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This article examines the wealth effects of 228 property acquisition announcements made by REITs publicly traded in Singapore and Japan, which are the two largest REIT markets in Asia. Adopting an aggressive growth‐by‐acquisition strategy, the newly listed REITs acquired a number of properties within a short time period. Despite their regular activities, we observe the acquisition announcements are associated with a significantly positive abnormal increase in shareholder wealth averaging 0.38% in a 5‐day window around the event date. Controlling for the method of payment, buyer's acquisition strategy and seller's relationship with the acquiring REIT, the regression results show that the likely sources of economic gains associated with acquisitions are economies of scale and better management by acquiring firms. We also find strong evidence that the market reacts less favorably to acquisitions involving a portfolio of properties as opposed to a single property and weaker evidence that it reacts less favorably to mixed‐use acquisitions. These findings suggest the presence of premiums on transparency and corporate focus.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the question of tax-induced holding periods for income-producing property, and whether such periods are influenced by selection of depreciation methods and inflation. Also, given that selection of depreciation methods are a function of holding periods, the magnitudes of benefits associated with selection of depreciation methods are examined. These issues are considered for investors affected by the regular minimum tax and the maximum tax as well as those unaffected by such provisions.  相似文献   

进入权理论:能否成为公司治理的理论基础   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文认为,进入权理论为公司治理研究提供了一个新的视角,它使得我们对公司治理的理解更贴近于管理实践,但是.进入权自身的机会性使得进入权的配置机制中充满不确定。以至于它无法像设计的那样有效塑造当事人事后的讨价还价能力。不确定来自于:①关键资源的特征。关键资源应该是一束可分割的权利集,即使是一束虚拟的权利集:②对人力资本专用性投资的计量,包括对入力资本专用性投资程度的计量和对人力资本专用性投资绩效的计量。如果不能克服进入权的机会性所引致的不确定.它很可能只是一种可用于指导公司治理实践的思维方式,而不能成为公司治理的理论基础.至少现阶段如此。  相似文献   

REITs offer the opportunity to examine the relationship between capital structure and cost of capital in the absence of corporate earnings taxes. The evidence supports the leverage clientele effect as the motivation for the use of financial leverage by REITs.  相似文献   

In response to the recent financial crisis, the U.S. Government introduced new rules which allow Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) to issue elective stock dividends (ESDs), i.e., noncash dividends, to satisfy their distribution requirements. The purported goal of these rules was to provide temporary relief to REITs facing cash flow problems. We investigate how the introduction of these rules affects dividend policy of REITs. Surprisingly, we document that only 17 REITs chose to issue elective stock dividends. We examine the characteristics of these REITs and find that their cash flows are similar to REITs that do not select these dividends. This suggests that cash flow problems are unlikely to be the primary determinant of the ESD issuance decision. Instead, our findings indicate the decision to pay ESDs is related to the level of loans that are close to maturity, REIT size, growth prospects and poor performance during the financial crisis. Furthermore, we find that the same factors determine the ratio, amount and frequency of stock dividends issued by these REITs. We also examine the response of shareholders to ESDs announcements and find positive abnormal returns surrounding these dividend announcements.  相似文献   

We study ownership dynamics of multiple strategic risk-averse insiders facing a moral hazard problem. We show that, when insiders cannot commit,  ex ante , to an ownership policy, the aggregate insider stake gradually declines toward the competitive market allocation. Both the speed of adjustment and the long-term equilibrium aggregate insider ownership level are greater for companies with a larger number of insiders,  ceteris paribus . Using data from U.S. real estate investment trusts, we then test the model and find that the predictions of the model are verified empirically.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between a Real Estate Investment Trust's (REIT's) stock returns and top management changes. The results indicate an inverse relationship between the probability of a management change and a REIT's recent stock price performance. This is consistent with internal monitoring of management activities by the board of directors, other top managers, or large block shareholders.  相似文献   

李奕澎  吕叶 《工程经济》2021,31(12):66-68
近年来,随着基础设施建设的快速发展,传统融资工具在扩张中受到监管日趋严格、项目规范发展和政府债务红线等因素制约,已经不能完全满足基础设施建设领域投资建设的需求.因此,大力发展公募REITs不仅可以盘活存量资产、补充基建资金来源,也有助于降低地方政府和相关企业的杠杆率.就我国REITs现状进行研究,明确PPP、专项债与R...  相似文献   

In this study we consider the problem of sellers, buyers and real estate appraisers in determining the price for a house, taking into account the characteristics of the house and its location as well as the goals of these three different parties. The appraiser's job is to determine the fair market value of the house, while the buyer and seller want to find, respectively, the lowest and highest feasible price for it. We combine recent developments in geography and econometrics to develop an approach that determines local estimates of property values from the perspectives of the buyer, seller and appraiser, taking into account the characteristics of the house as well as its location. We illustrate our approach analyzing closing prices in one residential real estate market.  相似文献   

Werden's reply to our comment does nothing to cast doubt on our fundamental conclusion: Microsoft's pricing of Windows is inconsistent with thegovernment's claim that Windows is a monopoly, protected by high entry barriers.  相似文献   

根据影响介质击穿的主要因素,阐述了交流耐压击穿装置的容量指标问题。在确定耐压穿装置的容量时,不仅要考虑到被试样件两极之间的等效电容值,同时还要估计到样件在击穿过程可能产生的最大穿电流值。  相似文献   

