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The recent weakness of the world economy does not undermine the relatively optimistic forecast for 1987 which we presented in May. At that time we suggested that activity would be sluggish for most of this year as a result of the impact effect of the OPEC III oil price collapse. But we also argued that by the end of the year there would be clear signs of a consumer-led recovery as the personal sector adjusted to the real income gains and lower inflation benefits of the lower oil price and the reduction in nominal interest rates which followed. There is mounting evidence of rising consumer spending, particularly in Europe and it is something of a puzzle that output has not risen to meet this demand. The explanation is partly that producer confidence has lagged behind that of consumers, so that demand has been met from stock, and partly that spending has been supplied from countries outside the OECD, especially the NICs in the Far East. Nevertheless, we are convinced that our earlier view of OECD output prospects next year remains the most likely though, in recognition of the growing importance of non-OECD competition, we have adjusted the output forecast down slightly. OECD GNP is expected to rise 2.6 per cent this year, with an acceleration to over 4 per cent in 1987 arid 1988. Moreover, we believe this can be achieved without a rebound in inflation, which is forecast to be stable at about its present level of 2 1/2 per cent.  相似文献   

World output, which was strengthening immediately prior to last October, appears to have barely suffered in the short term from the stock market crash. Apart from an early reaction by US consumers - since reversed - demand is proving robust and in early 1988 OECD industrial production is, we estimate, 6 per cent up on year-earlier levels, with GNP more than 4 per cent higher. Indeed such is the strength of activity that the present balance of risk is not that recession is imminent but that inflation may pick up again. In the United States, where activity rates are at their highest level for eight years and unemployment is at a fourteen-year low, monetary policy has been tightened and interest rates are moving higher. The Bundesbank is keen to follow suit and the BoJ is keeping the situation under review. Nevertheless, with wages in most countries still adjusting to the low inflation rates of the last two years, there is little evidence yet that prices are accelerating.
We expect to see world interest rates edging higher in the second half of the year as recorded inflation picks lip. But we believe that underlying inflation remains low and that, even on the assumption that oil prices return to 18 a barrel, OECD consumer price inflation will peak early next year at a little over 4 per cent. Tighter monetary policy is also expected to hold back demand over the next 12 months. Consequently, we expect some weak- ness in output in the first half of next year but discount the possibility of a severe recession. GNP growth in the OECD area is forecast to decline from the 3 per cent rate of 1987–8 to a little over 2 per cent next year and to a sustainable 2½ per cent p.a. over the medium term.  相似文献   

The world recovery, now three years old, has proved more resilient than many expected and will be sustained in 1986 by lower oil prices. Fears that the early-1985 slowdown would turn into renewed recession have proved unfounded, as output in both the United States and Europe picked up in the second half of the year. The improvement stemmed from lower interest rates, falling inflation and weak commodity prices and was further helped by the sharp correction to the value of the dollar following September's G5 agreement. To these factors, which will remain supportive this year, is now added a lower oil price. The recovery in world output has not produced an increase in oil demand and, as the oil price rise of 1979-80 gave a further boost to supply from non-OPEC sources, a severe imbalance has emerged in the oil market. To maintain a £26 marker price (itself cut from £29 last July) has required a cutback in production of ever-increasing magnitude from Saudi Arabia in its role as OPEC's swing producer. Now that Saudi Arabia has abandoned this role in favour of stabilising its market share, oil prices have fallen sharply. We assume that the oil price will fall to £20 by the end of this year, a fall in real terms of 30 per cent. As a result the world recovery is given renewed impetus and output accelerates over the next twelve months. A cyclical peak in activity emerges in 1987, after which output growth settles at 2%-3 per cent and inflation at 4–5 per cent.  相似文献   

