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  • This study investigates the continuing effects of tobacco marketing communications in a post advertising era, focusing on the constructs of brand awareness, brand image, attitude formation and intention to smoke by adolescents.
  • A conceptual model is presented, based on 926 respondents from a UK wide study, to assess brand‐related interrelationships and influences of peers on adolescents' attitudes toward smoking and intention to smoke.
  • Results show the strong influence of branding on both attitude and intention, and have implications for government anti‐smoking policies specifically in regard to generic packaging and point of sale displays.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Despite the acknowledged importance of knowledge management (KM), many employees avoid practicing KM at the individual level. This avoidance often leads to loss of the intellectual capital due to employee turnover. Many potential behavioural remedies are still untapped in the existing literature. This study extends the construct of knowledge oriented leadership (KOL) and examines its role in predicting KM behaviour among employees of the hospitality sector, at the individual level. It also investigates the mediating effect of employee work attitudes including affective commitment, creative self-efficacy and work engagement, by using partial least square for structure equation modelling. This study finds that KOL positively affects KM behaviour, affective commitment, creative self-efficacy and employee work engagement. Work attitudes (affective commitment, creative self-efficacy, work engagement) mediate the relationship of KOL and KM behaviour. Furthermore the direct positive effect of employee affective commitment, creative self-efficacy and work engagement on KM behaviour is also significant. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by extending the construct of KOL, and by investigating the connection between KOL, work attitudes, and KM behaviour among hospitality employees, at the individual level.  相似文献   

This article concerns the relationship between architecture, territory and identity within major city‐regions, and attempts to unpick notions of cultural and aesthetic meanings stemming from particular mega‐projects. Debates over the form and function of major new architectural projects reveal ongoing attempts by territorial elites to re‐narrate nations within the context of the re‐regulation of sovereignty within Europe. To understand what these processes may mean, we employ Billig's conception of ‘banal nationalism’, which notes the pervasiveness of nationalism as an ideology through everyday life. We explore the idea practically by considering one example of an urban development project: the (unbuilt) Welsh Opera House in Cardiff Bay and the machinations that occurred politically over the choice of a mega‐project to represent the re‐branding of both a city and a nation. We conclude the article by suggesting that it is important to identify forms of aesthetics, function and location within cities, since the architectural mega‐project is increasingly becoming a key tool in the search for new national brands in Europe's free market of identities. Overall, although it may be worthwhile for culture to play a significant role within debates regarding nationalism and identity within globalization, cultural meanings generated from aesthetic forms may take different modes according to what territorial scale a mega‐project is attempting to represent. Portant sur la relation entre architecture, territoire et identité dans les grandes villes ou régions, cet article tente de démêler les notions de significations culturelle et esthétique émanant de certains méga‐projets. Les débats sur la forme et la fonction des nouveaux grands projets architecturaux révèlent les efforts constants des élites territoriales pour re‐raconter les nations dans le contexte de la re‐régulation de la souveraineté en Europe. Pour comprendre le sens que peuvent avoir ces processus, l'article emprunte à Billig son concept du ‘nationalisme banal’, qui souligne l'imprégnation d'une idéologie nationaliste dans la vie quotidienne. Cette idée est examinée à partir d'un exemple concret de projet d'urbanisme: le Welsh Opera House de Cardiff Bay (jamais construit) et les méandres politiques sur le choix d'un méga‐projet visant à traduire la redéfinition à la fois d'une ville et d'une nation. La conclusion suggère qu'il est important d'identifier des formes d'esthétique, de fonction et de localisation au sein des grandes villes, puisqu'un grand projet architectural devient progressivement un outil‐clé dans la quête de nouvelles “marques” nationales sur le marché libre européen des identités. Globalement, si la culture a intérêt à jouer un rôle important dans les débats sur le nationalisme et l'identité au cur de la mondialisation, les significations culturelles nées de formes esthétiques sont susceptibles de prendre différents statuts selon l'échelle territoriale que cherche à représenter un méga‐projet.  相似文献   

  • Charities are increasingly relying on more complex and diversified fundraising structures to raise funds and attract benefactors. In adopting a historic perspective, this research identified five emergent fundraising structures, namely religion‐oriented, business‐oriented, marketing‐oriented, consumer‐oriented, and for‐profit‐oriented. The analysis critically evaluates the role that institutions and resources have played in each funding structure and draws conclusions concerning the management of charitable fundraising in a world where charitable fundraising, consumerism, and social media networking are increasingly entwined with the for‐profit motive.
Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article considers the attitudes and experiences of female full‐ and part‐time workers towards trade unions. Expanding upon previous research it suggests that while the attitudes of full‐ and part‐time workers towards trade unions are similar, experiences of trade unions are not: they depend upon the employment context and work history. A life course perspective is advanced, which examines women's employment contexts and transitions between full‐ and part‐time work in order to further explain female part‐timers’ lower likelihood of unionising.  相似文献   

