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近十年来.中国一直是遭国外反倾销最多的国家。据WTO的统计,尽管中国进出口贸易额近几年在全球贸易总额中仅占不到5%,但遭到的反倾销案件数量却占全球总案件数量的约14%,仅2002年遭到反倾销调查的数量就超过全球反倾销案件总数的16%。而且一旦被提起反倾销调查,中国产品被裁定倾销并被征收反倾销税的可能性也比别国产品更大。造成这种情况的一个重要原因是一些国家在针对中国产品反倾销过程中采用歧视性的、不公正做法,他们以中国仍是一个“非市场经济国家”为由,拒绝承认中国产品的实际成本,而是将别国类似产品的价格或成本强加到中国企业头上,并以此为依据推断中国企业倾销。结果往往是中国产品被裁定一个很高的倾销幅度,而不得不退出传统市场。所谓的“市场经济地位问题”已成为中国企业应诉国外反倾销的“拦路虎”。  相似文献   

刘睿伣 《北方经济》2010,(15):71-72
一、我国遭遇反倾销的现状 改革开放以来.中国经济步人快速发展轨道.2009年中国进出口总额高达22073亿美元.位居世界第1。随着出口规模的不断扩大.中国频频遭遇国外反倾销的调查。从1995—2008年.中国已连续14年成为全球遭受反倾销调查最多的国家.2007年中国遭遇的反倾销占全球比重高达37.2%.具体参见以下表。与其他国家相比,我国遭受反倾销时往往被征收高额的反倾销税.  相似文献   

<正> 一、国外对华反倾销的现状近年来,我国企业及产品遭遇国外反倾销又呈现出许多新问题:1.国外针对中国商品的反倾销调查呈不断上升之势。自1979年8月,欧共体对我出口的糖精反倾销以来,截止到2001年,已有30多个国家和地区对我出口产品发起反倾销调查,共计428起。据世贸组织统计,我国已成为出口产品受到反倾销调查最多的国家。  相似文献   

WTO秘书处报告称,2007年上半年全球的反倾销新立案数同比下降47%,终裁采取新措施的同比下降20%,但是,中国依然是全球遭遇反倾销调查最多的国家,也仍然是终裁倾销成立并采取新措施最多的国家。纵观所有的案件不难发现,在一个国家对中国产品发起反倾销调查之后,通常就会有不少国家随之采取措施。不同的国家对中国同一产品采取反倾销调查措施之后,对我国产品的出口市场  相似文献   

早在1979年,中国产品在国外就遭遇到了反倾销调查.时年8月,中国出口欧洲的糖精钠遭到当时欧共体的反倾销调查,这是中国产品第一次遭遇此类调查.迄今为止,中国产品遭到的外国反倾销调查已经超过400起,直接经济损失超过百亿美元.而在18年后,也就是1997年,中国政府才正式公布了第一部反倾销反补贴条例,至此,中国的反倾销机器开始运转.……  相似文献   

