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Review of Industrial Organization - The overwhelming majority of retrospective merger studies pool the post-merger data to estimate the average price effect of the merger. Pooled post-merger...  相似文献   

Wadman M 《Fortune》2001,143(4):174-8, 180, 182

Speaking both personally and officially, I am delighted to salute the appearance of this first issue of Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society. Since my service as the first Director of the Institute of Industrial Relations at Berkeley, I have retained a close personal attachment to the Institute and a sense of pride in its growing record of accomplishment. And because I am a student in the industrial relations field, I can speak with some personal conviction of the great need for this type of publication. As President of the University of California, I am pleased to see this new venture undertaken by the Institute of Industrial Relations, one of the University’s many important research and service organizations. The publication of new knowledge, insight, and scholarly speculation is an essential part of the advancement of learning. The free marketplace of ideas cannot operate effectively without the avenues of communication provided by the scholarly journals which serve every field of research. I am sure that Industrial Relations will prove a stimulating vehicle for the exchange and development of ideas about a highly significant segment of modern industrial society.  相似文献   

This article investigates the mechanism by which foreclosed properties depress neighboring property prices. Using a novel dataset on housing capital expenditure, I verify as accurate the claim of disinvestment theory made in earlier studies. When capital expenditure investment, neighborhood price trends, number of Multiple Listing Service listings and neighborhood fixed effects are controlled for, the negative effect on property prices is significant from nearby foreclosures, real estate owned (REO) listings and REO sales, but not from default and delinquent properties. The effect is larger in a depressed market than in an appreciating market. I argue that the most plausible explanation for these results is that a foreclosure discount drives down the reference prices for nearby properties and depresses neighborhood values. This discount information is revealed to the public through foreclosures, REO listings and REO sales.  相似文献   

Of the alternative spectrum allocation methods — administrative process, lottery, first come first served, and auction — economic theory, as well as various countries' experiences, show that auctioning works best. As well as raising revenue, an auction assigns licenses to the firms best able to use them. Also the auction can be designed to advance public policy goals such as avoiding monopoly and directing licenses to minority-owned firms.  相似文献   

Food price volatility and high transactions costs remain major problems in African food markets. These persistent problems provide a strong theoretical justification for the development of commodity exchanges. However, the majority of African commodity exchanges remain underdeveloped. Through a case study of the Zambian Agricultural Commodity Exchange (ZAMACE), this article explores why agricultural commodity exchanges in the region have thus far failed to develop into sustainable trading platforms and identifies the most important changes needed to enhance their performance.  相似文献   

Key account sales are important for business organizations. Understanding why some of these sales proposals fail from the buyer's perspective has organization-wide implications for improving firm performance. Extant literature lacks a clear understanding of the process-based determinants of sales failure within a key account context. Another problem with this research stream is its reliance on data from the salesperson, sales manager, and/or selling firm, which can introduce attribution biases. Our research overcomes sales failure attribution biases by collecting data from the industrial buying center's perspective. Thirty-five semi-structured interview cases were conducted with buying decision makers following failed key account sales proposals. The result of this inquiry is a model which outlines the determinants of sales failures. We identify three common drivers of sales failure: adaptability, relationship-potential, and cost considerations. Results indicate that these established constructs are more complex than previously specified, each having multiple attributes as defined by key account buyers.  相似文献   

One of the most controversial regulatory issues in Europe (and elsewhere) is whether the emerging next-generation access (NGA) infrastructure should be subjected to cost-based access regulation or whether at least a temporary removal of ex ante obligations (“regulatory holidays”) should be granted. Likewise, the role of NGA-specific state aid policies is increasingly capturing the attention of policy makers and the academic literature.  相似文献   

The present system of social partnership in Ireland is in its twentieth year. A range of explanations have been put forward to explain why social partnership has been so durable even though it does not possess the institutional endowments often considered necessary to sustain tripartite industrial relations arrangements. Although these accounts are considered to have merits, this article suggests that they also suffer from a range of weaknesses. The article suggests that the longevity of the social partnership regime is a result of it being part of an unorthodox system of institutional complementarities that triggered a spectacular period of economic and employment growth.  相似文献   

The competition in the global textiles and clothing industry brings out the best in this field and leaves others fail to adapt. So what are the fit ones in the China textiles and apparel industry nowadays?And how well they have made their spark in this increasingly competitive global textile race.  相似文献   

