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This study proposes a rational expectation equilibrium model of stock market crashes with information asymmetry and loss averse speculators. We obtain a state-dependent linear optimal trading strategy, which makes the equilibrium price tractable. The model predicts nonlinear market depth and the result that small shocks to fundamentals (e.g., supply or informational shocks) can cause abrupt price movements. We demonstrate that short-sale constraints intensify asset price collapses relative to upward movements. The model also generates contagion between uncorrelated assets. These results are consistent with the main puzzling features observed during market crashes, namely abrupt and asymmetric price movements that are not driven by major news events but coupled with a spillover effect between unrelated markets.  相似文献   

This article examines the influence of foreign investor trading on information asymmetry in the Korean stock market, a representative emerging market characterized by a high level of information asymmetry between corporate insiders and outsiders, and among investors. We find a significantly positive relationship between foreign investor trading and the consequent bid–ask spread – the latter of which is considered as a proxy for the degree of information asymmetry – on both daily and weekly bases. Our results indicate that active foreign investor trading tends to exacerbate informational variation.  相似文献   

基于Easley、Hvidkjaer和O'Hara的序贯交易模型与PIN (Probability of Information-based Trading,基于信息的交易比率)指标对我国股市知情交易情况进行的实证分析研究结果表明:(1)我国股市信息不对称程度较高;(2)由于知情交易者利用坏消息的能力有限且流动性交易水平较高,我国股市知情交易比率并不太高;(3)知情交易比率与后续期间股票收益率的负相关性,表明我国股市中市场操控型知情交易比较严重.因此,我们认为应进一步完善上市公司的信息披露制度,降低投资者之间的信息不对称程度,同时确保流动性投资者参与股市的积极性;在引入做空机制时应慎重考虑和综合权衡,避免不适当地增加流动性投资者所承担的逆向选择风险水平,降低股市的流动性供给和风险分散功能;证券市场监管部门应进一步加强对异常交易活动的监控,加大对市场操纵行为的打击力度,以确保我国证券市场的健康发展.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the influence of investor attention on the French stock market activity and volatility. Following an original way, we construct a non-standard proxy of investor attention on the basis of investors' online search behavior exclusively provided by “Google insights for search”. We find that Google search volume is a reliable proxy of investor attention. Interestingly, we show that investor attention is strongly correlated to trading volume and is a significant determinant of the stock market illiquidity and volatility. Most importantly, this evidence is maintained even after controlling for the financial crisis effect.  相似文献   

吴卫星  齐天翔 《经济研究》2007,42(2):97-110
本文采用Probit和Tobit模型对中国居民的股票市场参与和投资组合的影响因素进行了分析,主要有以下的实证发现:首先,不流动性资产特别是房地产的投资显著影响了投资者的股票市场参与和投资组合,而且影响以“替代”效应或者说“挤出”效应为主。其次,投资者在进行投资组合时极少利用股票市场对其未来现金流所承担的风险进行对冲,也就是说,中国居民投资的“生命周期效应”不明显;第三,中国居民投资的“财富效应”非常显著。财富的增加既增加了居民参与股票市场的概率,也增加了居民参与股票市场的深度。  相似文献   

文章利用我国逐步推出融资融券交易的自然实验机会,运用双重差分的研究设计,考察了卖空机制对股价反映负面消息效率的影响。文章以2007-2012年的数据为样本研究发现:相对于非标的股票,融资融券标的股票在成为标的之后,其股价对市场的向下波动及时做出了调整,使得股价对市场正负向波动反应之间的不对称性显著降低,表明标的股票更加及时和充分地吸收了有关公司价值的负面信息;同时,相对于非标的股票,融资融券标的标的股票在成为标的之后,其股价暴跌风险显著降低。文章结果表明,我国股市推出融资融券交易后,卖空机制提高了市场对标的股票负面消息的定价效率。  相似文献   

连续竞价市场的股权结构、非对称信息与流动性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文采用分笔交易的高频数据研究了股权结构对指令驱动的连续竞价市场中流动性和非对称信息的影响。研究表明,机构投资者对股票流动性有正的影响,且机构投资者能够显著减少交易过程的信息不对称程度,从而降低流动性成本。以国有股权和法人股权为代表的公司内部人对股票流动性没有显著影响,但能够降低交易过程的信息不对称程度,对减少流动性成本有积极作用。上市公司持股比例越分散,信息不对称程度越低,流动性成本越低。  相似文献   

