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In this study we investigate and identify the patterns of co-movement of interest rate, stock price and exchange rate in India in the period between July 1997 and December 2010 using the cross-wavelet power, the cross-wavelet coherency, and the phase difference methodologies. Our empirical findings suggest that stock prices, exchange rates and interest rates are linked. The cross wavelet results show that stock price movements are lagging both to the exchange rate and interest rate fluctuations. The interest rate lead over the stock price movements is even clearer, especially after 2006, and it suggests that the stock market follows the interest rate signals. Comparing results of WTC and XWT, we find very clear results of phase difference of lead–lag relationship between stock prices, exchange rates and interest rates.  相似文献   

We may find numerous works in the existing literature regarding the cohesion between oil prices and exchange rates, yet an exact shape of the relationship remains undefined. By restoring to wavelet analysis and using a rich database from Japan, this study contributes to the literature by investigating the said relationship within the time–frequency space. Over the time horizon, it is being established that the strength of the relationship between oil price and exchange rate keeps changing. If the Bank of Japan needs to control the exchange rate, it should give proper importance to shocks on oil prices, while formulating exchange rate policy.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between oil prices and US dollar exchange rates using wavelet multi-resolution analysis. We characterized the oil price–exchange rate relationship for different timescales in an attempt to disentangle the possible existence of contagion and interdependence during the global financial crisis and analyze possible lead and lag effects. For crude oil prices and a range of currencies, we show that oil prices and exchange rates were not dependent in the pre-crisis period; however, we did find evidence of contagion and negative dependence after the onset of the crisis. Additionally, we found that oil prices led exchange rates and vice versa in the crisis period but not in the pre-crisis period. These findings have important implications for risk management, monetary policies to control oil inflationary pressures and fiscal policy in oil-exporting countries.  相似文献   

Using theoretical arguments for nonparametric wavelet estimation, we devise regression-based semiparametric wavelet estimators to dissect linear from nonlinear effects in a time series. The wavelet estimators localize in both time and frequency so that distortion due to outliers is lessened. Our regression-based approach also lends itself to ease of replication, clarity, flexibility, timeliness and statistical validity. We demonstrate the efficacy of the approach via rolling regressions on time series of quarterly U.S. GDP growth rates, monthly Hong Kong/ U.S. exchange rates, weekly 1-month commercial interest rates and daily returns on the S&P 500.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to revisit the inflation–output gap relationship using a new approach known as the wavelet transform. This approach combines the classical time series analysis with frequency domain analysis and presents the advantages of assessing the co-movement of the two series in the context of both time and frequencies. Using discrete and continuous wavelet methodologies for the study of the inflation–output gap nexus in the case of France, we determine that the output gap is able to predict the inflation dynamics in the short- and medium-runs, and these results have important implications to the Phillips curve theory. More precisely, we discovered that in a discrete wavelet framework, the short- and medium-term fluctuations of both variables are more closely correlated, whereas the continuous wavelet analysis states that the output gap leads inflation in short- and medium-runs.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the relationship between interest rates and exchange rates in a small open emerging economy using wavelet-based methodologies. Based on data for Romania, our results confirm the theoretical predictions on the interest rate - exchange rate relationship during turmoil or policy changes. In the short term, the relationship is negative, confirming the sticky-price models, and over the long term, the relationship is positive, confirming the Purchasing Power Parity theory. At the beginning of the turmoil, the exchange rate movements generally take the lead over the interest rates for the first month, but the monetary authorities take the lead afterwards. Our results reveal that in a small open emerging economy with a direct inflation targeting monetary policy regime, the relationship between exchange rates and interest rate is fundamentally different from that in an advanced economy. Also, our results stress the necessity that the central bank must pay simultaneous attention to both variables in order to achieve their monetary policy targets.  相似文献   

The relationship between stock prices and exchange rates has continued to generate interest from both the academia and financial industry players for many years. This study conducts an empirical investigation into the relationship between stock prices and exchange rates for the two largest economies in Sub-Saharan Africa – South Africa and Nigeria. Our methodology accounts for structural breaks in the data and the long-run relationship between stock and foreign exchange markets. The results of multivariate causality tests with structural breaks showed that causality runs from exchange rates to domestic stock prices in Nigeria (flow channel) while in South Africa, no causality exists between domestic stock prices and exchange rates. The results also reveal that there is causality from the London stock market to both countries’ stock markets, thus showing that international stock markets are driving both the Nigerian and South African stock markets.  相似文献   