  • A survey of 858 Belgians (615 people drawn from the general public and 243 visitors to Oxfam World Shops), examined the knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and behaviour of consumers with respect to fair-trade issues. The results showed that the respondents' knowledge and attitudes generally supported the fair-trade concept. However, many of the people questioned believed that fair-trade organizations should provide more and better information on fair-trade products, especially in shops and on the items themselves. In addition, fair-trade products should be more readily available in regular supermarkets, and their price should be lowered. The most interesting socio-demographic target group for non-profit fair-trade organizations appears to be older people with higher education and income. Consumers from the south (French-speaking) part of Belgium in general have a more positive attitude towards fair trade.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of supply chains within today's economy, we know little about how the knowledge of supply chains can contribute to superior performance at the firm level. Building on the resource-based view, knowledge-based view and strategic choice theory, we develop hypotheses linking two knowledge-driven supply chain phenomena (i.e., knowledge development capacity and intellectual capital), innovation–cost strategy, and action to firm-level performance. Using survey and archival data from 489 firms, we found that performance is influenced by how well knowledge development capacity and intellectual capital efforts complement alternative chain strategies. More specifically, each strategy type requires different constellations of knowledge development capacity and intellectual capital to enhance action and create superior firm performance. These results highlight the importance of supply chain phenomena for firm-level performance, and more broadly, the value of supply chains as a competitive weapon in contemporary firms.  相似文献   

In this paper Stephen Hall, Giovanni Urga, and John Whitley apply a new econometric technique to date unknown breaks in UK export behaviour. They show how the evidence points to a structural shift in 1979. Although there is some support for a supply-side interpretation in that there have been changes in the behaviour of prices, there has also been a shift in the underlying demand for UK exports. They also find that variables which proxy changes in the quality of UK exports, or other supply-side influences, do not properly account for the observed structural break in UK export performance.  相似文献   

When Taylorism was discarded long ago, job enrichment emerged as a good alternative. Recent research, however, has pointed out the ineffectiveness of job enrichment. This study suggests that both approaches could be effective and looks at job nature as the moderator that can affect how the two approaches are applied. The authors' longitudinal quasi‐experimental field study in China found a significant interaction between worker type (knowledge workers [KWs] versus manual workers [MWs]) and job characteristics on employee outcomes. After enrichment, KWs experienced higher satisfaction and task performance, whereas for MWs, satisfaction and performance declined. This pattern of results suggests that both job enrichment and Taylorism are applicable depending on the job nature. In addition to contributing to job design theory, the present study also explored the unique attributes of KWs and provides practical suggestions as to how human resource managers can better motivate KWs. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Using a conservation of resources theoretical framework, we connect within‐team social resources with team‐level citizenship behaviours. In a sample of 385 employees situated in 70 teams from China, we confirm that team social support and team psychological safety interact to influence both affiliation‐oriented (AOCB) and challenge‐oriented (COCB) citizenship. Specifically, the two social resources substitute for one another, such that “either” team social support “or” psychological safety may be sufficient to increase AOCB. We find a consistent yet more complex pattern for COCB. Furthermore, drawing on the team prosocial motivation literature, we uncover team effort as a mediator to the effects of both social resources on AOCB. Our findings suggest that managers may enhance team citizenship by promoting team‐level social resources (social support and psychological safety), and they may only need to focus their energies on one of these resources, as exerting effort towards both may be redundant and inefficient.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of knowledge, bodily integrity, religion, and media on attitudes toward organ donation on University campus. A total of 724 participants completed surveys for this study a multivariate regression model was used to test the effects of these factors on participants' attitudes toward organ donation. The variable sets considered are the knowledge of organ donation, bodily integrity, religion, media, and attitudes toward organ donation. The results suggest that the effect of knowledge, bodily integrity, religion, and media influences the intention to donate organs. There is a positive relationship between the knowledge levels of participants on the University campus and belief levels and organ donation attitudes, and the fear of disintegration of their bodies is still an obstacle to organ donation. The paper indicates how it is possible to distinguish different components of organ donation behavior and to present the conclusions regarding the context on a University campus. The findings extend the exchanges with respect to the part of beliefs in the intentions of organ donation and arrangement of attitudes and have a significant incentive in making open approaches that further promote organ donation.  相似文献   

The British postal service, Royal Mail, was privatised in 2013, following failed attempts at divestiture in 1994 and 2009. This article analyses processes of marketisation, liberalisation and privatisation, highlighting how strong workplace‐centred union presence allowed for considerable influence and bargaining gains within such highly sensitive political projects of restructuring.  相似文献   

Small firms are facing serious difficulties responding to environmental pressures. Due to their unique characteristics, small firms cannot be expected to employ scaled down solutions that have been developed by, and for, larger organizations. The indications are that the typical owner–managers of manufacturing and service small firms are struggling to bridge the gap between their environmental attitudes (aspirations) and their environmental behaviour (practices). Part of the problem would appear to be the domination of an outmoded paradigm that has created a set of values, personal and corporate, that is unable to cope with the environmental problems of today. However, the prognosis need not be pessimistic. There is evidence to suggest there are driving forces promoting change toward a more sustainable small firms sector. A number of emerging solutions offer ways to tackle the problem at the level of the firm, such as industrial ecology, and at the level of the institution, such as ecological modernization. The message remains that support for more extensive environmental education and training programmes and a much stronger regulatory framework would help to counteract the imbalance between the resistant forces and driving force that are presently widening the gap between small firm environmental attitudes and behaviour. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

