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本文基于泛北部湾和泛墨西哥湾在地缘特征、地区经济实力、产业分工、贸易结构等方面的相似性,介绍并对比了两个区域港口航运合作的现状和特点。通过借鉴泛墨西哥湾港航合作的经验,并针对中国一东盟自贸区即将建成背景下泛北部湾区域港航合作的机遇、困难和挑战,初步提出了推进泛北部湾港航合作的措施建议。  相似文献   

泛北部湾区域经济合作是中国—东盟自由贸易区框架下的次区域合作,具有独特的地理位置优势、丰富的自然资源、良好的合作基础和广阔的发展前景。泛北部湾区域经济合作进程的加快对贸易与投资的便利化提出了更高的要求。文章在分析泛北部湾区域贸易与投资发展现状的基础上,探讨了该区域推进贸易与投资便利化合作将面临的主要障碍,以及应该优先发展的领域,并提出了促进贸易与投资便利化合作的具体措施和政策建议。  相似文献   

泛北部湾区域经济合作正逐步成为世界区域经济发展的新热点.通过借鉴新马泰经济圈的开发战略,立足于泛北部湾区域经济发展现状,促进区域开发与开放.  相似文献   

泛北部湾区域经济合作正逐步成为世界区域经济发展的新热点。通过借鉴新马泰经济圈的开发战略。立足于泛北部湾区域经济发展现状。促进区域开发与开放。  相似文献   

李杰锋  肖汉华 《时代经贸》2007,5(12):118-119
本文先从媒介基本的传播功能的角度出发,论述了在泛北部湾经济合作战略中,媒介传播功能的运用与泛北部湾经济发展的关系,并在此基础上进一步论述了经济全球化大背景下的媒介生态面临的挑战与机遇.在对媒介内部和外部环境进行分析后,文章提出了一个观点媒介应该充分发挥和整合基本的传播功能,深化各地区媒介间的合作,才能更好地促进泛北部湾经济发展和提升泛北部湾经济合作区的影响力和竞争力.  相似文献   

社会信任在经济合作、社会交往中发挥着积极作用,也是跨境合作与交流的重要软性机制.以广西荔浦、全州两县6个乡镇作为泛北部湾中国区域农村代表,以2012年初对上述农村居民的社会调查数据为依据,对泛北部湾中国区域农村居民社会信任的影响因素进行探讨.研究发现:个人因素和社会因素中的许多细分因素对该区域农村居民的社会信任水平有着显著影响.研究的结论有助于在建设和谐社会和推进跨境区域合作的背景下,寻找提高泛北部湾中国区域农村居民社会信任水平的有效途径.  相似文献   

李杰锋  肖汉华 《时代经贸》2007,5(12X):118-119
本文先从媒介基本的传播功能的角度出发,论述了在泛北部湾经济合作战略中,媒介传播功能的运用与泛北部湾经济发展的关系,并在此基础上进一步论述了经济全球化大背景下的媒介生态面临的挑战与机遇。在对媒介内部和外部环境进行分析后,文章提出了一个观点:媒介应该充分发挥和整合基本的传播功能,深化各地区媒介间的合作,才能更好地促进泛北部湾经济发展和提升泛北部湾经济合作区的影响力和竞争力。  相似文献   

随着以泛北部湾合作为重点的广西与东盟合作进一步向更宽领域、更高层次迈进,合作机制欠缺已成为制约双方合作深入开展的瓶颈之一。由于广西与东盟各国国情不同,泛北部湾合作实质是一个涉及多个相互关连、差异性较大、具有不同利益诉求的决策个体从冲突与竞争走向协调与合作的博弈过程。借助博弈论这一研究利益冲突与合作的新兴学科,本文在探讨区域经济合作内在机制的基础上,对泛北部湾合作机制的设计思路、构建内容和具体措施提出建议,为加快建立突出泛北合作特色、适度先行先试、加大地方参与份量、多元主体参与的新型合作机制提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

陈勇 《时代经贸》2009,(11):60-61
泛北部湾各经济区域社会经济发展、产业结构和基础设施等各方面都极不平衡,因此,只有坚持科学的发展现,实事求是地分析各经济区域的优势与劣势,找出区域经济推进过程中存在的问题,才能有的放矢地采取相应对策,统筹区域发展,合理布局泛北部湾区域生产力,最终促进泛北部湾区域经济持续协调发展。  相似文献   

第五届泛北部湾经济合作论坛将于2010年8月12日至13日在广西南宁召开。据了解,泛北部湾国家之间的航运、港口、物流合作,将成为第五届泛北部湾经济合作论坛的重要议题。  相似文献   

海洋生态系统服务价值对海洋资源开发和海洋综合管理具有重要的意义。研究应用联合国千年生态系统评估框架,构建了食品生产、原料生产、基因资源、氧气生产和气候调节、废弃物处理、生物控制、休闲娱乐、科研文化、初级生产以及物种多样性维持等10项服务价值的评估方法。对辽东湾、渤海湾和莱州湾进行了上述10项生态系统服务价值的评估,结果表明,三个海湾服务功能的总价值量为1 485.11×108元,单位面积价值为4.52元/(m2 a)。其中,辽东湾价值量最大,占三个海湾总价值量的56.7%,其次是莱州湾,占总价值量的23.3%,渤海湾最小,占总价值量的20%。各项服务中,食品生产的价值量最大,占总价值量的71.0%。食品生产、氧气生产和气候调节、初级生产这三项服务价值之间表现出显著相关性,主要是由于三项服务有着共同的初级生产者。研究结果可为相关管理部门制定生态补偿政策提供理论依据。  相似文献   

