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What's happening in the world of product innovation? What are the tough issues that managers are facing? And what's going to happen in the remaining years of this decade? In this article, several members of the Editorial Board of The Journal of Product Innovation Management offer their ideas about where the important problems lie. This is the fodder for a good round table discussion and through the medium of this journal we'll engage in such a discussion in this and a subsequent issue.  相似文献   

One of the tenets of the editors of The Journal of Product Innovation Management is the principle, probably first enunciated by social scientist Kurt Lewin, that there is nothing more practical than a good theory. That principle is one that draws together academics and practicing managers to the journal's task of advancing the management of product innovation. It is a principle that says to academics that their theories must meet the test of utility, and to managers that it can be useful to develop a theoretical perspective.
Questions of practice and theory emerged in the first two issues of the journal when members of the Editorial Board presented a series of viewpoints on the issues they thought would be significant for the future of product innovation management. These were viewpoints that questioned our current practices and suggested  相似文献   

How should a sales force be managed so as to realize a significant increase in business from new accounts? Data from a survey of industrial sales representatives and sales managers were studied to draw conclusions about this task. The results indicate that in the opinion of sales managers, sales representatives are not spending enough time on new accounts. There appear to be two major reasons: they frequently fail to see the pay-off to themselves in new account development activities, and often they lack the ability to perform these activities effectively. The article also develops a model for successful new account development and a plan for correcting the major problems.  相似文献   

Companies seeking excellence in R&D have discovered that the role of R&D has to be understood throughout the firm and that R&D has to be a fully integrated part of corporate strategy. In this article, Peter Richardson provides a framework for building a strategic view of R&D, using five conceptual building blocks that have to be cemented together to get good results.  相似文献   

Faced with limited and increasingly expensive resources, managers in most industrial product companies are constantly confronted with the difficult task of choosing which new product opportunities to accept for development funding and which to reject. Their decision is made even more difficult because of both the high failure rates and high development costs typical of high-technology industrial products, both during development and after market introduction. This research identifies some critical dimensions of risk in potential new product opportunities. This is an important step toward identifying the most relevant dimensions of government incentives for research and development assistance, as well as an aid to managers attempting to recognize and deal with the greatest risks in the new product opportunities they face.  相似文献   

New Product Strategies: What Distinguishes the Top Performers?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this second article for The Journal of Product Innovation Management , Robert G. Cooper shows that firms can be clustered according to five general types of new product strategies. Depending on the measure of success, some strategies are more successful than others. One strategy, however, stands out for its success on all measures. Others are consistently unsuccessful. The strategies are described in such ways that managers can position the strategies of their own firms and compare their results with those of the firms Professor Cooper studied.  相似文献   

In this article, the third in the trio of software innovation articles, Chris Voss outlines the key factors that determine whether a new software development is likely to be successful. His research draws on an innovation framework that has emerged from previous research. His results are similar to those of the earlier studies and suggest that the software innovation process has many demands that are common to innovation in other product areas.  相似文献   

A model of organizational buying is advanced based on interview data from the offshore oil industry. The variable linking complexity and organizational participation was the criteria of evaluation in the buying process.  相似文献   

Selecting Winning New Product Projects: Using the NewProd System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Separating probable winners from probable losers is the goal of the new product screening task, and Professor Robert G. Cooper has developed a model that does this with remarkable success. In this article, he reviews various approaches to new product screening and then presents the basics of the NewProd model. NewProd now has a history of use in industry that seems to be fulfilling its original research promise. Professor Cooper shows how managers can build their own screening models and outlines how such models can contribute in an important way to better new product selection decisions. Over the years, Professor Cooper has conducted a series of major research projects that have aimed at improvements in the new product process. Their hallmark has been managerial relevance and a sound theoretical foundation. This article, the third that Professor Cooper has published in JPIM , is in the same tradition.  相似文献   

The study of innovation has been approached from many disciplines and from the point of view of different real life problems. As a result, we have a series of clusters of knowledge that are related but seldom integrated. Chris Voss suggests it is time we closed at least one of these gaps. He suggests there should be a field of study should be established that will build a bridge between work on the process of innovation and work on the diffusion of innovation. He presents a starting point for the new field of study.  相似文献   

