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浅析企业存货管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄筱秋 《中国市场》2008,(19):14-15
保证生产的顺利进行的前提条件就是保证企业生产所需的原料、燃料的充足、及时供应,但是企业又不能大量囤积货物(占用大量的生产资金),保证生产顺利进行与存货占用的多少成为企业管理的突出矛盾,而解决这一矛盾的关键,就是要解决好企业对存货的管理。  相似文献   

查处擅用"计量保证能力合格标志案"山东海阳质监局在执法检查中发现,一塑料生产企业未经省质量技术监督部门备案,在其生产销售的吹塑膜上擅自使用"计量保证能力合格"标志。我国推行企业计量保证能力合格"C"标志,生产企业只有通过了国家有关部门评价,  相似文献   

对于任何企业来说,在企业的管理过程中,充分的应用计算机技术能够在其日常的经营过程中得到进一步的提升。还能够保证其在生产过程中造价的不断降低,进而保证企业在其生产的过程中得到品质的提升。现在对于我国各个企业来说,都处于转型的阶段,因此,就要对计算机的技术进行进一步的科学化应用,保证其经营和生产过程中的高效性。因此,本文主要分析和研究了计算机技术的基本特征以及应用范围和防范措施。  相似文献   

职工是企业的发展不可缺少的要素,那么大到全国所有企业小到路桥建筑企业,管理职工以及改善职工生产生活环境都是一个企业的生存之本,路桥企业的项目质量需要职工的尽心尽力才能保证。本文将分析,在社会主义市场经济条件下,路桥企业该如何运用管理来改善职工生产生活环境,从而保证项目质量。  相似文献   

林君瑜 《中国市场》2024,(10):136-139
在社会经济快速发展下,企业财务管理的主要目的是保证企业资产的安全性,建立完善的内部控制管理制度。企业内部控制基本建设的目的是保证企业运转的高效性,推动企业的全方位发展,是企业实现快速发展战略规划目标的动力。在生产运营过程中,企业一般通过加强内部管理来保障生产运营活动顺利进行,内控管理包含企业价值管理与运营管理。企业所进行的财务管理一般是内部控制的一种管理方案。许多企业常常把企业在运营过程中表现出来的使用价值作为企业获得的结果,进而提升企业的生产效率。  相似文献   

随着烟草企业生产市场化发展,烟草企业之间的竞争越来越激烈,如何提高烟草企业的生产效率,扩大企业的销量成为烟草企业盈利的关键。烟草企业电气设备作为生产烟草的核心设备,保证烟草电气设备的正常工作对企业生产具有重要的作用。本文主要是通过对烟草企业电气设备中常见的问题入手分析,阐述如何通过电气维修人员、企业电气管理制度等措施提高电气设备的使用寿命以及保证电气设备正常工作,避免出现电气设备发生故障造成企业经济损失。  相似文献   

乔艳 《商业文化》2012,(A03):28-28
企业党建工作与企业的生产经营管理工作是相辅相成、有机结合的系统,企业党建工作是做好企业经营管理、保证企业健康发展的重要支撑力量,也是企业职工树立正确的价值观的重要依据,也是企业提高竞争力的条件。随着现代企业制度的建立与不断地深入发展,再加上各种因素的影响,企业发生了很多的变化,在这种情况下,如何保证企业的经营管理能够顺利的进行下去,保证企业在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,那么将企业的党建工作与企业的生产经营结合起来是必然选择,本文将就企业党建与企业经营管理的有机结合进行分析。  相似文献   

理想的存货管理是当今许多企业成功运作的关键,然而,许多企业的存货管理情况不尽如人意,大多管理者认识不到存货的重要性,也并不重视企业的存货管理。很多企业将存货管理当作一个单独的系统进行运作,但在当今内部相对复杂的企业中,不将存货管理纳入整个共识的管理体系中,是不可能取得成功的。保证生产的顺利进行的前提条件就是保证企业生产所需的原材料的充足、及时供应,但是企业又不能大量囤积货物,保证生产顺利进行与存货占用的多少成为企业管理的突出矛盾,而解决这一矛盾的关键,就是要解决好企业对存货的管理。  相似文献   

为了保证生产经营过程的持续性,企业必须有计划地购入、消耗和销售存货,它是生产经营过程中不可缺少的资产,也是保证生产经营活动连续进行的必要条件。在理解存货及存货管理的基础上主要分析了存货管理与企业效益之间的关系,一方面从存货的特点分析存货和企业的效益之间的关系;另一方面从物流的观点分析库存管理和企业效益之间的关系。  相似文献   

姬文娟 《商业故事》2022,(1):154-156
企业集团是一种高级的企业组织形式,它具有多元的产业、庞大的生产规模及复杂的公司组织架构等.企业集团作为市场重要的组织成分,在推动市场经济发展、增加国家税收方面发挥重要的作用.资金作为企业的生命线,在企业的生产经营活动中起到重要作用,保证了生产经营活动和战略的实现.企业集团的良性发展需要良好的资金运作来保证,确保企业有完...  相似文献   

