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网络游戏与旅游互动的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络游戏为人们提供了一个遨游虚拟世界与在虚拟世界中互动游戏的媒介;旅游则提供了一个游历现实世界的平台。后现代社会以体验为中心的经济和文化时代的到来,使得网络游戏与旅游的互动具有可能性,虚拟现实技术发展为网络游戏与旅游的互动带来可行性。网络游戏与旅游的互动为网络游戏和旅游的发展扩展了空间。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role played by tourism in affecting cultural identity and place attachment among members of the North American Chinese diaspora who travel to China. Previous literature portrays diaspora tourists as homogeneous and suggests that home return travel engenders broadly similar impacts on the individual. This study reveals diasporic communities are quite diverse and complex. Five types of diaspora tourist are identified, each having distinct travel motives, experiences, migration backgrounds, cultural identities and place attachments. The consequences of diaspora tourism particularly in terms of place attachment and cultural identity are further discussed, as home return travel induces positive, neutral and negative reactions.  相似文献   

This research explores the entangled relationships between tourism, ageing and well-being in later life. We challenge the universal connotations of old age and “ageing well” and see their relationships with tourism as dynamic processes, in which older people are continuously producing different meanings and fulfilling personal quests over life courses. Using the contextualist and temporal lens, four scenarios of the evolving relationships between tourism and ageing well were identified from the lived experiences and travel histories of 48 Chinese senior travelers. The results demonstrate that how tourism affects ageing well are shaped by senior travellers' early life and travel experiences, the personalised conceptions attached to tourism and well-being, which are indeed complex responses to their personal, social and cultural contexts. This research unveils vivid pictures of Chinese older adults’ leisure lives, and highlights the urgency to develop relevant tourism policies and marketing strategies to cater for their changing needs.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of academic literature on travel writing that examines travel writers and their perceived influence on sustainability. This article addresses this lacuna by exploring how travel writers understand their responsibilities and reflects on ethics in their profession, particularly in how foreign destinations and cultures are portrayed. This is significant because some travel writers have been accused of contributing to what interviewees called the “Lonely Planet Syndrome”, the notion that writing about a place will introduce and encourage mass tourism, changing the original state of the place for the worse. In this qualitative, phenomenological study, data were collected from 23 in-depth interviews with twenty-first-century travel writers and analysed using an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Findings suggest that while some interviewees expressed anxiety about their perceived accountability to mediate foreign cultures responsibly, others embraced their role as a cultural mediator. They cared about local cultures and wanted to write in responsible ways by supporting more sustainable outcomes, reflected in the themes of cross-cultural understanding, socio-cultural and environmental advocacy and promoting benefits of tourism to communities. Future studies could include exploring the role of travel editors, travel writers’ professional knowledge and the growing role of travel blogs.  相似文献   

产业融合视角下的影视旅游发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
影视旅游发展越来越体现出产业融合的特征,这使得从产业融合视角研究影视旅游具有重要意义。基于产业融合的视角,影视旅游发展模式可以分为影视外景地旅游、影视故事发生地旅游、影视文化旅游、影视拍摄制作基地旅游、影视主题乐园旅游、影视节庆旅游等6类,其中前3类可以进一步概括为影视传播旅游,后3类可以概括为影视提供旅游内容。影视所固有的传播功能是前者的一个基础,旅游吸引物的无边界性则是后者的一个基础,两者共有的基础则是影视和旅游产业共同的文化产业本质。和技术创新是信息化领域产业融合主要动力不同,需求发展导致的市场融合是影视旅游发展的根本动力。和信息化领域相同的是,企业同样是影视产业和旅游产业融合发展的主体。  相似文献   