When decisions are being made about adding or dropping a product, most managers will make a financial evaluation of the product and they may try to get some sense of the riskiness of the decision. They will also probably consider the effect of the add/drop decision on other products in the line. Seldom, however, do they consider the risk of a product mix decision in the context of the risk level of the overall product line. Professors Rabino and Wright argue that product managers should take a leaf from the analytical book of financial analysts and calculate a "product Beta" that shows the impact of the risk of the individual product on the risk of the whole portfolio of products. They also suggest some other ways of sharpening the financial picture in what are often strictly marketing evaluations. This is Professor Rabino's second article in JPIM . As in the previous one he coauthored with Howard Moskowitz, this one adds some interesting analytical methodology to managerial decision making.  相似文献   

It is difficult to estimate demand for a new product or service when a prelaunch test market is not practical. This is often the case for products that incorporate advanced technology. In this article, Robert Thomas reviews 29 different research methodologies used to measure demand for a new telecommunications service. He found several problems in how the research was designed and executed and offers a number of suggestions for improving the accuracy of demand estimates.  相似文献   

A market researcher designs a probability sample of 1000 business executives. Questionnaires are mailed and ultimately 400 usable replies are received. Is the researcher entitled to say that his 400 respondents still represent a probability sample of the population? If the researcher is to evaluate the results of his survey by using statistical techniques that are valid only in reference to the probability sample, then evidence should be presented to show that the character of probability in the sample as originally designed has not been destroyed through nonresponse. There are very sophisticated methods for evaluating the impact of nonresponse, as well as less technical methods. The researcher reporting survey results owes it to the users of the data to explain the initial design of the sample and, if there is a problem of nonresponse, to explain the procedures that have been used to asses the impact of the nonresponse factor. Unless the sample as ultimately executed can be defended as a probability sample, statistical techniques that assume probability should not be employed in evaluating results.  相似文献   

Licensing a trademark in many firms, if it occurs at all, is an incidental ad hoc arrangement. An unorganized approach can mean trouble. It can also mean the firm is losing an opportunity to exploit fully a valuable asset. Tom Meyer, Cathie Tinney, and Terry Tinney argue that trademark licensing is deserving of careful attention and planning.  相似文献   

Approaches for responding to an industrial buyer's indecision and price objections were uncovered. When an industrial buyer refuses to make a purchase decision or objects to price, an effective salesperson will seek understanding of the buyer's indecision, consciously look for common underlying objections, address the buyer's specific concern, and establish a decision deadline for the buyer.  相似文献   

The new product process is often plagued by delays, cost overruns, products which don't sell well, and a state of near battle between marketers and R&D groups. These problems are being attacked by a wide variety of new management practices today. For example, we have recently seen better statements of strategy, smaller less bureaucratic organization forms, mathematical models for economic evaluation, and post-launch tracking and control systems. One area of concern has been slow to respond—the communication of direction to R&D. This paper speaks to the communication problem by proposing a concept called "protocol." The concept is explained, and its usefulness and difficulties are discussed. This article tells why something like a protocol is needed, and points out the problems in its development and use.  相似文献   

This article proposes the implementation of a customer profile system to aid the industrial marketer in: making daily sales decisions involving the firm's customers; the development of the vendor's “buyer mix”; and the production of marketing analysis reports used by the firm. The components of the customer profile are presented and the procedures by which these elements can be incorporated into the firm's decision making are explained. Working examples are also provided to reinforce the concepts. Unfortunately the names of the actual corporations had to be deleted or changed for reasons of confidentiality.  相似文献   

Based on an empirical study of more than 200 R & D and marketing managers from high-technology companies, we conclude that (1) there is a great deal of consensus between R & D and marketing managers on the relative importance of the areas requiring integrated efforts; (2) companies successful in their new product program achieve a significantly greater degree of R & D marketing integration; (3) company size does not affect the level of integration achieved; and (4) the companies that achieve a high degree of R & D/ marketing integration do so by concentrating on all 19 areas proposed in the article and do not merely focus on a few key areas.  相似文献   

There has been a lot of interest in diffusion models as a basis for prelaunch estimates of the sales of new products, and indeed there have been several models developed that have achieved fairly good acceptance by new product managers. One of the limitations of such models, however, has been the requirement that a sales history for the new product, even a short one from a test market, for example, be available to derive the parameters of the model. For some types of products—consumer durables, services, industrial products, for example—a sales history isn't available. In this article, Professor Robert Thomas suggests some steps toward the development of models that incorporate the attractive features of diffusion models. His approach is to use, in a systematic way, the sales histories of products that can be considered to have analogous features from a buyer's point of view. He illustrates the approach by forecasting the sales of a new service.  相似文献   

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