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当前大学生的心理障碍主要表现为自卑、厌学、虚荣、嫉妒、抑郁等,其成因主要是学习压力大、不能尽快适应大学环境、人际关系紧张、经济负担重。应及时了解大学生的心理障碍,对症下药,促进大学生身心健康发展。  相似文献   

农民工在进城务工的身份转变过程中,因各种原因所导致的心理障碍直接影响他们的行为抉择和生活理想的确定,影响其生活品位的提升,成为阻碍他们尽快融入城市的重要因素。目前,农民工的此类心理障碍主要有过客心态、适应不良、情感支持缺乏、自卑心理、攀比心理、妒忌心理、恋旧心理等。  相似文献   

随着社会竞争的加剧,高职学生面临着前所未有的心理压力,心理问题日益突出.对1 343名高职学生进行测评后发现,19.21%的高职学生表现出明显的心理问题,许多学生对自身心理健康状态觉察能力不足,难以真正接受专业的心理治疗.高职院校要采用灵活多样的工作方式,构建有效的心理障碍综合干预体系,通过不同的干预途径、多样渗透的干预方法、丰富全面的干预内容,做好高职学生的心理健康服务工作.  相似文献   

体育教学中学生心理障碍的形成有其主客观原因。消除学生心理障碍可以采取多种形式,如优化课堂教学氛围,加强学生身体基本技能的训练,加强学生心理训练,克服外界环境干扰,针对学生不同个性特点进行教学等。  相似文献   

马瑞敏 《金卡工程》2010,14(3):166-166
物权行为理论自德国历史法学派创始人萨维尼创立以来,深受德国法学界重视,并为《德国民法典》所采纳。中国的民法理论和民事立法,都继受了德国民法所创设的法律行为概念,但在”物权行为”的存废问题上,则有不同的学说观点。本文首先从物权行为无因性的基本理论出发,深入剖析了物权行为无因性的局限性,提出了克服这一局限性的物权行为无因性的相对化,指出物权行为无因性的局限性是可以克服的,物权行为有其存在的制度价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

股东知情权是股东实现一切股东权利的前提,其行权的效果决定公司利益是否能够充分实现,司法实践中股东知情权的行权滞碍普遍存在且难以克服,所以,有必要突破法律分析的视角,将股东知情权置于公司经营管理的全部背景下,运用法务会计的学科知识予以分析,以寻求克服股东知情权行权滞碍的最优途径和方法。  相似文献   

方蕾 《云南金融》2012,(9X):239-239
马克思最早在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中支出异化劳动理论,并将其归纳为四种表现。文章针对现代社会的发展现状,提出了几种克服劳动异化的可能方法和途径,即工会制度的建立、社会保障制度的建立、股份制企业制度的建立和宏观经济调控手段的实施。  相似文献   

方蕾 《时代金融》2012,(27):239
马克思最早在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中支出异化劳动理论,并将其归纳为四种表现。文章针对现代社会的发展现状,提出了几种克服劳动异化的可能方法和途径,即工会制度的建立、社会保障制度的建立、股份制企业制度的建立和宏观经济调控手段的实施。  相似文献   

本文分析了认知障碍、情绪障碍、行为障碍对思想政治课教学的实效产生的负影响,探讨了疏导学生接受心理诸种障碍的方法.  相似文献   

邱跃辉 《金卡工程》2009,13(2):35-36
该文通过分析医疗服务市场失灵的主要原因,提出经济法可以有效克服市场失灵的一些观点,进而彻底解决目前医疗市场中存在的种种问题,以促进我国医疗卫生事业的健康发展。  相似文献   

本文以呼和浩特为例对现有的篮球俱乐部和参加篮球运动的人群进行了调查,结合相关的资料及专家学者的研究结果得出:目前呼和浩特市篮球俱乐部正从“边缘化”迅速地向“主流化”转变,篮球群体正从“小众化”逐渐过渡到“大众化”;但需要政府给予更多的优惠政策,借助媒体进行更好的宣传项目;鼓励篮球运动组织者把篮球俱乐部做强做大,引进更多的专业人才,更系统的开展组织指导篮球教育与教学,逐渐改变人们对待篮球运动的冷淡态度;从主观上建立大众化与专业化相结合的篮球群体,组织比赛、开发商机、代理篮球运动知名品牌、拓展体育联盟等项目.  相似文献   

In this paper, we estimate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in the UK. We use longitudinal micro data for the UK over the period 2009–20 to control for pre-existing trends in mental health and construct individual-specific counterfactual predictions for April 2020, against which the COVID-19 mental health outcomes can be assessed. Our analysis reveals substantial effects at the population level, approximately equal in magnitude to the pre-pandemic differences between the top and bottom quintiles of the income distribution. This overall effect was not distributed equally in the population – the pandemic had much bigger effects for young adults and for women, which are groups that already had lower levels of mental health before COVID-19. Hence inequalities in mental health have been increased by the pandemic. Even larger effects are observed for measures of mental health that capture the number of problems reported or the fraction of the population reporting any frequent or severe problems, which more than doubled. Pre-existing health vulnerabilities had no predictive power for subsequent changes in mental health.  相似文献   

