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In the past two decades, the use of grain to feed livestock in China has increased rapidly. A number of studies have examined demand and supply of grain for animal feed in China. Forecasts have been made. Generally, these projections have turned out to be well wide of the actual supply and demand. Further, forecasts of supply and demand for feed grains for the same time periods have differed greatly. Accurate forecasts of variables affecting supply and demand benefit both producers and consumers. Past forecasts of supply and demand of feed grain for livestock production in China are reviewed and reasons for discrepancies between projections are explored. Ways to improve projections of demand for and supply of grain for livestock feed in China are identified.  相似文献   

This article addresses how China is being affected by and is responding to the world food crisis. So far, Chinese officials have responded to higher world prices by drawing down stocks and limiting exports of major grains. These policy instruments were not available for soybeans, so domestic prices of soy and other oilseeds have risen with international prices. Using a global CGE model, we show that the initial world price rise was largely due to higher world oil prices and demand for biofuels as opposed to other factors, especially in maize and soybeans. China's response to this shock has kept domestic grain prices low relative to world grain markets and to domestic soybean prices. As grain stocks are depleted, however, demand growth will push domestic prices back into alignment. Anticipating this pressure on consumers and accelerating supply response through public investment will facilitate adjustment.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of biofuels production, particularly in the United States, the EU, and Brazil, has had important implications for the global livestock industry—both by raising the cost of feed grains and oilseeds and by forcing onto the market a large supply of biofuel by‐products, most of which end up in livestock feed rations. This article investigates the impact of an expanding biofuels industry on the mix and location of global livestock production. Surprisingly, we find that growth in the U.S. and EU biofuels industries results in larger absolute reductions in livestock production overseas than in those regions, due to the international transmission of grains prices which is offset locally by the lower cost of by‐products. We also find that nonruminant production is cut more than ruminant livestock, because it is less able to use biofuel by‐products in its feed rations. Implementing biofuel mandates increases cropland area, a large portion of which is estimated to come from reduced grazing lands. The biofuel producing regions are expected to reduce their coarse grains exports and increase imports of oilseeds and vegetable oils, while they increase their exports of processed feed materials. In sum, biofuel mandates have important consequences for livestock as well as crops, with net effects influenced by the important role of by‐products in substituting for feedstuffs.  相似文献   

[目的]随着中国粮食进口不断增加,国内外市场联系越来越紧密。2020年下半年以来,国际市场粮食价格快速上涨,对国内粮食市场产生一定影响,分析国际市场价格上涨的原因和影响对确保国内粮食供应稳定、保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。[方法]文章分析了2019年以来小麦、大米、玉米、大豆4种粮食产品的国内外价格走势,从供需状况、贸易政策、气候变化等因素分析国际市场价格波动的原因,并探讨了国际价格对国内价格的影响。[结果]当前全球主要粮食品种供应充足,库存仍处于较高水平,此轮国际粮食价格上涨主要是受到美国等发达国家宽松的货币政策以及疫情后全球消费逐步回暖的影响;但国际市场价格上涨对中国市场的影响总体有限,国内小麦、大米、玉米价格上涨的主因是国内消费回暖和生猪产能恢复带动的饲用需求快速增长,油用大豆受国际市场的影响较大。[结论]为稳定国内粮食市场,避免国际市场的冲击,中国要进一步提升粮食综合生产能力,强化科技支撑,加强粮食储备管理,健全政策支持体系,并引导居民建立科学的消费观念。  相似文献   

The specification of supply/demand relationships has received considerable attention in agricultural economics (Heien 1977). Economic theory has helped provide a basis for the specification of such relationships, one of its contributions being the proposition that prices should be interpreted only in relative terms. This has had a profound influence on model building in agricultural economics, leading a number of researchers to avoid the use of absolute prices in economic analysis. For this reason, numerous market models of the agricultural economy use price ratios as explanatory variables (e.g., Chen; Chen et al.; Heien, 1976; Gerra; Kulshreshtha and Wilson; Rahn; Talpaz; Morzuck et al.; Houck and Gallagher; Wilson et al.); these examples suggest that the use of such ratios is fairly widespread in econometric modeling of the crop and livestock sectors. One of the best examples of price ratios is the "feed cost to price" ratio commonly used in the analysis of livestock supply response. Indeed, since feed cost constitutes a major part of the total production cost in livestock activities, the "feed cost to price" ratio is often considered a proxy for profitability. For this reason, data on such ratios are regularly published for various livestock activities (e.g., USD A). Also, "feed cost to price" ratios are often employed in the specification of models of livestock supply response, (e.g., Chen; Chen et al.; Heien 1976; Gerra; Kulshreshtha and Wilson; Rahn; Talpaz). However, not all models of aggregate supply response follow this approach. For example, Freebairn and Rausser, and Arzac and Wilkinson, use prices as separate variables rather than in ratio forms in their models. In particular, they do not employ price ratios in their livestock and crop supply equations. The existence of these different approaches raises questions about the appropriateness of the use of price ratios in the modeling of aggregate supply.  相似文献   

