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佟伟 《活力》2009,(23)
大庆精神是大庆人奉献给国人、奉献给时代最宝贵的精神财富,是民族精神的浓缩,是社会主义核心价值体系的重要内容.在长期的发展实践过程中,我们秉承着大庆精神,克服了一个又一个困难,解决了一个又一个问题,创造了一个又一个佳绩.  相似文献   

劳动竞赛在中国社会主义建设中功不可没。 轰轰烈烈、热火朝天的劳动竞赛,显示了工人阶级的威力。在劳动竞赛中,工人阶级克服了一个又一个困难,创造了一个又一个奇迹,极大地提高了劳动生产率,推动着中国经济的发展,工人阶级的队伍也在竞赛中迅速成长起来。  相似文献   

文化是一个国家的历史积累,反映出了一个国家发展的不同阶段。对基层企业文化来说,这是一个企业的发展过程,也显示了一个企业的实力。  相似文献   

一个城市各个时期的建筑,组成了一个城市的历史,而只有一个城市的历史,才能够凝固成一个城市的灵魂。惟有完整地保留了那些标志着当时化和科学水准,或具有特殊人意义的建筑,才会使一个城市的历史绵延不绝,也才会使一个城市永远焕发着灵魂的魅力和光彩。  相似文献   

<正>幸运的是,我遇到了这样一个机会,我参与到了一个年轻有活力的行业,参与到了一个与人们美好生活息息相关的行业,参与到了一个正向春天大踏步迈进的行业。中华人民共和国70周岁的生日即将到来,这恰好是个总结和回顾的时机,年份的更迭看上去仅仅像是数字的变化,然而却有太多内容包含在更迭里。70岁对一个人来说,是从懵懂到睿智豁达的阶段,而对于一个民族,这仅仅是  相似文献   

吴维库 《经济界》2004,(6):50-52
【案例】 长春一个女士,自己辛辛苦苦缔造了一个塑料再生企业,该女士亲自担任董事长兼总经理。她感到疲劳,聘请了一个职业经  相似文献   

基于信息共享的供应链企业协作效益研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘换花  邓祥明 《物流技术》2009,28(10):97-99,142
探讨了一个简单三级供应链模型,包括一个供应商一个制造商与一个零售商,并对他们在供应链协作中的效应进行分析,揭示了信息共享内容对实现供应链协作的作用以及在不同的协作策略下的效益.  相似文献   

"本次危机实际不是一个系统的修复与升级,而是一个系统的崩溃与更替,它宣告了一个旧时代的结束,也宣告了一个新时代的来临."阳光100置业集团有限公司常务副总裁范小冲的一句话点破了这次金融危机给中国房地产行业所带来的影响.……  相似文献   

哲理的故事 一天,一个外星人上了公交车,语言不通,司机和他打手势交流。外星人用手比划了一个小圆,司机用手画一个大圆;外星人又做了一个“八”的手势,司机做了一个“七”的动作;外星人的脸色有点变了,连忙又指了指天上,司机笑了,指了指地上,外星人脸色大变,夺路而逃。  相似文献   

文化是一个民族进步的重要标志,一个有历史的国度必然是一个文化积淀深厚的国家,反映了一个民族各个阶段的社会发展风貌。对于电力企业而言,文化是一个企业成长的见证,也能显示一个企业的中和实力。文章就电力企业的文化进行了论述。  相似文献   

The transfer of environmental goods and services to China will increasingly be of importance to developed nations as the demand for environmental management services increases in China. A review of the literature on technology transfer to China revealed a range of well recognized and commonly known constraints to transferring technologies to China. There were gaps in the literature in relation to the concerns that environmental professionals have regarding technology transfer to China, as there is limited information on the transfer in environmental goods and services to China. A survey of the non‐trade barriers and their practical impact on the transfer of environmental technologies and goods and services to China, focusing on Australian suppliers, was undertaken to address these gaps. The survey, which was developed from barriers to technology transfer already described in the extensive research addressing the wider issues of technology transfer to China, targeted environmental professionals but also included other professionals with interests in transferring environmental goods and services to China. From the survey, the highest priority barriers to transferring environmental goods and service to China were identified, and those that are most likely to limit Australian vendors of environmental goods and services in their technology transfers to China were protection of intellectual property (IP), limitations of the rule of law, fragmentation and bureaucracy of the Chinese government and establishing appropriate level of ownership (of environmental goods and services providers in China). Examples of Australian experience were also examined, which confirmed these barriers to providing the needed technology and innovation to manage China's increasing environmental impacts. The research also shows that the barriers identified do not appear to be unique to transfer of environmental goods and services but rather generic to the transfer and adoption of Australian technology into China. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

