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王喜刚  王尔大 《技术经济》2013,32(9):99-105
以大连市金石滩国家海洋公园为例,利用条件价值法,通过建立双边界二分式Logit模型,分别计算了居民和游客对改善和保护海岸带三种最重要环境资源(海水、沙滩、生物种群)的平均意愿支付,进而评估了金石滩国家海洋公园海岸带游憩资源的经济价值。结果显示:金石滩国家海洋公园的海水、沙滩和生物种群的经济价值分别为4.30亿元、3.92亿元和3.57亿元。最后指出:将这些信息纳入海岸带地区的综合管理成本效益分析,对于实现海岸带资源的可持续发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

Portuguese Economic Journal - Due to urbanization and the need for people to go from one country to another either for commercial purpose or tourism, it is therefore important to determine the...  相似文献   

Using weak complementarity to determine willingness to pay for nonmarket goods is problematic. This note offers a procedure for determining an agent's marginal willingness to pay for a nonmarket good under this assumption that mitigates these problems.
JEL Classification : D 6; H 4; Q 2  相似文献   

美国国家公园体系管理体制研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
费宝仓 《经济经纬》2003,(4):121-123
近来,关于风景名胜和历史性旅游资源经营权转让问题的讨论,主要围绕保护资金和私人企业对旅游资源保护与管理的可行性而展开,笔者认为深层次的问题在于管理体制。为此,笔者对美国国家公园体系管理体制进行了研究,并在研究的基础上分别从组织管理、法治和资金来源三个角度对我国国家重要自然与历史性资源的保护和管理提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

在我国森林公园是森林旅游的主要载体,张家界国家森林公园是我国第一个森林公园,经过20多年的发展,已成为国内外知名的旅游景区。然而,由于长期以来我国旅游业“重发展,轻保护”的错误思想,导致公园旅游从业人员及管理人员生态环境意识的薄弱,公园内的生态环境教育及保护措施缺乏,环境监测、生物多样性监测、旅游发展监测和游客体验监测等生态环境保护的科研支持体系更是空白。通过建立旅游从业人员培训制度,建立森林公园环境解译系统,建立环境监测体系、生物多样性监测、旅游发展监测和游客体验监测体系对张家界国家森林公园的生态环境教育及生态环境保护的科研体系提出了建议。  相似文献   

This article evaluates the ability of contingent valuation to measure the benefits received by several ethnic groups from a prescribed burning forest fire reduction program similar to President Bush's Healthy Forest Initiative. Reasons for refusing to pay higher taxes for the prescribed burning program were not statistically different between African Americans, Hispanics, and whites. Mean willingness to pay of whites was $400, whereas for African Americans it was $505, but the difference is not statistically significant. The results suggest a substantial statewide willingness to pay by whites and African Americans for forest fuel reduction projects using prescribed burning in California. (JEL Q26 , Q23 , J15 )  相似文献   

1. Introduction By the end of 2005, 31 world heritages in China had ranked in The World Heritage List by UNESCO, which included 4 natural and cultural heritages, 4 natural heritages and 23 cultural heritages. All of them are located in natural surroundings with high value and special characteristics. In addition to these world heritages, China also has 12 world geological parks, 26 international MAB biosphere reserves, 243 national natural reserves, 138 national geological parks and 187 …  相似文献   

In this article, we build on previous valuation studies to contribute to the understanding of preferences toward conservation of endangered species elicited via willingness to pay. In particular, we assess the effect of the existence of biological substitutes of local endangered species. We also incorporate biological concepts such as the minimum viable population level into the valuation scenario. Furthermore, the role of ethical and environmental beliefs and their relationship with preferences toward conservation levels are explored. Results are discussed and contrasted with previous studies . ( JEL Q2)  相似文献   

