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This study examines the stochastic conditional convergence of sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions using the Residual Augmented Least Squares–Lagrange Multiplier (RALS–LM) unit root test with structural breaks. This procedure allows the data to account for trend breaks and nonnormal errors that have been ignored or deemphasized in previous studies. The study finds that per capita sulphur dioxide emissions exhibits stochastic conditional convergence across US states.  相似文献   

Abstract. We show for a class of basic growth models that convergence in ratios does not imply the pathwise convergence to the corresponding balanced growth path in the state space. We derive conditions on parameters and on the elasticity of the savings function for convergence or divergence and apply our results to the Solow model, an augmented Solow model as well as to an optimal growth model. An implication for the convergence debate is that two economies that differ only in the initial capital stock and converge in per capita terms might diverge to infinity in absolute terms.  相似文献   

This article examines the dynamics of the shadow economy using data for 50 US states over the period 1998–2008. Using a panel VAR model, we analyse the impulse response of the shadow economy to an orthogonal shock in capital tax rates, educational attainment, union participation and gross state product. We find evidence of significant dynamics underlying the relationship between the shadow economy and its determinants. The results remain robust to alternate measures of the determinants of the shadow economy, alternate causal ordering of the variables in the system and conditioning on the level of income in each state.  相似文献   

The paper studies the labor share among countries of the European Union, with a particular attention to the newer member states of Central and Eastern Europe (CEEU). We find that CEEU countries typically have lower labor shares than older EU member states, both in the aggregate and at the sectoral level. Structural change, while quite pronounced among the CEEU economies, plays only a minor role in the evolution of the labor share. The exception is agriculture, which for some countries has a sizable impact on the level and dynamics of the labor share - partly because of important measurement problems. We also find that a significant part of the difference in conventionally measured labor shares between the more developed EU countries and less developed CEEU countries can be attributed to differences in relative prices. This is consistent with a productivity-based explanation: we show that a simple, calibrated two-sector model with sectoral productivity differentials can explain 36–71% of cross-country variations in the non-agricultural labor share.  相似文献   

According to cross-cultural psychologists, cross-country differences in individualism vs. collectivism constitute an important dimension of cultural variation. Legal-economic theorists argue that legal philosophies such as common law and civil law have developed differently over centuries and have persistent effects. In this paper, we argue that the effects of culture and institutions should not be analyzed in isolation from each other, as this disregards their interactions. We merge the two separate literatures on cultural attributes and legal origin theories, and derive a hypothesis regarding their joint effects on labor market regulations. We hypothesize that the effect of individualism on the political determination of labor regulations should be particularly pronounced in more market-oriented economic systems (as in British common law countries) compared to more rigid and bureaucratic state-centered systems (as in French civil law countries). Market oriented economies give individual effort and ability greater room to flourish, which in individualistic cultures yields weaker labor regulations. The effect of individualism should be smaller in state centered systems. Using data on the average rigidity of labor regulations during the years 1950–2004 in 86 countries, we find that the negative effect of individualism on the rigidity of labor regulations is enhanced by the presence of a common law legal system. In fact, individualism has no effect on the rigidity of labor market regulations in civil law countries. Analogously, the negative effect of common law legal origin on labor market regulations is found to be conditional on the level of individualism. Individualism and common law legal systems are complements in the determination of labor regulations.  相似文献   

This article examines factors driving three components of total factor productivity change (TFPC) in U.S. agriculture – technical change (TC), technical efficiency change (TEC), and scale and mix efficiency change (SMEC). We also examine TFPC and contrast implications derived from the component models with those from a directly estimated TFPC model. Our results show that TC and SMEC are both significantly impacted by innovation through public research and improved human capital through education and health care access. TEC and SMEC are significantly affected by farm size, and the latter is significantly affected by public policy. The ratio of family-to-total labour, terms of trade and precipitation have significant impacts on all three components, but extension has no significant impact on any component. Climate change variables are the most impactful factors on each component as well as on TFPC. While the impact of climate change is heterogeneous across regions and components, its estimated historical impact is most often positive. Nearly all TFPC elasticities estimated directly are qualitatively the same as those calculated from the component models and quantitatively similar.  相似文献   