How has industrial restructuring and technological upgrading in South Korea undertaken in the post-crisis era impacted on the state's capacity to guide strategic industry development? The latest reincarnation of the ‘end of the developmental state’ thesis proposes that industry policies are losing their strategic long-term oriented character due to the state's lack of legitimacy to play a guiding role after the economic recovery. I test this view in light of the Korean state's role, since the early 2000s, in the promotion of a new mobile communications software standard known as the Wireless Internet Platform for Interoperability (WIPI). I argue that the Korean state retains a strategic long-term approach to techno-industrial governance. The argument is developed through examining how bureaucratic actors gained the legitimacy to challenge Qualcomm, the strategy involved in promoting WIPI, and how the bureaucracy supported domestic firms under an increasingly open international trading environment. The findings reveal the state's ability to renew its legitimacy to play a developmental role through re-articulating policy goals from catching-up to nurturing innovation. Furthermore, the state has experimented with new forms of cooperation between government and business to nurture the growth of new infant technological growth sectors such as telecommunications.  相似文献   

It is examined whether the six countries comprising the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are sufficiently compatible to form a viable economic and financial block in the Gulf region. Despite long and numerous governmental attempts since the mid 1980s, and in spite of public pressures to expedite the process, these countries have thus far failed to achieve full economic and financial integration. Empirical evidence suggests that this apparent failure is unlikely the outcome of economic or financial incompatibility among the countries in the region. The results imply that more efforts should be directed at resolving possible sociopolitical differences that may have hampered real progress toward the emergence of a genuine and effective bloc in the Gulf region.  相似文献   

Free trade zones have been championed by policy makers as important mechanisms for the “economic liberalisation” and “globalisation” of the Middle East. While a growing number of political economists have begun to investigate the performance of these projects, few have considered why states voluntarily limit their sovereign powers by establishing these liberalised territories. To address this question, this paper studies the Jebel Ali free trade zone in Dubai (UAE) and the Kish free trade zone in Iran, two of the earliest such projects in the region. Rather than being products of neoliberal ideology or pressure from advanced industrial economies, the essay argues that paradoxically these zones were developed by the Iranian state and Dubai emirate to project territorial sovereignty in turbulent geostrategic settings and moments as well as nodes to circulate rent to domestic and international members of ruling coalitions. The geostrategic and state-building logics informed when, where, and how these projects were developed. More generally, this analysis illustrates that the Middle East is neither absent from the process of globalisation, nor does it simply respond passively and reactively to this complex process. Free trade zones are an example of local strategies working in consort with international processes to fashion new forms of economic and political interconnectedness.  相似文献   

This article employs a bivariate poisson jump model to investigate the relationship between the volatility of crude oil and gasoline especially during the period of the Gulf War. We find that greater jumps occurring in crude oil returns will appear in gasoline returns at the same time, but the magnitude of the co-movements in volatility falls. The covariance is relatively smaller in the Second Gulf War vs. the first conflict. The volatility of crude oil is of significantly high levels during periods of the war, yet the volatility of gasoline is not as sensitive as crude oil, particularly in the second conflict. Furthermore, the jump that occurred by the war did not lead both spot prices to a high persistent level for a long period, which fits the feature of the jump models. All these findings are important to market traders and hedging strategies.  相似文献   


The significant expansion of Islamic Finance (IF) over recent years provides a useful vantage point for examining the variegated nature of global finance. Nonetheless, within the substantial political economy literature on IF, there has been surprisingly little reflection on the concrete forms of class and capital accumulation underlying IF in particular national contexts. Against a methodological tendency to divorce Islamic financial markets from the wider circuit of capital, this article employs a Marxian conception of ‘finance capital’ to examine the class composition of Islamic banking in the six Arab states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The core argument is that the expansion of GCC Islamic financial markets reflects the growth of a distinct class-fraction of privately-controlled finance capital in the Gulf. The specificity of this process in the Gulf involves a set of privately-controlled conglomerates whose interests are uniquely interlocked with the ownership of Islamic banks but extend beyond these to a range of other moments of capital accumulation – most prominently those connected to the transformation of the built environment. These class relations differ from conventional banking in the Gulf, and highlight the importance of critical political economy in developing alternative interpretations to the dominant, industry-linked literature.  相似文献   

This paper explores women’s entrepreneurial activities in the Oman and Qatar in light of the state attention given to promoting entrepreneurship in the region over the past decade. In the Gulf Arab countries, like in many rapidly developing economies, neoliberal growth discourse abounds. Along with this, the promotion of entrepreneurship and embrace of individual enterprise is paramount. Despite the dominance of the state in political and economic spaces, Gulf governments have embraced the rhetoric of the market and entrepreneurship. Drawing from semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and participant observation conducted between 2011 and 2015, this paper examines this phenomenon. In a region stereotyped with weak gender development outcomes, female entrepreneurship is largely cast as a positive development aimed at liberating and empowering women through individual enterprise. In contrast, this paper finds that the same forces that are meant to empower women often reproduce or reinforce certain gender norms while introducing new forms of dependency. Gulf female entrepreneurs confront competing tensions within three intersecting political economy logics: the structural logic of the economy, the logic of development narratives, and the logic of socio-economic organisation.  相似文献   

中国的国际工程承包公司于1979年开始进入海湾市场.海湾有着极其丰富的石油和天然气资源,而近几年来石油价格一路飚升,使得海湾国家拥有了巨额的石油利润,这些钱大部分用于基础设施建设上.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between exports and economic growth in four of the Arab Gulf countries, namely, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and Oman for the period 1973–93. The estimates presented indicate a positive and significant relation between the two variables. Also, the statistical adequacy of the models used is supported by the following diagnostic tests. The Bruesch-Godfrey statistic suggests the absence of serial correlation. The Farely-Hinich test fails to reject the null hypothesis that the models are structurally stable. And both the White and Hausman specification tests show that the models are correctly specified.  相似文献   

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