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武汉市城市交通问题日渐突出,城市交通设施与管理的现状已不能适应城市社会经济快速发展的要求。武汉市应采取建设城市交通走廊、建立现代综合交通体系、加强城市交通控制与管理等措施,大力推进城市交通的可持续发展。  相似文献   

交通运输基础设施建设与经济发展有着密切的关系,早期的研究结果认为,交通投资对经济增长产生了强有力的作用,经济的增长同交通运输基础的改善直接相关。在发展中国家,运输设施的不足被视作“社会经济发展和民族融合的重要瓶颈之一”,因此,他们都奉行“要想富,先修路”、“发展经济,交通先行”等理念,大量投资于交通运输基础设施建设,以降低运输成本、扩大市场服务范围和实现规模经济,  相似文献   

随着我国经济的快速平稳增长和城市化进程的加快,大城市交通问题日益严重,主要表现在城市交通拥堵、交通安全和交通污染3方面.传统的解决方法是加大大城市道路基础设施的建设力度,逐步增加交通供应.  相似文献   

从交通基础设施投资的规模、水平、发展,以及经济增长的规模、结构、效益等方面构建两者之间协调发展的评价体系,运用主成分分析法与系统协调发展评价模型对我国1978—2013年间交通基础设施投资与经济增长协调发展状况进行定量测算及判断。总体来看,交通基础设施投资与经济增长基本处于协调发展状态,但由于世界经济全球化带来的影响,使得协调度呈现波动性。  相似文献   

正交通影响评价(Traffic Impact Evaluation,简称TIE),或称交通影响分析,是对土地开发项目与交通需求增长之间的关系进行研究,分析项目对城市交通的影响范围和影响程度,从而确定相应的对策或修改方案,实施补偿政策,以减小开发方案对交通的影响。通过交通影响评价可论证项目开发或改动的可行性、协调用地开发与交通发展的关系、保证社会资源分配的公平性、倡导土地利用规划与城市交通规划的整合,避免产生交通供求不平衡,引发交通拥堵加剧、交通事故增多、城市环境恶化、增加能源消耗等问题。我国交通影响评价起步较晚,吸收发达国家既有交通影响评价研究成果及制度建设经验,结合我国城市经济社会发展需求及交通供给需求特征,形成交通影响评价制度,以  相似文献   

城市综合交通方式融合出现在20世纪80年代,主要是源于城市交通发展过快,相关配套建设未能跟上,从而形成交通拥堵、道路资源面临严重不足及信息化建设滞后等一系列问题,作为缓解城市道路交通的一种重要手段,将在提高道路利用率和交通方式衔接上发挥重要作用.所谓综合交通方式融合,实质上是综合交通的一体化,是指通过对交通系统的技术、管理、政策、信息以及配套设施等各方面的整合,促进交通系统内部各方式之间的共享与整合,从而提高交通系统的服务水平和运营效率,形成一个高效、可靠、协调的城市综合交通体系.  相似文献   

上世纪80年代以来,我国城市规模不断扩大,大城市已经成为区域交通枢纽和经济辐射中心。城市交通的迅速增长,使得现有的道路交通设施已经不能满足经济与社会发展的需要。当前,我国大城市的交通过度拥挤已成极其严重问题,如果不能得到有效解决,必将对我国经济的持续快速发展和社会的稳定和谐产生不良的影响。  相似文献   

<正>汕头市位于广东省东部,是沿海开放城市和著名侨乡。近年来,汕头经济快速发展,机动车保有量不断增长,城市化与机动化进入关键阶段,但也由此导致的城市交通问题日益凸显,中心城区现有道路交通管理及交通设施有待进一步改善提升。道路交通管理设施是城市交通系统不可缺少的重要组成部分,科学、规范的交通管理设施是保证交通畅通、行车安全、减少和减轻道路交通事故的重要保障,另外,  相似文献   