This article estimates a structural model for unofficial market foreign exchange (forex) rates (E U ) and examines the stability of the forex market in Bangladesh using an autoregressive distributed lag approach to cointegration analysis on quarterly data from 1976Q2–1995Q2. It also compares the in-sample and out-of-sample (from 1995Q3–1999Q2) forecasting performances of the structural model with other timE-series models. With E U as a dependent variable and official exchange rates (E O ) , money supply (M) , the difference between foreign and domestic interest rates (I) , forex reserves relative to imports (Q) and political along with some structural factors (D85) as explanatory variables, a multivariate cointegrated relationship is found in which E O , Q , and I cause an appreciation and M and D85 cause a depreciation in E U . These results imply that the overvaluation of the official exchange rate, increases in money supply, the paucity of official forex reserves, and structural factors are the main causes for the creation of the unofficial market for forex in Bangladesh. Results also reveal that the forex market in Bangladesh is stable during the sample period. The structural model performs well in in-sample prediction, and the random walk model performs best in out-of-sample forecasting.  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyzes the relationship between exchange rate policy and sovereign risk premia in emerging market economies, considering both officially declared regimes and actual exchange rate behavior. The results show that countries that announce a fixed exchange rate regime face lower spreads than countries that announce a floating regime or intermediate flexibility. When the actual exchange rate behavior is considered, this relationship persists between intermediate flexibility and pegs but countries that allow their exchange rates to freely float do not face higher spreads. The difference between the results is due to the fact that many countries deviate from their declared exchange rate policy. The countries that announce a floating regime do not face higher spreads than pegs when they actually allow a high degree of flexibility as they announced. However, intermediate flexibility leads to higher spreads independently of whether this is the announced policy or the actual behavior.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to explain empirically the effect of order flow as an unobserved variable on the exchange rate movements based on the theory of scapegoat. The theory of scapegoat appears as the answer to the imbalance in the relationship between macroeconomic fundamentals and the exchange rate. To analyze the validity of this theory in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand (ASEAN 5), we apply the two-stage least squares method. The empirical testing generates a fact that the paradigm of scapegoat theory works for four countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. Another finding is that the theory of scapegoat does not work for the Philippines. The implication of policy based on the results is the emphasis of policy that enables intervention in the foreign exchange market, the enhancement of monetary policy transparency in each country, as well as the management of capital flows more efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of exchange rates on US foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to a sample of 16 emerging market countries using annual panel data for the period 1990–2002. Three separate exchange rate effects are considered: the value of the local currency (a cheaper currency attracts FDI); expected changes in the exchange rate (expected devaluation implies FDI is postponed); and exchange rate volatility (discourages FDI). The results reveal a negative relationship between FDI and more expensive local currency, the expectation of local currency depreciation, and volatile exchange rates. Stable exchange rate management can be important in attracting FDI.  相似文献   

Previous research that used asymmetric Granger causality tests relied upon data from the same time domain. In this paper we extend those tests theoretically to the frequency domain. We then apply these new tests to analyze causal link between nominal exchange rate and inflation in G6 and BRICS countries. For sensitivity analysis, we also apply time-frequency domain (wavelet) method in the context of asymmetric causality. Empirical results reveal that inflation causes the exchange rate in most of the countries in our sample. Our findings imply that anti-inflationary policies in these countries could stabilize the exchange rates and increase international confidence in attracting foreign investment which is important for sustained economic growth.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between the official and parallel exchange rates, using cointegration, Granger causality, and reduced form methods on data from three Caribbean countries, Jamaica, Guyana, and Trinidad & Tobago, for the period 1985–93. Where the central bank follows a passive policy of infrequent and large adjustments to the official rate, changes in the official rate Granger causes changes in the parallel rate, and larger disparities prevail between the two rates. Foreign exchange controls, expansionary fiscal and monetary policy, and changes of government mostly have a positive effect on the parallel market premium, with foreign exchange controls exerting the strongest impact.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the European Central Bank (ECB) monetary policy on euro exchange rate returns using an event study with intraday data for five currencies (the euro exchange rate versus the US dollar, the British pound, the Canadian dollar, the Swiss franc, and the Japanese yen). I construct two indicators of news about monetary policy stemming separately from policy decisions and the press conference. Estimation results show that the surprise component of communication has highly statistically significant effects on exchange rates, whereas the response of euro exchange rates to the unanticipated change in the policy rate is more muted. I also estimate the financial market impact on euro exchange rates of US, European and German macroeconomic news, and I show that the impact of the ECB press conference is economically important. The process of fully incorporating the ECB news shock takes about 1 h, and thus this result suggests that the whole press conference (both the Introductory Statement and the Q&A part) provides valuable information to market participants.  相似文献   

