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This study extends the leisure constraint model by examining the role that popular nationalism has in Chinese outbound travel. Using a case study approach based on the 2012 Diaoyu/Senkaku Island Incident between China and Japan, the study demonstrates how Chinese popular nationalism has the potential to shape the geopolitical environment of all outbound Chinese tourism. The study proposes a new model that can be used to illustrate how popular nationalism may affect bilateral tourism in other settings. Findings of this study offer important insights for both scholars and practitioners contributing to the understanding of the impact of Chinese popular nationalism on bilateral tourism flows.  相似文献   

该研究以中国学术期刊网络出版总库的"中文核心期刊"为数据来源,以"遗产"和"旅游"为主题检索,从年代、期刊、作者、作者机构、研究对象、研究地点、研究方法和研究主题等方面进行了文献计量分析。研究发现,我国遗产旅游研究开始于20世纪90年代,近10年得到飞速发展,形成了核心刊物群,但尚未拥有稳定的核心作者群,在研究机构上以北京、广州、南京等大城市和遗产资源集中区域的高校及科研院所为主;中国遗产旅游的研究对象趋向多元化,在研究地点上以国内研究为主,且集中在长江中上游、东北等区域,缺乏国际性研究;在研究方法上,以实证研究方法为主,新方法和手段仍有待加强;在研究主题上,中国遗产旅游关注的问题较为多样,但主要表现为五大内容,即价值属性、旅游发展、产业经济、游客及社区、保护管理。  相似文献   

Hong Kong is a city where contemporary global culture coexists with traditional Chinese heritage. One way of promoting Hong Kong's traditional built heritage is to develop a number of linked sites as a heritage trail. For helping the development of such, this study evaluates the applicability of the market appeal—robusticity matrix on heritage tourism development, by assessing the potential for tourism in the single-surname villages of Hong Kong's New Territories. The study techniques include documentary research, questionnaire survey and interviews. The findings indicate the matrix is effective for enabling the assessment of heritage tourism potential because it simultaneously demonstrates the importance of two major considerations for both tourism industry and heritage managers, namely market appeal—an asset's appeal to tourists, and robusticity—its ability to endure visitation. The shortcomings of the model includes the inappropriateness of the technical term “product design needs” in the market appeal subset and lack of community concerns in the robusticity subset of the matrix.  相似文献   

Although tourism suppliers project the positive changes visits wrought upon tourists, the latter do not mindlessly consume the information they receive. A research gap exists in understanding how tourists consume political heritage and read the embedded nationalistic discourses from an emic perspective. This paper adopts the framework of social situation analysis to explore how tourists consume and perceive Chinese communist heritage and how those visits can impact their attitudes towards and support for the CCP. The results suggest that tourists were driven by a variety of motives, participated in various activities, and had split opinions about the effectiveness of “red tourism” in enhancing their nationalism. Comparisons of people’s motivations and perceptions between activity-based clusters were conducted. Managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

旅游对传统村落的影响研究——以安徽齐云山为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李萍  王倩  Chris Ryan 《旅游学刊》2012,27(4):57-63
旅游影响一直是国内外旅游研究的重要课题,旅游地居民对旅游发展的感知是研究旅游影响的重要途径。此次调查以安徽省黄山市休宁县齐云山为例,采用问卷调查和现场访谈相结合的方式,运用SPSS、CATPACTM等软件对调查结果进行数理统计,从居民与游客角度分析了旅游开发给齐云山居民带来的经济、社会文化、环境的若干影响,以及居民对旅游业所持的态度。文章着重于探讨居民对于因旅游开发所带来的村落影响的感知,以及他们对于当前旅游影响的评测和对未来旅游发展的期待。  相似文献   

Drawing on the cognitive appraisal theory and the justice theory from the marketing and tourism literature, this study attempts to illuminate the embedded impact of tourist experience on overall satisfaction and behavioral intentions in a cognitive-affective-behavioral framework. The findings suggest that service fairness is an antecedent of consumption emotions (positive and negative) that, in turn, influence satisfaction and behavioral intentions in the context of Chinese natural heritage tourism. Notably, the results highlight the mediating role of tourists’ consumption emotions. This article concludes with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications to heritage tourism researchers and managers.  相似文献   


Studies on industrial heritage and industrial tourism development at the city level in China are limited. Through a web content analysis of the industrial components in cities’ images and tourism, this paper attempts to explore whether old industrial cities are promoting industrial heritage tourism and rebuilding postindustrial images. A total of 20 traditionally industrial cities were selected as samples for data collection based on the content of their official websites, and this study finds that industrial heritage and industrial tourism are rarely promoted or even mentioned on those websites, indicating that industrial culture is gradually being eroded in China. Traditional Chinese industrial cities tend to look for opportunities to participate in global competition rather than reflecting and preserving their past through the process of urban development. More attention should be paid in the future to integrating industrial culture into Chinese urban development, both in academic research and in practice.  相似文献   