对华反倾销投诉的现状、原因及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据世贸组织的统计,从1995年至2005年,中国已连续11年成为全球遭受反倾销调查最多的国家。在世贸组织成员发起的反倾销案件中,约六分之一针对中国。2005年,中国遭遇反倾销调查51起,为历年最多。而最新的统计数据显示,仅今年前3个月,国外对中国发起贸易调查案件21起,其中反倾销15起,保障措施和特保各3起,创入世4年来的同期历史纪录。从以往案件情况看,国外对华反倾销具有如下特点:1.以欧盟、美国为主的发达国家是对华反倾销的“主力军”。我国遭遇的第一起反倾销指控就源自欧盟。在对我提出反倾销指控的国家和地区中,欧盟、美国始终保持了较高比重,并呈现出日益上升趋势。但应引起重视的是,近年来反倾销发起国(地区),已开始向发展中国家(地区)延伸,俄罗斯、印尼、阿根廷、台湾等国家和地区,也加入到对我反倾销指控的队伍中来。2.反倾销对象多集中在我出口“拳头产品”上。从大趋势上看,对华反倾销所涉及的产品范围日益广泛。但当前还主要集中在轻工、纺织、机电等劳动密集型产品。这些产品都是我国参与国际竞争的优势产品,频繁的反倾销指控,无疑将会对我国的对外贸易和国际竞争产生不利影响。3.反倾销案件涉及的规模和金额日益增大。据权威部门统计,自90年代以来,欧美等国对我国反倾销涉案超过1亿美元的就达15起。4.容易在各国间产生连锁反应。当一国对我出口产品提起反倾销诉讼,如果诉讼成功则该产品就无法进入该国市场。另外,一些国家出于对该产品会大量涌向本国的担心,也积极跟进或提出新一宗反倾销投诉。同时,对一种商品反倾销诉讼的成功,往往容易导致对其他同类产品反倾销诉讼的增多。如1994年美国裁定对我国大蒜征收376%的反倾销关税后,又相继对我国出口美国的蜂蜜、自行车、蘑菇罐头、靛蓝染料等产品提起反倾销诉讼。  相似文献   

杨柳 《改革与开放》2008,(12):29-30
改革开放三十年来.我国经济正逐步融入全球经济一体化.我国对外贸易也取得了长足发展。但与此同时.与改革开放的历史相伴相随的国际反倾销浪潮却给我国外贸出口前景投下了阴影。尤其是近年来,世界反倾销浪潮不断高涨.中国产品在国外遭受反倾销的案件不断增多。由于我国厂商对国际反倾销法规的不熟悉以及反倾销抗辩意识的淡漠.常被处以不公正的判决.受到高额反倾销税的制裁.  相似文献   

入世后国家产业安全问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国产业安全现状 中国产业安全问题是在我国进出口贸易迅速发展,国际对华反倾销不断扩大而为人们所关注认识并提出来的.自1978年欧盟对我国糖精发起首例反倾销指控以来,我国企业遭遇的国外反倾销调查已达480多起,涉及产品4000多种.有近2/3的出口企业和1/4的出口额受此影响,带来的直接和间接损失超过100亿美元.  相似文献   

WTO成立以来欧盟的对外反倾销及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WTO成立以来,欧盟是世界上对国外进口产品使用反倾销手段最多的地区之一,而中国则成为欧盟发动反倾销的首要目标国,同时,贱金属及其制品又是欧盟对外反倾销的第一大目标产品。因此,WTO成立以来欧盟的对外反倾销具有不同于其他国家或地区的特点。本文从WTO成立以来欧盟对国外进口产品发起的反倾销调查和实施的反倾销措施两大方面,对欧盟对外反倾销实践作了实证分析,进而探讨了这一时期欧盟对外反倾销的特点及其成因,并相应提出了中国应对未来欧盟乃至全球对  相似文献   

◆2002年1月1日起,由国务院总理朱镕基签署的《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》正式施行,标志着中国的反倾销立法已直接与国际接轨。 ◆据权威部门统计,中国自1979年遭欧共体糖精钠反倾销调查以来,已有30多个国家对我国产品发起了近500起反倾销、反补贴和保障措施调查,累计涉及出口金额上百亿美元。涉及4000多种商品。 ◆据不完全统计、近10年我国企业的应诉积极性有了很大提高。在美国、欧盟的应诉率达到了100%;反倾销案件的绝对胜诉率(无税和无损宫结案)达37.5%,已超过了1.3。 ◆1997年我国9家企业诉美国、加拿大等国新闻纸倾销,中国开始了第一起对国外企业的反倾销调查。截至目前,中国已受理反倾销立案19起,立案数逐年猛增。  相似文献   

