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Marx and Engles believed that man and nature develop harmoniously, when the activities of man constitute the content of nature, which is changed constantly because of the activities of man. Marx and Engles also pointed out the duarity of the conquest, change and influence exerted on nature by man. On one hand, it can improve people‘s riving conditions and make people free from the enslavement of the nature. On the other hand,it may also lead to excessively snatching and wrecking nature, then make the deterioration of the environment and ecology out of balance. They also, from the technical angle of ecology, put forward the concrete measures to realize the harmonious symbiosis of man and nature in the development of economy. They also believed that only when socialism or communism is realized, can the conciliation of mankind and nature be realized finally.Marx and Engle‘s theory of harmonious symbiosis of man and nature is of great theoretical directive significance for us to insist on the scientific development view.  相似文献   

This paper prohes into the relationship among individual benefits, benefits of the country. common benefits of all humans in land use and land resource security. The following balanced land use model is proposed: the harmonious and interactive relationship between man and nature, two main bodies of land ecological system, constitutes the mechanism of land resources security; The feedback relationship between man and nature is the basis for the land resources security and the core is the relationship among people established for the benefit equilibrium in land use. The conflicts in land use stem from the rarity of land resource and the solution to those conflicts in harmony helps land resource security.  相似文献   

The relationship between man and nature seems highly diverse during the evolving process of human society. Numerous destructive consequences incurring from the carly stage of the industrialization led to man's severe concern about ecological and environment issues. In 1972, a book entitled “The Limits To Growth” ushered in a worldwide argumentation campaign, and forced man to realize that the bearing capacity of ecological surroundings is finite, and the quantity of resources is numbered as well. Admittedly, the human advance in science and technology, from the long-term viewpoint, is capable of discovering new types of energy and resources. However, each specific period of human history is always endangered due to the crisis of energy and resources. Therefore the core of the retainable development lies in variation of the outdated pattern of economic growth as well as pursuit to the new substitutes.  相似文献   

The ecotourism is a combination of popularizing ecological, scientific knowledge and increasing the nation‘s awareness of protection of nature. Therefore, it is a better form for national forest parks and nature reserves to fully publicize the necessity of environmental protection. The combination of ecology with tourism is the current world-developing tendency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of lean product development (LPD) in the Brazilian automotive sector. A mailed-questionnaire survey was used to examine 23 questions about LPD principles and practices. The target population for the study was Brazil's largest product development and design companies. The study identified that although the automobile sector is seen as a reference in the adoption of lean practices, there is still potential for improvement by establishing partnership relations with suppliers, and with those on the other points of the chain by identifying what provides value to clients. Set-based concurrent engineering is also a practice that needs to be better developed, as well as the value stream mapping tool to identify waste and activities that add value to the product development process. There has been no previous study of this nature in Brazil that characterizes the sector and highlights its importance in relation to the global scene, providing incentives to international investors. The value of the work is in the results that allow diagnosing the lean development practices that are most used in the automotive sector. Moreover, the survey questions can be applied in other economic sectors and at companies of other sizes. The study contributed to providing a systematic view of the product development process from the perspective of people, processes, and technology, and assists companies and academics manage change.  相似文献   

In the modem project, how to understand and deal with the relationship between man and nature correctly, and how to treat ecology, resource, lives of animals and plants correctly have become the outstanding and urgent subjects day by day. Thee article illustrated that the new views of nature and environment are the important philosophical foundation of project ethics from three aspects: the recognition of the relationship between man and nature, the meditation of traditional mode of production, and the ecological and environmental consciousness.  相似文献   

Guide to Authors     
Aims and scope With the tenet of concerning ecology and serving economy,aimed at constructing a harmonious society of man and nature,Ecological Economy focuses on the sustainable development of economy and environment,and puts attention on theories,methods and technical innovations concerning ecological/green economy,circular economy and ecological/green industry.The sustainable  相似文献   

Since 1978, China has gained worldwide shin- ing achievements following the idea of seeking the truth of the fact to carry out economic reform for over 20 years. From the relationship between hu- man being and nature, the economic development has entered a new era, eco-era. The new era re- quires us to further deepen economic reform from the relationship of human being and nature while we are keeping on economic reform based on the relationship between human beings so as to realize sustainable…  相似文献   

The vanishing or termination of philosophy arises from the fact that philosophers are losing their philosophical enthusiasm and becoming experts of philosophy and the fact that philosophical is losing its object fields and becoming rootless. The former fact comes from the philosophical research replacement of the philosophical exptoration, and the Latter results from the disturbing identification of its own object fields when it originally emerged The genuine object of philosophical exploration should be the being of human. While man's original being is towards its creative existing orientation, its path, course and sate constitute the whole object fields of philosophical exploration Thus, the naissance of philosophy stems from the growing (original and creative ) existing circumstance. In such circumstances, the existing opening of man's original being towards his creative existence actually creates and writes its ecologicat fieids with the universe mutually. The mutually growing and writing existing fietds constitute the genuine perspectives of the contemporary philosophy.  相似文献   

Guide to Athors     
<正>Aims and scope With the tenet of concerning ecology and serving economy,aimed at constructing a harmonious society of man and nature,Ecological Economy focuses on the sustainable development of economy and environment,and puts attention on theories,methods and technical innovations concerning ecological/green economy,circular economy and ecological/green industry.The sustainable development of economy and society,and the sus-  相似文献   

