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基于要素—过程—功能的耕地质量理论认识及其研究趋势   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
研究目的:对耕地质量的科学认识是进行耕地利用、评价与保护的关键和核心,目前对耕地质量的认识主要集中在生产能力、基础地力和健康等方面,认识的维度不断扩展,迫切需要在理论层面进行耕地质量的认识,因此,从耕地资源组成要素出发,基于要素—过程—功能角度,构建耕地质量理论框架,是当前迫切需要研究的问题。研究方法:文献综合法、总结归纳法与推理方法。研究结果:提出了耕地资源综合体的概念,分析了耕地资源综合体的组成要素特征;论述了耕地在水平和垂直两个方向上的过程特征,构建了面向多功能的耕地质量要素—过程—功能质量认识框架;论述了耕地质量遗传与变异性、动态变化性特征;提出了基于要素—过程—功能的耕地质量研究趋势。研究结论:基于要素—过程—功能的耕地质量理论认识框架及其提出的未来发展趋势,为中国耕地数量、质量、生态三位一体耕地质量体系建设提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

La demande importante d'investissements pour assurer la pérennité des entreprises agricoles rend ces dernières paradoxalement plus fragiles. Identifier les critères qui permettent de déceler de façon précoce les difficultés financières serait donc d'une grande utilité pour les agriculteurs.
De la banque de données Agritel, les données de 67 entreprises saines et de 41 entreprises qui ont connu des difficultés financières en 1992 sont utilisées. Les donnèes des annèes 1988 à 1992 sont utilisées. Des modèles de règression logistique et d'analyse discriminante ont été adoptés. Pour cette dernière, un modèle d'analyse discriminante non paramétrique a également été employé.
Le contrôle des dettes, tant à court terme qu'à moyen et long termes, apparaît essentiel. Des dettes à court terme èlevées caractérisent les entreprises défaillantes dès 1988. De plus, les entreprises doivent parvenir à des résultats technico-économiques suffisants pour atteindre un niveau minimum de viabilité. Enfin, les excès d'actifs non productifs doivent être contrôlés, car de telles immobilisations affectent la rentabilité de l'entreprise. Ainsi, trois dimensions doivent être considérées pour une détection efficace des difficultés financières.
Une analyse à partir de cinq ratios nous permet de prévoir des difficultés cinq ans avant leur apparition.  相似文献   

910; 7; 365     
This paper is an investigatory discussion on the strategies that were adopted during the aftermath of one of the most consequential natural disasters to occur in Brazil: the 2011 Disaster in the Rio de Janeiro Mountain Region. The main purpose of this discussion is to identify possible societal changes that have resulted from the adversities that characterised this event, which included, on one side, intense rain, landslides and floods, and, on the other, improper use of urban land by low income people and governmental connivance. Since early January, 2011, this multitude of tragedies is reported to have killed 910 people in 7 cities: 215 of these people remain missed. This paper is based on a field study that was developed by means of a survey with a group of experts who worked during the emergency situation and had the opportunity to participate in the recovery developments and handle efforts to avoid the repetition of such natural events’ destructive impacts. The field research for this paper was conducted in the concerned cities 365 days after the outbreak of the disaster. Research refers to the contentious hypothesis that although, undeniably, a disaster is never justified, regardless of any possible positive externalities, situations like those observed in this region should be considered not only as a matter of public policy and civil co-responsibility but also as a unique opportunity to develop strategies for significant and long-desired changes in society. The study's conclusion points to the maintenance of this hypothesis and to the necessity of considering it under further scrutiny. However, the conclusion also indicates that expertise must be developed not only so that society can better respond to emergency situations but, primarily, so that society can also strategically consider opportunities that are presented. The paper is structured formally; it begins with an introduction that describes the 2011 Disaster and the cities that were affected by it. Paper presents interviews with the local seven municipalities personnel, State of Rio de Janeiro Civil Defence workers and journalists. It closes with a discussion based on the hypothesis that is adopted here. Theoretical aspects are highlighted throughout the paper.  相似文献   