利用国泰安数据服务中心数据,采用事件研究法,考察中国上市公司中管理者买入交易和卖出交易对我国股票市场流动性的影响,结果显示:管理者买入后的市场流动性减弱,归因于管理者与其他市场参与者之间的信息不对称;管理者卖出降低管理者的股权,提高市场流动性,信息不对称减弱。管理者在市场交易比较活跃的日期交易,可能是因为在高的市场交易量下能隐藏管理者的私人信息。  相似文献   

股权分置改革使得股票市场的资源配置功能得到了进一步的发挥,但大股东使用内幕交易等手段侵害中小股东利益的行为也会变得更加突出。在以往的研究中,人们仅关注了投资者保护对关联交易等"利益输送"行为的遏制作用,并没有关注投资者保护对内幕交易等"利益输送"行为的治理效应。事实上,加强投资者保护能够改善信息环境,减少内幕交易行为,这将导致股票流动性的上升和信息不对称程度的下降。这一结论对于股权分置改革后的中国证券市场具有尤为重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

After the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect policy was launched, markets become integrated, while A-H premium rises. This phenomenon is contrary to the existing market segmentation hypotheses. We provide a supplementary explanation for the A-H share price premium based on stock market trading mechanism. As margin trading and securities lending mechanism in Chinese mainland stock market is still immature and incomplete, limited arbitrage and asymmetric margin buying power amplifies the A-H premium even after markets are integrated. Our findings complement the financial microstructure researches on how trading mechanism may influence the dynamic price discovery process, especially those related to issues of short constraints and levered investing.  相似文献   

On 23 April 1997, the Toronto Stock Exchange closed its trading floor, making it at that time the second-largest stock exchange in North America to choose a purely electronic trading environment for its equities. Exploiting this natural experiment, we find that the move to electronic trading resulted in a higher cost of immediacy (bid–ask spreads), increased information asymmetry and an overall deterioration of short-horizon return predictability from past order flows, reducing the efficiency of price discovery. Our results suggest that the human element plays an important role in order execution and complements automated electronic trading by improving the efficiency of incorporating new information into prices.  相似文献   

We examine the social efficiency of alternative intertemporal permit trading regimes. The role of uncertainty and information asymmetry is discussed. For banking to be welfare improving, uncertainty itself does not matter, while information asymmetry does. Three effects of banking are identified: externality effect, information effect, and total permit effect. In the absence of total permit effect, banking is welfare improving if information effect is positive and dominates the externality effect. The relative efficiency of banking regimes with different intertemporal trading ratios is affected by the slope of the benefit and damage functions and the covariance of the shocks.  相似文献   

This study proposes a novel measure for an asset’s liquidity premium. Applying Brownian first-passage time distribution properties, we derive an explicit form of liquidity premium embedded in the asset price. Our liquidity premium measure is intuitive because it assesses the extent to which the value of the asset should be increased from the current market price if investors were allowed to retain the asset until they achieve an investment goal. This measure is readily available for assessing an asset’s liquidity because it does not require information on the asset’s transactional characteristics. Our empirical experiment using Korean stock market data suggests that the liquidity premium in this study is inversely related to Amihud’s (2002) illiquidity ratio, which is commonly used to measure stocks’ illiquidity.  相似文献   

The authors provide new evidence of the influence of false rumors based on Taiwan's stock market. The results indicate significant patterns of abnormal returns and trading volumes surrounding the event day and that the rumors seem to be disseminated in the stock market before appearing in newspapers. The results also indicate asymmetry: Investors hearing a positive rumor about a stock may tend to buy the stock, prompting a price run-up until the rumor dies away, while negative rumors usually have greater and longer negative impacts on stock returns than positive rumors do. The presence of a daily price limit is negatively correlated to the size of abnormal returns and abnormal trading volumes on the event day, and the abnormal trading volumes are more sensitive to the price limit surrounding the event day. Finally, firm managers might receive rumor information earlier and then conduct stock trading before the rumor's announcement.  相似文献   