Book Review     
World Heritage Sites (WHSs) are motivated by such diverse reasons as heritage celebration, alarm calls, tourism branding and marketing and place making. Irrespective of the primary motivation for their creation, WHSs are often used to develop tourism based on cultural and natural resources of international significance. Heritage conservation may or may not be in agreement with what local populations perceive as desirable development paths. We conducted a survey among the island community of Vega in Norway that received WHS status in 2004 motivated by conservation alarm, tourism marketing and place making. We examined the local population's views of the key aspects of future development and how this related to WHS status. The islanders placed high value on social and community conditions as well as heritage linked to cultural and natural resources. While a majority supported tourism based on sustainable use of heritage they also felt that WH listing should not limit development opportunities. There were differences between younger people and adults. WHS may be an effective agent of sustainable tourism development if the main goals and strategies of the WHS are clearly understood and prioritized in the local community, leave room and perhaps link to other development opportunities.  相似文献   

试论京郊乡村旅游发展中的问题与对策   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:32  
刘爱服 《旅游学刊》2005,20(1):68-71
北京作为中国的首都和国际著名的历史文化名城,旅游业正在突飞猛进地向前发展。在北京市居民的经济收入普遍提高的情况下,其旅游需求出现巨大的变化。北京的城市居民已不满足于对一般名胜古迹的欣赏,而是选择了依山傍水、空气清新的京郊乡村旅游。然而,京郊乡村旅游在大力发展的同时,也出现了许多这样和那样的问题与不足,并大有制约京郊乡村旅游向前发展的趋势。笔者针对当前京郊乡村旅游在发展中存在的问题进行了论述,并提出了自己的建议及对策。  相似文献   

Habits of thought and cultural tourism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The way cultural tourists think about the people they visit impacts upon their travel experiences. Cultural tourism professionals can benefit by understanding this diversity of thought. By examining four travelogs concerning Native American cultures in the 19th century, the value of new research techniques from consumer behavior which employ methods paralleling literary criticism are demonstrated and related to the empirical evidence at hand. In particular, the works of Sir Richard Burton, Francis Parkman, Washington Irving, and Louis Henry Morgan are compared and juxtaposed. It is hoped that this combining of tourism theory with mythological theory will help the field to mesh with similar developments taking place in marketing and consumer behavior.  相似文献   

孙业红 《旅游学刊》2012,27(6):10-19
城市旅游研究有长期的历史.文章从新的角度较为系统地综述了城市旅游这个并不新颖、但却值得深入探索的问题,在西方文献的基础上提出了一些关于城市旅游发展创新性的思想和理论构架,并指出了未来几个重要的研究方向,如城市中旅游集聚造成的拥挤问题、城市遗产类旅游资源空间格局研究(包括非物质文化遗产的空间分布对城市发展的影响)、城市旅游规划中广泛存在的“复制与粘贴”问题对城市旅游竞争力的损害以及城市舞台化旅游发展中存在的种种问题等.在此基础上,文章结合中国城市旅游发展的研究现状,提出中国城市旅游发展可以借鉴的一些国际先进经验,以及在借鉴这些经验过程中需要注意的问题.  相似文献   

宋立中  谭申 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):93-101
文化遗产作为文化旅游发展的重要载体,在国内外引起了业界和学界的广泛关注,而复合型文化遗产是一种具备多元价值和内涵的遗产类型,其旅游产品开发应根据复合型文化遗产资源禀赋及其特征而定.文章以福建马尾船政文化遗产为例,运用文化景观理论和文化再生产理论,并结合问卷调查、因子分析和参与观察等方法,从定性和定量两个方面分析作为复合型文化遗产的船政文化旅游产品开发的路径选择,以此丰富文化遗产旅游研究案例,具有一定的理论建构价值和实践意义.  相似文献   

张天问  吴明远 《旅游学刊》2014,29(10):51-60
追求幸福是个体生存的根本动机,当旅游日益成为人们享受幸福生活的重要表达时,旅游研究有理由探讨旅游与幸福感的关系。以扎根理论为研究工具,以旅游博客的博主为研究对象,系统分析旅游过程中旅游者身心感受的变化。研究发现,旅游的根本动机是寻找和收获旅游幸福感。旅游者从居住地世俗生活状态进入旅游环境,通过休闲、娱乐、教育、逃避、美感和移情过程,达到消遣、逃逸、认知、审美和移情的目的;享受从生理感知、心理变化和灵性提升不同层级的生命状态,获得深刻的人生经历,再回到居住地惯常环境的历程,实现从世俗到"神圣"再归于平凡的生命状态转换。旅游前美好期待体验、旅游中福乐体验、旅游后温馨回忆体验,成为旅游幸福感的时间构成;享受闲适生活、获得旅游福乐体验、提升积极情绪、减弱不良情绪、感受人际美好,进而提升人生境界,是旅游幸福感的重要内容构成。因此,旅游服务实际上应起始于旅游行程前,绽放于旅游过程中,延伸至旅游活动后。旅游服务必须持高度的人文情怀,以发于心、形于外的贴心关照才能给予旅游者一段幸福的人生经历。  相似文献   