近年来,国家加快发展旅游产业,完善旅游市场法制建设,依法治理和规范旅游市场秩序,但是仍然存在产品品种单一、同质化严重等许多问题,尤其是羌族旅游纪念品市场发展举步维艰。通过动漫创新产品的开发,势必对旅游纪念品市场注入更多活力,也将极大推动旅游市场的发展;通过动漫形象进行旅游纪念品开发是旅游纪念品设计与生产销售最主要的手段;以动漫形象开发的旅游纪念品是推进旅游经济发展重要的出路。旅游纪念品的民族文化特征越突出,文化内涵越高,它的价值就越高,越受人们的青睐。因此,在进行羌族动漫人物工艺品、建筑工艺品等设计方面注重挖掘羌族民族文化元素,注重产品的创新设计,是创新旅游纪念品开发成功的重要因素,是打造旅游地区良好形象和树立品牌效益的基础,是推动羌族旅游纪念品市场良性发展的基本要素。  相似文献   

This paper examines monetary valuations of lost passive-use benefits associated with damage to a unique environmental resource – a national park, elicited through contingent valuation, and compares them with actual donations to the same end, where the latter are interpreted as a quasi-market expression of willingness to pay for non-market resource services. The relationships between the two valuation approaches were investigated in the specific context of an environmental episode which damaged a unique natural endowment, Israel's Carmel National Park. The empirical analysis is based on data from two sample surveys; one sample was drawn from the population of people who either pledged or pledged and donated during a fund-raising campaign following the episode, with the proceeds dedicated to rehabilitation or prevention of future episodes; the second sample was drawn from the general population of the country. The results cannot be interpreted as providing unqualified support for the reliability of contingent valuation as a means for obtaining passive use values.  相似文献   

We present a methodology to quantify market potential in the context of an economic geography model. The model is then applied to the NUTS 2 regions of Portugal and Spain. Some results can be pointed out. First, the Iberian Peninsula presents a clear centre-periphery pattern. The market potential pike is situated in the region of Madrid, followed very closely by Cataluña and Pais Vasco. Also all Portuguese regions are at the bottom of the market potential rank, i.e.: Portugal is at the periphery of Spain. Second, the regional welfare index confirms market potential results. There is therefore a direct correlation between market potential and regional welfare. Third, a scenario of complete integration between the Portuguese and the Spanish economy is favourable to the most laggard regions. On the contrary, the most advanced regions of each country loose a little. However, ‘lock-in’ effects allow the most central regions to continue in the forefront of development and welfare.Received: Received: July 2004 / Accepted: January 2005, Accepted: Received: July 2004 / Accepted: January 2005, JEL Classification: C68, F12, F15, R12, R13The author is in debt to Renato Flôres and Paula Fontoura for helpful discussions during the preparation of this work. A first version of this paper was presented at the conference “Portuguese Economic Development in the European Context” organized by the Portuguese Central Bank. I am thankful to José Braga de Macedo, Pedro Duarte Neves and to all participants for very useful observations and comments. This version benefited greatly from the remarks and suggestions by Mahahisa Fujita, Alireza Naghavi and two anonymous referees. I am also in debt to José Pedro Pontes for inviting me to the “Luso-Japanese Workshop in Geographical Economics” and for encouraging me to submit this paper to this special issue of the Portuguese Economic Journal. The research conducted here was supported by a grant from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(Praxis XXI/BM/17786/98). The usual disclaimer however applies.  相似文献   

休闲观光农业经营管理方案研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
休闲观光农业是一种利用田园景观、自然环境、生态资源,结合农林渔牧业生产、农村文化及农家生活,在不耽误农业生产的基础上又为城市居民提供休闲体验活动的农业经营模式。休闲观光农业能够利用当地丰富的农业资源、旅游资源和劳动力资源实现当地农业可持续发展。但它的发,晨过程也可能带来很多负面影响。这就要求我们在设计休闲观光农业的经营方案时要根据农业与旅游这两个行业的特点。通过各自的经营管理要素对其分别进行比较分析,找到了两个行业的异同,并采用经营管理构建方法。逐步导出休闲观光农业的经营方案。  相似文献   

大学生旅游市场营销误区浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生旅游市场因其蕴含的巨大潜力已成为业内商家关注的亮点,但在经历了几年的研究与开发之后,大学生旅游市场并没有发生显著的变化,反而似乎已变为让商家望市兴叹的“鸡肋”。文章对这一现象进行了重点分析,找出关键的营销误区,并提出相应的改进建议。  相似文献   