This paper aims to extend the existing literature on foreign exchange rate risk pricing. Unlike the existing studies on Canada, we use six alternative bilateral and one multilateral exchange rate proxies. Furthermore, using both a two-factor and a three-factor capital asset pricing model (CAPM), we test for the presence of a long-run relationship among exchange rate risk pricing, herding behavior, term structure and the interest rate. The estimated results based on both the ordinary least squares (OLS) and generalized least squares (GLS) estimation techniques confirm that exchange rate risk in the Canadian equity market is priced and that the pricing of this risk is time-varying. This result holds for all seven exchange rate proxies. Our empirical analysis also suggests the presence of a long-run relationship among exchange rate risk pricing, herding behavior, term structure and the interest rate. This relationship is found to be insensitive to variations in the world market return.  相似文献   

In this paper, we empirically investigate the relationship between the convenience yield of government bonds and the real exchange rates using monthly data from 1999 to 2018. We extend the conventional models, based on the present-value relationship between the real exchange rate and economic fundamentals, while explicitly considering the role of the convenience yield. Empirical results suggest that our present-value models can capture the dynamic properties of the real exchange rate documented in the literature, including high persistence, excess volatility and excess co-movement compared with real interest rate differentials. We also find that the sum of expected convenience yields significantly drives real exchange rate movements. Moreover, we find that foreign exchange swap market friction also plays a role in explaining real exchange rates. Finally, we find that monetary policy at the zero lower bound may be essential in real exchange rate modelling.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on firms’ export pricing by assessing whether and to what extent firms take into account the expected future evolution of the exchange rates while setting their prices. Using French micro-level trade data, our empirical analysis reveals that by adjusting their export prices, firms partly absorb information about future exchange rate variations. The extent to which individual exporters absorb future exchange rate fluctuations is found to depend on their market power, in accordance with theoretical dynamic demand-side models encompassing mechanisms creating an inter-temporal relationship between current market shares and future profits. The analysis also shows that the strength of such expectation-related mechanism is considerably reduced with greater future exchange rate uncertainty, in line with an interpretation of pricing-to-market as an investment decision under uncertainty. In a comparative perspective our results are shown to drive asymmetric responses across destinations of aggregate bilateral export flows to expected exchange rate movements.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore linear and nonlinear Granger causalities between oil price and the real effective exchange rate of the Indian currency, known as ‘rupee’. First, we apply the standard time domain approach, but fail to find any causal relationship. So, we decompose the two series at various scales of resolution using the wavelet methodology in an effort to revisit the relationships among the decompose series on a scale by scale basis. We also use a battery of non-linear causality tests in the time and the frequency domain. We uncover linear and nonlinear causal relationships between the oil price and the real effective exchange rate of Indian rupee at higher time scales (lower frequency). Although we do not find causal relationship at the lower time scales, there is evidence of causality at higher time scales only.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between the change of the exchange rate and the performance of the Chinese stock market after exchange rate regime and split share structure of stock market reformed in 2005, which is important for us to understand the linkages and mechanisms between the two markets deeply. We find that the exchange rate is highly related with the stock market, and there exists long-term cointegration. The results demonstrate that in the long term, the relationship between the two variables mainly belongs to flow-oriented model; Shanghai A Share index is influenced by the exchange rate, yet Shanghai B Share index has shown less indication of long term interrelation with the exchange rate. In the short term, the relationship between the two variables mainly belongs to stock-oriented models, there are inter influence between the stock market and the exchange market. The paper further analyzes the possible influence of different sector indices to exchange rates. Finally, the paper puts forward some advices and policy suggestions.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the role of the cross exchange rate as a form of market competition, which has previously been omitted as an explanatory variable in estimating the risk exposure of the standard exchange. To the end, we develop a model of exporting firms that reflects exposure to market interaction and mark-up in a duopolistic export market. Using monthly data of stock returns and cross exchange rates of two oligopoly industries (i.e. semiconductor and steel & iron), our empirical evidence supports our hypothesis that cross exchange rates significantly explain firm value.  相似文献   

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