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按照省委、省政府统一部署,2002年曾都区大力推进农村税费改革,顺利实现了“村村减负,组组减负,户户亩平不增负”和“三个确保”的预期目标,受到省委、省政府的充分肯定。 相似文献
目前我国进行的农村税费改革,是继土地改革、家庭联产承包责任制后的又一次改革。既是一项利国利民的好事,又是一项关系国家大局的系统工程。为使这一改革圆满成功,笔者认为,对如下几个问题有必要提出相应的解决对策。一、科学界定和测算计税面积与产量。按照中央7号文件规定,这次农村税费改革新的计税面积一律以第二轮承包土地面积为准。但在现实生活中,第二轮承包土地面积在个别地方还没有一个准确、完整的数据(特别是县乡级),或者基本上是处于无据可查、无数可对的状态,这是一种情况。第二种情况是,在二轮土地承包后的几年里,一些地方因… 相似文献
农村税费改革是一场深刻的革命,它不仅调整生产关系,而且将触及上层建筑。从湖北省十堰市农村税费改革的实践来看,成效是明显的,但也存在着一些不容忽视的问题,有待在改革中不断完善。一、问题1.农村税费改革与农业税制改革的非同步性,无形中加大了改革的成本和难度。农村税费改革和农业税制改革,是近几年来理论和实际工作者广泛关注的农村两项改革。农业税制改革的目标是公平,其对象是就农业税制本身;而农村税费改革的目标是减负,其对象要比农业税制改革更为宽泛。由于两项改革的目标差异,我国在推进此两项改革时,区别轻重缓急,先试行了农… 相似文献
制度变迁的成败和制度供给的效率皆取决于制度变迁成本的高低。制度变迁成本低,制度成功的可能性就比较大,制度供给的效率也就会提高。否则,改革就可能会失败或者增加难度。目前农村税费改革政策难以落实到位,许多地方农民负担反弹,就是改革成本太高,又没有好的分摊渠道所致。所以,研究税费改革成本,并制定相应的成本分摊措施十分重要。 相似文献
从1994年起,在安徽省太和县的田头地尾、农家小院,人们经常能看到名农村问题专家、安徽省政府参事何开荫的身影。他是全国最早提出从改革农村税费制度入手减轻农民负担、推动农村经济发展的专家,多年来他为了实施、完善税费改革方案,耗尽了心血。今天,税费改革已在全国多个省的农村轰轰烈烈地展开。记近日对他进行了一次专访。 相似文献
促进农村经济发展,提高农民收入水平,是农村税费改革和农村金融发展的共同取向.农村税费改革以规范为手段,侧重于优化农村经济发展环境,为农村经济建设畅通发展通道;农村金融以支持为手段,侧重于加大资金投入和开展金融服务,为农村经济发展注入活力与动力.前者改革成果的巩固,有待于后者加快发展予以保障,加以验证.因此,务必把两者有机统一起来,通过加快农村金融改革发展步伐,来巩固农村税费改革成果,更好地服务农村经济建设,加快农村经济发展步伐. 相似文献
随着农村税费改革的深入进行,它直接影响到基层政府的财政问题,也直接地引发了农村人-事-财之间的相关矛盾,可见要真正地落实税费改革,农村在基层政府、民主建设、文化教育等方面都必须进行相应的配套改革,以促进整个农村经济的发展。本文在进行暑假社会实践的基础上经过实地调查和走访,收集到了大量的一手材料,力图从乡镇政府改革与农村税费改革的关系出发,提出一些具体的改革参考和建议。 相似文献
2011年3月14日,中国银监会、中国人民银行以及国家发改委联合下发了《关于银行业发卡机构免除部分服务收费的通知》(银监发【2011】22号),要求自2011年7月1日起免除人民币个人账户包括密码修改、重置等收费项目。该通知真正涉及信用卡收费项目的条款并不多,其重要意义在于释放了一个信号,就是银行产品特别是所提供服务的价格引起了社会各界以及监管机构的重视。科学、 相似文献
本文根据近年来农村经济、金融需求的新变化,分析构建新型农村合作金融组织——农村互助储蓄银行的现实基础,并结合实际提出了具体可行的运作模式和实现路径。 相似文献
《Journal of Banking & Finance》1987,11(1):79-97
This paper extends the Miller bond market equilibrium analysis to a multiperiod setting. From the model developed we derive several predictions relating optimal financial leverage to firm characteristics and to the business cycle. The analysis also reveals some interesting determinants of the market value of the tax subsidy associated with corporate debt. 相似文献
Thornton Matheson 《International Tax and Public Finance》2012,19(6):884-912
In reaction to the financial crisis, increased attention has recently been given to security transaction taxes (STTs) as a means of (1)?raising revenue for a variety of possible purposes and/or (2)?helping to curb financial market excesses. This paper reviews existing theory and evidence on the efficacy of an STT in fulfilling those tasks, on its potential impact, and on key issues to be faced in designing taxes of this kind. 相似文献
This paper analyses the political economics of the composition of taxes. Taxes may be levied on income, or on expenditure, with the median voter pivotal in the theoretical framework analysed. As in Meltzer and Richard (J Polit Econ 89:914–927, 1981), income taxes increase with inequality. Conversely, expenditure taxes first increase and then decrease with increasing inequality. The extent to which taxes are levied on income relative to expenditure unambiguously rises with inequality. In contrast to government size evidence, cross-country data exhibit a robust positive correlation between the extent to which taxes are levied on income relative to expenditure and inequality. Consistent with the theory, this relationship holds most significantly in stronger democracies. 相似文献
Compelling empirical evidence documenting a material effect of corporate taxes on leverage decisions is limited, in part because of difficulties in constructing an effective proxy for the firm's tax benefit of debt. We examine leverage decisions across taxable and nontaxable real estate firms—firms for which we can measure the relative tax benefit of debt with little error. The tax hypothesis implies that for firms with similar asset portfolios, taxable firms should have more debt than their nontaxable counterparts. Consistent with this, leverage ratios of taxable real estate firms are higher than their nontaxable counterparts, but the magnitude of this difference is at most one-half of that implied by studies that employ simulated marginal tax rates. 相似文献
M. Ameziane Lasfer 《European Financial Management》1995,1(3):265-285
This paper provides an empirical examination of the impact of the corporation tax and agency costs on firms' capital structure decisions. Our evidence suggests that the agency costs are the main determinants of corporate borrowing. Consistent with the agency theory, we find that firms that have fewer growth options have more debt in their capital structure. Moreover, our results show that debt mitigates the free cash flow problem and that firms that are more likely to be diversified and less prone to bankruptcy are highly geared. the negative effect of insider shareholding on leverage disappears, however; when all the agency mechanisms are accounted for. In addition, we find that, in the long run, companies that are tax exhausted exhibit significantly lower debt ratios than tax-paying firms. However, in the short run, firms' capital structure decisions are not affected by taxation. 相似文献
Between 1988 and 1993, the Belgian personal income tax system and the indirect tax system were reformed to a considerable extent. We use microsimulation models to investigate the impact of the reform on the liability progression and the redistributive effect of the combined tax system. The redistributive effect of personal income taxes decreased, notwithstanding an increase in liability progression. For indirect taxes, both the liability regressivity and the reverse redistributive effect have been enhanced. We use recently developed statistical tests to gauge the significance of the observed changes. 相似文献