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Application of Quality of Life Indicators to Socioeconomic Problems:   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract . Liu has presented and applied to several categories of areas a method of estimating comparative values for measuring the quality of life. This method is analyzed and extended through an application permitting evaluation of social and economic policies for country towns in Australia. Issues in Liu's method, particularly relating to the procedure for standardizing measurements and a much-needed validation test, are examined and, it is hoped, resolved. The nature of Liu's results is compared with that of the Australian results and they are found to be similar, particularly in that the quality of life values were useful in explaining migration, and were even better in explaining certain components of migration. The study extended the method to analysis of policy choices.  相似文献   

沈洁  张可云 《城市发展研究》2021,28(2):中插1-中插7
通过构建城市系统模型阐述高工资、优福利对于城市规模的影响,采用超效率DEA方法和DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据构建相关指标,综合衡量收入水平、居民生活质量和城市人口集中度.进一步地,基于全国时序数据和省级面板数据,应用联立方程模型和三阶段最小二乘法,实证检验不同城市间收入水平和生活质量的差距对区域内城市规模分布情况的影响...  相似文献   

A bstract . Proposals to tax the realized net increment built up in life insurance policies amount to suggestions that we tax rewards to suppliers of capital. As tax policy it would tend to discourage capital accumulation. Many types of income and of capital gains are not taxed as a matter of social policy. Taxing the "inside buildup" would obstruct the building up of a capital base for the family and the economy. Economists recognize that there are alternatives, e.g. , a consumption based tax. In a time of great need for capital, a time of capital shortage, this tax policy would be retrogressive.  相似文献   

There have been numerous criticisms of traditional performance appraisal systems made by Total Quality Management (TQM) advocates. This article describes a performance appraisal and management system that addresses many TQM concerns about appraisal systems. The Performance Distribution Assessment method (PDA) explicitly considers system versus person sources of performance variation and provides a means for developing “targeted” performance and quality improvement programs. The literature regarding the development and validity of the PDA method is reviewed, and the compatibility of this appraisal system with quality management principles is discussed.  相似文献   

虽然收入流动性在收入分配研究领域正在逐渐升温,但收入流动性对收入不平等的影响这一关键问题的研究不足。文章推导了Gini系数在绝对收入流动性矩阵中对应的表达式,分析了收入流动性矩阵对不平等程度的作用途径。并利用1998年-2002年的收入面板数据验证了该理论分析。实证分析表明,由于向收入高低两端流动的力量增长较快并在势头上超过了同样增长的向中等收入水平流动的力量,整体的收入不平等程度恶化了。  相似文献   

王俊峰 《价值工程》2011,30(10):230-230
体育作为人的全面发展教育的必不可缺的方面之一,由于其独有的特点,在学生心理教育中发挥着其他方面不可替代的作用。文章简述了如何发挥体育在学生心理教育中的优势,来培养学生良好的心理素质,提高心理健康水平。  相似文献   

内部控制对收益法企业价值评估的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在企业价值评估领域,收益法是使用最广泛的一种方法。运用收益法对企业价值评估的准确性,依赖于自由现金流量、收益期限、企业终值以及资本成本等指标预测的准确性,而这些指标则会受到企业内部控制质量的影响,但目前对这些指标的预测均明显地忽略了内部控制因素的影响。企业价值评估应关注内部控制的质量,以求企业价值评估更加客观地反映企业的真实价值。  相似文献   

A bstract . Earlier studies by Liu on Quality of Life (QOL) indicators have pointed out the problems of concentration interregional inequality among the fifty states in U.S.A. Noting that the interregional inequality problem has been gradually alleviated over the past two decades, this paper attempts to provide some rudimentary explanations about this converging phenomenon through a labor market adjusting process towards social, economic and spatial equilibrium. Published state data and QOL indicators developed by Liu for 1960, 1970 and 1978 tend to support the hypothesis that investment in human resources , especially through improved elementary and secondary education , would enhance social mobility which would in turn improve labor and capital productivity. The reduced regional inequality in economic QOL seemed to be more a response than a cause when compared to that in social QOL, because variations in educational expenditures were found to be more significantly related to the social QOL indicators than to the economic ones.  相似文献   

