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分离交易可转换公司债券是我国证券市场的创新产品,自证监会2006年5月公布的《上市公司证券发行管理办法》中提出了分离交易可转换公司债券概念后,分离交易可转换公司债券就受到市场的热切关注,多家上市公司纷纷提出发行分离式可转债的申请,并成功发行。本文拟对分离交易可转换公司债券的会计处理进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

可转换公司债券的定价是否科学、合理、公正,对于可转换公司债券发行企业和投资人往往具有重要的现实意义.定价合理往往能吸引投资人的眼球,易于投资者接受,使企业顺利地实现融资目标,有利于资本市场结构优化和资本良性循环.本文主要对可转换公司债券的价值进行相关的讨论,并结合我国的实际状况分析价值偏离原因,从而得出结论.  相似文献   

魏海波  丁玲 《中国外资》2010,(10):58-59
可转换公司债券的定价是否科学、合理、公正,对于可转换公司债券发行企业和投资人往往具有重要的现实意义。定价合理往往能吸引投资人的眼球,易于投资者接受,使企业顺利地实现融资目标,有利于资本市场结构优化和资本良性循环。本文主要对可转换公司债券的价值进行相关的讨论,并结合我国的实际状况分析价值偏离原因,从而得出结论。  相似文献   

扬长避短运用可转换公司债券魏建华可转换公司债券是一新兴的金融品种,近年来,它受到许多国家的高度重视,它的发行量及其在资本市场中的比重都增长很快。这一金融品种也引起了我国的重视。我国的《公司法》在172条中明确规定:“上市公司经股东大会决议可以发行可转...  相似文献   

发行分离交易的可转换公司债券正逐步成为国内上市公司再融资的重要模式。上市银行发行此类债券也有了先例。我国上市银行可以发行具有次级债券特征的分离交易的可转换公司债券补充附属资本,但在资质条件、债券发行条款上都要符合发行分离交易的可转换公司债券和发行次级债券的双重要求,同时要对其操作难点有足够的了解。  相似文献   

对我国可转换公司债券特别向下修正条款的异议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈庆保 《浙江金融》2007,(6):46-46,44
可转换公司债券实际上是一个债券和一个转股期权的混合体,因此它具有两个基本属性,即债券性和期权性。可转换债券属于公司债券的一种,可以说是公司债的特殊形式,它的债性体现在它定期支付票息,到  相似文献   

可转换公司债券作为一种重要的衍生金融工具,兼具债性和股性以及期权性质,运用混合证券理论的定价分析方法,分别从债券价格和买入期权价格两方面着手,同时考虑可转债的其它主要条款,可以简要确定其理论价格。联系到证券市场,本文所述模型对投资者的投资行为能够起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

臧新霞 《上海会计》2002,(10):30-32
一、随着我国经济改革开放的不断推进,国际金融领域内新的融资渠道、融资商品、融资方法等也必然渗入到我国的证券市场。2001年4月26日,中国证券监督管理委员会公布了第2号令《上市公司发行可转换公司债券实施办法》,进一步对我国的可转换债券的发行和监督进行了规范。本文以我国可转换公司债券发展过程中的、具有代表性的宝安转债等例进行比较分析为基础,对如何规范我国机 场 转 债2000.2.25—2000.3.813.5亿元五年0.8%以前一个月的股票平均价格9.73元为基准,将转股价格定为10元,溢价率为2.77%送股或转赠股本:P=P0/(1+n)增发新股或…  相似文献   

聂云花 《会计师》2009,(10):16-17
<正>可转换公司债券属于混合债券,它是指企业发行的可转换为股票的债券。我国发行的可转换公司债券是以记名式无纸化方式发行的。可转换公司债券期限一般为3至5年。我国股票发行方式采取按面值发行股票或溢价发行股票等方式。与股票发行方式不同,可转换公司债券可折价发行、溢价发行,也可按面值发行。本文拟就可转换公司债券的核算谈一点粗浅看  相似文献   

Structural Models of Corporate Bond Pricing: An Empirical Analysis   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This article empirically tests five structural models of corporatebond pricing: those of Merton (1974), Geske (1977), Longstaffand Schwartz (1995), Leland and Toft (1996), and Collin-Dufresneand Goldstein (2001). We implement the models using a sampleof 182 bond prices from firms with simple capital structuresduring the period 1986–1997. The conventional wisdom isthat structural models do not generate spreads as high as thoseseen in the bond market, and true to expectations, we find thatthe predicted spreads in our implementation of the Merton modelare too low. However, most of the other structural models predictspreads that are too high on average. Nevertheless, accuracyis a problem, as the newer models tend to severely overstatethe credit risk of firms with high leverage or volatility andyet suffer from a spread underprediction problem with saferbonds. The Leland and Toft model is an exception in that itoverpredicts spreads on most bonds, particularly those withhigh coupons. More accurate structural models must avoid featuresthat increase the credit risk on the riskier bonds while scarcelyaffecting the spreads of the safest bonds.  相似文献   

