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Since entering into force, NAFTA has contributed to major changes with regard to trade flows, supply chains and foreign investment among Canada, the US and Mexico. But nearly 30 years after the original negotiations, the need for modernisation is evident. A possible US exit from the agreement could lead to major turbulence in trade and investment relations within NAFTA. This article starts by looking at data showing the huge amount of trade and investment interdependencies. Next, it examines the objections being raised against NAFTA in the US and the reasons for this criticism, followed by an analysis of the goals the US is pursuing, set against the background of its reformulated, much more protectionist trade policy strategy. Finally, scenarios for an outcome are discussed.  相似文献   

We argue that self-binding rules in the context of the stabilisation of the eurozone — both monetary and fiscal — are important for a successful long-term European economic policy. The present loss of reputation due to the breaking of fundamental rules such as the no-bailout clause generates high cost, especially with respect to raising money in the financial markets, because no institutional stability and political credibility exist. We propose to install a compliance system similar to what large enterprises have introduced. It would perfectly fit into the system of regulatory principles of the social market economy, but also focus on administrative and implementation issues.  相似文献   

How can Germany maintain its high standard of living as its workforce decreases in number and there are ever fewer skilled workers available? The economic challenge associated with demographic change is to achieve a productivity increase large enough to prevent a decline in the principal indicator of prosperity — per capita GDP. Does the demographic strategy pursued by Germany in 2012 refl ect this central challenge? Only to a certain extent. The core message of this paper is that qualifi cation — in the form of lifelong learning — is a central driver of increased productivity and is, by extension, the sustainable solution for Germany.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Im Februar 2009 haben sich Bund und L?nder im Rahmen der F?deralismuskommission II auf eine neue Schuldenregel geeinigt. Diese stimmt in den Grundzügen mit der 2001 in der Schweiz eingeführten Schuldenbremse überein. Wie sind diese Regelungen ausgestaltet? Was wird an ihnen kritisiert? Prof. Dr. Karl Heinz Hausner, 39, lehrt Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Fachhochschule des Bundes für ?ffentliche Verwaltung in Mannheim; Prof. Dr. Silvia Simon, 38, lehrt Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft in Chur, Schweiz.  相似文献   

A global labour division with a corresponding exchange in trade has always existed, ultimately for reasons of pragmatism; the volume and structure of this labour division did particularly depend on technical and economic conditions. Today, low haulage makes the division of labour exceedingly intense, supported by the unprecedented reduction of trade barriers in the Post-War period. The latter phenomenon had always been controversial, as impacts of global trade on welfare were, and still are, unequally distributed. The winners seek to secure their advantages, while the losers try to defend themselves against competitors. There are two lessons to be learned from historic experience: On the one hand, that a limitation of global labour division is altogether unfavourable; first, that the costs resulting from an occasional limitation are only acceptable under the premise that the time gained is used for structural reforms that allow the return to the global division of labour. A permanent exit from global economy, however, has (thus far) never turned out to be successful.  相似文献   

The distribution of income and wealth in Germany grew increasingly unequal until the beginning of the financial crisis. But inequality has not risen in either Germany or Switzerland since 2005. Nevertheless, Germans overestimate inequality. The German gap between reality and perception of inequality is important to investigate, as the subjective assessment of inequality influences redistribution preferences. Rising inequality may damage social stability and democracy, but it is unclear whether economists are able to assess a “proper and just” distribution. Interdependencies are discussed: Does a more equal distribution create negative effects on economic growth? How does Germany rank internationally with regard to distribution? Social mobility rates differ substantially across countries; what are the implications for economic policy?  相似文献   

Diesel technology and the associated environmental burden of local and global pollutant emissions have long been the focus of environmental policy debates. This article considers various negative external effects resulting from the use of combustion engines. A number of economic policy instruments can help to reduce these effects in the long term, such as the introduction of an urban road pricing scheme that is linked to local pollution levels, a greater focus on CO2 abatement in the sectors included in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), or the integration of the transport sector into the EU ETS.  相似文献   



Der Rettungsschirm und die Banken: Gibt die Politik die richtigen Signale?  相似文献   

Die Eurogruppe hat Griechenland mit dem Argument vor dem Staatsbankrott gerettet, diese Situation sei durch die Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise ausgel?st und damit kurzfristig und vorübergehend. Die Autoren weisen demgegenüber nach, dass Griechenland schon seit langem über seine Verh?ltnisse lebt. Sie machen Vorschl?ge, wie das Land seine verlorene internationale Wettbewerbsf?higkeit wiedererlangen kann.  相似文献   

We do not know much about the ELA of the ECB, even though the degree of financial assistance to the national banking sector is of tremendous importance for the public. This article brings together the scarce information on ELA and its use in several countries so far. Based on this evaluation, improvements in the communication of ELA are derived. The article argues that the currently available option to publish the ELA ceilings should be made mandatory and that increases in the ELA ceiling should be strongly limited.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence on couples’ decision making has shown that the partners’ sharing of resources (particularly of time and money) is driven by their respective bargaining positions and gender role behaviour. Against the background of an asymmetric specialisation risk carried by the person that takes care responsibilities, we discuss the potential effects that the recently proposed extensions of the German parental leave system, particularly the “ElterngeldPlus” and “Partnerbonus”, may have on the partners’ work division and their individual welfare levels in the long run.  相似文献   

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