Although world output recovered strongly in the final quarter of 1980 from the short, sharp recession of the middle of the year, we do not believe that a sustainable recovery has yet begun. We expect little or no growth in output for the rest of 1981 with the likelihood of a further contraction in the current quarter. For the European economies, whose performance has been very similar to the 1974/75 recession, the worst has probably now passed. But for the United States a new period of weakness may now be beginning. For the US a W-shaped recession remains the most likely outturn.  相似文献   

The sharp fall in world output which occurred in the middle of 1980 was halted in the fourth quarter when world industrial production rose 1–2 percent. We believe however that the recession has not yet run its come and that a further fall in output will occur in the first half of 1981. In particular we are sceptical that the recent recovery in the United States can be maintained while inflation remains in double figures. We are not looking for a sustainable world recovery until the middle of this year by which time OECD inflation should be well down into single figures.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》1995,20(1):26-31
There has been a slowdown in activity in the world economy, but the outlook remains favourable with our forecast suggesting continued growth accompanied by low inflation. The recovery should become more balanced in nature in 1996, as the Japanese economy recovers and there is further moderation of growth in the United States. The need to reduce budget deficits, coupled with structural labour market rigidities, will mean only slow progress in reducing European unemployment.  相似文献   

The world recovery, which began at the turn of the year, gathered pace in the second quarter. We have again revked our forecast upwards and predict an increase of 2 1/2 per cent in OECD GNP in 1983 and a further 3 1/2 per cent in 1984. In its early stages the recovery was centred upon North America, though more recently it has spread to West Germany and Japan. France and Italy, however, remain in recession. Over the next 12 months this pattern is unlikely to change significantly-in the approach to the Presidential election the US is expected to grow quite rapidly, but domestic demand will remain a restraining factor in Europe/Japan where, by historical standards, modest growth is expected. Reflecting this some inflationary pressure could re emerge in the United States towards the end of next year, though not, in this forecast, elsewhere. We continue to expect therefore that world inflation will settle in the 6–7 per cent range and that this will enable the world recovery to be sustained over the medium term.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》1995,19(3):28-31
Steady growth is set to continue in the world economy in 1995, becoming more balanced as the upswing continues in Europe, the Japanese economy recovers and growth in the United States moderates. This favourable pattern should be accompanied by modest inflation, although further tension in the currency markets could pose problems for the world recovery.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》1996,20(2):22-25
Our view of the world economy in the short-term has become more downbeat. However, the slowdown which emerged last year is still expected to prove short-lived and we expect economic prospects to improve over the course of 1996. Interest rates have fallen and the ability of the monetary authorities to relax policy against a background of low inflation provides a safeguard against a more severe slowdown. The world economy will also be supported this year by recovery in Japan and the continued buoyancy of the Asia/Pacific region.  相似文献   

Clear signs that the world recovery is underway have e merged in the first half of 1983. We have revised our forecast upwards and predict an increase of 1 3/4 per cent in OECD GNP in I983 and a further 3% per cent in 1984. By hirtorical standards such a recovery would be extremely modest and would not be expected to trigger off a resurgence in inflation. If so GNP could advance a further 2% per cent in each of I985 and 1986. However, there is a danger that the relaration of monetary policy in the US in conjunction with the expansionary fiscal stance will bring about a very rapid upswing in the second half of 1983, thereby generating upward pressures on US interest rates. If, as the Presidential election approaches, these pressures are resisted and US monetary growth maintains its recent rapid expansion, an increase in the rate of inflation would be likely in 1984. If this were met with a tighter policy response (higher interest rates both in the US and elsewhere) after the election, the prospects would be for a sharp slowdown in the world economy in 1985.  相似文献   

