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The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of natural soundscapes on tourist behaviors in a nature-based tourism destination. A behavioral model depicting the relationship among tourist attitudes to natural soundscapes, natural soundscape image, tourist satisfaction, and loyalty is examined using structural equation model and bootstrapping analysis. Results indicate that tourist attitudes directly affect natural soundscape image but do not affect tourist satisfaction and loyalty. The natural soundscape image directly affects tourist satisfaction and indirectly affects tourist loyalty when mediated by tourist satisfaction. Positioning natural soundscapes as a novel tourism attractor, theoretical and managerial implications are presented.  相似文献   

Though place attachment has been recognized as a key factor to promote the loyalty of tourists and contribute to the sustainable development of destinations, there is still insufficient evidence to prove the positive impact of local attachment on tourist loyalty. This study mainly focuses on quantifying the effects of place attachment on tourist loyalty and examines the underlying factors that may explain the inconsistent phenomena among previous empirical studies. We systematically screen previous related studies, and 56 independent studies are finally included. A comprehensive framework on place attachment and tourist loyalty is summarized and 22 different hypotheses are put forward from these 56 studies. The results obtained by the meta-analysis method reveal that: first, place attachment and its dimensions are positively related to tourist loyalty, which includes tourist behavior loyalty, attitude loyalty and composite loyalty. Second, the moderating effect of gender on the association of place dependence and revisit intention has been confirmed, while the moderating role of tourist cultural background and place attachment measurement scales is insignificant. Third, place identity has the strongest influence on tourist loyalty among other place attachment dimensions. Finally, the theoretical implication for tourism researchers and practical suggestions for destination managers are provided based on meta-analysis.  相似文献   

This study aims to empirically explore the effect of the experience economy on place attachment and behavioral intentions through emotions and memory. To do so, the rural tourism context was selected as it not only provides small accommodation units in the countryside, but is also related to a set of possible activities involving both passive and active participation by guests. The survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire distributed to individuals experiencing rural holidays in the South of Portugal. A convenience sample of participants, resulting on 222 usable questionnaires, was employed to test the model. The partial least squares (PLS) approach was used to treat the data. The findings demonstrated the role of pleasant arousal and memory as mediators between experience and behavioral intentions. An excited and pleased guest is more likely to memorize the experience. Nevertheless, the effect of pleasant arousal and memory on place attachment was not proven. The findings also lead to managerial implications, limitations and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

While there is a plethora of studies segmenting the lucrative tourism market, limited attention has been given to identifying potential segments of local residents based on their image of the place they live in as a tourist destination. This study aims to address this gap by (a) clustering local residents of a tourist destination based on their images of that place; and (b) identifying whether those image-based resident groups share similar/different levels of place attachment and intentions toward tourism (support for tourism, intention to recommend it to others). Analysis was based on a sample of 368 residents of Eilat, Israel. The findings suggest the presence of three resident groups with different images of Eilat – called Nature Aesthete, Appreciator, and Critical – and provide support that these groups exhibit dissimilar levels of attachment and intentions/behavior toward tourism. The Appreciator (residents with the most favorable image) were reported exhibiting higher levels of place attachment, support for tourism and were more likely to recommend their place to others as a tourist destination than the Critical (residents with the least favorable image). The implications of these findings to tourism theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   


Current research on dark tourism lacks an in-depth investigation of the relationships between the various psychological factors that influence tourist satisfaction. Using the cognitive-affective-behavior system, this paper evaluates a theoretical model that postulates relationships between four constructs, namely: motivation, perceptions of tourism impacts, place attachment, and satisfaction. The study extends the tourism literature on cultural sustainability by showing the psychological connections of domestic tourists to a dark heritage site, and the implications for perceptions of tourism impacts on this heritage. Based on a sample of 414 domestic tourists at a dark heritage site in Elmina, Ghana, PLS-SEM confirmed several inter-relationships among the four constructs. Motivation had a positive relationship with perceptions of positive and negative tourism impacts, suggesting that the tourists who were more motivated to visit the site for cultural/learning experiences were also more inclined to perceive both positive and negative tourism impacts. Implications for dark tourism and how heritage site management can influence tourists’ perceptions of impacts are offered.  相似文献   