The growth of Chinese exports in market share over the past two decades is a singular event in the history of world trade. Using data from 1995–2010, we document this growth in a variety of ways. We show that the expanded trade is pervasive. Virtually every country in the world has seen China claim a larger share of its import market. Then, we use Constant Market Share analysis to determine which country or countries have lost market share as China’s trade has grown. Contrary to much discussion in the popular press, we find strong evidence that other developing countries have not seen export shares fall as a result of China’s gains. Rather, our results suggest that China’s share growth has come largely at the expense of exporters based in developed countries, especially Japan and the United States.  相似文献   

Throughout the 1980s the Asian-Pacific region (and especially fast Asian countries) has achieved rapid economic growth accompanied by drastic changes in industrial production and trade. In the textile and clothing industry (‘textile’ industry hereafter), exporting countries display the ‘flying geese’ pattern. The first-tier exportec Japan, had retreated by the mid- 1970s. The second-tier exporters, the East Asian newly industrializing economies (NIEs, consisting of South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong), are now being replaced by the third-tier, ASEAN and Chinese exporters. The drastic changes in production and trade have resulted from the spread of modern textile production techniques in response to changing comparative advantage. This has been caused by increased labour costs and exchange rate alignment in the first-and second-tier exporters, but it has also been affected by the trade policies of industrial importer countries. The textile industry trade has been tightly managed under the Multi-Fibre Arrangement (MFA), and individual trade flows have been restricted by quota allocation under the MFA. At the current GATT Uruguay Round negotiations the major contracting parties agreed, in the Dunkel text of December 7997, on the gradual phasing out of the MFA restrictions over ten years. How will textile industry trade develop in the absence of the MFA restrictions? This paper focuses on the trade and production of textiles and clothing, but the case of this industry exemplifies important trade policy issues arising from the rapidly changing industrial structure in the Asian-Pacific region. In discussing textile trade policy issues, economists often focus on the MFA. However, the MFA has not produced a watertight regime. Textile production and trade have changed through product and process innovation, new management styles, and the ever-changing tastes of consumers. The MFA restrictions have effected these innovative changes, but the policy issues need to be discussed in this context of industrial change. 1 1 The author has published two papers on this issue (Yamazawa 1983, 1989). This paper is a follow-up of earlier discussion. As in past studies, the author has benefited from discussion at the Textile Advisory Committee meetings of Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and from a field trip to northern China in early 1903.

The recent “rebalancing” of China’s economy has raised concerns that the country’s growth slowdown may have large global implications. This note looks at this issue by analyzing the effects of China’s growth shocks on the output of other countries and how these effects have changed over time. Estimates indicate that the magnitude of China’s spillovers has steadily increased during the last two decades, but remains yet limited. Spillovers are larger in neighboring (Asian) countries and in emerging markets and developing economies. Trade linkages remain main transmission channels. In addition, a negative shock in China has (marginal) positive effects for net commodity importers while negative for net commodity exporters.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence suggests that exporter firms tend to charge higher markups than non-exporters due to trade barriers. The exporters’ markup premium, however, may disappear in a special case, namely when the home country is small relative to its trade partners and trade barriers are low. This can be because competition is more intense in the large export destination than in the small home country, so that firms are able to set higher markups for locally sold products but not for exports. This paper provides empirical evidence on the validity of this special case by estimating markups for firms in Luxembourg who generally export to larger countries. The estimated negative markup premium for exporters has important implications for the productivity measurement. In a sufficiently small open economy, exporters’ productivity may be biased downward, when the firm-level markup variation is not controlled for in the productivity estimation. The bias in the productivity estimates further leads to the inaccurate conclusion that openness to international trade lowers allocative efficiency.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2003,14(3):350-370
This paper studies the behavior of Chinese exporters from the mid-1980s through 2001. Extensive quarterly data on values and quantities of major export products have been taken from Chinese customs statistics to form a panel data set and aggregate export unit price and volume indices. The data are used to estimate export supply price elasticities, including by industry groups. The overall results indicate an increase in the responsiveness of export supply to market price signals in more recent periods following reforms.  相似文献   