  • There is growing interest in the trend towards co‐branding alliances between non‐profit and commercial entities,which are undertaken by these organisations to transfer associations and affect between each brand partner. Certainly, it makes sense that commercial entities want to gain more from their brands and that non‐profits want secured funding, however, in the same way that the joining of two brands can be beneficial, it can also bring with it major risks when the brand alliance is not well received and evaluations of the alliance are not favourable.
  • This research supports the notion that both commercial entities and non‐profit organisations can benefit from a branding alliance, however, an understanding of how these brand alliances are evaluated is important. This research investigates evaluations of brand alliances and the resulting spillover effects for original brand partners that result from brand alliances.
  • This research provides empirical support relating to reactions to brand alliances between a non‐profit organisation and a commercial business in terms of how original brand attitudes, familiarity of original brands and perceived brand fit impact on evaluations. While collaboration is important and has potential benefits for each partner—they rest on partner selection and fit between alliance partners. Managerial implications and future research directions are also provided.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Firms venture abroad not only to access resources and markets but also to learn. Yet there remains limited empirical evidence that headquarters can access geographically remote knowledge by establishing a presence in the remote location. Using U.S. patent data, I show that firm headquarters disproportionately source knowledge from third parties in remote locations where they have an R&D satellite. This “satellite effect” on knowledge flow is economically significant, representing up to 60% of the knowledge‐flow premium associated with collocation. Furthermore, the effect seems to be stronger for recent knowledge, as well as in areas of satellite technological specialization, suggesting that firms can target cutting‐edge knowledge in specific sectors. In addition, the results show that firms with stronger internal linkages between headquarters and satellites, and those that staff satellites with inventors that previously patented while at other local firms, experience a larger satellite effect on knowledge acquisition.  相似文献   

This article draws on the Organisational Growth and Development (OGD) life cycle model to explore the relationship between high‐performance work systems (HPWS) and performance in firms of different size, thereby extending understanding of congruence or ‘best fit’ theory within strategic HRM debates. With reference to management control theory, economies of scale and the availability of specialist managerial skills, the article hypothesises that while an HPWS–performance relationship might exist in small, medium‐sized and large firms, the relationship will be stronger in large firms than in both small and medium‐sized firms, and stronger in medium‐sized firms than in small firms. Analysis of data from the British Workplace Employment Relations Survey demonstrates, however, that there is no association between HPWS and workplace performance in medium‐sized firms, in contrast to the positive relationship between HPWS and performance found in large firms and between HPWS and labour productivity in small firms.  相似文献   

As chronic illnesses continue to be a burden in today's organisations, it remains a very crucial call for management to find ways to eradicate the associated organisational problems. While people of all ages are affected by chronic illnesses, there is a higher risk of the elderly developing chronic diseases. However, as much as chronic illnesses are inevitable among employees, there should be ways at least to curb negative social and goal achievement impact which they bring in organisations. In this regard, a survey was conducted to examine the relationship between employees' knowledge about, contact with and attitudes towards their co-employees with chronic illnesses within the banking sector. This is not a well-researched area from an International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM) view and this work could make a useful additive contribution. Results indicated that employees' knowledge about and contact with individuals diagnosed with chronic illnesses were significantly related to better attitudes towards this population. The findings also revealed that knowledge was related to positive attitudes among employees who had more personal contact with individuals with chronic illnesses and such findings indicate the importance of exposing employees to information about chronic illnesses and direct practice experience with individuals who have these illnesses. Managerial implications for employees with chronic illness are discussed.  相似文献   

Estimation of the linear quadratic model, the workhorse of the inventory literature, traditionally takes inventories and sales to be first‐difference stationary series, and the ratio of the two variables to be stationary. However, these assumptions do not always match the properties of the data for the last two decades in the United States. We propose a model that allows for the non‐stationary characteristics of the data, using polynomial cointegration. We show that the closed‐form solution has other recent models as special cases. The resulting model performs well on aggregate and disaggregated data. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents findings of a research effort that focuses on the relationships among the external communication behaviour of purchasers, individual and contextual factors and the performance in supplier management. Communication quantity, openness and friendliness were identified as dimensions of individual communication behaviour. Information and relationship quality were used as the two dimensions of communication quality. The results, based on structural equation analysis, provide support for the positive influence of individual communication behaviour on communication quality and supplier management performance. Results suggest that relationship quality appears to be of great significance in the model. Oral communication capability and purchasers’ attitudes towards individual communication with suppliers also play important roles in explaining external communication behaviour of purchasers.  相似文献   

文章剖析了销售人员流失的现状及其影响,分析了目前存在的各种问题,提出了相关策略。  相似文献   

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