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在线信息如何影响消费者购买决策是酒店在线服务的一个关键问题。文章基于携程网1092家酒店网上预订数据,通过对数线性回归模型,分析了酒店特征信息、顾客评论信息和预订平台推荐信息对4类不同等级酒店在线预订的影响。研究表明:顾客评论信息对各类酒店网上预订影响最显著,但对五星级酒店的影响最小;酒店特征信息对五星级酒店网上预订影响最大,其中客房价格信息对四星级、三星级和经济型酒店的影响不显著;推荐信息对四星级酒店影响很显著,但其中的用户评级对四星级以外的酒店无显著影响。文章通过对顾客评论信息中的5方面内容分析发现:顾客对酒店设施、服务水平、周边环境的评价均显著影响酒店网上预订,而客房卫生评价对酒店预订的影响不显著。该研究可为酒店在线分类管理与客户信息服务提供指导。  相似文献   

顾客满意是服务的目的和测度标准之一。作为旅游业中优质服务的提供者,星级酒店的服务质量事关整体旅游业的服务水准和顾客满意程度。从顾客体验视角研究星级酒店的满意度更加客观公正。本文择取携程网站用户对于山西省五星级酒店的评价进行文本分析,论述了山西省五星级酒店的整体满意度水平及其影响因素。并专门对游客差评进行了文本分析,了解酒店服务中最容易致使顾客不满意的因素,针对性地提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

高星级酒店的生存与发展主要取决于顾客的满意度,满意度则取决于从业人员的服务意识。在这一趋势下,酒店行业对从业人员的服务水平有了新的要求,因此为顾客提供优质而真诚的服务已成为现今高星级酒店主营的特色项目之一。本文主要分析了我国当前酒店业服务人员的服务意识现状,阐明了服务意识对高星级酒店发展的重要性,并对如何提高酒店从业人员的服务意识提出相应方案。  相似文献   

基于ACSI的经济型酒店顾客满意度测评模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈涵 《旅游学刊》2011,26(1):58-62
文章基于美国顾客满意指数(ACSI)模型,根据经济型酒店的顾客需求结构,提出了针对经济型酒店的消费者满意度评价指标体系,构筑了相应的概念模型,并通过实证研究对该测评模型的实用性和有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   

焦明宇 《旅游学刊》2014,29(11):80-86
培育和维护满意的顾客是经济型酒店获得和保持竞争优势的重要条件,而顾客对酒店产品感知利得和利失的比较对顾客满意度的形成具有重要的影响。该研究以现有的顾客满意度理论为基础,结合经济型酒店的顾客需求和产品服务特征,从顾客价值获得的角度构建经济型酒店的顾客满意度测评模型,建立了顾客满意度测评指标体系,并进行了实证分析。研究表明,经济型酒店的卫生状况、支持系统、交通便利程度以及价格等方面的顾客满意度较低。最后,根据实证分析结果提出了经济型酒店提高顾客满意度的建议和对策。  相似文献   

马瑞 《当代旅游》2022,(4):97-100+109
感官营销的基础是服务场景的构建,互联网环境下线上线下服务场景构建能对顾客的感官知觉产生影响,可以为酒店带来差别化竞争优势。本文通过分析两家五星级酒店线上线下服务场景构建维度及顾客五感体验的反应与连接,探讨当前高星级酒店开展感官营销的现状与存在的问题,并提出具体的对策,为星级酒店感官营销提供新思路。  相似文献   

酒店服务的异质性和顾客需求的多样性使得服务失误在所难免。服务补救成为酒店修复服务失误,赢得顾客口碑和再次光顾的重要举措。在酒店管理实践中,货币补偿颇受管理者青睐,通常被作为应对服务失误的首要选择。然而,货币补偿是否为服务失误发生时的最优选择?文章以高星级酒店为研究背景,对服务失误进行情境设计,检验不同失误归因下货币补偿和非货币补偿的补偿满意度差异。数据分析结果显示:酒店因素导致的服务失误情境下,相比货币补偿而言,非货币补偿具有更好的补偿效果;其他顾客因素和顾客自身因素导致的服务失误情境下,货币补偿与非货币补偿间没有显著效果差异。此外,补偿满意度对顾客信任、重购意向与口碑有显著正向影响。  相似文献   

酒店网站功能作为酒店信息化的研究要点之一,已有成果多关注网站本身的结构和内容,忽视了酒店网站为其顾客服务的本质。本文在确定网站功能结构和评价指标的基础上,首先利用问卷调查法了解顾客对于酒店网站功能的需求,然后对60家样本酒店的网站进行了访问,分析其所具有的功能。研究认为,目前广州市星级酒店网站功能不能满足顾客的需求,基础层能提供简单的酒店信息,但忽视了酒店顾客的旅游需求;主体层的功能不能满足顾客了解特色、提前体验和信息交流的需求,不具个性化;核心层的功能与顾客需求不对称,信息更新不及时,客户关系管理不健全,没有实现基础层和主体层的功能的增值组合与动态优化。因而,要使酒店网站真正成为酒店管理和营销的有效工具,必须充分考虑酒店顾客需求。  相似文献   

随着酒店行业市场竞争的日趋激烈,越来越多的星级酒店开辟了外包服务,然而外包服务中出现的服务失误往往会降低顾客对于酒店的满意度。顾客作为市场的主体一直以来都是酒店关注的焦点,因此保持良好的顾客满意度成为酒店必须要做的功课。介入度对于接种式服务补救有着什么样的影响?对此,学术界缺乏深入的研究。  相似文献   