This article presents an econometric model of winegrape prices which recognizes the existence of demand and supply imbalances in the Australian market. A “markets in disequilibrium” framework is employed to motivate modeling price changes as responding to variations in excess demand/supply. The disequilibrium price equation provides estimates of regional and varietal price discounts/premiums and a measure of the speed of disequilibrium price adjustment. The equilibrium assumption is rejected for the market and substantial differences between equilibrium and disequilibrium estimates point to the inaccuracies of assuming market clearing. Disequilibrium estimates point to significant differences between warm and cool regions and changing speed of disequilibrium adjustment over time.  相似文献   

The U.S. dairy sector is characterized by increasing volatility of milk prices, and consolidation in production as evidenced by declining number of dairy farms with an increasingly larger share of milk supplied from a small number of very large farms. Using aggregate national data, we build a mixed‐frequency herd dynamics econometric model of the U.S. milk supply that updates and substantially amends the model first proposed by Chavas and Klemme. We implement a dynamic residual‐based bootstrap technique that can be used in testing for changes in nonmarginal simulated long‐run supply responsiveness, and trace the evolution of long‐run milk supply elasticity from 1975 through 2010. Several papers in the past have suggested that long‐run supply elasticity increases with dairy farm size, which implies that increased importance of large farms would increase aggregate long‐run supply responsiveness. Contrary to this conclusion, we find a declining trend in long‐run supply elasticity from 1975 through 2005. Persistence of such a decline would be a major cause for worry, as ever larger price swings would be needed to equilibrate the market in face of demand shocks. However, we find that milk supply is becoming more responsive since 2005 both to milk and feed price changes. Increasing responsiveness to feed prices further justifies focusing the next generation of the dairy policy instruments on managing dairy profit margins rather than just revenue streams.  相似文献   

Decomposing changes in agricultural price gaps: an application to Russia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article develops a method for decomposing changes in agricultural price gaps, defined as the difference between a commodity's domestic producer and border prices. We use OECD's procedure for decomposing changes in the market price support part of producer support estimates as the starting point for our decomposition method, and our method provides a basis for critiquing OECD's decomposition approach. The transmission of changes in border prices (world prices and the exchange rate) to domestic prices is a key element in the decomposition. The method is demonstrated using Russian agricultural price gaps. The results support the argument that for Russian agriculture during the transition period, the main cause of changes in price gaps has been incomplete transmission of changes in the exchange rate to domestic prices, and where the weak transmission results mainly not from policy intervention, but rather from deficient market conditions, in particular poor market infrastructure. The policy implication is that underdeveloped infrastructure has strongly limited the benefits to the Russian economy from agricultural trade liberalization.  相似文献   

In this article, we assess the impact of farm size on production cost and evaluate the marginal costs and margins by considering that input prices may change with the scale of production. By using French hog farm data, we estimate a system of equations including a feed price function, input demand functions, and an output supply function based on a technology approximated by a combined generalized Leontief‐Quadratic form. Our results suggest that the marginal costs are over‐estimated when the adjustment of the feed unit prices to a change in farm size is not controlled for. More specifically, the cost economies for large farms (enjoying the highest profits) arise primarily from lower feed prices, with technological scale economies having little impact. In contrast, farms with no hired labor exhibit technological scale economies and reach higher price‐cost margins compared to larger farms.  相似文献   

Understanding how producers make decisions to allot acreage among crops and how decisions about land use are affected by changes in prices and their volatility is fundamental for predicting the supply of staple crops and, hence, assessing the global food supply situation. This study makes estimations of monthly (i.e., seasonal) versus annual global acreage response models for the world's principal staple food crops: wheat, corn, soybeans, and rice. Primary emphasis is given to the magnitude and speed of the allocation process. Estimation of intra‐annual acreage elasticity is crucial for expected food supply and for input demand, especially in the light of the recent short‐term volatility in food prices. The econometric results indicate that global crop acreage responds to crop prices and price risks, input costs as well as a time trend. Depending on respective crop, short‐run elasticities are about 0.05 to 0.40; price volatility tends to reduce acreage for some of the crops; comparison of the annual and the monthly acreage response elasticities suggests that acreage adjusts seasonally around the globe to new information and expectations. Given the seasonality of agriculture, time is of an essence for acreage response. The analysis indicates that acreage allocation is more sensitive to prices in the northern hemisphere spring than in winter and the response varies across months.  相似文献   

