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螃蟹 《广告大观》2007,(6S):150-150
广告不讲理,要讲理,你要先不讲理。否则怎么样,看看下面的对话吧。  相似文献   

据悉,华夏时报社拟暂停一切广告经营活动,并撤销广告经营部和经营性周刊,全力打造报纸内容产品和影响力。  相似文献   

纽约时代广场2号楼的形象几乎无处不在——在纽约街景的绘画中、在咖啡杯、礼品包、明信片、里约热内卢的T恤衫和德国谜语上都可能出现。从底部到楼顶,大楼南墙整面装满了LED大屏幕。这样的标识使这幢高380英尺(116米)27层的摩天大楼与帝国大厦和自由女神像一起成为了国际公认的纽约标志。  相似文献   

郜明 《中国广告》2007,(1):129-132
本文从我国实行改革开放政策后,广告业所发生的多方面的变化,提出了加强广告经营研究的必要性。广告业发生的变化表现在:广告经营额的大幅增长;广告经营公司和从业人员的数量扩大;广告表现形式的丰富多变;广告运作理念在广告实践中的深化;广告公司组织形态的变化;广告市场主导角色的转换;以及相关法规和竞争环境的变化。本文由这些方面来构架和阐述。  相似文献   

本届戛纳国际广告节,有两点很是耐人寻味:一是为中国代表团准备了中文同声翻译;二是着重谈论中国的媒体市场发展及对未来十年广告市场的预测。当记者问到为什么会选择把中国的话题拿到戛纳广告节上探讨时,有老外解释,中国经济发展迅猛,是一个充满活力和能量的市场。因此,对中国广告及媒体市场来做探讨,也是一种为全球客户服务的必然选择。与“老外”在戛纳谈论中国,有一种非常独特的心理感受。老外一脸真诚的表达着对中国广告的美好期望,身为国人尤其还是个广告人,格外汗颜。这是一个经常被提及且羞于发表的话题,中国广告,你离戛纳究竟有多远?最近一段时间,泰国、新加坡、韩国等国的作品风生水起,频频获得殊荣,反观国内的作品,仍是难以拿的出去见人。  相似文献   

当初来大陆是多么的机缘巧合,只是抱着去外地解决一个案子的心态来到了内地,没想到就是这样一个选择,让我改变了自己生活与事业的版图。人生总是充满惊奇!  相似文献   

到底什么算是好广告,大家都说这是仁者见仁、智者见智的问题。  相似文献   

广告代理业在全球舞台上已经存在很久,不是一个新的行业。今天引发很多广告业经营模式讨论最重要的原因,其实是媒体环境在快速改变。  相似文献   

叶蕾 《广告大观》2005,(10):37-38
广告业进入门槛太低,所以不容易产生行业内的自尊及赢得行业外的尊重。在广告的鼎盛时期,我的母校就至少有四五个不同系科开办了与广告相关的专业,大有英雄不问出处的豪情。活跃在广告圈的学院派人物也往往有迥异的学术背景:新闻传播学的、社会学的、经济管理的,甚至地理的(可以做房地产广告),不一而足。很多人都是在一夜之间决定投身广告,“策划”或“创意”是那些觉得自己富于奇思妙想的人们的岗位,而“设计”一职则为艺术院校画艺不精的学生们找到新出路。  相似文献   

Split ads involve presenting advertising information as two separate and distinct parts, such as when two short commercials for a given brand are separated by other television content. An emerging form of the split ad strategy combines a short ad in one medium with a second short ad that appears in a completely different medium. Two studies investigate the relative effectiveness of such hybrid split ads. In particular, we explore a form of the hybrid split ad strategy that is gaining in popularity and that involves combining an ad in a traditional medium with an addendum ad on a web site. Results of Experiment 1 indicate that a hybrid split ad can produce more positive attitudes toward an advertised product than a traditional uninterrupted ad. This seems to occur, because the hybrid split ad focuses particular attention on information contained in its latter half. In Experiment 2, we further show that varying the difficulty with which the latter half of a hybrid split ad is accessed can enhance the amount of added weight given to information in its latter half and can thus further enhance attitudes.  相似文献   

