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This paper investigates both the short-run dynamics and the long-run co-movement of stock prices, capital flows and the real interest rates in Hong Kong. By using the Johansen multivariate cointegration technique, this paper finds that there are two cointegration vectors among the variables. In other words, the results show that the three variables in Hong Kong are moving together. This long-run relationship implies that even the stock market is efficient in the short-run. Its long-run movement can, however, be predicted by the activities of the capital market.This paper benefited greatly from the comments of anonymous referees. All remaining errors are ours alone.  相似文献   

This study examines the dynamics of channel relationships between an end user and multiple suppliers in Hong Kong, a major international logistics hub in Asia. Drawing on the literature on channel relationships, we examine the links between different channel relationship variables and the contingent effect of business uncertainty on the links between these variables and supplier commitment. The results of the study indicate that expected relationship continuity mediates the effects of trust and relationship quality on commitment. Furthermore, the positive effect of trust on commitment is found to be stronger when business uncertainty is high than when business uncertainty is low. As supply chain management is becoming essential for firms to succeed in today's business, industrial marketing managers need to be aware of the dynamics in channel relationships and to better manage their supply chains. The implications of our findings for research and for the practice of channel relationship management are provided.  相似文献   

徐州供电公司(以下简称徐州供电)是以供电为主,兼有电力工程勘察设计、送变电施工、高低压电器制造以及经营服务等综合能力的全民特大型电力企业。徐电公司2004年供电量87.43 亿千瓦时,售电量80亿千瓦时,转供电量234亿千瓦时,最高负荷为190万千瓦,员工5000余人,供电可靠性99.991%,截至2004年底,徐州供电已实现连续安全生产2342天,创造了连续25年又4个月无电力生产人身死亡事故的全国同类企业最高纪录。香港中华电力公司(以下简称中华电力)隶属于中电控股有限公司。拥有输电及供电、市场及客户服务、发电(青山电厂等共634万千瓦)、资讯科技、其  相似文献   

进军香港市场意味着快速而粗犷扩张模式的终结,中国本土家电零售商该如何自我调整?  相似文献   

This research note provides an empirical analysis of the factors related to Polish employees' desire to join and leave a union. Our regression analysis, based on a sample of 298 unionized and 338 nonunionized employees, shows that the desire to join a union is positively associated with career prospects and negatively with company commitment, while the desire to leave a union is positively associated with one's intention to leave the company.  相似文献   

This paper explores the influences that unionisation may have on managerial processes to improve productivity. Unionisation is cast as a contextual variable, along with sector, size and culture. A recently established Singapore data base of employees' perceptions of corporate productivity practices is used to detect such possible influences. Regression analysis, with productivity practice as a dependent variable, suggests that unionisation explains some of the variations in such practices.  相似文献   

A particular dimension of organisational commitment, namely identity of workers with the values and decisions of an organisation was explored with 716 employees in three electronics plants; 46 per cent belonged to trade unions. The study examined the extent, the causes and the consequences of dual allegiance to company and union, single allegiance to one or allegiance to neither. Less than 10 per cent displayed dual allegiance and a majority displayed allegiance to neither organisation. The best predictors of allegiance were perceptions of trade union performance and job satisfaction. Those showing dual allegiance also indicated lowest propensity to leave the company. These results, from a key sector of manufacturing industry, show little evidence of high employee involvement. The most typical response would appear to be: 'a plague on both your houses'.  相似文献   

