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Special charity events are an important source of revenue for non-profit organisations in cancer control yet volunteering is declining and turnover is high. Experiences at cause-related events may influence retention, particularly emotions connected to the cause and ceremonies which honour cancer survivors and remember loved ones. We explore the degree to which emotions associated with cause-related volunteering and collective action in the literature are felt in response to Relay For Life and what emotions predict three indicators of retention: intention to return for future events, satisfaction with volunteering, and organisational commitment. Volunteers (n = 410) completed a cross-sectional survey at Relay For Life events in Queensland, Australia. Multiple regression analyses examined whether emotions associated with events predicted each indicator of retention, adjusting for number of years spent volunteering for events. Sixty-two percent reported an intention to return the following year. The most commonly reported event-related emotions were hope, pride, and empathy (62–69%). Intention to return, satisfaction, and commitment were each significantly predicted by hope and pride. The findings suggest special charity events in cancer control could retain volunteers by fostering pride and hope (e.g., for a cancer free future); however, future prospective research which examines the mechanisms of these relationships is warranted.  相似文献   

The protests that took place at the World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle, Washington, in late 1999 (and the series of similar, subsequent protests around the globe) have marked a new phase in the struggle for social justice. One approach to understanding the demonstrations is to view the activists as protesting what they perceive to be their lack of control– over the conditions of their economies, environments, lives and communities. In association with such protests, discontent has also been manifest through the efforts of local–scale actors to confront a `spaceless and timeless globalization’ by pursuing strategies to assert power over local conditions at the local scale. Using the United States as an example, this article examines such local scale efforts in relation to international political economic changes and after–Fordist urban political restructuring. It explores three ways groups or individuals attempt to pursue local economic development within a liberal democratic capitalist system without compromising the equally important goals of justice and equity: (1) local ownership; (2) local regulation; and (3) local market development. The argument put forward in this article is that, while after–Fordist scalar restructuring represents a strategic effort by capital to gain power over and opportunity for capital accumulation, it may also present new opportunities for social justice activism at the local scale, provided local scale actors can develop and mobilize a consciousness of justice and a multi–scalar understanding of place, and can utilize the politics of scale by linking together similar projects across scalar divisions. Les manifestations qui ont eu lieu lors du sommet de l’Organisation du Commerce International à Seattle, celles de Washington fin 1999 (et l’ensemble des protestations similaires et ultérieures à travers le monde) ont marqué une nouvelle étape dans la lutte pour la justice sociale. On peut appréhender cette agitation en considérant que les activistes protestent contre ce qu’ils perçoivent comme leur absence de maîtrise (sur la situation de leurs économies, environnements, vies et communautés). Parallèlement, un mécontentement s’est exprimé par le biais d’acteurs de niveau local qui cherchaient à défier une ‘mondialisation sans bornes temporelles ni spatiales’ en manoevrant de façon à imposer un pouvoir sur la situation locale â l’échelle locale. A partir du cas des Etats–Unis, cet article étudie ces tentatives locales en function des évolutions politico–économiques internationals et de la restructuration de la politique urbaine de l’après–Fordisme. Il explore trois moyens utilisés par des groupes ou individus s’efforçant de mener à bien l’expansion économique locale au sein d’un sysème capitaliste démocratique libéral sans compromettre les objectifs de justice et d’équité, tout aussi importants, que sont propriété locale, régulation locale et développement du marché local. L’article suggère que si la restructuration d’échelle de l’après–Fordisme représente un effort stratégique du capital pour acquérir du pouvoir et une occasion d’accumuler du capital, elle peut aussi offrir de nouvelles possibilitiés pour un activisme de justice sociale au niveau local, sous réserve que les acteurs à l’échelon local puissent développer et mobiliser une prise de conscience en termes de justice et une comprehénsion du lieu à différentes échelles, et qu’ils puissent exploiter la politique des échelles en reliant les projets similaires appartenant à plusieurs d’entre elles.  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - The importance of institutional factors and entrepreneurial orientation is widely recognized in the study of entrepreneurship development, leading to the development of...  相似文献   