As an antecedent of place attachment, on-site experience plays a key role in obtaining customer loyalty in the context of a hot-spring resort operation. However, few studies have addressed the consequences of on-site experience in terms of its components and examined empirically the relationship between on-site experience and place attachment. This study was focused on ascertaining the dimensions of on-site experience and examining the relationship between on-site experience and loyalty through place attachment. A conceptualization of on-site experience is proposed, with three dimensions: environmental experience, on-site self-related experience, and on-site social interaction. The results revealed interesting relationships between components of on-site experience and place attachment. Finally, managerial implications of the results are discussed for managers of hot-spring resorts.  相似文献   

Using ethnographic research into Christian Orthodox religious tourists' performances in Tinos, Greece, this paper traces the complex pathways of human and material entanglement in creating religious experiences. While religions stage material performances by ascribing sign and use value to objects, affect through doing allows for different modes of understanding and performance, in which the material nature plays an essential role. This paper contributes in recognising the importance of materials' thingness in the religious experience, allowing for alternative performances and expressions of belief. Understanding the way materials can enable or even overshadow the sense of religiousness is important for the successful management of the spatial distribution of objects in religious sites.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the conceptualisation of mobile student experience within tourism studies, sojourner adjustment studies, critical acculturation research, and mobilities research. Despite some useful contributions on “educational tourism”, the study of mobile student experience has largely been left to sojourner adjustment studies. However, recent critiques create opportunities for a reconceptualisation of mobile student experience, drawing upon tourism studies engaging with power relations, performativity, and practice. The paper proposes the “Place Practice” model of mobile student experience, synthesising these contributions and developing a more holistic and contextual conceptualisation of mobile student experience. This highlights the unfulfilled potential for tourism researchers to contribute to understanding student mobility, and other contemporary hybrid mobilities that do not conform to conventional disciplines and social domains.  相似文献   

In recent years, attempts to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of both tourism and agriculture have been linked to the development of “alternative” food networks and a renewed enthusiasm for food products that are perceived to be traditional and local. This paper draws on research from two UK regions, the Lake District and Exmoor, to argue that local food can play an important role in the sustainable tourism experience because it appeals to the visitor's desire for authenticity within the holiday experience. Using evidence from qualitative interviews with tourists and food producers, the paper records ways in which local foods are conceptualised as “authentic” products that symbolise the place and culture of the destination. By engaging with debates surrounding the meaning of locality and authenticity, the paper challenges existing understandings of these concepts and offers a new way forward for tourism research by arguing that “local food” has the potential to enhance the visitor experience by connecting consumers to the region and its perceived culture and heritage.  相似文献   

Since the publication of the “Experience Economy” work by Pine and Gilmore in 1999, understanding the increasing complexity of the customer experience within the customer journey in the tourism industry is a priority for researchers and destination management organizations. This study contributes to the extension of the Experience Economy in tourism research by examining the links between tourists' assessment of destination attributes, their perceived quality of the service experience and loyalty, in seven emerging Mediterranean destinations. To date, little research has explored the aforementioned aspects, even though the Mediterranean region is the leading tourism destination in the world. With a sample of 1365 Mediterranean tourists, the analysis reveals differences between tourists' perceptions in Northern and Southern Mediterranean destinations. In addition, empirical support to the proposed model proves the direct impact of both variables on loyalty. The study outlines implications to both practitioners and researchers.  相似文献   

Surfing, a dominant recreational activity in many coastal areas, is a primary driver of local and international tourism. Surf-spots, nearshore oceanic locations where waves break and surfing occurs, are essential community resources. Yet, many surf-spots are at risk of degradation from climate change and other factors. Knowing whether and why surfers consider surf-spots as meaningful places can inform sustainable management of these resources, benefitting the environment and users alike. This study examines place attachment and disruption in relation to surf-spots through an online survey of 1055 surfers in California, where surfing is an important recreational and touristic industry. Our findings suggest that surfers exhibit high fidelity to specific surf-spots and develop deep attachments to those spots, with the strength of the attachment varying depending on the type of surf-spot. Some respondents consider surf-spots to be “part of their family”; few respondents describe no attachments. We conclude that, despite being dynamic oceanic locations, surf-spots are meaningful places for surfers. This importance, combined with the value of surf-spots as resources driving coastal tourism and recreation, warrants systematic consideration of surf-spots as natural resources by managers, and suggests that user–place attachment should be better understood at surf-spots and other tourism sites.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the main antecedents and consequences of experience co-creation in tourism. Based on an in-depth literature review, a survey was designed, and data was collected from 385 tourists visiting Naples, Italy. A path analysis revealed that the interactions among tourists and tourism service providers and the active participation of tourists are antecedents of experience co-creation in the tourism industry. Experience co-creation positively affects the satisfaction of tourists, their level of expenditures, and their happiness. Study results also revealed that the attitude of tourists of sharing their experiences with others does not influence experience co-creation. As one of the first studies in this area in the field of tourism, this study contributes to the body of knowledge by proposing and empirically testing a model that shows three antecedents and three consequences of experience co-creation in tourism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is threefold; to develop a destination image scale for mixed-images destinations; to investigate its impact on destination loyalty between first-time and repeat tourists; and to explore the moderating role of tourist's travel experiences in the relationship between destination image and destination loyalty. Data were collected based on a quota sample from 400 international tourists in Egypt and were analyzed using exploratory factor analyses, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and multi-group analysis. The results show that the proposed destination image scale has good reliability, validity, and predictability. It also supports the argument that tourists' cognitive and affective evaluations of the destination have significant effects on destinations' overall image. Additionally, while all destination image components have a significant impact on destination loyalty, those effects are significantly higher for repeat tourists than for first-time tourists. Finally, the study highlighted many practical implications for tourism marketers.  相似文献   