In the course of 1984 growth rates in the major economies came together. This reflects a slowdown in the United States, and to a lesser extent Japan, from the middle of the year and continuing recovery in Europe. This convergence is expected to continue in 1985 when total output in the OECD area is forecast to increase by 3 per cent. Within this total it is likely that the US, West Germany and the UK all achieve about 3 per cent; Japan should grow more quickly, France more slowly. In spite of a rapid recovery in output from the late-1982 trough, inflationary pressures remain weak. Measured in dollar terms, non-oil commodity prices have fallen and the oil price is under considerable down wards pressure. We expect inflation to stay at about its preset level in the US, West Germany, Japan and the UK and decline further in France, Italy and other countries where policy reaction to the 1979-80 oil price shock was delayed. In the medium term we expect the world economy to experience steady growth combined with a constant or slightly increasing inflation rate. This reflects a stable policy environment and falling real oil prices. After the excesses of the 1970s and early 1980s it is possible that the rest of the decade will experience u greater stability than at any time since the 1960s.  相似文献   

Unless the international debt situation or the crisis in the US domestic financial system worsens or there is a further lurch into protectionism, we expect world output to advance more rapidly over the next 2 months than it has over the last year. We argued in May that the world recovery was pausing, just as it did in 1977, and that conditions were falling into place for a pick-up in output. The requirements were seen as a lower dollar, to improve US competitiveness and to alleviate protectionist pressures, and stronger domestic demand elsewhere, to offset the resulting loss of US markets. Since then the case for a lower dollar has been recognised by the Group of Five Finance Ministers, interest rates have fallen and, at the G5 meeting, West Germany and Japan tentatively revealed a further modest stimulus. Output optimism is underpinned by the fall in world inflation to levels not seen since the early 1970s which, our forecast suggests, will be consolidated over the next 12 months. This reflects falling real oil and non-oil Commodity prices and decelerating earnings, which makes a further tightening of policy unlikely. In these circumstances the prospects for output are improving and over the next 12 months we forecast an increase in OECD output of 4per cent.  相似文献   

Events in the Gulf have finally brought an end to the world economic boom of the last eight years. The oil price shock itself is only partly responsible for the downturn. The previous tightening of monetary policy in the face of inflationary pressures and the end of a rapid period of credit and asset price expansion had severely weakened the ability of some economies to respond to the shock. This is reflected in the diversity of response, most obviously in the United States where Fed fine tuning and the credit crunch have already weakened the economy. The rise in oil prices has led to a sudden collapse in consumer confidence and a swift cutback in output. Although we do not expect the recession to be deep, the financial problems will delay recovery. The Japanese economy was already in financial difficulties before the shock, although the real economy was stronger and here we expect a sharp deceleration from almost 6 per cent growth last year to around 3.5 per cent. In contrast the German economy, partly shielded by the substantial appreciation of the DM over the last year, has been affected less by the oil price shock and we expect the consumer and investment boom to continue this year as the economies merge. This provides a welcome boost to other European economies.  相似文献   

In the second quarter of 1980 recession spread from the United States to other OECD countries. We estimate that this process continued in the third quarter and forecast that it has a further six months to run. The latest US indicators suggest that some recovery may have taken place in the third quarter. We do not believe at this stage that any such recovery is currently sustainable. Our forecast of the world economy implies continuing US recession and some further drop in output in Europe and Japan.  相似文献   

After six years of steadily rising OECD output, fears of a significant rise in world inflation are now increasing. In the last year there has been a slight pick-up in inflation with producer prices up nearly d per cent. But prompt action by the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates before the presidential election appears to have damped inflationary expectations in the US and has given Japan and Germany an opportunity to tighten monetary policy without causing major currency fluctuations. It is also apparent that the other possible source of world inflation, commodity prices, is not a problem. OPEC over-production has ensured that the oil price remains weak and other commodity prices appear to have stopped rising after a brief acceleration at the beginning of the year. Nevertheless the major imbalances in world trade are declining only slowly and without a change in fiscal policy in the major economies it is difficult to believe that minor changes in monetary policy will be sufficient if the process of adjustment begins to falter. Despite these risks, we take a sanguine view of world prospects. Tighter monetary policy should effect a slowdown in world growth next year (already indicated by recent developments, particularly in the US) and this should be sufficient to control inflation which we expect to peak at just under 5 per cent at the beginning of next year. From 1990 onwards we see steady growth accompanied by low inflation.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》1995,19(4):20-29
After a period of optimism over world recovery the pendulum has swung to concern that recovery may be faltering. We see little new evidence to support this view. Our central assessment remains that this concern is overdone and that, although the repercussions of the Mexican crisis may dampen growth prospects temporarily, the outlook is for sustained growth combined with continued low inflation. The underlying pace of recovery is still sufficiently fast to warrant further monetary tightening in most of the industrial economies.  相似文献   