Quality of work has within a short time become a major subject of study and discussion in labour economy. Its quantification is a challenging task because it implies the translation of various subjective perceptions into a single objective measure (composite indicator). In this paper, the method used to construct measures is the Rating Scale Model and the available data come from the Survey on Italian Social Cooperatives carried out in 2007. The validity of the obtained Rasch measures is tested with respect to some overall variables of the quality of work. Moreover, using inferential confidence intervals, these measures are utilized to evaluate the differences in the perception of the quality of work due to worker (gender, age and education) and cooperative (type, dimension and geographic area) characteristics, work characteristics (service area, membership, time and type of contract) and work incentives (economic, professional and learning).  相似文献   

  • Cause‐related events are growing in frequency and popularity. These events enable corporates and not‐for‐profit organisations to collaborate for mutual benefit, within the strategic framework of a social partnership. However, while anecdotal evidence indicates that millions of dollars are invested in events, less is known about how the strategic objectives of social partnerships are achieved via cause‐related events. We present the findings of an ethnographic study of two social partnerships and contribute insights into how and why events help them achieve their strategic objectives. Case analysis data reveals that the fit between events and partnerships; the people, teams, and relationships; and collaboration of resources all contribute to generating competitive advantage and value. We discuss the managerial implications for those collaborating to organise a cause‐related event.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nonprofit and voluntary sector organisations are taking an increasingly sophisticated approach to their financial management, including their banking requirements. While there have been signs that the mainstream commercial banks have been responding to those needs, recent years have also witnessed a number of initiatives taken by organisations with roots closer to the nonprofit and voluntary sector. One such organisation is Triodos Bank. This paper seeks to explain what Triodos Bank does, paying particular attention to those unusual features of its operations which are likely to be of interest to managers of nonprofit and voluntary sector organisations. It is suggested thatwhatTriodosdoesisbothinterestinginitself and indicative of ways in which social economy financing might develop in the future. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   


This study takes a micro standpoint to quantitatively verify the extent to which local interactions affect the expansion of dynamic social networks. By reviewing and synthesizing the theoretical literature in this article, we seek to establish a pragmatic analytical framework to capture the underlying functioning of local interactions. It then aims to produce findings on seven distinct marketing campaigns in which the real-world virtual communities offer intact time-series connections. In our considered cases, the firm-to-consumer interactivity plays a pivotal role in social media marketing while the customer-driven influence advances individual information transmission. The significant positive relationships demonstrate features of interactivity within subgroups including reciprocal edges and directed 3-cliques associated with the evolution of the virtual community by electronic word-of-mouth (WOM) of both firm-to-consumer and consumer-to-consumer interactions. More importantly, the attenuation of local interactions to a large extent leads to the cut-off point of the growth of the dynamic social network.  相似文献   


Balancing social and economic missions in the pursuit of growth is one of the greatest challenges faced by social ventures. Although social ventures strive for growth to scale their social impact, pursuing growth often results in mission drift and the sacrifice of social objectives, which in turn eventually undermine the ventures’ raison d’être. In this study, we investigate how and with what outcomes social ventures that pursue growth can manage the balance of social and economic missions. Through a comparative case study of six for-profit social ventures, we find significant differences in how dual missions are selected, connected, and intertwined, leading to varying degrees of mission spillover effects between social and economic missions. Our findings show that two-sided mission spillover effects are a central mechanism in dual mission management, enabling social ventures to pursue balanced growth, avoid mission drift, and achieve social impact. With these findings, this study adds to the emergent literature on social entrepreneurship, dual mission management, and social venture growth.  相似文献   

The aim is to analyze, define and examine the connections between social entrepreneurship and the generation of social value, considering the concept of leakage as a measure of social value creation and distribution for the hospitality industry. The paper also proposes an exploratory-theoretical framework of policies to promote social entrepreneurship in hospitality, reduce leakage, and increase the generation of social value. Firstly, the paper concentrates on the figure of the social entrepreneur as a promoter of social value creation. Secondly, it analyzes social value creation in hospitality and its measurement. Then, the article studies and presents leakage as an instrument to monitor social value created by social entrepreneurship in hospitality. Finally, the paper proposes a wide framework of policies to enhance social value creation in hospitality, through the reduction of leakage and reinforcement of social entrepreneurship. Leakage is a useful indicator to monitor social value creation in the hospitality industry. The reduction of leakage can gauge the success of policies promoting social entrepreneurship activities which improve social value creation for the host society. The paper proposes proper and idiosyncratic measures of social value creation in hospitality. It also provides a mechanism to measure the effectiveness of the actions designed to generate social entrepreneurship and social value, at a destination and also at firm or hotel level. A complete framework of actions and policies addressed to increase social entrepreneurship and social value is also proposed.  相似文献   