The decade before the financial crisis of 2008 was a time of large changes in sourcing patterns for manufactured goods, particularly after China's entry into the WTO in 2001. Sourcing substitution reduced the prices paid by wholesale level buyers of these goods, but these price reductions were mostly not captured in the U.S. import price indexes and the U.S. GDP deflator. To find plausible values for sourcing bias we first use data on changes in sourcing patterns over 1997–2007 to predict the effect of the reported price discount from the new emerging market suppliers. Next, we compare adjusted import price indexes for products used for household consumption with consumer price indexes. In the GDP deflator for apparel imports, sourcing bias is found to average 0.6 percent per year, and for durable goods it averages 1 percent per year. During the decade of rapidly changing sourcing patterns, a tenth of the reported speedup in multifactor productivity growth of the U.S. private business sector may have come from sourcing bias in the deflators for imports.  相似文献   

从中世纪英格兰开始,再延续至北美殖民时代,对普通法体系建立和权力法案的形成沿革进行详细的阐述,以美国独立宣言、宪法前言及人权典章所构筑的宪法优先原则,透过美国联邦最高法院的审查,形成限制国家权力的框架,具体落实宪法规范之最高性及权力分立,借此保障基本人权。  相似文献   

林玲  余娟娟 《财经科学》2012,(6):112-118
中国在对美贸易中创造的巨额贸易顺差和外汇收益并没能通过有效的进口战略转化为国民经济增长及福利改善所需要的物质资料(包括技术设备、能源材料、数据信息和差异化商品等),而是更多地停留在货币资产的层面或者用来购买美国国债。随着美元的持续贬值及近期美元主权信用等级的下调,我国的外汇资产价值缩水的可能性越来越大。而这种缩水不仅仅是一种账面价值的亏损,更是我国对美出口贸易利益的真实流失。因此,中国应该在出口利益创造的基础上,积极利用贸易、投资、金融等手段加强对既得利益的转化与维护。  相似文献   

美国司法部的“中国行动计划”实施三年以来,给中美两国正常的科技合作和学术交流带来了严重的影响和打击。近期美国一系列涉华诉讼引发了各界讨论,迫切敦促美国政府机构在保护知识安全的同时必须兼顾学术开放。美国最高科技政策决策机构决意出台实施指南,解决科技学术界的紧迫关切。中美两国领导人的线上会晤也就全球关切的议题进行交流合作,释放了积极信号,我国亦应鼓励科研人员继续进行跨国界的科学探索,努力促成和恢复中美在科技、人文等领域的正常交流合作。  相似文献   

Using the newly constructed Federal Regulation and State Enterprise Index (FRASE Index) to measure the federal regulations and the existing Corruption Convictions Index (CCI), we investigate the effects of federal regulations on corruption in U.S. states. Controlling for several demographic and economic variables including the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom Index (EFI), which measures the size and scope of government in U.S. states, we find a positive and statistically significant relationship between federal regulations and corruption. Our findings have important policy implications. A 1 standard deviation increase in FRASE Index causes CCI to increase by approximately 0.5 standard deviations. Standardized coefficient of EFI is also approximately equal to 0.5. In other words, it is possible to mitigate the effects of regulations at the federal level by reducing the size and the scope of the government at the state level.  相似文献   

Given the pace of increasing globalization and the pioneering role of the U.S. economy, we anlayze the global impact of the U.S. equity market’s uncertainty. The asymmetric impact of upside (downside) uncertainty, related with the upward (downward) movements of the underlying assets, has raised substantial concerns recently. We comprehensively analyze the global predictability of the upside and downside variances of the U.S. equity market, implied by S&P-500 calls and puts, respectively. We contribute to the literature on the asymmetric impacts of the upside and downside variances of the U.S. equity market in an international setting. Our study also complements the study on predicting international stock returns. Moreover, substantial economic value can be generated from the perspective of asset allocation. The main channel for the positive (negative) predictability of upside (downside) variance stems from its positive (negative) impacts on international investment, highlighting the leading role of the U.S. economy.  相似文献   

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