At the end of 1982 output in the world economy was still falling, although there were signs that the decline had very nearly run its course. We expect a radual recovery to begin in the first half o f 1983. Unlike the recovery which began in the late summer of 1980, when inflation was still in double figures, any upturn in 1983 would be set against a background of declining inflationary expectations and weak oil prices. IJ. as we expect, a falling inflation rate proves a decisive factor in keeping interest rates on a downward path, we forecast that the output will gather pace in I983 and rise reasonably strongly in 1984. Of the 4 per cent rise in industrial production which we foresee in 1984. a large part is due to the fall in real oil prices.  相似文献   

The strength of US domestic demand is exerting a very strong pull on the world economy. Japan in particular is benefiting from soaring export demand, but the effects on European exports have been offset by weak domestic demand and, in the case of West Germany and the UK, by damaging industrial disputes which have interrupted supply. Over the next 12 months we expect the US economy to slow down under the weight of the financial and external balance pressures, which two years of very rapid but unbalanced growth have built up. For the world economy, however, we expect the slowdown in the US to be counterbalanced by expanding domestic demand in Europe and Japan, especially if a lower dollar permits reductions in interest rates. We forecast world output growth of about 3 per cent next year, well below the near-5 per cent projected for 1984 - the cyclical peak. By the second half of 1985 the world recovery will be three years old and we expect a pause in the growth of output. Against a background of stable monetary growth we expect world inflation in the 5–6 per cent range over the medium term. This is consistent with some increase in US inflation, low and stable inflation in Japan and West Germany and further progress in reducing inflation in countries such as France and Italy. Our forecast is based on the assumption that the dollar falls next year. If it does not fail we believe there is a significant risk of slower growth.  相似文献   

The slowdown in the world economy, which followed last year's oil price collapse and which awakened fears that the world was on the threshold of a new recession, is coming to an end. Output growth in the first half of the year was stronger than we had previously expected and a gentle acceleration is forecast over the next eighteen months. In contrast to this improvement on output, there has been little or no progress on the major problems of the world economy, including the USA's twin structural deficits, budget and trade, and the international debt crisis. Moreover, with the US facing elections in just over a year's time, no economic initiative is likely until 1989. Hence the prevailing view that the US and world economies will "muddle through" for another year. But in 1989 a new US administration is likely to face up to the trade and budget imbalances and many US forecasters believe that the required fiscal tightening will lead to recession. As we explain below, this is not our view and the forecast embodies steady 3 per cent growth in the world economy over the medium term. Inflation has now passed the low point brought about by the oil price collapse. On our forecast of output, inflation is expected to remain close to its present underlying rate of 4 per cent.  相似文献   

The world economic recovery, which began in the late summer of 1980, can now be seen as premature, in as much as 1980's short, sharp recession had achieved only a limited reduction in the rate of inflation. Economic policy, particularly in the United States, is once more geared to a reduction in the inflation rate even if this imposes costs in terms of lost output and higher unemployment. The consequent appreciation of the US dollar against the European currencies has - in spite of weakening oil and non-oil commodity prices in dollar terms - produced a further boost to European inflation and a subsequent tightening of policy in some countries, notably West Germany. In these circumstances we expect little or no growth in output in the world economy until the summer of 1982.  相似文献   

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