Understanding visitor experiences is essential if park managers are to facilitate beneficial outcomes for both individuals and society. We investigated visitor experiences in a special model of thematically connected guided walking, biking, and 4WD tours in Australian national parks. Outcomes attained by first-time and repeat participants were assessed by questionnaires with more detailed insights from semi-structured interviews with repeat participants. Participants developed strong social ties with community members and experienced significant improvements in health, well-being, and competence, gaining a sense of achievement from mastering a challenge with positive implications for their lives beyond the tours. The tour series performed well in achieving visitor satisfaction, repeat participation, and word-of-mouth recommendation. The experience increased participants’ attachment to national parks, reinforcing their sense of environmental stewardship. The findings are especially relevant to efforts in parks and elsewhere to better integrate senior citizens into the community and provide opportunities to increase their physical, mental, and social well-being. Such opportunities become limited, for example, when people retire from work or suffer health impairment. The tour series proved an effective tool for outcome-focused park management, providing significant personal benefits to participants with positive implications for larger societal benefits, plus political and financial advantages for park managements.  相似文献   

The importance of place attachment in film tourism has been recognized by scholars and practitioners. However, despite its predominance in the destination management industry, several unaddressed issues remain in film tourism. Therefore, this study is conducted to investigate the relationships between celebrity involvement, destination image, and place attachment. Data obtained from 301 purposeful film tourists indicated that celebrity involvement was positively associated with place attachment. Moreover, cognitive image and affective image partially mediated the relationship between celebrity involvement and place attachment. In other words, cognitive image and affective image represent crucial psychological processes that explain how celebrity involvement influences place attachment. Furthermore, compared with the affective image, the cognitive image had a more crucial mediating role in the celebrity fan–film destination attachment relationship. Theoretical and managerial implications are also provided.  相似文献   

We combine network structure and firm-level relationship measures to explore the association between innovative behavior, firm position within the network of a destination, and the knowledge and relational trust characteristics of a firm's innovation-oriented relationships. We find current collaboration, shared knowledge and trust are associated with innovative behavior with partner firms, but that betweenness centrality indicates which partners are the most prominent innovators in a population. That is, relationship-level characteristics facilitate innovation partnerships, but network structure characteristics identify the most successful innovative partners. To theory, our findings contribute to efforts in the tourism, innovation and network literature to evaluate the differential effects of knowledge stocks and flows on innovation. For practice, our results suggest that promoters of innovation within a destination should leverage brokerage positions to improve the in-flow of ideas while encouraging the firms that share knowledge and trust to collaborate to apply those ideas.  相似文献   

Tourism to religious sites is growing worldwide, yet our understanding of the motives, interests and needs of tourists at these sites is limited. Research in British cathedrals suggests that many regard religious sites as leisure or recreational attractions and correspondingly, seek interpretation of the secular as well as spiritual aspects. This study surveyed 233 tourists at Canterbury Cathedral in the UK and found that tourists felt it was important to provide directional signage, displays and exhibits, value for money, attendants and equal access at the site. Overall, respondents rated their experiences positively, but wanted more information on the cathedral's history, architecture and artwork, as well as stories regarding people connected with the site. Recommendations for improving interpretation at Canterbury Cathedral are presented, and implications for the design of interpretive experiences at this and other religious sites discussed.  相似文献   

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