马克思恩格斯在批判和反思近代工业文明社会异化劳动和吸收生态学思想的基础上形成了具有生态意蕴的劳动概念。在劳动概念中,马克思恩格斯提出了劳动的生态要素是主体自然与客体自然的有机统一,确立了劳动的生态尺度是人的尺度与自然界尺度的和谐统一,规定了劳动的生态本质是人与自然之间双向度的物质变换过程,这种物质变换是自然界内部自然循环的一环,人类必须将生产行为控制和调整在生态承载力限度之内,以消耗最少的资源获取物质变换的合理性与协调性。用马克思恩格斯的生态劳动概念指导生态文明建设,人类必须兼顾经济规律与生态规律,实现劳动目的由一维价值取向向多维价值取向转变,科学分析劳动的近期和远期效果。  相似文献   

中国构建人与自然的和谐关系:基于经济因素的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国构建人与自然和谐关系具有必然性,但一些现实因素影响制约着这种关系的建设,就目前面议,经济增长与发展对中国构建人与自然和谐关系是把双刃剑,为此.我们必须采取相应的发展战略和对策,趋利避害,既致力于发展经济,又努力改善人与自然的关系,实现人与自然和谐相处的目标,创建良好的生态环境。  相似文献   

试论生态经济农业   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
解决传统农业生产模式生态与经济发展的矛盾,缓解生态危机,关键在于建立能实现经济与生态共同繁荣的生态经济农业模式,使经济发展与生态发展融合为一个完整的有机整体,达到生态与经济、人与自然在更高发展水平上和谐统一,21世纪,人类的生存与发展将进入生态经济时代,应该应用生态经济农业的观念指导现代农业,把农业经济行为同生态环境看做一个相互制约的系统,建立人与自然的和谐关系。减少和避免违反自然规律和经济规律的行为。  相似文献   

“生态”这一概念在马克思的著作中并没有明确使用过,但这并不表明马克思没有生态思想。马克思的生态哲学思想主要体现在他对自然、社会及入的相互关系的分析中,其主题是入与自然的关系。马克思的生态哲学思想中包含了自然是人类价值的源泉、异化是入与自然冲突的根源、循环的生态化理念以及制度是解决生态问题的途径等深刻思想,这些思想对于当代人类解决生态危机有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

高嵩 《经济评论》2012,(3):5-10
本文强调马克思与斯密对投机的认识存在分歧,主张把这种分歧追溯到他们秉持的不同的个人观念。斯密在对个人进行抽象时只强调了自利性和理性,马克思则把相互依赖、相互制约也看作个人的行为特征。因为强调人们彼此间的依赖和制约,马克思没有忽视彼此依赖和制约着的任意一方行为主体,他正视选择投机的资本家的存在,承认投机还会对资产价格进而对日常生活和生产经营活动造成冲击,在他笔下,选择投机的资本家、选择投资的资本家和雇佣工人总是结成一定的关系借以制约彼此的行为选择。因为没有把个人理解为彼此依赖和制约着的。斯密轻易忽视了选择投机的资本家的存在,他否认投机及其对资产价格进而对日常生活和生产经营活动造成的冲击,无法正确理解选择投机的资本家与他人结成的关系。  相似文献   

和谐消费是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求和重要组成部分.在和谐消费的自然环境方面,必须符合“人与自然和谐相处”的原则.使消费者赖以生存的自然环境实现“生态良好”的目标。根据和谐观念与可持续发展理论,人类应善待自然.实现人与自然的和谐关系。为了环境保护的目的和实现人类社会可持续发展的需要,应该严格限制破坏自然环境资源的经济行为,严格保护涉及环境消费的自然资源与公民环境权。  相似文献   

马克思提出,劳动过程首先是人与自然之间的物质变换过程.本文通过对产业生态化的本质及其产生的时代背景进行探讨,进一步回顾产业生态化理论的渊源及其发展过程,指出目前以产业生态学为代表的产业生态化理论面临的挑战,最后对实现我国产业生态化进行思考.  相似文献   

马克思的《资本论》孕育着丰富的科学发展思想。《资本论》的发展观是对客观规律的提示和把握,《资本论》的发展观是以人为本的发展观,《资本论》的发展观要求实现人与自然的和谐发展,《资本论》的发展观要求实现社会生产力的持续发展,《资本论》的发展观要求实现社会生产的按比例发展。  相似文献   

The harmony between man and nature is the base for the harmonious society. It is determined by the eco-ruleand eco-economic rule. Human being should not violate the eco-rule. However, human being can make eco-systemsupply suit economic growth and its speed through systematical innovation and restriction of human economic activityand choice. Through technological innovation, efficiency satisfaction of unit resource can be increased; structure andfunction of eco-system can be perfected; supply capability of eco-system can be improved. To build the harmonioussociety, human should consider the reasonable distribution of limited resources from two sides. The first one is that theutilization of two functions of resource supply and pollution purification to nature should not exceed its special supplycapability formed under its special structure and function states, i.e. harmony between man and nature. The second sideis human being should think over the reasonable and effective distribution of limited resources in economic society, i.e.harmony between human beings and society. The reasonable economic activity of human being is the key to the harmo-nious development of man and nature.  相似文献   

马克思、恩格斯共识于“价值时对效用和劳动花费的衡量”,因为它与生产力与生产关系矛盾统一的唯物史观原理相适应:“价值”与“生产力”同义。但是,这种价值理论在《资本论》各卷中的展述却是按照“从抽象上升到具体”的方法,从抽象的“劳动价值论”出发,一步一步上升为“具体”的。细读之,可以发现,每向“具体”前进一步,都靠使劳动价值论与某种突现使用价值决定性的理论相结合而完成,其理论实质是使劳动价值论被纳入唯物史观框架。显然,马克思、恩格斯的价值理论不限于劳动价值论,它是由抽象劳动价值论上升为具体的宏观“效用/劳动价值论”的理论体系。西方学关于第一第三卷彼此矛盾的说法,以及一些马克思主义针对的反击,虽名有些合理之处,但也均陷入了对马克思、恩格斯劳动价值论的绝对化和形式主式误解。  相似文献   

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