To examine the role of international competition in outsourcing production decisions, I study the decisions of producers who used the U.S. Overseas Assembly Program (OAP) to conduct assembly operations in developing countries. The evidence, which is based on U.S. OAP imports between 1991 to 2000, shows that production costs and corporate tax policies both shaped production decisions. While increases in own country costs reduced the size of a developing country's OAP shipments, increases in competitor costs helped to increase a country's shipments. The effects of competitor country cost changes were relatively large, as the analysis suggests that a ten percent increase in competing country costs would increase a country's OAP outsourcing activities by 5.8 percent, while a ten percent increase in competitor country taxes would increase a country's OAP exports by 1.6 percent.  相似文献   

企业物流业务外包能够减少设备投资,降低成本;集中有限资源,发展核心业务;得到更专业化的服务,提高服务质量。需要注意的问题是:物流业务外包在带来利益的同时,也隐藏着物流业务控制能力下降、客户关系管理削弱、信息泄露等风险。企业应正确识别核心竞争力,选择好外包伙伴,控制物流外包活动,调整企业内部组织结构,以"双赢"为原则,巩固合作关系。  相似文献   

Outsourcing of manufacturing to Mexico and China includes costs that are not always considered and benefits that are not always correctly quantified. An analytical model for determining outsourcing costs was developed and results from that model are presented. Using that model, the sensitivity of outsourcing costs to several variables was modeled and analyzed. Guidance is provided regarding factors to consider in an outsourcing decision.  相似文献   

With cost advantages from manufacturing in Asia and Mexico steadily deteriorating, U.S. firms are reassessing the option of domestic outsourcing to remain globally competitive. The challenge in evaluating international versus domestic outsourcing strategic options lies in that first-movers are extremely and intentionally vague about how they reach their decisions. The purpose of this article is to reveal these reasons by providing statistical and firm-based evidence on five major factors that are influencing the decision regarding where U.S. companies should manufacture to optimize their gross profits. The factors include (1) increasingly competitive U.S. labor costs; (2) increasing productivity of the U.S. workforce; (3) increasingly competitive domestic production costs; (4) incentives from federal, state, and local governments; and (5) improved synchronization of production with other business functions.  相似文献   

The findings of a survey into the outsourcing activities of large organisations in the Edinburgh and Lothian region of Scotland are reported in this paper. The aim was to carry out a study of outsourcing activity against a theoretical framework of practice and problems derived from the literature. It was found that 70% of the organisations outsourced at least one activity, with cleaning, maintenance, catering, security, and manufacturing/operations being the most common areas, the principal motivation being to improve the quality and cost of the activity outsourced. The criteria used for selecting outsourcing contractors were mainly reputation, cost, previous contacts and technical capability. The main benefits of outsourcing were reduced costs, improved quality of service, increased management focus on core activities, and access to new capabilities. The main problems with outsourcing were loss of control, poor supplier management and problems with confidentiality and opportunist exploitation by supplier. This research was supported by Lothian and Edinburgh Enterprise Ltd.  相似文献   

张华 《中国市场》2008,(19):34-36
跨国公司专注于核心业务而将非核心业务外包,已成为一种普遍的战略选择。外包可以降低交易成本,增强企业核心竞争力,优化企业价值链。但跨国公司需要建立起有效的解决机制,才能保证外包目的的实现。作为服务外包的发包方和主要承包方,跨国公司通过管理手段、政策措施等建立起有效的服务外包发包、承包解决机制。  相似文献   

物流外包的交易成本理论分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
物流外包(第三方物流)近年来在全球得以快速发展,除却第三方物流的产业技术经济优势外,还有着深层次的经济理论根源。运用交易成本理论,本文主要分析了物流外包的交易成本构成、纵向一体化与物流外包边界、物流外包的优势等问题,并从社会分工角度探讨物流外包的优势。  相似文献   

The pace of technological change, the increasing need for multidisciplinary competences and the rising costs of innovation have contributed to the global expansion of technological activities, including the international outsourcing of research and development (R&D). This paper shows that firms involved in international outsourcing of R&D are of a particular kind: they are highly outward oriented, more productive and R&D intensive. Furthermore, firms with patents are more intensely involved in this activity. Our results also suggest that the outsourcing of R&D in global markets by French firms is motivated by technology sourcing rather than cost‐saving interests.  相似文献   

This work models outsourcing under oligopolistic competition with nonlinear costs. I show that in a covered market, if each firm’s marginal cost before outsourcing is lower than the industry’s average cost, outsourcing leads to increased prices and decreased consumer welfare. Joint outsourcing is more profitable if the firms’ equilibrium quantity produced is in the economies of scale part of their cost curve.  相似文献   

This paper studies the cross-country pattern of U.S. overseas assembly activities between 1980 and 2000 to examine how outsourcing decisions are affected by changes in country and competitor costs. A number of interesting regularities emerge. When a country's costs rise, the share of U.S. overseas assembly activities in that location decline. Conversely, a country's share grows when competitor country costs increase. While own and competitor country costs affect overseas assembly in all countries, the magnitude of these effects is larger for developing countries. In many cases, the measured cost responses appear to correspond with outsourcing theories that are based on search and customization costs.  相似文献   

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