东方船夫 《广告大观》2006,(3S):128-129
我想没有哪一品类品牌的广告像烟草广告这样受到如此多的“关照”,如果严格依照相关法规来衡量,现在电视上所有的烟草广告都是违规操作。各烟草企业借鸡生蛋,绞尽脑汁以不同的面目在电视上露脸儿,隔靴搔痒,困兽犹斗。  相似文献   

今年中国书画拍卖屡创佳绩,书画收藏热正在逐步升温,很多人都想知道什么是好画,什么画才有收藏价值,而行内人又把这一行称“软片子”,其意是不易学。其实学习都有法门,抓住要领,学会并不难。前人论述中有很多精妙之处,可以帮助我们在学习书画鉴赏中登堂入室。我试着指出三个要点。可为入门的要领。  相似文献   

To determine if advertisers use sexual imagery to appeal to youth, 2,863 ads in magazines read by young and mature adults were compared. Results indicate that ads targeted to young adults were 65% more likely to contain provocatively dressed models and 128% more likely to contain sexual behavior than those for mature adults. In the ads for young adults, female models were 3.7 times more likely to be portrayed sexually than were male models. The findings suggest that advertisers use sexual imagery, primarily by means of female models, to appeal to young audiences. Education and consumer action implications are discussed.  相似文献   

<正>在同样一个地域范围内,为什么不同卫视或不同电视频道同样的一个收视点(如1%的收视率),会有不同的广告价值?这是许多电视台都希望能够解答的问题,并希望有明确的数量化指标来帮助领导决策,是否应合理地  相似文献   

As the nippy winter weather sets a chill on the capital,a relaxing trip to a hot spring is coming into season for pleasure seekers. China's feudal emperors have been used to soaking in hot springs since ancient time.Nowadays,hot springs are more and more popular with common people.As the capital of several dynasties,Beijing is also affluent in this resource.In such cold weather,a hot spring tour is no doubt an ideal one for anyone who wants to relax and extend a trip.  相似文献   

胡达恩 《广告大观》2006,(1S):86-88
长久以来,广告是一进在担心自己投放的广告能不能精确的到达受众,广告人也礼思索有没有一种新的广告媒介能把广告精准的做到消费者手中,而现在手机移动广告的出现无疑正在帮助他们交现着各自的梦想。移动广告在理论上讲,它是一种小众传播的载体,属于分众传媒的一种。与传统的广告相比,  相似文献   


This paper presents an examination of professional journal advertising by professional accounting firms. Advertisements in the three most widely distributed professional accounting journals were analyzed to ascertain the extent of advertising by accounting firms. Research questions included the following: (1) What is the message or purpose of the ads? (2) What size ads are preferred? (3) What is the information content (firm's location, phone number, etc.) of the ads? (4) Which firms advertise the most?

The findings indicate that the most common advertising message concerned selling computer software, followed by employee recruitment. The most common size ads were between a quarter of a page and a page. Information content ranged from phone number and address to professional credentials and specialized services. Advertisements were widely used by both Big Six and non-Big Six accounting firms. The extent of advertising among Big Six firms, however, is highly varied, with Arthur Andersen & Co. generating the most ads. Advertising allows firms the opportunity to reach consumers, provide useful information, and distinguish themselves from other firms.  相似文献   

《新华每日电讯》12月8日报道指出:“皇家风尚”、“新贵公寓”、“富人聚集区”、“白领贵族的集聚地”“、国际名流府邸”……诸如此类的广告“炫富”意味浓厚,有意放大社会分化带来的人群特征,不利于社会各阶层和利益群体之间和谐共处,已成为构建和谐社会的“噪音”。该报道  相似文献   

吴东彬 《广告大观》2005,(11):31-32
我国户外广告是近年来蓬勃发展的一支产业生力军,虽然它在国民经济中的贡献率还微不足道,但在整个广告业中的市场份额已跃居第三位,成为仅次于电视、报纸的第三大广告传媒。在大众传媒日益分众化、普遍影响力风光不在的情形下,户外媒体以其独特的传播价值被市场传播业的有识之士推崇为真正的大众媒体。  相似文献   

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