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同志们:今天,省粮食经济学会在这里召开成立二十周年座谈会暨各市粮食经济学会会长、秘书长会议,回顾二十年来的学会工作,交流经验,研究新形势下的学会工作任务,非常必要,很有意义。我很高兴参加这次会议,一是向会议表示热烈的祝贺;二是向大家学习探讨新形势下的粮食流通体制改革、粮食经济方面的理论和实践问题,以促进粮食事业稳中求进、又好又快发展。  相似文献   

湖北省粮食经济学会是由省内从事粮食经济工作研究的专家、学者以及相关单位自愿组成的全省性、学术性、非营利性的社会团体组织。自1987年成立至今已历五届,团体会员单位也由第一届的22个发展到现在的116个。学会只是一个社团组织,要开展和做好学会工作困难很多,但是经过几届人的共同努力下,20年来,学会为促进湖北省粮食经济的发展发挥了应有的作用。  相似文献   

学会是粮食行业中重要的社团组织,既是政府联系和沟通粮食行业的桥梁和纽带,也是落实国家粮食战略的重要渠道,在推进粮食事业改革发展和行业转型升级上肩负着重大使命.文章从提高政治站位,善于观势谋事;突出问题导向,强化主动作为;强化智库功能,加强自身建设三个方面提出了对湖南粮食经济科技学会的工作要求.并要求省粮食经济科技学会围...  相似文献   

为加强粮食行业调查研究.促进学术交流,推出优秀科研成果。培育和调动科研人才积极性.全力推动粮食行业科学发展.省粮食学会开展了优秀科研成果评选活动。  相似文献   

2009年是推动经济社会科学、和谐发展十分重要的一年,也是进一步深化粮食流通体制改革,促增长、保稳定、促发展的关键一年。省粮经学会工作总的要求是,认真贯彻党的十七大和十七届三全会精神,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持科学发展观,按照“高举旗帜、围绕大局、服务人民、改革创新”的要求,紧紧围绕粮食中心工作,深入调查研究,加强理论研讨,搞好舆论宣传,积极开展学术交流活动,充分发挥粮食经济学会的作用.促进粮食事业平稳健康发展。  相似文献   

近几年来,滨州市粮食经济学会在市粮食局的正确领导和省粮食经济学会的精心指导下,以深入开展粮食工作调研为重点。以认真搞好粮食经济理论研究为中心,以积极搞好刊物征订工作为基础,加强领导,精心组织。强化措施,狠抓落实,努力做好粮食经济学会工作.较好地完成了省粮食经济学会安排部署的各项工作任务,为推动我市粮食改革和事业发展发挥了重要作用。[第一段]  相似文献   

当前形势下,粮食流通工作的任务很繁重,粮食财会工作如何发挥好职能作用.服务于粮食宏观调控,促进粮食流通改革和发展,支持国有粮食企业继续发挥市场主渠道作用.这是摆在我们各级粮食财会部门和财会人员面前的一项重要任务.也是一个重要考验。[第一段]  相似文献   

五十年来国有粮食部门为稳定市场、安排生活、促进国民经济的发展作出了重大的贡献,交了合格的答卷;在进入新世纪以后,我们的任务会更加繁重,更为艰巨,困难也会更多,这就需要粮食战线的全体同志齐心协力,奋斗拼搏,尽快摆脱困难局面,步入良性循环轨道。粮食经济研究,是为社会主义经济建设服务的,是为粮食部门的改革、发展鸣锣开道、献计献策的,是为粮食改革、调整和发展扫清思想障碍,提供思想武器和理论武器的。纷繁复杂的现实生活,也提出了许多重大的课题,需要我们去探讨、研究,而且要有前瞻性、科学性、可行性,这就为粮食经济研究工作提出…  相似文献   

9月21日,成都市粮食学会在蒲江县召开了全市粮食经济理论研讨会,23个区(市)县、公司的粮食学会会长、秘书长、论文作者共60人参加了研讨会。主题是国有粮食企业改革、粮食种植结构调整、抓住西部大开发机遇,发展粮食经济和新形势下的政治思想工作。现将主要观点综述如下: 一、深化国有粮食企业改革国有粮食企业改革要以建立现代企业制度为方向,本着有进有退,有所为有所不为的原则,按照精干主业、放活附业、明晰产权、创新机制、全员安置、整体推进的改革目标,以政企彻底分开为前提,优化粮食经营结构为基础,抓好建立企业产权制度…  相似文献   