Une analyse graphique dégage, en 1961, pour ?agriculture québécoise et ontarienne, une relation entre la productivité moyenne en valeur de travail et le taux de scolarité de la population rurale agricole masculine, au niveau régional. La variable scolarité est introduite dans une fonction agrégée de production pour la province de Québec et son effet sur la production s'avère significatif. Les coefficients de régression de la variable scolarité et des autres, variables sont utilisés pour analyser les différences relatives de productivité du travail entre la région des environs de Montréal et la région de la Gaspésie-Côte-Nord. Comparativement à une analyse antérieure dont la scolaritéétait absente, celle-ci explique 6% de la différence de productivité. ?effet du taux de scolarité ne modifie guère les effets des autres variables, excepté celui de la région, qui est diminué du montant expliqué par la scolarité. La faible contribution du taux de scolaritéà?explication des différences régionales de productivité soulève la question ?un possible sous-investissement dans le capital humain en agriculture. REGIONAL DISPARITIES AND EDUCATION IN AGRICULTURE –A graphic analysis, at the regional level, in 1961, reveals in Quebec and Ontario agriculture, a relationship between the average value productivity of labour and the level of education of the agricultural rural male labor force. The education variable is introduced in the aggregate production function for Quebec agriculture and found to have a significant effect on production. The regression coefficient of the education variable is used, together with the other regression coefficients, to analyse the relative gap of labour productivity between the Montreal (environs) region and the Gaspe-Côte-Nord region. In comparison with a previous analysis excluding education, it is found that differences in education explain 6% of the gap, without altering much the effects of the other variables, except the regional effect, which is reduced by 6%. The small contribution of education to the explanation of the regional disparities in agricultural labor productivity might reflect the under investment in human capital.  相似文献   

The Griffin, Khan and Ickowitz argument in favour of redistributive land reform, as a means of eradicating rural poverty, is an updated version of a case made by Griffin 30 years ago, and is here seen as a variant of neo-classical neo-populism. The essential logic presented by GKI is considered and it is argued that the approach is defective in its lack of historical perspective and its deployment of a static approach in a dynamic context: these defects manifested in its ignoring of the processes associated with capitalist transformation. It is further argued that its logical foundation is the neo-classical construct of perfect competition, which is without historical basis; its empirical justification is a postulated inverse relationship between land productivity and size of holding, supposedly true of all places and all times, but which is swept away by the development of capitalism in agriculture; and its social specification, in failing to capture the existence of differentiated peasantries, ignores the actual class structure of the countryside.  相似文献   

研究目的:基于秦皇岛三个市辖区“大”“小”产权房市场交易价格数据,探究产权残缺在住房交易价格中的折价效应,并测度其中由于产权残缺引致的教育资源差异对交易价格的影响。研究方法:Hedonic特征价格模型、倾向得分匹配(PSM)和双重差分模型(DID)。研究结果:(1)产权残缺的折价效应在理论上包括产权不清导致交易成本升高所带来投资价值的折价,以及无法享受完整产权所保障的公共服务而导致使用价值的折价。(2)控制其他因素,秦皇岛“小产权房”相较“大产权房”折价约42.31%。(3)“小产权房”折价效应中约25.81%可归因于无法享受完整产权所保障的公共基础教育资源。研究结论:产权残缺的折价效应客观存在,深入探讨产权残缺对“小产权房”价格的影响对理解不动产交易价格形成机制具有理论意义,并在实践中为化解产权残缺带来的负外部性提供可能的治理思路。  相似文献   