This study specifically examines the potential for heritage tourism development to promote cross-cultural dialog in the historic old city of Nazareth (Israel). The paper focuses on a case study of a small-scale heritage tourism venture that seeks to influence tourism development in Nazareth's old city. This is an exploratory case study that uses qualitative research methods including extensive participant observation and in-depth interviews with the venture's senior management group and selected employees. Study findings indicate a model of the relationship between community-based tourism development, heritage, and peace-building in a city that has experienced a wide range of cross-cultural conflicts. This model represents an alternative view to the notion that heritage serves to enhance differences and dissonance between different cultural groups. In contrast, findings from this study suggest that heritage in the form of tourism can help create shared interests between different communities in settings characterized by cross-cultural conflict.  相似文献   

Drawing on symbolic interactionism, this paper explores the nexus between tourism and national identity in China. Unlike current research's focus on the role of inbound heritage tourism sites in fostering national identity, this study uses symbolic interactionism to frame an analysis of how Chinese national identity is expressed and affirmed as a phenomenon of experiential consumption through the act of international outbound tourism. A multi-method approach guided the data collection from 28 Chinese tourists in two groups. Data analysis follows a constructivist grounded theory approach that is expressly suited to symbolic interactionism. The findings revealed that international tourism offers a platform on which to affirm and express Chinese national identity through the symbolic interaction between Chinese tourists and the world outside of China.  相似文献   

线性文化遗产是一种特殊的遗产类型,随着人们对遗产完整性不断深入的理解以及遗产活化利用理念的发展,线性文化遗产旅游的重要性日益显现。因此,树立线性文化遗产意识,把握线性文化遗产特征,是推进线性文化遗产旅游利用和可持续发展的重要问题。本文以《世界遗产名录》中收录的线性文化遗产为基础数据,对线性文化遗产的类别与列入标准、资源组合模式和核心区与缓冲区等典型特征进行深入分析,并从旅游空间演化和旅游活化路径两方面总结其对旅游利用模式的影响,以期为线性文化遗产旅游的可持续发展提供科学参考。研究结果表明,线性文化遗产旅游空间结构发展过程遵循“增长极”演化规律,并在遗产文化分层上表现出不同的利用方式和活化路径。  相似文献   

解说:一种重要的遗产保护策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
遗产保护是一项复杂而系统的工程,不同历史时期面临的主要任务不同。20世纪90年代以来,中国旅游业的高速发展引发了众多问题,如何降低和消除旅游业对遗产资源的负面影响成为当今遗产保护的一项重要工作。解说,作为一种重要的遗产保护策略,有着非常重要的作用。解说能够通过影响游客的知识重组和行为意图,帮助达到旅游可持续发展和遗产资源有效保护的双赢目标。  相似文献   

A UNESCO World Heritage Listed historic city, Melaka embodies a vibrant multi-ethnic Asian heritage, straits-colonial legacy and cultural landscape that has been attracting tourists from within Asia and the wider world. In particular, Melaka is renowned for its rich Peranakan (Straits Chinese) cultural heritage and history. This work presents the divergent narratives of two Peranakan Chinese on a nostalgic, ancestral tourism journey in Melaka. Specifically, it explores the dimensions of nostalgia, authenticity and diaspora in cultural heritage tourism, framed within the affecting gaze of cultural, diasporic and reminiscent lenses through which we consume tourism experiences. Through our tourism lived experience and duo-ethnographic conversations, we explore our shared Southeast Asian ancestry, reflect on past traditions and question representations of our Peranakan Chinese heritage within four main themes: (1) reflective nostalgia, (2) the imagined past, (3) objective authenticity, and (4) existential authenticity.  相似文献   

在“一带一路”倡议背景下,中国边境旅游进入新的发展机遇期。作为丝绸之路经济带核心区,新疆的区位优势正日益凸显,边境旅游受到各级政府重视。本文基于霍尔果斯口岸地区的实地调查,通过对地方政府和企业代表进行半结构式访谈,结合大量二手资料,剖析了新疆边境旅游发展演化特征及其影响因素。研究发现,新疆边境旅游呈现出两阶段发展演化特征,分别是20世纪90年代的入境购物商贸游和21世纪以来的国内口岸观光游。中国与周边国家的地缘政治与经济格局、新疆安全形势、口岸区位、区域社会经济发展水平以及旅游供给水平是新疆边境旅游发展的主要影响因素。本文丰富了中国边境旅游区域差异性研究,对新疆边境旅游发展具有现实参考价值。  相似文献   