随着股份公司现代企业制度的逐步建立,要想对子公司进行有效的财务控制,只有抓住产权关系这一关键,采取建立财务信息网络系统,实行预算控制;加强资金授权使用管理,实行限额控制;合理确定有关财务指标,完善考核体系;定期或不定期审计稽核,实现财务监督;委派财务总监,实现日常财务监控等方式,不断加强对子公司的财务监控。  相似文献   

数字化印刷技术使印刷制版、印刷工艺发生了革命性的变革,它夺去了一部分网印市场,但数字化印刷不可能代替丝网印刷,因为丝网印刷的承印材料非常广泛,有“万能印刷”之称,尤其是在电子行业中具有其他印刷不能替代的优势。 目前,丝网印刷已是非常通用的印刷工艺。它是可以在各种形状和材料上印刷的方法,由于应用非常广泛所以它在全球范围内得以发展。由于  相似文献   

做好企业新员工的入职管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业的发展需要有新生力量的加入,而对这些新生力量如何进行管理,如何把握他们的心理进行良好的沟通,使其迈出职业生涯第一步并保持工作热情,如何消除工作中的阻力以帮助他们取得长期稳定的进步,这些都是需要及时解决的问题。这些问题解决好了,既有助于充分发挥新员工的能力,同时对这些员工自身的职业生涯也是至关重要的。  相似文献   

五十载功业辉映历史,五十载精神彪炳千秋。2008年10月17日,二部隆重举行建部50周年庆祝大会及庆典。在上午召开的纪念建部50周年庆祝大会上,集团公司李跃副总经理,集团公司总经理助理、二院谢良贵院长,二院党委刘尔琦书记、朱德芳副书记及驻院军代表、老领导、老专家出席了大会。刘尔琦书记代表院党委院领导做重要讲话。  相似文献   

员工持股计划 (EmployeeStockOwnershipPlans,简称ESOP) ,是指企业内部职工通过一定的法律程序 ,有条件地拥有企业股份的企业制度。职工持股的理论和实践 ,源于西方资本主义国家。早在 5 0年代 ,美国就开始试行“内部职工持股计划” ,随后 ,西德、法国、英国等国家看到了这种制度的优越性 ,纷纷效法 ,风靡全球 ,比较典型的有 :美国的员工持股计划、英国的利润共享制、德国的员工参与制。 80年代末员工持股计划传入我国 ,引起了不少争论。那么 ,员工持股计划产生的理论背景是什么 ?在我国推行员工持股计划的…  相似文献   

Government-guaranteed mortgage loans (GFRMs) and adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) were introduced to make payment to income (PTI) and loan-to-value (LTV) qualification conventions less restrictive. This paper analyzes the effect of GFRMs and ARMs on the demand for housing. Using a large national data set for the 1988 to 1989 period, we employ a two-stage procedure to estimate housing demand. In the first stage, a multinomial logit model estimates the probability of choosing an FRM, ARM or GFRM. Predicted values from the logit are used to construct user costs and estimate housing demand. Using the model estimates, we simulate demand under four different mortgage availability regimes: FRM, FRM and GFRM, FRM and ARM and all three. These simulations indicate that GFRMs, by relaxing LTV constraints, increase housing demand by approximately 6.2% relative to the FRM regime; the addition of ARMs, by relaxing both PTI and LTV constraints, raises demand by an additional 6%, for a total of 12.2% with inclusion of all alternatives.  相似文献   

Following the ERTA of 1981, partnership ownership of real estate dominated corporate ownership. This study concludes that the Tax Reform Act of 1986 provides incentive for holding real estate investments that produce sizable tax losses and/or that are eligible for large tax credits in corporate rather than partnership form. Perpetuity cash flow models are employed initially to identify key tax and cash flow variables favorable to each organizational form. The perpetuity assumption is then relaxed to consider a more representative real estate investment. A sensitivity analysis examines the extent to which the base case results are dependent on the assumed values of selected model parameters.  相似文献   

Timing and the Holding Periods of Institutional Real Estate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Literature on investors' holding periods for securities suggests that high transaction costs are associated with longer holding periods. Return volatility, by contrast, is associated with shorter holding periods. In real estate, high transaction costs and illiquidity imply longer holding periods. Research on depreciation and obsolescence suggests that there might be an optimal holding period. Sales rates and holding periods for U.K. institutional real estate are analyzed, using a proportional hazards model, over an 18-year period. The results show longer holding periods than those claimed by investors, with marked differences by type of property and over time. The results shed light on investor behavior.  相似文献   

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are the only truly liquid assets related to residential real estate investments. We study the behavior of U.S. Residential REITs over the past three decades and document their return characteristics. REITs have somewhat less market risk than equity; their betas against a broad market index average about 0.58. Decomposing their covariances into principal components reveals several strong factors. Residential REIT characteristics differ to some extent from those of the S&P/Case‐Shiller (SCS) private real estate markets. This is partly attributable to methods of index construction. Our examination of REITs suggests that investment in residential real estate is far more risky than what might be inferred from the widely followed SCS series. Although the SCS and REITs indicate little support for being able to predict each other, there is strong evidence of self‐predictability for the series.  相似文献   

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