Archer, Brian H., “Domestic Tourism as a Development Factor”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. V, No. 1, January/March 1978, pp. 126–141. Domestic tourism brings about an intermingling of people from diverse social and cultural backgrounds and also a considerable redistribution of spending power. Although this paper concentrates mainly upon the economic effects created by the growth of domestic tourism and is illustrated by reference to some recent case studies, attention is also drawn to the favorable and unfavorable political, social, cultural, moral, environmental and conservational aspects of domestic tourism. The paper concludes by discussing some ways in which domestic tourism can provide an impetus to further economic growth in the holiday regions and also how domestic tourism may assist in solving some of the problems facing a country's international tourism.  相似文献   

This study uses a grounded theory method to investigate the proposed tourism policy directions of three Pacific Island countries and to develop a set of theoretical insights referred to as tourism involvement-conformance theory (TICT). TICT underscores the potential latent consequences that can occur as tourism develops due to policy shifts which emphasize sustainability. More specifically, TICT suggests a number of conceptual linkages regarding how policy makers and development strategists envisage the internal and external forces of control as tourism develops, how these perceptions influence the specific positioning or policy mechanisms, and how these processes when they are couched in a sustainability framework can instrumentalize local people/culture. For those interested in the challenges associated with sustainable tourism policy and planning, the findings represent a step towards a more nuanced understanding of the potential consequences of development decisions and policy rhetoric. They also offer an advancement in understanding regarding culture, involvement, power, and conformity in tourism research. For practitioners, the findings highlight the need for careful consideration of the implicit power relationships and ideologies that can be reinforced through policies designed around increased local involvement as a means to sustainability.  相似文献   

Sustainable tourism aims to achieve a balance between the needs of tourists, the environment, local people, and businesses – a situation complicated by the numerous ethical issues at play. This paper presents an original account of the ethics of Aldo Leopold (1887–1948), a key figure in the development of modern environmental ethics, as it unfolds in his classic work, A Sand County Almanac. We argue that prior interpretations failed to incorporate Leopold's lynchpin cultural harvest idea into his larger “land ethic”, and that a proper understanding of the cultural harvest reveals how tourism and other recreational activities can drive a person's ethical development. Ultimately, the land ethic helps us protect and nurture the most precious sustainability resource: human beings that value and respect the environment. The paper will be of value to tourism scholars, to heritage interpreters, to travel journalists, to tourism marketing staff, and to tourism managers. It shows the enormous opportunities for better marketing and heritage interpretation, notes the potential value of slow tourism, and the need for opening five key areas of the cultural harvest for tourists: storytelling, learning and knowledge, beauty and aesthetic appreciation, rarity and the hunt for trophy, and signature/personality.  相似文献   

Based on an original conceptual framework that links cultural capital and pro-active behaviors, this paper investigates whether individuals' cultural capital increases the probability of purchasing tourism services through the Internet.The identification of possible direct channels through which tourism firms can address and attract consumers is particularly relevant for an industry in which re-intermediation processes by big online travel agencies have partly dampened the benefits of disintermediation along the supply chain.Through a Heckman-corrected probit run on year 2016 microdata referred to the Italian population, evidence is found that the cultural participation is associated to individuals' higher probability to purchase tourism services online. This adds some new dimensions to the understanding of factors that have a bearing on online purchasing.  相似文献   