Two alternative approaches of efficiency measurement, nonparametric and statistical, are employed to calculate three types of efficiency indexes for the U.S. beer industry over the period 1950–1986. The results indicate that the beer industry was operating at a high level of pure technical efficiency over that period. The mean value of this efficiency measure is 93.7 percent based on the nonparametric approach and 87.5 percent based on the statistical approach. The two approaches yield dissimilar values and sources for overall technical inefficiency. The overall technical efficiency index computed under the nonparametric approach stands at 91.10 percent and the observed inefficiency is found to be more due to pure technical inefficiency than to scale inefficiency. Using the statistical approach, the beer industry is found to be less overall technically efficient (68.42 percent) than indicated by the nonparametric methodology and the observed inefficiency is found to be primarily contributed to by scale inefficiency.  相似文献   

Academic literature and policy on co-location of local public services focus on the cost benefits. Other benefits and outcomes of co-location, including service innovations benefiting users, are under-conceptualized. This paper suggests a framework for evaluating co-location as a learning environment for innovation, drawing on new case studies of five Community Health Partnerships in Scotland charged with more closely coordinating health and social care. We conclude that partnerships using co-location are benefiting from additional service innovations.  相似文献   

The wave of digitalisation is impacting companies at multiple levels. Beside the most researched impacts on manufacturing, also other business functions are subjected to the change. Among them, purchasing is expected to greatly benefit from digitalisation, if properly managed. This research analyses the digitalisation of the purchasing process, in terms of how and why it happens, and the co-evolution which is triggered on the social dimension. A multiple-case study approach is adopted, analysing eight companies from industries characterized by different digital intensity levels but all at a relatively advanced stage of digitalisation of the purchasing department. The results show how different technological innovation approaches (i.e., automation and/or augmentation) impact the evolution of the purchasing department's social dimension in terms of autonomy, job enlargement, competences, internal and external collaboration. A new framework describing how automation and augmentation impact on purchasing social dimension, as well as purchasing efficiency and effectiveness, is proposed as main theoretical contribution. The study combines the socio-technical systems perspective with the automation-augmentation paradox and describe the strong relationship between purchasing departments' social and technical dimensions, offering managers insights on handling a purchasing digitalisation process, simultaneously managing the technical and social dimensions impacted along the process.  相似文献   

依据对天津市两个居住区进行参与观察和个案访谈所获得的田野材料,通过比较研究的方法,揭示了社区的阶层化现状,勾画出不同社区居民之间的社会分层和不平等状况。并进一步指出,缩小城市区位差异、减少城市中的居住隔离不仅牵涉自然资源和社会资源的公平分配和使用,同时也关乎个体发展的代际公平。  相似文献   

