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Since 2006 school achievement of German students has been measured on a regular basis within the so-called national educational monitoring. The most recent results show considerable differences between the states. At first glance, students in the eastern and southern states perform well while students in the city-states show poor results. This paper argues that these differences cannot be attributed to state-specific school policies. Rather, a large portion of the variance between the states can be explained by social and ethnical differences. As a consequence, not only educational policy but also social and integration policies have to be reviewed in order to get a better understanding of the differences in school achievement among the German states.  相似文献   

Die letzte Leitzinserh?hung der Europ?ischen Zentralbank (EZB) birgt ein Risiko: Noch nie war das Inflationsdifferential in der Eurozone zum Zeitpunkt einer Zinserh?hung so hoch wie heute. In einem solchen Umfeld kann die Zinspolitik kontraproduktiv wirken. Der Beitrag erl?utert Konsequenzen und L?sungsvorschl?ge, wie das makro?konomische Umfeld für die EZB-Zinspolitik verbessert werden kann.  相似文献   

The German Länder are increasingly coming under criticism for insufficiently fulfilling their federal duty to enforce tax. A reason suggested for this is the lack of financial incentives: the Länder have to bear the staffing costs, but as a result of fiscal equalisation among Germany’s federal states, they are only allowed to keep a fraction of the additional income collected. The author shows that this is a myth: additional tax inspectors would still bring in good returns for the Länder. Moreover, it is the financially stronger states that are allowed to keep a larger share of their tax income, but which carry out fewer inspections. Thus, higher financial incentives are linked with poorer tax enforcement.  相似文献   

The author delivers details on whether and how the effectiveness of the ECB’s policies can be improved through more transparency and “forward guidance”. Is publishing the minutes of Council meetings really a good idea? How should we assess the publication of the details of who has voted (and in what way) in the meetings? Is the ECB plagued by deficiencies in transparency, with an eye on the bank’s steadily growing responsibilities? Should the ECB stick to the instrument of “forward guidance” even beyond the crisis period? How predictable and assessable can and must monetary policy be? Can central banks endowed with too much guidance become a source of volatility? The ECB will adopt banking surveillance in the euro area: do particular transparency and accountability obligations result from this? And if yes, how can they be fulfilled? Finally, the author assesses the limits of the transparency and communication of central banks.  相似文献   

Wirtschaftsdienst - Die Politik hat der Eisenbahn eine wichtige Rolle bei der Senkung der Emissionen zugedacht. Aktuell zeigt sich allerdings, dass die DB AG als wichtigstes Unternehmen der Branche...  相似文献   

Der neue europ?ische Regulierungsrahmen für Telekommunikation, der bis Mitte 2011 in deutsches Recht umgesetzt werden muss, bietet M?glichkeiten zur Neuausrichtung der Regulierungsziele. Die Autoren diskutieren in diesem Beitrag die M?glichkeiten und potentiellen Probleme der vorgeschlagenen Instrumente sowie weiterer politischer Initiativen der Bundesregierung und der Europ?ischen Kommission in Hinblick auf die ambitionierten Ziele einer fl?chendeckenden Versorgung mit schnellen Internetzug?ngen.  相似文献   

Graf  Gerhard 《Wirtschaftsdienst》2022,102(4):294-297
Wirtschaftsdienst - Das bisherige Verfahren zur Grundsteuererhebung ist 2018 vom Bundesverfassungsgericht als verfassungswidrig erklärt worden. Seither haben fünf Bundesländer...  相似文献   

Triggered by the “Messstellenbetriebsgesetz” (metering point operations act), millions of electricity end-users and operators of decentralised energy production facilities face the re placement of their electricity meters by networked intelligent measurement systems (iMS; also better known as smart meters) in Germany in the coming years. Against the background of the legal context of iMS and an overview of their new capabilities, the present article discusses competitive effects of their launch on (1) companies that supply key iMS components to the electricity sector and (2) iMS operators. The analysis reveals that the increasing deployment of decentralised plants generating power from renewable sources, in conjunction with the digitalisation of electricity networks, paradoxically promote a decrease in the number of viable metering point operators. This leads to an increase in market concentration among iMS operation suppliers in favour of large scale utilities and financially strong players from outside the electricity industry which sell billing services covering various ancillary consumption costs of rental flats.  相似文献   

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) states that the Bologna Accords have been successfully implemented in Germany. However, empirical studies show that this can be very questionable. The aim to reduce the average study duration has not been accomplished mainly due to a higher than expected conversion rate from Bachelor to Master level. Although the Bachelor’s degree is broadly accepted among future employers, the majority of students do not trust the career opportunities with a Bachelor’s degree only and prefer to undertake a Master’s degree. In fact, the starting salaries for Bachelor’s degree graduates, especially from universities, are significantly lower than for the graduates holding a Diploma or a Master’s degree.  相似文献   

Deutschland wird vorgeworfen, in der Europ?ischen W?hrungsunion eine „beggar-thyneighbour“-Politik zu betreiben. Die Autoren weisen diese Kritik zurück. Sie vertreten vielmehr die Auffassung, dass die deutsche Wirtschaft durch die Arbeitsmarktreformen sowie die Lohnzurückhaltung positiv beeinfl usst wurde und angesichts der demografi schen Perspektive Leistungsbilanzüberschüsse bzw. steigende Ersparnisse vorausschauend sind.  相似文献   

Die au?eruniversit?ren Forschungseinrichtungen werden zum Gro?teil aus ?ffentlichen Mitteln von Bund und L?ndern finanziert. Vor dem Hintergrund der gegenw?rtig expansiven Ausgabenpolitik für diesen Bereich werden hier die ?ffentlichen Zuwendungen für die Max-Planck-, Leibniz-, Helmholtz- und Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft einer Langzeitbetrachtung unterzogen. Dabei ist ein deutlicher Rückzug des Bundes aus der Finanzierungsverantwortung zulasten der L?nder festzustellen.  相似文献   

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