天华山森林公园游客特征及旅游消费影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游消费行为是旅游经济活动的重要组成部分,关注游客的旅游消费有利于探寻旅游地发展演进规律,为旅游产品开发调整、客源市场宣传促销提供研究基础。从游客的人口学特征与游客行为特征两方面对天华山森林公园旅游群体进行了研究。结果表明:天华山森林公园的游客以省内城市的青壮年人为主体,普遍受教育程度比较高;自驾车和随团旅行的中等收入者、旅游目的以欣赏风景为主的游客占绝对优势,且以度假为目的的游客是潜力很大的目标群体。旅游消费影响因子相关分析表明,客源地、职业、收入水平、停留时间4个因子与其显著相关。  相似文献   

In an industry producing products which differ in quality, to consumers who vary in their willingness to pay, it may happen that only a bounded number of producers can coexist at (noncooperative price) equilibrium; in other words, the industry is a natural oligopoly. We are here concerned with a special example, in which only one producer can survive. Our focus of interest in the present paper is to examine this monopolist's optimal product range. Depending on the dispersion of consumers' willingness to pay (income), either (i) the monopolist will find it optimal to segment the market completely, offering the maximum number of products permitted or (ii) the monopolist will offer only a single product. The precise nature of this switch of policy, which occurs at a certain critical distribution of consumer incomes (willingness to pay), is explored fully.  相似文献   

The present paper shows that R&D cooperation leads to the monopoly outcome in terms of price and quantity if demand is unit-elastic. If the demand function exhibits an upper bound for the willingness to pay, R&D cooperation is inferior to a scenario in which firms cooperate both in their R&D and their output decision.  相似文献   

This article provides estimates of the economic benefits of reducing respiratory and cardiovascular hospitalizations based on cost of illness and willingness to pay. The willingness-to-pay estimates indicate that individuals value prevention of a five-day hospitalization event at an average of approximately $2,400. Average total costs of illness per hospitalization are $22,000–39,000. A comprehensive cost-of-illness estimate that includes value of time losses for the hospitalization and at-home recovery periods provides a close approximation of total costs borne by third parties plus individual willingness to pay. Both exceed previous cost-of-illness estimates by about 10–25%. (JEL D61, I18, Q25 )  相似文献   

This paper offers an economic value assessment of a nature protection programme in the Veluwe, the Netherlands. This programme involves two defragmentation scenarios: the first scenario connects the central part of the Veluwe with river forelands in a north-eastern direction (i.e. the meadows of the IJssel river), while the second scenario is focussed on defragmentation in a south-western direction (i.e. the meadows of the Rhine river). The valuation is based on a questionnaire that was administered during face-to-face interviews in the area and through the Internet. We employ a contingent valuation approach to assess the respondents' willingness to pay for the realisation of the defragmentation scenarios. It appears that the mean willingness to pay (WTP) for the two defragmentation scenarios is € 162.2 (lognormal distribution) per respondent. Because the Veluwe is considered a nature park of national importance, we performed an aggregation of individual WTP estimates over Dutch households. With the resulting aggregate estimates we can compare the total costs and benefits of the two scenarios for habitat defragmentation in the Veluwe. In addition, we test whether respondents value the two scenarios equally. We also check whether the methods of data collection (face-to-face interviews and Internet questionnaires) have distinct influences on the stated WTP responses.  相似文献   

We analyze the economics of granting temporary exceptions to the phaseout of methyl bromide (MeBr) under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. The protocol allows such exceptions based on technical or economic "feasibility" through a critical use exemption (CUE) process. Data compiled under the protocol make it possible to set forth criteria for the exceptions based on estimation of the benefits of compliance in terms of "willingness to pay" to abate the externality, as well as costs to the users creating the externality. We estimate a political willingness to pay and show that market and supply effects would reduce losses to MeBr users below estimates of such losses provided in CUE nominations. This suggests that the phaseout of MeBr can proceed with considerably fewer CUEs than requested by the parties. (JEL Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , H8 )  相似文献   

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