铁子为 《价值工程》2011,30(18):126-127
本论文以电信业收入质量管理为主线,以广东电信为例,阐述了如何运用COSO内控框架的五要素搭建收入质量管理体系框架,并运用收入保障的滴漏概念,针对企业内部流程的薄弱环节,探讨如何挖掘、监控电信业收入风险点。  相似文献   

Education production functions that feature school and student fixed effects are identified using students' school mobility. However, student mobility is driven by factors like parents' labour market shocks and divorce. Movers experience large achievement drops, are more often minority and free meal students, and sort endogenously into peer groups and school types. We exploit an English institutional feature whereby some students must change schools between grades 2 and 3. We find no evidence of endogenous sorting of such compulsory movers across peer groups or school types. Non‐compulsory movers bias school quality estimates downward by as much as 20% of a SD.  相似文献   

度量收入分配的均等指数方法及其应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在等分法的基础上,本文构建了度量收入差距的一种新方法:均等指数方法,并对均等指数的特性进行了数学上的分析与严格证明。在此基础上,利用均等指数方法对中国及42个国家和地区进行了实际计算,并进行了国际比较。结论表明,均等指数具有一定的替代基尼系数的效应。均等指数方法具有直观、易于理解、意义明确、数据要求简单和计算简便等多方面的特点,同时还可推广运用于其他有关差距的度量问题。  相似文献   

A bstract . In order to compare the quality of life (QOL) in U.S. metropolitan areas economic, sociological, political and cultural data are often gathered and equally weighted without regard for the way QOL is perceived by those who live there. Basing our comparisons of U.S. metropolitan areas solely on objective data or official statistics biases the results so that there is little relationship between one set of measures and another. These results contradict conclusions reached by survey researchers who siwdy the perceptual aspects of the quality of life. Therefore, we must rethink the methods used in future of life studies, Psychographic and demographic data must be integrated.  相似文献   

中国经济增长质量的测度   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文从经济增长与经济发展的区别与联系入手,对经济增长质量的外延与内涵进行清晰界定,并在此基础上构建测度经济增长质量的指数.采用主成分分析法(PCA)确定各指标的权重,通过均值化方法对各指标数值进行无量纲化处理,并以基础指标的协方差矩阵作为输入,以避免使用标准化方法和相关系数矩阵所造成的对不同指标相对离散程度的低估或夸大.对中国1978~2007年经济增长质量的测度结果表明,经济转型30年以来我国在经济增长数量迅速扩张的同时,经济增长质量也获得了一定程度的提高.  相似文献   

尹军琪 《物流技术》2011,(13):4-5,52
从绿色物流的概念出发,阐述了绿色物流是物流发展的必然选择,并结合物流先进性的指标,提出"绿色物流"是物流先进性的关键指标的思想。  相似文献   

从绿色物流的概念出发,阐述了绿色物流是物流发展的必然选择,并结合物流先进性的指标,提出"绿色物流"是物流先进性的关键指标的思想.  相似文献   

The quality of survey estimates is directly affected by survey errors that include sampling errors due to selecting a sample rather than the whole population, and non-sampling errors arising from data collection and processing procedures. The latter include frame error, measurement error and non-response. This paper addresses design issues related to total survey error and its components. Methods for handling frame problems and non-response are also presented.  相似文献   

虽然管理者愿意用基于事实的数据和合理的推测来对决策和重要支出进行评价,但财务测量一般不能用于确认质量对利润率和成本的影响。以活动为基础的成本/管理(ABC/M)体系是统计不良质量隐含成本的有效途径。  相似文献   

Abstract . Several recent attempts to measure the quality of life directly are examined. The indicators developed for this purpose seem incapable of correctly ranking locations or time periods. Variable aggregation schemes have not summarized data in a way which is useful to policy makers. Failures arise partly because researchers do not agree on the set of variables to be measured. More importantly, the methodology used has been inconsistent with proposed theoretical models and has resulted in indicators which violate accepted laws of economics. For example, neither diminishing returns not substitutability between quality of life “inputs” is recognized. Priority, it is believed, should be given solution of existing problems.  相似文献   

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