The new free trade agreements are rescaling governance in ways that have critical implications for subnational governments. The nation state is not simply being hollowed out; rather, a new governance nexus is forming — of nation states, multinational corporations and international agreements — which explicitly excludes subnational and local government voice. This article describes the new governance features of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and illustrates how they work out at the national, subnational and local scales using cases from the United States and Mexico. NAFTA provides the template for other free trade agreements including the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and a growing number of bilateral agreements. We show how NAFTA's governance structure is undermining subnational and local government authority in legislative and judicial arenas. Designed to advance privatization of public services, these agreements undermine the very ability of local governments to use markets for public goods by defining traditional state and local governance mechanisms as ‘non‐tariff barriers to trade’. Contradictions between private profit and public interest appear at the subnational level but their resolution is engaged at the global level between private investors and the nation state. Recognition of this rescaling requires attention to the reforming state and its implications for subnational authority and democratic representation and voice. Les nouveaux accords de libre‐échange ré‐échelonne la gouvernance selon des modalités aux implications critiques pour les gouvernements infra‐nationaux. L'État‐nation n'est pas seulement en train d'êvidé de son contenu, mais une nouvelle sphère de gouvernance se forme —à partir d'États‐nations, de groupes multinationaux et d'ententes internationales —, excluant explicitement toute voix de gouvernements locaux ou infra‐nationaux. Cet article décrit les nouvelles caractéristiques de la gouvernance selon l'Accord de Libre‐Échange Nord‐Américain (ALENA) et illustre, avec les cas des Etats‐Unis et du Mexique, comment elles opèrent aux échelons national, infra‐national et local. L'ALENA fournit un modèle pour d'autres accords de libre‐échange, comme la Zone de Libre‐Échange des Amériques (ZLEA) et un nombre croissant de conventions bilatérales. L'article montre comment la structure de gouvernance de l'ALENA mine l'autorité des gouvernements locaux et infra‐nationaux dans les domaines législatif et judiciaire. Destinés à favoriser la privatisation des services publics, ces accords sapent l'aptitude même des gouvernements locaux à recourir aux marchés pour les marchandises publiques, puisqu'ils définissent les mécanismes de gouvernance locale et étatique traditionnels comme des ‘barrières commerciales non‐douanières’. Les contradictions entre profit privé et intérêt public apparaissent au niveau infra‐national, mais leur résolution est entreprise au niveau mondial entre investisseurs privés et État‐nation. La reconnaissance de ce décalage d'échelon appelle à s'intéresser à l'État réformateur et aux implications pour toute autorité infra‐nationale et représentation ou voix démocratique.  相似文献   


The intent of this research is to propose and analyse a set of policies in the construction industry to enhance social development. First, the paper shows the connections between the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and social entrepreneurship (SE), the reduction of the leakage, and then the generation of social value (SV) for sustainable regional development. For that, the article analyses briefly the literatures on SE and leakage, and focuses on the relevance of SME and social entrepreneurs as promoters of SV creation and development. Second, the paper proposes a framework and proposes a set of 20 policies aimed to reduce leakage, reinforce SMEs and entrepreneurship and also to promote SE behaviour by the diverse economic agents in the construction industry, in order to increase the generation of SV and sustainable development. Then, the paper analyses the acceptability, feasibility and viability of these proposed polices, which can be useful for academics and practitioners. For that, the study uses the Delphi methodology, applied to an expert-group of 23 professionals (representatives of the private and public sector) belonging to the Colombian construction industry. The results emphasize the relevance of the development of local incumbents and the social focus of firms to increase the generation of SV. Oppositely, policies interfering economic freedom and free trade receive the lowest rates in the three criteria considered.  相似文献   

This is a contribution to the research on the interface between urban economics and urban planning at the micro level on the one hand and economic development at the macro level on the other hand by a study of the relationship between the performance of the development application mechanism and economic development. This study is conducted in the light that neither urban economics nor urban planning research has utilized useful development control information that can help better understand the spatial and linkage aspects of the industrial sector in economic development. A probit study of a relatively large population of statistics (with 1728 observations) concerning planning applications for uses in lands under industrial zoning in Hong Kong is conducted in terms of 5 refutable hypotheses about the role of the planning authority in respect of land uses that are neutral to, complementary to and substitutes of industrial uses in a local context where major structural changes are occurring in the economy. The hypotheses are derived from standard price theory. The test discovers that, consistent with the theory of substitute goods, that the probabilities of mixed industrial/office and pure office uses in industrial zones being approved were dependent on the rise and fall of the manufacturing sector (measured in terms of labor share). However, those for ancillary office use, a use that theoretically should be complementary to industrial activities, were independent of the state of the manufacturing sector. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

商业银行社会责任研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了社会责任的概念及履行社会责任对商业银行的重要意义,通过与国外先进银行的比较指出我国商业银行在履行社会责任方面存在的不足及原因,并提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

T T Wan  J H Broida 《Socio》1983,17(4):225-234
Community health planning requires identification of the level of access to care and factors which affect the differentials in use of health services. In formulating strategies or alternatives for planning, some assessment of the current level or patterns of health services must be made. It is this element of the planning process that is addressed in this paper. In this study sixty-five specifically designated areas (medical market areas) in the Province of Quebec, Canada were selected. The analysis was performed using data obtained from a large scale study of physicians' responses to the introduction of universal medical care insurance in Quebec. Our analysis offered an opportunity to observe the impact of Medicare on access to care for those thought to be underserved.  相似文献   

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