In China, sites categorised as UNESCO World Heritage Sites are commonly used as a means of economic regeneration through tourism development. This study is of a recent addition to the list, the diaolou (fortified tower houses) of Kaiping, Guangdong, in South China. This rural zone, characterised by past emigration and farming, is in the early stages of tourism development. The study, based on interviews and a survey, permits findings to be compared with other rural areas in China such as Hungcun and the Tangyue Arches of Bao Village in Anhui, and thus while similarities in attitudes are found, in Kaiping differences exist whereby tourism has been found to permit entrepreneurial activities while retaining an agricultural base as the “new tourism rich” employ others to continue farming. The work is contextualised within a model of evolving literature related to tourism impacts on communities. The paper explores a range of issues in sustainable tourism, including the use of tourism as a tool for social, economic and cultural development, holistic approaches to heritage tourism, and the development of glocalisation as a response to globalisation. It discusses differences in approach to heritage tourism, cultural change and commodification between western and Chinese scholars and society.  相似文献   

This article attempts to study Chinese visitors' intention to visit world cultural heritage sites in the framework of the theory of planned behavior (TPB), with the additional constructs of past experience and cultural tour involvement. The survey data were collected by a self‐administrated questionnaire in Suzhou, which is one of the cities with world cultural heritage sites in China. Structural equation modeling was employed to test the research model and hypotheses. The result shows that perceived control, past experience, and cultural tour involvement, but not attitude and subjective norms, are valid predictor constructs for visitors' intention to visit a world cultural heritage site within the next 12 months. The findings have implications for predicting heritage tourism.  相似文献   

Although the relationship between uncertainties and tourism has been widely discussed, the time-varying impacts of uncertainties on tourism have been ignored. This paper investigates the time-varying relationship between two global and domestic uncertain shocks (namely, economic policy uncertainty (EPU), geopolitical risks (GPR)) with Chinese inbound tourism using a time-varying parameter vector autoregression (TVP-VAR) model. The empirical results show that uncertain shocks on tourist arrivals have significantly time-varying features, and the direction of the effect changes. The impact gradually weakens with the increase in the lag period. However, the impacts are heterogeneous depending on the uncertain shocks. Additionally, the effects of major event shocks on tourism differ. The uncertainty of the 9/11 terrorist attack had the shortest impact on tourism, while the impact on tourism was greater for geopolitical risks than for economic policy uncertainty during the global financial crisis. These findings provide new insights for policy holders and relevant investors into the mentioned relationships.  相似文献   

边境旅游是一种极其特殊的旅游形式,其本身的政治敏感性使其在发展过程中具有一定的不安全性,同时这种不安全性对边境旅游的进一步发展产生影响。在对国家安全与边境旅游关系进行阐述的基础上,本研究以东北地区代表性的边境旅游城市为案例,分析东北地区边境旅游发展中的国家安全问题。研究认为:社会安全是影响东北地区边境旅游安全的共性问题,不同边境地区旅游安全问题存在差异,中朝边境、中蒙边境旅游的安全问题分别为旅游者安全和文化安全,而影响中俄边境旅游安全的问题包括经济安全、生态资源安全、国民安全。引发边境旅游安全问题的原因主要是地缘政治因素、社会经济因素和社会文化因素。建议从完善边境旅游安全管控机制,推动“旅游两区”深入发展,加强国内外民族文化交流,深化中华民族共同体意识等4个层面,加强东北地区边境旅游安全治理。  相似文献   

Bundling attractions for rural tourism development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tourism is often regarded as a viable solution to economic crisis, especially for remote areas without many development options. While many tourism destinations have strong cultural or heritage assets, not all destinations have primary attractions that can bring visitors to the region. Rather than developing special interest “themes”, rural areas that do not have enough of any one type of tourism resource to act as a primary draw may consider bundling different attraction types to increase visitation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the preferences of visitors to secondary heritage sites and explore the relationship between heritage tourism and alternative, non-heritage activities in rural areas. Findings revealed that motivation to visit small-scale heritage sites consisted of two dimensions: learning and recreation. The two motivational dimensions influenced visitors’ interest in different heritage attractions and likelihood of visiting heritage tourism “scenarios”. As for alternative activities, there was a cluster of “popular” activities that were enjoyed by both learning-oriented and recreation-oriented respondents, but recreation-oriented visitors were more interested in nature-based activities and sport-related activities than learning-oriented visitors. Findings can help rural communities improve secondary attractions and diversify their tourism product by bundling heritage attractions with non-heritage activities.  相似文献   

This theoretical paper conceptualises the role of tourism providers in facilitating creative tourism experiences by focusing on their ingenious enterprise, which we argue can help capture the tourism potential of intangible archaeological heritage. Intangible archaeological heritage can be understood as knowledge emanating from actors’ own interpretation of archaeological sites that have either become physically inaccessible or been destroyed since initial exploration. Archaeological heritage is often equated with tangibility, which results in an omission of experiences that intangible archaeological heritage can offer. By proposing a rethinking of the archaeological tourism framework, we argue that the touristic value of both tangible and intangible archaeological heritage is better realised and can be further utilised to study the easily overlooked aspect of providers’ ingenuity.  相似文献   

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