许汉良 《价值工程》2010,29(10):213-214
中专政治理论课在新的历史时期,如何适应时代的发展变化,如何突破原有的教育模式,如何提高育人实效,迎接时代的挑战。本文中专政治理论课要走出困境,其出路和对策入手,试图从中专政治理论课教学角度探讨作为切入点,分析中专政治理论课教学所面临的问题困境的根源。  相似文献   

统一思想,步调一致,解放思想,开拓创新,是企业永葆旺盛活力的关键所在。如何让企业全体员工统一思想,步调一致,解放思想,开拓创新,进一步推动企业发展,永盛不衰呢?这就要求企业领导干部凡事要以身作则,深入基层,深入群众,科学管理,讲究民主,善于学习,与时俱进,开拓创新,筹谋发展,运用科学发展的理论,转换企业经营机制,以市场经济为导向,带领广大职工,不断推动企业经济发展,贡献社会,改善民生。  相似文献   

为了增强学生的写作兴趣及其写作技巧,根据这几年的教学经验,笔者总结出以下两点:一是读。只有大量的阅读,才能够掌握财经应用文的特点规律,建立财经应用文各文种的模式和表达方式,达到感性与理性的有机结合。二是练。在写作训练环节中,笔者采用了"同一材料反复练"、"常用文体重点练"、"就地取材经常练"的方法,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

李艳  李小雷  王东锋 《价值工程》2012,31(15):252-253
在分析士官学员特点和《飞机结构强度》课程特点的基础上,从巧妙设置问题、运用对比分析、采用归纳总结、联系部队装备、结合生活常识、引用历史典故和补充前沿知识等方面探讨了《飞机结构强度》课程的教学方法,以期达到提高教学质量、改善教学效果的目的。  相似文献   

统一思想,步调一致,解放思想,开拓创新,是企业永葆旺盛活力的关键所在。如何让企业全体员工统一思想,步调一致,解放思想,开拓创新,进一步推动企业发展,永盛不衰呢?这就要求企业领导干部凡事要以身作则,深入基层,深入群众,科学管理,讲究民主,善于学习,与时俱进,开拓创新,筹谋发展,运用科学发展的理论,转换企业经营机制,以市场经济为导向,带领广大职工,不断推动企业经济发展,贡献社会,改善民生。  相似文献   

对企业而言,面对日益激烈的竞争,如何赢得或保住市场都是极为严峻的挑战。能够帮助企业迎接这一挑战的核心竞争力,便是来自高素质高技能的队伍——人才。企业缺乏合适的人才,如若采用挖墙脚方式虽可解救燃眉之急,但无法长期满足企业成长的需要,因此企业应着重于从内部培养。管理人员的一个最重要的职责就是有效地培育与发展下属,并激励团队成员为组织的目标全力以赴。从公司内部培养和提拔业务骨干和中层管理人员,对企业的长远发展来讲是一件非常重要的事情。公司的每位中、高级管理者都有培养下属的责任。但多数企业并没有下大力气实施人才培养,这其中有观念的问题也有实际的障碍。  相似文献   

Because homelessness is visible in cities with high levels of gentrification, the media have linked the two phenomena. But the displacement taking place in most American cities is due more to blight than to gentrification. This article examines both sources of displacement and traces them to the same source: land speculation. In declining cities, land speculation causes parcels to be held vacant in prime locations, leading to disinvestment and an inadequate supply of affordable commercial and residential buildings. In cities with booming economies, land speculation leads to redevelopment of entire neighborhoods where land appreciates in value due to new commercial or residential demand. The solution to gentrification and blight as sources of displacement is to increase land value return and recycling to stabilize urban economies and avoid the boom-bust cycles that are so detrimental to cities.  相似文献   

夏谊 《城市问题》2007,(12):51-54
分析了温州中心城区的功能定位,提出应当培育三大核心功能:第一,构建制造业垂直分工体系,强化生产性服务功能;第二,发展独占性资源产业,提升流通服务功能;第三,培育知识密集型产业,增强流通服务功能.最后,结合温州的发展现状及区位优势,提出了建立区域协调机制,重构产业体系与构建综合交通体系等三点对策建议.  相似文献   

Leading to Learn     
“You don't see to draw, you draw to see.” And then Fred said, “It's just the same for leadership, you don't learn to lead, you lead to learn.” The arts can teach us to stay with our senses and not know and in that way to provide a balance to the dominance of the analytic approaches to our organizational worlds. There is an old saying that you can only manage what you can measure. The arts can help us to work with what we cannot measure and the way to do that is by leading to learn. The current article explores the qualitatively different way in which the arts teach us to apprehend the world and how that is central to leadership.  相似文献   

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