正交通是国民经济的基础性、服务性、引导性、战略性行业,交通发展对投资需求巨大。2017年,我国铁路、公路、港口、航道、机场等交通基础设施总投资占GDP的3.8%,对经济稳增长发挥了重要作用。财政性资金是交通投资的重要来源和基础性保障(集体包括车购税、燃油税、港建费、铁路建设基金、民航建设基金等专项资金、各级一般财政性资金、地方政  相似文献   

<正>城市交通问题归根到底还是一个需求和供给平衡的问题,在机动车保有量持续快速增长和城市路网容量提升空间有限的双重约束下,解决城市交通拥堵的方式已由单纯的交通基础设施硬件建设向交通系统优化的软件管理转型。交通控制与诱导系统作为智能交通的两个子系统,从时间和空间两个方面共同影响着交通流模式的演变。对于某一个特定的区域,在交通流特征分析的基础上,研究两者之间的内在规律,通过适当的诱导策略与控制方案的选择,对智能交通系统规划和建设、提高路网使用效率、提升城市交通管理水平方面有重要的理论价值和实际意义。  相似文献   

轨道交通能够为城市带来巨大的社会效益,节约社会资源和出行成本,提高交通效率。分析了国外城市轨道交通商业资源市场化运作经验,总结了北京城市轨道交通商业资源运作模式,研究提出了北京轨道交通资源创新与规模经营的构想,以进一步促进规模经营和创新经营的发展。  相似文献   

An attractive topic in transportation practice is transit ridership estimation. Reliable estimates are beneficial to spatial structuring, facility design, and vehicle operation, as well as financial and labor management. Traditional ridership estimation approaches mainly rely on regression models that consider subway fares, population, and employment distribution in surrounding areas. Yet consideration of ridership’s spatial dependency is largely lacking in these models. This paper recognizes the spatial effect by estimating the ridership of the new Second Avenue Subway in New York City using a network Kriging method. Network distance, instead of Euclidean distance, is used to reflect the fact that subway stations are only connected by subway tunnels. Results show that the new service should effectively relieve the traffic burden on other currently crowded subway lines.  相似文献   

目前北京市交通拥堵日益严峻,对于国铁资源的利用方面,北京已经开行了3条市郊铁路,然而北京的国铁系统仍然没有为大规模的都市圈通勤需求提供应有的服务,存在空间和时间格局上的失配问题。通过北京与东京都市圈的城市交通特征和交通成本的比较分析,在借鉴东京国铁“五方面作战”的经验基础上,从顶层设计、“1+7”线路改造战略布局和运营管理等方面,提出北京市利用国铁资源发展都市圈市郊铁路构想,为北京市利用国铁资源发展都市圈市郊铁路提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Transit-oriented development (TOD) provides highly efficient access to transit facilities and, when implemented in concert with streetscape changes, improves neighborhood walkability. In some regions, TOD has generated controversy, seen as impinging on the local populations' preferences for single-family housing, as well as the desire of developers to build that category of housing. In New Jersey, however, there has been increased policy support for TOD. The question addressed here is how, if at all, TOD and TOD-proximate residents' perceptions of the benefits and shortcomings of TOD are perceived and addressed by professionals involved with TOD planning and development. A qualitative research approach was used, with focus groups with residents and structured interviews with professionals. A relatively well-fitting correspondence was found: There was broad agreement by residents and professionals on the value of transit and TOD for increased accessibility and walkability. Problems were identified with retail development and traffic problems; the latter expressed as a congestion problem by professionals but as a pedestrian safety problem by residents. This information provides useful insight for planners and developers seeking to deliver TOD designs that match the preferences of residents and potential residents, and for new avenues of research on how best to achieve this.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2007,14(4):317-329
The impact of highway investments on economic development is investigated. Spatial and temporal aspects of transportation investments are studied by analyzing lagged and spillover effects, and the contribution of past output levels to the current output using a dynamic model. County level data from 1990–2000, in New York/New Jersey metropolitan area is used. Results show that the spillover effects decrease with distance from the investment location, that there is a positive time lag effect between the time the investment is made and its impact on output, and that the current level of output depends heavily on past levels.  相似文献   