Displaced workers experience reduced earnings for many years. While this empirical phenomenon is well established, the theory of displacement‐induced earnings loss is scattered. Policy discussion often interprets displacement‐induced losses through the lens of specific human capital theory but there are other credible theories with different causal mechanisms and different interpretations. This paper reviews theories of costly job displacement and discusses their consistency with the available empirical evidence for the United States. We find that specific human capital theory and matching theory have considerable but far from conclusive empirical support. We suggest avenues for better discriminating among theories.  相似文献   

I develop and test a structural–historical account of corporate reductions in force (RIF) to assess whether this widespread process was redistributive or efficient. I argue that changes in the context of restructuring in recent decades, coupled with substantial changes in organizational compensation systems, lead to temporal variation in the likelihood of “broken‐contract” RIF, in which firms terminate highly paid managers, and “trimming the fat” RIF, in which firms terminate low‐performing managers. Analyses of personnel records from a Fortune 500 manufacturing firm indicate that low performance leads to increased risk of separation in each of the two RIF undertaken by the firm, with the effect becoming stronger over time in part because of changes in the firm’s performance management system. By contrast, high wages were a more important factor explaining departure during the firm’s RIF in the 1980s—when competitive pressures to default on bonded contracts were strong—than during its RIF in the 1990s.  相似文献   

Why Has Work Effort Become More Intense?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Francis Green 《劳资关系》2004,43(4):709-741
It is hypothesized that technological and organizational changes are an important source of work intensification, and supportive evidence is found using establishment data for Britain in the 1990s. Work intensification has also been stimulated by the use of high-commitment human resources policies. A reduction in union power and a rise in the use of temporary agency workers and contractors were positively associated with work intensification; however, their impact during the 1990s was modest.  相似文献   

Simons J 《Fortune》2003,148(9):167-8, 170, 172

This article describes a company's experience with process safety metrics and describes systematic methods to improve safety performance. As a result of a major accident, an internal investigation identified that although a site may have numerous measures for tracking operational and safety performance, these measures may not focus on leading indicators that could provide early warning of potential major incidents. To systematically reduce incidents, especially, low probability high consequence process safety events, it is necessary to focus on prevention and specifically the strength of the barriers. The approach described in this article, therefore, aims to create a combination of Process Safety Performance Indicators that lead to stronger more robust barriers. While industrial history tells us that such high consequence events are infrequent, this significant process safety risk is always present in production operations, and thus needs to be continuously assessed and reduced through systematic safety management. Within one company, this recognition has resulted in a substantial strengthening of process safety risk management through a more comprehensive system of controls embedded within its new Operating Management System, which is being implemented at the site level across all of its operations globally. This article explores the ongoing methodology and approach being used to select a limited but crucial set of Process Safety Performance Indicators to enable effective measurement and the appropriate management of process safety performance. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog, 2009  相似文献   

We explore the nature and evolution of outside-in marketing. Outside-in is the marketing view of strategy, with inside-out being the traditional view. We show how outside-in and inside-out clash culturally, and trade off strategically, especially in service. Technological advances in communications and information technology have enabled closer relationships with customers, and “big data” for managing those relationships. The marketing function is important for managing outside-in, because market orientation alone is insufficient. Outside-in management is most effective for focusing on customer satisfaction and revenue, since insights about customer needs and wants tend to move bottom-up through the organization. Taken to its logical conclusion, outside-in implies replacing inside-out, product-focused management (e.g., brand managers) with outside-in, customer-focused management (e.g., customer managers). Customer-focused, future-oriented metrics (e.g., customer satisfaction, customer lifetime value, customer equity) increasingly grab attention away from aggregate, short-term metrics (e.g., product sales). Long-term impact from customer-relevant issues such as discrimination plays out over time, and must be researched using longitudinal methods. Eventually, even the meaning of “outside” will change, as computers increasingly become the customer.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence of lower quit rates at small manufacturers with defense contracts and examines whether this is associated with differences in their human resource policies and organizational practices and strategies. We take advantage of an original data set to compare labor quits, workforce skills, and occupational structure between defense‐contracting and noncontracting small manufacturers in eastern Pennsylvania. We find that the remarkably large defense contractor advantage in quit rates—7 percentage points—is almost totally explained by differences in skills, operational strategies, and workforce management and training practices, suggesting a mediation effect through these HR practices. Defense‐contracting status emerges as an important overlooked variable in HRM studies.  相似文献   

Over the past 25 years the longevity of automobiles has increased dramatically. We disentangle the rise in longevity into an embodied or inherent-durability effect and a disembodied effect (driven by the external environment, such as reduced accident rates or reductions in the prices of auto repair parts) and estimate these effects by year from 1950 through 1991. We find that the entire rise in auto longevity is due to some force disembodied from the cars themselves and offer some speculation about the nature of this external environment.  相似文献   

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