Using a unique dataset based on daily and hourly high-yieldbond transaction prices, we find the informational efficiencyof corporate bond prices is similar to that of the underlyingstocks. We find that stocks do not lead bonds in reflectingfirm-specific information. We further examine price behavioraround earnings news and find that information is quickly incorporatedinto both bond and stock prices, even at short return horizons.Finally, we find that measures of market quality are no poorerfor the bonds in our sample than for the underlying stocks.  相似文献   

The pricing of new corporate bond issues is examined, with particular emphasis on the seasoning effect and the cost of underwriting. Considerable attention is paid to some special features of the corporate bond market, including the use of actual trader quotes so as to accurately measure holding period returns. Our results suggest that the cost of issuing corporate bonds is less than previously reported.  相似文献   

We propose a conditional factor model for corporate bond returns with five factors and time-varying factor loadings. We have three main empirical findings. First, our factor model excels in describing the risks and returns of corporate bonds, improving over previously proposed models in the literature by a large margin. Second, our model recommends a systematic bond investment portfolio whose high out-of-sample Sharpe ratio suggests that the credit risk premium is notably larger than previously estimated. Third, we find closer integration between debt and equity markets than found in prior literature.  相似文献   

Recent literature emphasizes the relation of stock volatility to corporate bond yields. We demonstrate that during 1996–2005 corporate bond excess return volatility is directly related to contemporaneous corporate bond excess returns. In fact, the decompositions of aggregate bond volatility have a higher contemporaneous correlation with bond yields in comparison to idiosyncratic stock risk. Additionally, bond volatility and idiosyncratic risk are significant predictors of corporate three‐month and six‐month ahead bond excess returns. We also find that corporate bond volatility contains both slow moving and time‐varying components.  相似文献   

Equity Volatility and Corporate Bond Yields   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
This paper explores the effect of equity volatility on corporate bond yields. Panel data for the late 1990s show that idiosyncratic firm‐level volatility can explain as much cross‐sectional variation in yields as can credit ratings. This finding, together with the upward trend in idiosyncratic equity volatility documented by Campbell, Lettau, Malkiel, and Xu (2001), helps to explain recent increases in corporate bond yields.  相似文献   

This study develops an alternative way to measure default risk and suggests an appropriate method to assess the performance of fixed-income investors over the entire spectrum of credit-quality classes. The approach seeks to measure the expected mortality of bonds and the consequent loss rates in a manner similar to the way actuaries assess mortality of human beings. The results show that all bond ratings outperform riskless Treasuries over a ten-year horizon and that, despite relatively high mortality rates, B-rated and CCC-rated securities outperform all other rating categories for the first four years after issuance, with BB-rated securities outperforming all others thereafter.  相似文献   

Corporate Yield Spreads and Bond Liquidity   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We find that liquidity is priced in corporate yield spreads. Using a battery of liquidity measures covering over 4,000 corporate bonds and spanning both investment grade and speculative categories, we find that more illiquid bonds earn higher yield spreads, and an improvement in liquidity causes a significant reduction in yield spreads. These results hold after controlling for common bond‐specific, firm‐specific, and macroeconomic variables, and are robust to issuers' fixed effect and potential endogeneity bias. Our findings justify the concern in the default risk literature that neither the level nor the dynamic of yield spreads can be fully explained by default risk determinants.  相似文献   

I examine the previously unexplored relation between aggregate earnings changes and corporate bond market returns. I find that aggregate earnings changes have a negative relation to investment‐grade corporate bond market returns and a positive relation to high‐yield corporate bond market returns. The aggregate earnings‐returns relation is lower (i.e., less positive or more negative) for bonds with higher credit ratings and longer maturities. Further, I show that the aggregate earnings‐returns relation is driven by both the expected and the news component of aggregate earnings changes. The expected component is negatively related to expected returns, and the news component is positively related to cash flow news and changes in nominal interest rates, and negatively related to changes in default premia. My results contribute to the understanding of the role of earnings in corporate bond markets as well as the macroeconomic role of accounting information.  相似文献   

This article examines underpricing of initial public offerings(IPOs) and seasoned offerings in the corporate bond market.We investigate whether underpricing represents a solution toan information problem or a liquidity problem. We find thatunderpricing occurs with both IPOs and seasoned offerings andis highest among riskier, unknown firms. Our evidence suggeststhat information problems drive underpricing, with support forboth the bookbuilding view of underpricing and the asymmetricinformation theory. We do not find evidence in favor of theRock model of underpricing or any evidence that illiquiditycauses underpricing.  相似文献   

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