Extensive research has found that people are more likely to choose the transport alternative which offers shorter travel time. But few studies approached the role of travel time across different transport alternatives and cities. This research assesses the influence of competitive travel time between car and public transit in public transit modal share for commute trips. São Paulo, New York, and Tokyo were selected to perform the analysis. A Fractional Logistic Regression in the binary form was drawn, and a competitive travel time index was calculated based on the Car/Public transit travel time ratio weighted by the number of the employed population at the origin and jobs at destinations in the absence of an Origin-Destination matrix. Findings suggest that, though car ownership was identified as the major factor, Car/Public transit travel time ratio is positively associated with the increase of public transit modal share. Furthermore, the Car/Public transit travel time ratio effect in public transit modal share consistently increases as people get increased access to cars.  相似文献   

This study examines transit mode choice preferences of New Jersey commuters traveling to New York City (NYC) with the objective of assisting trans-Hudson ferry service planning on the basis of variables significantly affecting mode choice. A stated preference survey was conducted to collect data from a total of 2134 respondents who commute from northern New Jersey to NYC. A mixed multinomial logit model (MMLM) with random coefficients was used to analyze the data. The study considered the choice between four transit modes—ferry, PATH train, bus, and commuter rail—all of which can be used to cross the Hudson River to travel from New Jersey to NYC. Essential model results are presented for all four modes, but detailed results are discussed for only the ferry, PATH, and bus modes. Model results indicate that commuters' choices are affected not only by travel time and cost for the segment of the journey that crosses the Hudson River, but also reliability and comfort during that segment, number of access modes required by the journey, and travel time and cost of trips from home to stations/terminals before crossing the river. The results also show that commuters' attachment to the modes they currently use serves as a barrier to switching to other modes. The most important takeaway from this research for transit service planning is that there is a need to consider the attributes of both individual trip segments as well as entire journeys between commuters' home and work when exploring changes to transit service characteristics.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of private car ownership and utilization has resulted in significant parking-related congestion problems at large-scale international airports. Parking facilities located in the peripheral areas of airports could be more efficiently used to mitigate congestion and reduce delays due to dramatically increasing traffic demands and inferiorly designed parking lot configurations. In order to analyze the travelers' parking choice preferences for the off-site airport parking activities, a stated preference survey study was conducted around Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital International Airport. Two nested logit models were formulated to analyze the correlation between travelers' parking behavior and their travel characteristics. The research results indicate that travelers prefer to choose off-site parking facilities for long-term parking. A free and fast operation of connections should be provided in consideration of the long-distance layouts of parking facilities. A classification analysis of travelers with different preferences was conducted and the potential changes in travelers' parking choices to off-site parking lots were quantified. The research findings are helpful for traffic management agencies to develop practical guidelines for the establishment of new parking facilities with multiple access points at airports.  相似文献   

Access to train stations is highly valued and this is reflected in the premium price of residential property near train stations. Transit-oriented development (TOD) and the amenities provided by mixed-use development may also provide value to consumers. The analysis presented here evaluates the median property valuations surrounding eight transit stations with TOD using residential property valuation data provided by Zillow™, an on-line real estate listing firm. A hedonic regression analysis was used to evaluate the association between median block-group-level residential property valuations and the distance to the station with TOD and other stations with direct, non-stop access to New York City, while controlling for demographic and housing variables. Spatial econometric software and techniques are used to control for spatial autocorrelation. Results suggest that while the mixed-use development typically found with TOD is likely valued, proximity to stations with direct access to New York City leads to higher relative property valuations.  相似文献   

根据我国城市轨道交通以常规公交换乘为主的现状,提出轨道交通和常规公交的关系定位,以及利用常规公交提高轨道交通辐射范围的观点。针对我国城市发展对轨道交通客流预测的影响,为解决一般方法存在的问题,在合理假设条件下,构建了常规公交影响下轨道交通站点吸引区域模型,并给出模型求解的算法步骤。  相似文献   

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