This study uses two popular technical trading rules to assess whether the gradual liberalization of Taiwan's securities markets has improved the efficiency of its stock market. The results show that the two rules have considerable predictive power for 1983–1990, they become less predictive for 1991–1997, and they cannot predict the market for 1998–2005. These results indicate that the efficiency of Taiwan stock market has been greatly enhanced by the liberalization measures implemented over the last 20 years.  相似文献   

Using the high‐quality intraday transaction data from 2001–2012, we investigate changes in stock market liquidity in response to the monetary policy announcements of the Bank of Korea (BOK). We find that liquidity impairment associated with informed trading occurs prior to the announcements but it disappears subsequent to the global financial crisis. In addition, liquidity impairment appears to become more severe with insufficient experts' predictability and accuracy rather than with policy rate change itself and unscheduled announcements. Finally, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announcements, changes in the Volatility Index (VIX), and trading by foreign investors play a limited role in explaining stock market liquidity changes. Overall, results indicate that central bank communication plays a significant role in reducing liquidity impairment by enhancing the predictability of policy actions, and therefore, mitigating information asymmetry.  相似文献   

This article adopts Campbell's (1991) return decomposition model to decompose the unexpected stock return and unexpected excess stock return in the US stock market. The study also investigates the factors that cause the shock to stock return and excess stock return. We further examine the responses of stock market to cash-flow news, expected stock return news, expected excess stock return news and interest rate news. Last, we examine the reaction of market liquidity, liquidity risk and abnormal trading volume to cash-flow news, expected stock return news, expected excess stock return news and interest rate news. Our main findings are summarized as follows: first, cash-flow news is the main driver of stock return and excess stock return in stock market. Second, the dividend payout ratio is able to predict stock return and excess stock return. Third, under the model of stock return variance, unexpected market liquidity and unexpected liquidity risk are negatively related to expected stock return news, but not related to cash-flow news. Fourth, under the model of excess stock return variance, unexpected market liquidity and unexpected liquidity risk are negatively related to cash-flow news, expected excess stock return news, and interest rate news.  相似文献   

本文探究融资融券对上市公司产品市场竞争行为的影响。通过理论分析与实证检验,本文发现融资融券政策的实施促进了标的企业产品市场竞争行为,但是由此带来的潜在的过度竞争问题可能导致企业整体绩效有所下降。本文还发现融资融券的政策效果主要集中于融资交易强度较高、或股价信息敏感度较低的公司。本文的研究结果表明,我国融资和融券交易发展的不对称性放大了资本市场对公司正面信息的奖励效应,可能促使公司在产品市场过度竞争,降低了整体绩效,而个股股价信息敏感度的提高有助于缓解上述问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the price and volatility dynamics between China and major stock markets in the Asia-Pacific, investigating the effects of the Chinese stock market crash (2015–2016) for the first time. Employing the Bayesian VAR and BEKK GARCH, we observe that price and volatility spillover behaviours are different during the stable and stress periods. Particularly, price spillovers from China to other regional markets are more significant during a bullish period, showing that ‘good news’ emanating from China has strong impacts on its neighbours during better market condition. In the turbulent period, we observe strong shock spillover effects and enhanced volatility spillovers from China to most Asia-Pacific stock markets. This is because China, as an important trading partner and strategic financial centre shows to exert significant influence on the Asia-Pacific region through various economic channels. We also find that the Asia-Pacific stock markets spill over their shocks to China during the crisis, indicating that China is becoming more integrated with the regional financial markets.  相似文献   

We examine the uncertainty–liquidity connection in the corporate bond market. Using monthly corporate bond data from 2005 to 2010, we construct proxies for parameter uncertainty by using firm-level parameters generated from a structural model of corporate debt. We find that uncertainty about firm parameters decreases trading volume but increases bid-ask spreads and price bouncing in the cross-section and across time. In addition, the panel VAR results show that parameter uncertainty has negative forecasting power for future bond liquidity, with greater uncertainty in the current month leading to lower trading volume, higher bid-ask spreads and higher price fluctuations on subsequent months. We conclude that parameter uncertainty is one of the underlying factors giving rise to the high level of illiquidity in the corporate bond market.  相似文献   

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