As a large trading nation, China competes with importing countries’ domestic and third‐country markets but also creates growth opportunities for exporters. Most studies on China trade shocks or “China shocks” focuse on the impacts of import competition on developed economies. The present paper complements research on China shocks by exploring the other side of the trade exposure to China – China as the largest importer, rather than as an exporter. We analyze the effects of export expansion into China on the local labor markets of the exporting developing countries for the years 1992 to 2018. Using detailed export and employment data, we estimate employment pattern variations in manufacturing industries with exports from other developing countries as instruments for export exposure. We find that the increase in trade exposure to China in the world economy has caused extensive job gains in manufacturing industries in developing countries that were exporters. On average, our estimations show that this trade exposure created approximately 1.5 million additional jobs from 1992 to 2018, which made an important contribution to manufacturing industries in developing countries. Our empirical analysis also shows that trade had stabilizing effects on employment in the countries in our sample generally.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a research project which examined the impact of microelectronics on the nature of production and the patterns of international trade in the clothing industry. Empirical evidence is given on the effects of microelectronics-related innovations currently being used by clothing manufacturers in the developed countries. Radical innovations have been introduced in the ‘pre-assembly’ stage which have revolutionized this phase of production. In contrast, the introduction of microelectronics into assembly technology is still limited. As a result, the clothing industry remains reliant on labor-intensive techniques that place it at a competitive disadvantage compared to low-wage developing countries. Hence, the determinants of international competitive advantage in the industry remain largely unaltered. However, due to increasing concentration and major new R&D efforts in the public and private sector, it is argued that the preconditions are being laid for a fundamental structural and technological transformation of the industry in the North, which could have very important implications for the competitive position of Third World clothing exporters. Emphasis is also placed upon the continued restraining effects of protectionist barriers imposed by the main importing nations and on the differential impact of this on the ability of newer entrants to achieve rapid and sustained export growth.  相似文献   

本文利用中国和澳大利亚两国贸易的月度数据,分析了在美国金融危机冲击下澳元和人民币汇率变化对中国和澳大利亚出口厂商定价行为的影响。研究发现,厂商的价格歧视及歧视程度随产品的不同各异。由于中国某些产品和澳洲当地产品具有较强的可替代性,"出口价格粘性"现象在中国向澳大利亚出口定价中有所体现;另一方面,由于澳大利亚的资源禀赋优势,某些产品拥有国际定价权,"出口价格粘性"现象在澳大利亚对中国的出口产品中没有得以体现。  相似文献   

This paper employs the network approach to study the structure and nodes’ role of the world coal trade network. Based on the bilateral coal trade data of 212 countries (or regions) over the period from 2001 to 2010, this study analyses the world coal trade network, the network’s directionality and heterogeneity, and the roles of network nodes. It is found that the size of the world coal trade network is relatively stable, while the trade links and volume have been growing overtime. Because of the buyer–seller dual structure between exporters and importers, the network shows strong directionality. It also exhibits heterogeneity because of the uneven distribution of trade among different countries. In general, most countries can be classified as the in-nodes, followed by the middleman-nodes, then the cycle-nodes and out-nodes. Finally, the web shows a remarkably significant core–periphery structure and core–half-an-edge–edge structure and the core layers of each model are quite stable.  相似文献   

Do small countries have higher proportions of firms that export in manufacturing industries than large ones? As small countries are well known to be more open than large ones, it may appear uncontroversial to claim that the answer is yes. Nevertheless, this contradicts predictions from many standard trade models positing a home-market effect in the number of manufacturing firms and exporters. In this article, I present a theoretical model where a home-market effect in the number of firms coexists with a reverse home-market effect in the number of exporters: as in standard models, the number of firms in a small country relative to that in a large one is lower than relative income, but, in contrast to standard models, the relative number of exporters is larger. As a consequence, small countries will have higher proportions firms that export in manufacturing industries—a claim I support empirically.  相似文献   

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