Using phenomenological analysis, this paper examines the concept of ‘spirituality’ in the lived travel experience of an individual tourist. The paper contributes a phenomenological snippet of the tourist’s ‘portrait’ (the individual’s rich story, much like a portrait painting) to reveal the spiritual meaning Amber reportedly gained from and imbued onto her travel experiences with the tour operator, Hands up Holidays. The paper argues that when discussing the ‘spiritual’ dimension of tourism, one potential avenue is to seek to understand how people seek meaning and life purpose themselves, their quest for meaning, and experiences of transcendence and connectedness as subjectively lived through their travel. The paper concludes that the phenomenological view may be a useful frame through which to further examine the personal meaning of travel as lived by people, both in religious and non-religious contexts, but contextualised within the wider meaning of their lives.  相似文献   

Visitors’ activities tend to be spatially oriented in destinations. Mental mapping is a useful method for revealing how visitors spatially perceive tourism destinations. However, studies of this kind are under-researched in the tourism field. Therefore, this study investigates the ways in which visitors spatially perceive the World Heritage Sites (WHSs) of Macau through the use of mental maps drawn by a sample of 400 respondents. Comparisons of the mental maps revealed that respondents possessed a relatively limited spatial knowledge of the WHSs, and this recognition varied according to the gender, place of origin, travel mode, type of trip, social interaction with local people and length of stay. While the real-life world of visitors was identified by the mental mapping approach, some suggestions for formulating strategies are provided.  相似文献   

Volunteer tourism is an increasingly popular activity in which individuals combine travel with voluntary work. On the whole, existing literature has provided an optimistic view of volunteer tourism, suggesting that it represents a more reciprocal form of tourism and facilitates the development of cross-cultural understanding among participants. However, more recently, it has been argued that if volunteer tourism programmes (VTPs) are not carefully managed, they may lead to cross-cultural misunderstanding and the reinforcement of cultural stereotypes. Through conducting an Appreciative Inquiry into a number of volunteer programmes, this research sought to explore these ideas further and, in particular, identify the role that volunteer tourism sending organisations can play in order to ensure that cross-cultural understanding develops through volunteer tourism. The findings from this research suggest that the development of cross-cultural understanding should be perceived as a goal of volunteer tourism rather than a natural result of sending volunteers overseas. This paper argues that sending organisations can play an important role in facilitating the achievement of this goal through pro-active management prior, during, and after their VTPs.  相似文献   

朱运海  戴茂堂 《旅游学刊》2014,29(11):104-114
以人的生存性发展为理论焦点的哲学生存论认为:人的存在叫做生存,生存的本质是超越。超越总是指向未来的某种可能性,人类的进化史揭示出这种可能性总是指向更好生存的向度。因此,生存的超越性使得谋求更好的生存成为人的本性。人性具有生成性、累积性和复杂化的特征,是对人的本性的具体化和现实化,而这个现实化的过程就是人生。文章认为,为了实现人的本性,旅游活动从迁徙和旅行活动中生长出来,成为一种合乎人性的善的生活。生存论认为旅游和人相互生成:旅游只对人发生,只有人才旅游;旅游是人的一种更好的生存方式,旅游必然对人发生;旅游是人对现实的超越,是谋求更好生存的人的本性的实现。因此,在现代社会,旅游是人性的重要组成部分,是对人的本性的实现。  相似文献   

Population displacement through desertification has affected the socioeconomic and cultural development of Jordan's Badia desert. To counterbalance this change, it is important to preserve and revitalise cultural heritage as a source of tourism development in the desert. One possible way of revitalising the Badia regions is to highlight their cultural resources for tourism. The goal of the study is to find alternative tourism resources based on understanding the potential tourism resources in the Badia and to attract tourists for cultural heritage experiences. The analysis suggests new opportunities for cultural heritage tourism with elements of Bedouin material and non-material culture. Solutions include establishing community-based Bedouin tourism that involves the local people in partnership with the BRDC,1 expanding the tourism network to include the Badia region using resources such as folkways and archaeology to enrich the experience, building a rest house; and erecting a Bedouin heritage village. This will generate income and give Badia indigenous communities additional revenue, thereby positively impacting the regional and national economy.  相似文献   

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