本文基于2014年北京大学中国老年人健康长寿影响因素调查(CLHLS)数据,采用潜类别分析模型(LCM)与多项Logit回归模型,探索了老年人心理健康的潜在类别与差异,以及“丧失”因素对于老年人心理健康的影响。研究发现:老年人心理健康类型可分为积极型、矛盾型、消极型三类,矛盾型占比达50%以上;“丧失”因素是影响老年人心理健康的直接因素,日常活动能力不受限、认知功能完好、睡眠质量较好的老年人出现积极型的可能性高;“丧失”因素对老年人心理健康的影响在不同户籍、社会经济地位方面存在差异,日常活动能力因素对农村、社会经济地位较低的老年人影响更大,睡眠质量对城市、社会经济地位较高的老年人影响更大。基于此,本文提出以下建议:要重视矛盾型老年人的识别与干预;要健全老年人健康支持体系,完善养老服务设施规划布局及配置,促进老年宜居环境建设;要精准施策,分类施策。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has reduced well-being and economic security on a number of dimensions, likely worsening mental health. In this paper, we assess how mental health in the US population has changed during the pandemic. We use three large, nationally representative survey sources to provide a picture of mental health prior to and during the pandemic. We find dramatic but broad-based declines in the level of mental health from pre-pandemic baseline measures across both people and places. Rates of poor mental health have jumped roughly 25 percentage points, from a base of roughly one-third. We document substantial disparities in mental health but show that the pandemic has generally preserved, rather than widened, these. Significant worsening in relative mental health among Hispanics and respondents aged 30 and older are exceptions. Consistent with an important role for pandemic-specific shocks, We find that income loss, food insecurity, COVID-19 infection or death in one's close circle, and personal health symptoms are all associated with substantially worse mental health. If anything, the decline in mental health is worsening as the pandemic wears on and is becoming less related to local COVID-19 case rates.  相似文献   

国际板建设的理论、制度和操作层面障碍   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文讨论了国际板建设涉及的三方面的理论问题,以及五个具体操作层面的问题。这三个方面的关系问题是国际板与香港国际金融中心的地位关系问题、国际板与外汇管理制度的关系问题以及国际板与国内板的关系问题。五个方面具体操作层面的问题包括国际板的保荐、发行和审批流程问题、国际板的招股书披露要求问题、国际板的适用财务准则问题、国际板的上市规则问题以及国际板的公司治理问题。  相似文献   

保障性住房建设满意度能客观反映住房保障对象的需要水平。实证研究表明:保障性住房建设满意度的影响因素主要有交通、教育、供水供电、娱乐、医疗卫生、安全状况、购物及各自设施,另外还有物业管理及服务态度、地方政府资金投入及服务态度、小区及周围生活环境等因素。各级政府部门应通过多元化融资方式保证其供给,才能使保障性住房产品的福利性得到真正发挥。  相似文献   

再分配公平的制度性障碍及其对策研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
“在再分配中更注重公平”已成为我国的一项基本收入分配政策,但在现阶段,其实现受到了来自于初次分配和再分配这两个领域的制度制约。因此,对于初次分配领域的制度性障碍,应主要通过市场化的推进来加以解决;而对于再分配领域的制度性障碍,则必须通过政府职能的转变和强化才能予以消除。  相似文献   

我国已进入人口老龄化社会,这对我国社会养老保障提出了更高的要求,而社会养老保障体系尚不健全。近年来民办养老机构的快速发展,对于解决养老问题起了十分重要的作用。但是当前民办养老机构服务人员文化层次较低,缺乏医疗技能,对他们的培育工作十分滞后。通过调查访谈,了解到民办养老机构服务人员培育中的障碍主要有政策扶持不足、培训体系不完善、激励措施过于单一等,在此基础上提出要加大政策扶持力度、完善培训体系以及改变单一的激励机制等对策。  相似文献   

近年来信托整顿折射出信托业在其不同发展阶段面临的诸多问题,不仅包括处置过程本身的障碍,还包括信托自身经营和外部环境的障碍.本文对这些问题深入分析,结合当前经济金融形势,依据全局性的观点,从法制建设、监管协调、基础设施、风险处置、经营模式以及战略联盟等方面对信托业的可持续发展提出建议.  相似文献   

The Accounting Education Change Commission (AECC) and the large international accounting firms have all emphasized that accountants must be able to work with unstructured problems to be successful in today's business environment. Measures of this ability are essential if accounting educators are to assist students in improving their abilities to work with unstructured problems. However, there appears to be no measure that has been widely accepted as being the ‘best’ measure. This study considers whether two linguistic performance measures might be usable by accounting educators for this purpose. We use data obtained from a student assessment centre to consider two measures of linguistic performance, idea density and grammatical complexity. We incorporate five criteria in deciding whether these measures could be usable: (1) whether the measures are related to students' performance when solving unstructured problems; (2) whether the measures distinguish between the ability to work with unstructured compared to structured problems; (3) ease of obtaining necessary information from students; (4) ease of scoring, and (5) robustness of the findings after considering other variables that may have an effect. Our results indicate that subjects' linguistic performance as measured by idea density meets these five criteria. However, grammatical complexity is not related to performance for either type of problem. These results were found even after controlling for the effects of other variables such as grade point average (GPA), experience, and personality variables. Because the measures can be obtained from virtually any written work produced by students, the information to be scored is relatively easy to obtain. Scoring is also relatively straightforward.  相似文献   

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