文章基于河北省固定观察点数据,应用Nerlove模型,实证分析了影响农户粮食种植决策的主要因素,从微观角度探讨了粮食的供给反应。研究结果表明:粮食作物上期出售价格对粮食种植面积的影响非常显著,玉米价格弹性比小麦更大、更敏感,长期价格弹性相比短期会有所增加。从其他影响显著的变量来看,农户种植习惯(粮食上期种植面积)对作物种植决策影响非常显著,农户的种植决策还会受到粮食投入成本、自有耕地面积和粮食作物收入的影响,这些变量说明农户在粮食种植决策时所考虑的因素比较全面,既受种植习惯和投入成本影响,又有对资源禀赋和比较收益的考虑,农户的生产行为并不是完全盲从于农产品价格的变化,农户家庭收入对粮食收入的依赖性也是其重要的考虑因素。基于此,该研究提出了稳定粮食价格、提高农户粮食种植积极性保障粮食安全等相关政策建议。  相似文献   

目的 探析山西省粮食生产的时空变化及粮食供需结构现状。方法 文章选取2010—2019年山西省粮食生产和消费数据,借助ArcGIS10.2软件、EXCEL软件,采用重心研究模型和粮食安全贡献度模型,综合探析近年来山西省粮食供需变化及粮食安全现状。结果 (1)2001—2019年山西省粮食面积和产量整体稳中有增;种植结构以玉米、小麦为主,谷子、大豆、马铃薯为辅,以及高粱、燕麦、荞麦等小杂粮类;10年来,粮食生产变化表现为以增加玉米,减少小麦和杂粮生产为特点。(2)2010—2019年大豆、燕麦和小麦的产量重心表现为由西北向东南转移,其他种类均呈现由西南向东北方向转移;种植结构变化幅度由大到小依次为:马铃薯>荞麦>大豆>高粱>燕麦>玉米>谷子>小麦。(3)2011—2019年全省粮食产量稳定情况下,以2014年为转折点粮食需求量先降低再增加,调出量先增加再减少,至2018全省粮食调出量减少为负值;粮食需求结构中,口粮占53.65%,饲料用粮占比29.68%,工业用量仅占13.53%。运城市的粮食安全贡献度最大,其次为临汾市、忻州市、朔州市和晋中市较高,长治市、大同市、吕梁市和晋城市较低;太原市和阳泉市最低,为负值。结论 山西省粮食生产表现为总体平衡,种植优势由西南向东北方向转移的趋势,且各作物种植时空变化规律性不强;种植结构尚未形成区域特色产业,粮食需求量仍有逐年递增的趋势,粮食安全仍不容忽视。  相似文献   

目的 为了估计价格支持政策对不同粮食品种期现货价格波动的直接影响,实证分析和比较了政策及其调整对粮食期现货价格波动实施效果的影响,为深化粮食价格形成机制改革提供一定的理论参考和实证支撑。方法 文章利用稻谷、小麦、玉米和大豆的现货与期货价格日数据,将政策以虚拟变量的形式引入GARCH模型实证分析最低收购价政策、临时收储政策及其调整对平抑粮食期现货市场波动的作用。结果 价格支持政策对粮食价格波动产生了显著影响,最低收购价政策能够明显降低稻谷和小麦现货市场的波动程度,但对期货市场波动的作用则相反;玉米和大豆临时收储政策的取消导致现货市场波动性提高,而对期货市场波动的影响存在差异。结论 价格支持政策具有降低价格波动的作用效果,政策调控效果与实施品种的国内供求及市场形势、国内外市场的联系程度密切相关,政策的完善还需关注对期货市场波动的影响。  相似文献   

Fish farming households’ demand for improved fish feed from the private market in Kenya is potentially influenced by the government's feed subsidy program. This article applies the double‐hurdle model to a cross‐section of fish farms to analyze demand for improved fish feed from private markets, and whether the government feed subsidy program has an effect on private demand for improved feed. The results indicate that households’ decisions to participate in the improved feed market are affected by the quantity of improved feed received from the government. Once the participation decision has been made, we find evidence of crowding‐in of the private improved feed sector; that is, the government's allocations of subsidized feed appear to increase private sector demand. In addition, the price of improved feed negatively affects the quantity purchased as expected. Education, extension contacts, and ease of marketing matured fish increase household propensity to purchase improved feed commercially. Policies that help reduce the price of improved feed such as reduction in tariffs on imported feeds and feed ingredients will foster demand for the feed, as will policies that facilitate marketing of fish at reasonable prices by households.  相似文献   