顾客满意度是影响顾客今后消费行为的重要因素,而服务质量又是影响顾客满意度的主要因素之一,前厅服务和餐厅服务是顾客总体满意度的重要影响因素,现有文献缺乏对前厅服务质量本身影响因素的研究。运用扎根理论方法,通过焦点小组和深度访谈收集相关数据,经过3个阶段的编码,发现信息、时间、服务/态度、规章制度和硬件/环境这5个因素是影响酒店前厅服务质量的主要因素,并且这5个因素之间存在着一定的逻辑关系,从而归纳出"服务质量因素"理论模型,并对该模型的理论及实践贡献进行了深入的讨论。  相似文献   

Using a stated choice experiment, this study uncovers how hotel review- and price-related attributes affect consumers’ formation of consideration sets and hotel bookings based on online search results alongside a two-stage model of consideration and choice. Empirical findings indicate that consumers’ evaluations of certain attributes vary across these stages. During the consideration stage, the listed hotel price, promotional discount, overall rating, review volume, and booking popularity are significant attributes for prospective guests, whereas price disparities across websites are not. Insignificant interaction effects among these determinants imply that in this stage, consumers employ fast-frugal heuristics and a noncompensatory strategy. During the booking stage, listed price, promotional discount, overall rating, and review volume inform consumers’ booking decisions. Furthermore, the interaction effects point to consumers’ adoption of a compensatory strategy in making a final booking decision. Finally, this study concludes with implications for hotel pricing and system optimization of online platforms.  相似文献   

Due to the experiential nature of travel-related products, online reviews have become an increasingly popular information source in travel planning and have a profound effect on consumers’ buying decisions, particularly in hotel booking. On the basis of homophily and similarity-attraction theory, we posit that review valence is positively related to consumers’ hotel booking intentions, and expect this relationship to be moderated by surface- (demographic) and deep-level (preference) similarities. The findings from two experiments conducted in Germany and Macau indicate that review valence significantly affects hotel booking intention, and that reader-reviewer demographic similarity moderates this effect. This three-way interaction reveals a substituting moderation effect between demographic similarity and preference similarity. One practical implication is that travel websites should find methods of exposing users to reviews written by those with either similar demographic characteristics or preferences, which facilitate travelers’ decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Facing stiff competition, online travel agencies (OTAs) are dedicating to provide customer-centric payment service in hotel online booking, which poses challenges for hotels and customers to make optimal strategies. This paper studies the optimal Stackelberg decisions and strategic interactions of a hotel and a customer in online booking through online travel agencies with customer-centric payment service. The results show that refund rate has great effect on the customer's payment decision, while transaction cost has great influence on the hotel's operational decision. When the refund rate is greater than a threshold, the customer prefers online payment. Being a leader in the Stackelberg game, the hotel can induce customers to choose the payment option with the lowest transaction cost by setting a refund rate.  相似文献   

Rating fluctuation is inevitable for hotels listed on hotel booking platforms, which induces potential consumers’ perception of uncertainty and risk. Managerial response is expected to be effective in enhancing the interaction between hotels and consumers. However, how hotel managers react to rating fluctuation remains unclear. In order to fill this gap in the literature, we collect customer reviews and managerial responses from a leading hotel booking platform and build a panel dataset (hotel*month). The empirical results suggest that (1) rating fluctuation induces more managerial responses and requires more response time; (2) upscale hotels are more likely to conduct frequent and timely responses when facing rating fluctuation; and (3) hotels tend to respond more frequent and timely once rating fluctuation is observed by a larger audience. This study concludes by presenting theoretical contributions to the literature and practical implications for operators of hotel booking platforms and hotel managers.  相似文献   

Growing competitiveness in the marketplace pushes hoteliers to fully take advantage of their websites as a marketing tool. This study proposed that a trusting relationship with customers could be developed by investing in hotel website development. A research model that incorporates hotel website quality, eTrust, and online booking intentions was put forward. The software AMOS 20.0 was adopted to analyze the proposed inter-variable relationships. Statistical results demonstrated that hotel website quality is a strong predictor of eTrust which then also mediates the relationship between website quality and consumers’ online booking intentions. Implications were offered for practitioners based on the results.  相似文献   

This study illustrates that determinants of customer satisfaction in hospitality venues can be identified through an analysis of online reviews. Using text mining and content analysis of 42,668 online traveler reviews covering 774 star-rated hotels, the study found that transportation convenience, food and beverage management, convenience to tourist destinations and value for money are identified as excellent factors that customers booking both luxury and budget hotels consider important and for which the performance is much satisfactory to them. Customers paid more attention to, but were less satisfied with, bed, reception services and room size and decoration. Most determinants of customer satisfaction also showed a consensus over luxury versus budget hotels, except for factors referring to lobby and sound insulation. As per its findings, the article concludes by presenting theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

Emphasizing experiential appeals to consumers through design is most notable in the emerging lifestyle hotel segment of the lodging industry. This study identifies which lodging design mechanisms evoke consumer responses and provides a novel understanding of the relationships among consumer perception of hotel product/service design and booking intention by incorporating consumer emotional arousal and quality expectations in a theoretical model. The findings of this study suggest that aesthetics and symbolism in hotel design shape booking intention through emotional arousal and quality expectation. The functional dimension of design affects booking intention only through quality expectation. The findings will be particularly meaningful to the lodging industry because online booking requires both emotional and cognitive responses on the part of consumers.  相似文献   

The diverse characteristics of customers and hotels have been identified as relevant to online customer satisfaction at the individual level. In this study, a comprehensive examination is conducted, through the use of a multilevel, nested model and secondary data set. The results show that both online review experience and management response frequencies can positively affect customer satisfaction. Additionally, hotel managers need to pay more attention to customers who have less online review experience when they carry out targeted response strategies. The findings have various implications for both academic researchers and hotel operators.  相似文献   

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