和其他竞争者的产品或劳务相区分的名称、术语、象征、记号或者设计及其组合,增值的源泉来自于消费者心中形成的关于其载体的印象。对于企业来说,品牌是企业形象的重要标志。好的品牌可以吸引消费者并有助于让普通客户转变为企业的忠实客户。本文着重从品牌建设的重要性上为我国企业加强自身建设提出自己的建议。  相似文献   

从品牌的内涵和价值来看,品牌是一个以消费着为中心的概念,品牌价值不仅仅属于制造者,还应该属于消费者长期以来,人们在对品牌概念的认识上,普遍存在着一种误区、即把品牌看成是企业自己的东西,一种商标权,一种与竞争者相区别的标识。而忽略消费者在其中的地位。因此,在创立品牌时,往往只是企业单  相似文献   

零售企业的市场定位是为企业定位,也就是为企业确定一个不同于竞争者的市场地位,或树立一个不同于竞争者的市场形象。 这个市场位置能使自己与竞争者有明显的区别,有进入障碍,能为自己提供超过竞争者的相对优势。为此,零售企业在制定市场定位策略时,首先要确定本企业和主要竞争者现有的市场位置。因为企业的市场地位是消费者认定的, 所以不管是测定企业自身的市场地位,还是测定竞争者的市场地位,都要进行以消费者为对象的市场调查和分析活动。可按下述步骤进行: 第一,选择若干个对消费者态度影响较大的方面作为测量指标,设计成态度量表;第二…  相似文献   

孙琪 《消费导刊》2014,(10):187-187
竞争是市场经济的基本特征。市场竞争所形成的优胜劣汰,是推动市场经济运行的强制力量,它迫使企业不断研究市场,开发新产品,改进生产技术,更新设备,降低经营成本,提高经营效率和管理水平,获得最佳效益并推动社会的进步。企业若想“百战不殆”就必须“知己知彼”,深入地了解竞争者,分析竞争者的战略和目标,以及它们所采取的反应模式。明确其所生产的同种产品的市场占有率及市场份额,确定其在市场中所充当的角色,在给自己定位的同时,也给竞争者们以准确的定位。  相似文献   

于由 《商业研究》2002,47(2):130-132
在市场竞争中,旅游企业由于选择了同一个细分市场作为目标市场,形成了游客面对众多旅游企业进行比较,以选择自己最为满意的一家旅游企业来消费。旅游企业可以通过剥离机制来建立自己的定位策略,使自己与竞争者剥离,使顾客与竞争者剥离,从而树立与众不同的形象,让顾客更加忠诚于自己的企业。  相似文献   

面对全球经济一体化,中国企业参与国际竞争日益加剧,资产投资组合纷繁复杂,技术进步日新月异,加上市场的更加开放和新的竞争者进入,我们拿什么武装自己的企业,从而打造自己的品牌。实现经济全球化,是当前对企业的重大考验。北京欧科化工有限公司是由中国石油玉门油田科达化学有  相似文献   

人们在对品牌概念的认识上普遍存在着一种误区,即把品牌看成是企业自己的东西,一种商标权,一种与竞争者相区别的标识。因此,企业往往高高在上,单方面地创立名牌,而忽略消费者在其中的地位;在评估品牌价值时,亦往往仅偏重财务角度或政府管理部门的角度。而忘记了消费者。  相似文献   

现代竞争进入品牌竞争进代,品牌成为一个行业最宝贵的财产,它可以区别于竞争者,带来企业的市场吸引力,可以帮助企业招徕业务,并代表着企业的未来。在日益成熟的中国市场中,更是制胜的关键。一个商标一旦成为知名品牌后,就具有不可估量的社会价值和经济价值。它可以在激烈变化的市场竞争中处于主动地位。  相似文献   

This paper shows that the share of exports in the total sales of a firm has a positive and substantial impact on the volatility of its sales. Decomposing the volatility of sales of exporters between their domestic and export markets, I show using an identification strategy based on a firm-specific geographical instrument that firms with a larger export share have more volatile domestic sales and less volatile exports. These empirical patterns can be explained using a model in which firms face market-specific shocks and short-run convex costs of production. In such a framework, firms react to a shock in one market by adjusting their sales in the other market. I point to strong evidence that output variations on the domestic and export market are negatively correlated at the firm level. This result casts doubts on the standard hypothesis that firms face constant marginal costs and maximize profits on their different markets independently of each other. Furthermore, it points to the caveat that sales volatility on a particular market only gives limited information about the size of shocks on that market.  相似文献   