Understanding farmers’ willingness to participate in agricultural payment‐for‐environmental‐services (PES) programmes is an essential precondition for designing effective and efficient programmes. Willingness to participate is typically examined via stated preference surveys using the standard hurdle model for whether and how much to participate. Among respondents who decline to participate, such analyses cannot distinguish between respondents who declined due to the payment level and those who were not interested at all. This paper applies a double hurdle model to incorporate a prior condition for whether a respondent is even willing to consider participating in the PES market. The model uses a unique stated preference survey permitting separation of the consideration and enrolment decisions of 1,700 farmers in Michigan, USA. The first hurdle probit model suggests that farmers’ willingness to consider PES chiefly depends on farm and farmer characteristics, while the second hurdle tobit model shows that decisions on whether and how much to enrol depend more on the payment offer and marginal benefit–cost criteria. This study provides fresh insights on facilitating farmer participation in PES programmes using tiered strategies that differ in costs of programme payment and administration.  相似文献   

Pour prévoir les changements dans les techniques de production engenderées par une modification de la structure de prix, la démarche micro-économique usuelle repose sur la construction de fonctions de production et leur estimation économétrique. Nous proposons une autre méthode d analyse de ces changements, basée sur un modèle économique coupléà un simulateur agronomique de croissance des plantes, EPIC (Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator). Cet outil nous permet de simuler le comportement d'optimisation du producteur dans son univers agronomique, et de déduire les conséquences des choix techniques sur certain. Paramètres d'environnement. Une application illustre les eff ets de la réforme de la Politique Agricole Commune (PAC) dans deux régions céréalières, françaises : la région de Toulouse (Midi-Pyrénées) et la Beauce (Centre). Pour les deux premières années de la reforme, les prévisions établies sont proches des évolutions réelles. Dans les deux régions, la réforme aurait un impact sign-cattfsur le développement des principales cultures etfavoriserait l'emploi de technique. moins intensives.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide a new and practical approach called ‘Legislation-Check’ to identifying shortcomings in national legislation in terms of how well it implements sustainable development, and ways of improving the legislation. National legislation was chosen as it represents a sort of ‘skeleton of society’ and defines the status quo, as well as setting the main environmental, societal and economic directions of the population covered.The approach presented is based on a new concept called ‘3-D Sustainability’, which focuses on the precautionary principle. 3-D Sustainability provides criteria in a flexible hierarchy for solving conflicts of interest between economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability. In this paper, these criteria and dimensions are applied to various sectors of Austrian national environmental legislation to identify the shortcomings of the legislation and ways of addressing these shortcomings.This paper shows, by way of quantitative data, a significant increase in the use of sustainability related terms in generally applicable legal instruments (both federal and provincial) in Austria since 2003. In qualitative terms the results of the paper further indicate, using national environmental legislation, several hierarchical disorders between different legal acts and opportunities for improving them. Furthermore, inadequacies in the way that the legislation handles sustainable development and a total lack of overall objectives and targets in terms of sustainability are highlighted, which can jeopardise sustainable development.The concept of ‘3-D Sustainability’ has not previously focused on national legislation, despite the practical importance of the legal implementation and enforcement on this geographic level. Hence, this paper contributes, through scientifically-based decision support, to practical pathways for the innovation of institutional, procedural and substantive arrangements in existing legislation.The approach presented in this paper is not restricted to environmental issues, but is applicable to all thematic areas. It is also not geographically limited, but could be implemented in any country and also beyond national borders. Furthermore, the approach can be easily replicated and provides systematically gained results for global governance change towards sustainable development.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the historical trajectories of both British colonial rule and independent India to categorise scheduled tribes and to appropriate and legalise forests in tribal areas. It builds upon Foucault's notion of governmentality to argue that the history of the scheduled tribes’ subject-making and the related history of forest demarcation is indispensable for understanding the current politics of decentralised forest management in India. Three dimensions of ‘forest governmentality’ - the history of categorisation, the politics of social identity, and the technologies of forest governance - are discussed to show how recent efforts to politicise forest tenure rights have reinforced political control over the scheduled tribes through new forms of authority, inclusion and exclusion. However, to claim their individual and community right to forestland and resources, the scheduled tribes have internalised their ‘new’ ethnic identity, thereby creating countervailing power and room to manoeuvre within the current forest governance regime. This is supported by a case study of the Bhil, a predominantly forest-dependent scheduled tribe in the semi-arid region of western India.  相似文献   

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