While the beneficial impacts of supplier and customer integration are generally acknowledged, very few empirical research studies have examined how an organization can achieve better product performance through product innovation enhanced by such integration. This paper thus examines the impact of key supplier and customer integration processes (i.e., information sharing and product codevelopment with supplier and customer, respectively) on product innovation as well as their impact on product performance. It contributes to existing literature by asking how such integration activities affect product innovation and performance in both direct and indirect ways. After surveying 251 manufacturers in Hong Kong, this study tested the relationships among information sharing, product codevelopment, product innovativeness, and performance with three control variables (i.e., company size, type of industry, and market certainty). Structural equation modeling with correlation and t‐tests was used to test the hypothesized research model. The findings indicate a direct, positive relationship between supplier and customer integration and product performance. In particular, this study verifies that sharing information with suppliers and product codevelopment with customers directly improves product performance. In addition, this study empirically examines the indirect effects of supplier and customer integration processes on product performance, mediated by innovation. This has seldom been attempted in previous research. The empirical findings show that product codevelopment with suppliers improves performance, mediated by innovation. However, the sampled firms cannot improve their product innovation by sharing information with their current customers and suppliers as well as codeveloping new products with the customers. If the adoption of supplier and customer integration is not cost free, the findings of this study may suggest firms work on particular supplier and customer integration processes (i.e., product codevelopment with suppliers) to improve their product innovation. The study also suggests that companies codevelop new products only with new customers and lead users instead of current ones for product innovation. For managers, this study has demonstrated that both information sharing and product codevelopment affect performance directly and indirectly. Managers should put more emphasis on these key processes, especially when linked with product innovation. Managers should consider involving their suppliers and customers in the early stages of design. Information sharing with suppliers is also important in product development. As suggested by this study, extensive effort on supplier and customer integration should be made to directly augment current product performance and product innovation at the same time.  相似文献   

王文璧 《玩具世界》2009,(10):17-20
本刊特别报道:由香港玩具总动员有限公司和汕头市澄海展览中心主办,汕头市澄海区玩具协会支持的"香港一澄海玩具展示中心联合招商大会"于2009年9月3日下午在广东省汕头市澄海展览中心主馆三  相似文献   

Research evidence from North America shows that employees can be committed simultaneously to both their union and their company. Moreover, a co-operative industrial relations climate has been seen to be conducive to the existence of higher levels of commitment to both organizations. This study utilized a sample of white-collar unionists in Australia to identify whether union and company commitment could be predicted by the same factors and whether positive perceptions of the industrial relations climate were related to dual commitment. The research found no evidence of dual commitment. Furthermore, company and union commitment were predicted by different factors, and employee perceptions of a co-operative industrial relations climate were associated with higher employee commitment to the company but lower commitment to the union.  相似文献   

This article examines the determinants of union recognition and of employee involvement structures in London Dockland's workplaces, by means of multivariate analysis. The authors found that the respective dependent variables are significantly associated both with each other and with certain enterprise and establishment-level characteristics. Significant independent variables include workplace size, ownership status, the presence of a personnel manager and the incidence of skill shortages.  相似文献   

CPSC召回中国产eebee的冒险系列之《Have a Ball》布书。布书内的小球的绳子容易被立体篮框缠绕住,有勒死儿童的危险。书的白色吊牌上印有ISBN号13:9781-4027—5771—6。eebee的冒险系列的其他布书不在此次召回范围。  相似文献   

Much has been written about the relocation of services jobs away from OECD nations by offshoring. But what happens to those who remain employed at workplaces where offshoring has been carried out? Based on survey and interview data of UK insurance and banking staff, this article explores employees' subjective understandings of the impacts of offshoring. The article brings together literature on Global Commodity Chains and Labour Process Theory, as it expands the focus of research on offshoring from macro/meso discussions of globalization and firm strategy into more micro‐level analysis of employee interpretations of workplace change. The data indicate a collapse in morale and work dignity for UK financial services workers and suggest that offshoring is not associated with a rise in skill levels of surviving jobs. Many staff reported a climate of detachment and cynicism after offshoring. Detachment and disaffection applies to employees' feelings towards their employer and their union, and is discussed as a paradoxical by‐product of the growing incorporation of services work into Global Commodity Chains or Global Production Networks.  相似文献   

Most studies of technological change in telecommunications have researched incremental shifts within the analogue switching paradigm. This paper takes the case of the shift to digital switching in Hong Kong's public telephone network. It focuses upon how this change was managed and the consequential changes in labour relations.  相似文献   

HKTDC Hong Kong Fashion Week for Fall/Winter and HKTDC World Boutique, Hong Kong will be held concurrently from 12-15 January 2009 at Hong Kong Convention and  相似文献   

This paper seeks to evaluate and predict the impact of the introduction of cable television into Hong Kong, a densely populated and highly dynamic Asian metropolis currently under British administration. The discussion will focus on how the coming of cable communication will impact on the ownership and economic structure of the broadcasting industry, with particular reference to international participation; public policy issues concerning economic structure and programming of the cable system; and the implications for the period of Hong Kong's political transition from the UK to China.  相似文献   

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