Do market participants evaluate the credibility of a firm's share repurchase announcement based on the firm's share repurchase history? Using a sample of 1,507 share repurchase programs for firms listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange from 1994 to 2005, we find that 69% of firms fail to acquire the target number of shares specified at announcement and many firms fail to repurchase any shares. We develop credibility indices and find a positive relationship between current announcement abnormal returns and completion credibility of previous announcements. We conclude that the market prices completion credibility of past share repurchase announcements in reacting to current repurchase announcements. Copyright © 2010 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Emission Trading Systems (ETSs) are today regarded as the pillar of market‐based environmental policies in many countries. This paper studies the impact of an ETS on the dynamics of the market made up of two types of firms: clean and dirty. Using an evolutionary context, we study how the share of clean firms evolves at different parameter values, such as increasing values of the permits’ price floor, and show that an ETS can have positive effects on the diffusion of the clean technology. However, numerical simulations show that under specific parameter values the opposite result may emerge with clean firms leaving the market.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the flexibility inherent in open market share repurchases. Open market share repurchases are recognized as being flexible, since managers believe that they are not an ongoing commitment. However, I find that such returns significantly decrease upon announcing the completion of a repurchase program if firms do not concurrently announce new program authorizations. I also find that announcement returns significantly decline with completion rates and that a high completion rate acts as a negative signal, revealing that firms have finished the repurchasing activities and do not intend to continue share repurchasing in the foreseeable future. These results indicate that share repurchases are less flexible than they were previously thought to be.  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of firm‐specific stock market liberalization events on the capital structure and debt maturity decisions of firms from emerging market economies. We differentiate between firms based on their ownership structures at the time of liberalization and analyze their post‐liberalization behavior regarding corporate financing decisions. Our empirical results show that single–class‐share firms (typically with stronger corporate governance and better information environments) respond differently to their dual–class‐share counterparts. Liberalization results in lower debt reliance for the former group while the latter lengthen the maturity of their debt portfolios. Jel Classification: F30; G15; G32.  相似文献   

In this paper, we unveil a disregarded benefit of product market competition for firms. We introduce the probability of bankruptcy in a simple model where firms compete à la Cournot and apply for collateralized bank loans to undertake productive investments. We show that the number of competitors and the existence of outsiders willing to acquire the productive assets of distressed incumbents affect the equilibrium share of investment financed by bank credit. Using a sample of Italian manufacturing firms, mostly small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we found evidence showing that the degree of product market competition is positively correlated with the share of investment financed by bank credit only when outsiders are absent.  相似文献   

The study examines how share pledging behavior of controlling shareholder affects the corporate payout policy using the unique setting of Chinese market from 2008 to 2015. According to the study result, cash dividend payments for firms with shares pledged by controlling shareholders are significantly decreased relative to those without shares pledged, and the effect is stronger for non-state-owned enterprises (non-SOEs), firms with more related party transactions, and pledged shares with more magnitude, frequencies and maturity. Overall, these findings suggest that induced by the share pledging activity, controlling shareholders can obtain private benefits without considering benefits of outside shareholders.  相似文献   

This study builds on insights from mergers and acquisitions (M&A) studies and the perspective that stock market performance is affected by the M&A strategies of firms. Past studies show that acquisitions are an effective way to exploit existing knowledge and explore new possibilities. We argue that stock market performance can be a response to exploration/exploitation strategies in the context of cross-border M&As by emerging market multinationals. Based on cross-border M&A data of Chinese multinationals, we find that exploration-oriented acquisitions have worse stock market performance than exploitation-oriented acquisitions. Furthermore, we find support for our premise that acquiring firms can reduce the risk of exploration-oriented acquisitions by having more high-discretion slack resources or by maintaining a high level of equity share of the target firm. In addition, acquiring firms perform better if they conduct exploration-oriented acquisitions in related industries. Our results contribute to a better understanding of exploration and exploitation in the context of M&As.  相似文献   

Following the Blattberg and Deighton (BD) model, we incorporate market share growth to explore links between acquisition and retention. We then devise a method for nonlinear programming using a spreadsheet to balance the objectives of market share growth in the short term and customer equity in the long term. The aim of this approach is to determine the optimal spending allocation for customer acquisition and retention and, by applying this allocation to the numerical example used in the original BD model, to balance these objectives. We demonstrate that the differential unit cost of marginal effects, ceiling rate, efficiency, and allocation of spending on acquisition and retention to achieve market share growth can maximize customer equity. We also develop a criterion to help firms decide where to place spending emphasis, that is, on retaining existing customers or on gaining new ones, while keeping the objectives of market share growth and customer equity firmly in mind.  相似文献   

We investigated relationships among market orientation, innovation and reputational resources, and their impact on market performance and financial performance within the transitional economy of Slovenia. Market orientation related positively to market and financial performance of firms indirectly through innovation and reputational resources. Reputational resources associated positively with loyalty, market share, and sales volume, innovation resources associated positively with market share, and sales volume indirectly through customer loyalty. Selected marketing resources related positively to financial performance indirectly through customer loyalty, market share, and sales volume. The implications of these findings for theory and practice are considered. Copyright © 2007 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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