我们内江市粮食学会自1985年成立以来,以邓小平理论为指导,坚持党的基本路线,紧密围绕粮食流通体制改革和粮食工作实际,积极开展调查研究、理论研讨和学术交流活动,为深化粮食流通体制改革、促进粮食企业发展等方面,发挥了应有的作用,得到上级组织和广大粮食职工的肯定。我们的主要体会是:一、充分认识学会的地位和作用,是办好学会的前提。随着粮食流通体制改革的不断深入,粮食工作发生了很大的变化。在改革新形势下,如何正确认识和对待粮食学会工作,是我们做好粮食学会工作的思想基础和首要条件。在社会主义市场经济条件下,粮食学会是不是…  相似文献   

This article presents new research on the impact and consequences of the incorporation of Puerto Rico into the American economic sphere of influence and how much change truly took place during the first decades of the twentieth century. As reconstructed here, Puerto Rico's social and economic structure did change after the American invasion. However, a closer look at the data reveals that, contrary to the generally accepted conclusions, land tenure did not become concentrated in fewer hands. Puerto Rico did experience profound changes with the rapid growth of US agribusiness and the penetration of American capital. In the process of arriving on the island, these two interests found a land tenure system in the firm control of local farmers (small, medium, and large). The American invasion and subsequent incorporation of the island into the American economic/political system as a non-incorporated territory provided the conditions for the numerical increase of farms and farmers in the island during the first three decades of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

In this short paper, I assess how COVID-19-related disruptions in transportation services, as well as new demands for transportation services, could impact Canadian agricultural supply chains. The brief analysis reveals that agricultural access to bulk ocean freight, rail movement, and trucking has generally improved in the pandemic, bolstered by the reduced demand for these transportation services by other sectors of the economy. The intermodal containerized movement of grains and food products has seen some disruption from the lack of empty containers in North America. The widespread consumer adoption of physical distancing measures has vastly increased the demand for retail food pickup and delivery services to the point where these services are being rationed by long wait times. From a policy perspective, there is an apparent need for (a) continued supply chain monitoring and industry engagement, (b) the proactive development of strategies to deal with absenteeism and other potential threats to the supply chain, and (c) an assessment of the economic and health merits of providing additional public resources to provide greater access to grocery pickup and delivery services.  相似文献   

[目的]推进农业转移人口市民化,逐步把符合条件的农业转移人口转为城镇居民,是西部城乡一体化发展面临的首要难题,主要是解决"人往哪里去"的问题。[方法]定量分析和定性分析相结合、发展经济学中的刘易斯模型与托达罗模型是西部农业转移人口市民化所借鉴的主要方法。这些方法始终坚持把理论与实践、宏观分析与微观调研、批判与建构相结合,既注重共性与普遍性,又突出西部区域个性与特殊性。[结果]农业人口转移主要包括农村剩余劳动力的转移与农业人口向非农产业的转移2个部分,二者都是人口城市化过程。农业人口转移的方式主要是农业人口向非农业人口转移和农业人口从种植业向非种植业转移两种。西部地区农业人口转移应坚持城镇化、工业化、信息化和"三农"现代化"四化"并重发展,一方面,要推动实施工业化、城镇化战略转移农业剩余人口;另一方面,要大力推进农业、农民和农村的现代化,推动"美丽乡村"建设,重视农业和农村对剩余劳动力的吸纳,改变单向度的城市化和工业化思维。[结论]西部农业转移人口市民化的关键在于制度的安排与创新,主要解决"转的进、稳得住、有保障、可持续"的问题。  相似文献   

We derive a simple expression for the income-pollution path using the standard static model of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC). This expression makes it straightforward to identify the general characteristics of utility and pollution functions that lead to such a curve. We show that suitable preferences can always lead to an EKC while there is no technology that yields an EKC for all types of preferences, and we derive a sufficient condition for technology that leads to an EKC for almost all types of preferences. Our results hold for a model with multiple goods with different pollution intensities and for a production economy with nonconstant relative price of consumption and environmental effort. We derive our results without assuming specific functional forms and we encompass several other models as special cases.  相似文献   

Reindeer husbandry is a cornerstone in the culture of the Sami, northern Scandinavia's indigenous people. This paper presents a dynamic, theoretical model of the Swedish reindeer husbandry and the market for reindeer meat, as well as econometric results based on three‐stage least squares regression on annual data. The most striking feature of the empirical results is a “backward‐sloping” supply function, which is consistent with the theoretical model. The results also show effects of the Chernobyl accident. Prevailing winds at the time of the accident carried radioactive fallout over the grazing areas for the Swedish reindeer husbandry, causing effects on both supply and demand.  相似文献   

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