This article presents the development of a set of programming models describing the major features of different rural livelihoods and of the informal rural economy they together make up in Malawi. The models allow for differentiated responses by different household types to change and for the partial equilibrium effects of consequent supply, demand, and price adjustments in labor and grain markets. The models provide insights into the relations between own‐farm and nonown‐farm activities in different households' livelihoods and in the informal rural economy as a whole, and are used to investigate possible impacts of increasing cash crop prices and of a more open rural economy. Impacts of these changes on the poor are found to be critically dependent upon supply and demand elasticities in labor and grain markets, but the poor could potentially suffer significant losses from increased openness of the local economy leading to increased expenditure by less poor households on imported goods and services.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the financing impact of total expenditure on the use of agriculture inputs (fertilizers, labor, and pesticides), and the output of cotton, rice, beans, corn, soybean, and wheat in Brazil. We study the period 1976–2005. The analysis is based on duality applied to the production theory. The output supplies and conditioned input demands are estimated from a translog multi‐output, multi‐input restricted profit function, where the total production credit is used as proxy of the total expenditure. Farmer expectations with respect to crop prices are incorporated to the estimation based on the quasi‐rational expectation model. The output and input responses to the total expenditure are positive and statistically significant except for cotton, wheat, fertilizer, and pesticides. The short‐run output supply response to own prices is inelastic, except for wheat, which presents elastic response to its price. Acreage has a positive impact on the output supply and it is influenced by land productivity. The main conclusion is that farmers face budget restrictions to purchase inputs, and a government credit program might increase the agricultural supply.  相似文献   

目的 生产者补贴政策的实施使粮食价格由政府干预转为市场供求关系引导,但此政策的实施对粮食安全产生的具体影响还没有确切结论。基于此,文章意在分析生产者补贴政策对粮食生产数量及质量安全的双重影响。方法 选取了2010—2020年8个省份玉米生产相关的面板数据,运用双重差分法建立模型,经过平行趋势检验、安慰剂检验后对提出的假说进行实证检验。结果 (1)生产者补贴政策有效促进了粮食增产,但对粮食提质效果甚微,即该政策使玉米的人均产量和单位面积产量显著增加,但对玉米收获质量的影响并不显著。(2)生产者补贴政策对种粮农户数量产生显著的负向效应,减少了农业劳动力供给;同时,此政策对农业机械化水平产生正向效应,种粮农户增加了对玉米种植生产要素的投入。结论 为进一步保障我国粮食安全,未来粮食政策实施必须在保证粮食数量安全的基础上,更多地指导种粮农户种植优质粮食,不断完善现代化粮食产业体系,在数量质量双层面上保障国家粮食安全。  相似文献   

OECD countries’ biofuels policies, derived from energy and environmental legislation and activated by high oil prices, were the primary cause of not only the sudden spike in grain and oilseed prices in 2007–2008 but also of the ensuing price volatility. Even though developing countries have a comparative advantage in biofuels production, they were shut out of rich countries’ biofuel markets by trade discriminating biofuels policies. Developing countries would not have been able to take full advantage of the price spike in the short run anyway given the low supply elasticities and the long time required for biofuel production to come online, unlike for corn‐ethanol. The controversy over the right price of food is misplaced and policy makers should instead focus on improving biofuels policies, which like their counterpart agricultural policies in previous decades, have damaged the welfare of developing countries.  相似文献   

Contemporaneous observations on expected supply and on prices of post‐harvest futures contracts for corn are used to estimate expected demand relationships. These equations are used to estimate the prices of the post‐harvest contracts based on new supply estimates. Each estimate can be compared with a corresponding futures price, i.e. the market forecast. The differences help discern the market expectations about the expected demand for the new crop relative to historical experience, which can help support outlook analyses. We find that in recent years, a 100 million bushel change in the expected supply of corn results in about a 6 cent per bushel negative change in the price of December corn. The discussion also deepens understanding of the term ‘anticipatory prices’ as defined by Holbrook Working in his 1958 work.  相似文献   

We analyze the long‐term impacts of large‐scale expansion of biofuels on land‐use change, food supply and prices, and the overall economy in various countries or regions using a multi‐country, multi‐sector global computable general equilibrium model augmented with an explicit land‐use module and detailed biofuel sectors. We find that an expansion of biofuel production to meet the existing or even higher targets in various countries would slightly reduce GDP at the global level but with mixed effects across countries or regions. Significant land re‐allocation would take place with notable decreases in forest and pasture lands in a few countries. The expansion of biofuels would cause a moderate decrease in world food supply and more significant decreases in developing countries like India and Sub‐Saharan Africa. Feedstock commodities (sugar, corn and oil seeds) would experience significant increases in their prices in 2020, but other price changes are small.  相似文献   

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